import logging import re from avocado.utils import process from virttest import utils_misc from virttest import qemu_monitor def run(test, params, env): """ Test qmp event notification, this case will: 1) Start VM with qmp enable. 2) Connect to qmp port then run qmp_capabilities command. 3) Initiate the qmp command defined in config (qmp_cmd) 4) Verify that qmp command works as designed. :param test: QEMU test object :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters :param env: Dictionary with test environmen. """ def check_result(qmp_o, output=None, exception_list=""): """ Check test result with difference way accoriding to result_check. result_check = equal, will compare cmd_return_value with qmp command output. result_check = contain, will try to find cmd_return_value in qmp command output. result_check = m_equal_q, will compare key value in monitor command output and qmp command output. result_check = m_in_q, will try to find monitor command output's key value in qmp command output. result_check = m_format_q, will try to match the output's format with check pattern. :param qmp_o: output from pre_cmd, qmp_cmd or post_cmd. :param o: output from pre_cmd, qmp_cmd or post_cmd or an execpt :param exception_list: element no need check. result set in config file. """ if result_check == "equal": value = output if value != str(qmp_o):"QMP command return value does not match " "the expect result. Expect result: '%s'\n" "Actual result: '%s'" % (value, qmp_o)) elif result_check == "contain": values = output.split(';') for value in values: if value in exception_list: continue if value.strip() not in str(qmp_o):"QMP command output does not contain " "expect result. Expect result: '%s'\n" "Actual result: '%s'" % (value, qmp_o)) elif result_check == "not_contain": values = output.split(';') for value in values: if value in exception_list: continue if value in str(qmp_o):"QMP command output contains unexpect" " result. Unexpect result: '%s'\n" "Actual result: '%s'" % (value, qmp_o)) elif result_check == "m_equal_q": msg = "QMP command ouput is not equal to in human monitor command." msg += "\nQMP command output: '%s'" % qmp_o msg += "\nHuman command output: '%s'" % output res = output.splitlines(True) if type(qmp_o) != type(res): len_o = 1 else: len_o = len(qmp_o) if len(res) != len_o: if res[0].startswith(' '):"Human command starts with ' ', " "there is probably some garbage in " "the output.\n" + msg) res_tmp = [] #(qemu)info block in RHEL7 divided into 3 lines for line in res: if not line.startswith(' '): res_tmp.append(line) else: res_tmp[-1] += line res = res_tmp if len(res) != len_o: re_str = r'([^ \t\n\r\f\v=]*)=([^ \t\n\r\f\v=]*)' for i in range(len(res)): if qmp_cmd == "query-version": version = qmp_o['qemu'] version = "%s.%s.%s" % (version['major'], version['minor'], version['micro']) package = qmp_o['package'] re_str = r"([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s*(\(\S*\))?" hmp_version, hmp_package = re.findall(re_str, res[i])[0] if not hmp_package: hmp_package = package hmp_package = hmp_package.strip() package = package.strip() hmp_version = hmp_version.strip() if version != hmp_version or package != hmp_package: else: matches = re.findall(re_str, res[i]) for key, val in matches: if key in exception_list: continue if '0x' in val: val = int(val, 16) val_str = str(bin(val)) com_str = "" for p in range(3, len(val_str)): if val_str[p] == '1': com_str += '0' else: com_str += '1' com_str = "0b" + com_str value = eval(com_str) + 1 if val_str[2] == '1': value = -value if value != qmp_o[i][key]: msg += "\nValue in human monitor: '%s'" % value msg += "\nValue in qmp: '%s'" % qmp_o[i][key] elif qmp_cmd == "query-block": cmp_str = "u'%s': u'%s'" % (key, val) cmp_s = "u'%s': %s" % (key, val) if '0' == val: cmp_str_b = "u'%s': False" % key elif '1' == val: cmp_str_b = "u'%s': True" % key else: cmp_str_b = cmp_str if (cmp_str not in str(qmp_o[i]) and cmp_str_b not in str(qmp_o[i]) and cmp_s not in str(qmp_o[i])): msg += ("\nCan not find '%s', '%s' or '%s' in " " QMP command output." % (cmp_s, cmp_str_b, cmp_str)) elif qmp_cmd == "query-balloon": if (int(val) * 1024 * 1024 != qmp_o[key] and val not in str(qmp_o[key])): msg += ("\n'%s' is not in QMP command output" % val) else: if (val not in str(qmp_o[i][key]) and str(bool(int(val))) not in str(qmp_o[i][key])): msg += ("\n'%s' is not in QMP command output" % val) elif result_check == "m_in_q": res = output.splitlines(True) msg = "Key value from human monitor command is not in" msg += "QMP command output.\nQMP command output: '%s'" % qmp_o msg += "\nHuman monitor command output '%s'" % output for i in range(len(res)): params = res[i].rstrip().split() for param in params: if param.rstrip() in exception_list: continue try: str_o = str(qmp_o.values()) except AttributeError: str_o = qmp_o if param.rstrip() not in str(str_o): msg += "\nKey value is '%s'" % param.rstrip() elif result_check == "m_format_q": match_flag = True for i in qmp_o: if output is None: test.error("QMP output pattern is missing") if re.match(output.strip(), str(i)) is None: match_flag = False if not match_flag: msg = "Output does not match the pattern: '%s'" % output qemu_binary = utils_misc.get_qemu_binary(params) if not utils_misc.qemu_has_option("qmp", qemu_binary): test.cancel("Host qemu does not support qmp.") vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"]) vm.verify_alive() session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))) module = params.get("modprobe_module") if module:"modprobe the module %s", module) session.cmd("modprobe %s" % module) qmp_ports = vm.get_monitors_by_type('qmp') if qmp_ports: qmp_port = qmp_ports[0] else: test.error("Incorrect configuration, no QMP monitor found.") hmp_ports = vm.get_monitors_by_type('human') if hmp_ports: hmp_port = hmp_ports[0] else: test.error("Incorrect configuration, no QMP monitor found.") callback = {"host_cmd": lambda cmd: process.system_output(cmd, shell=True).decode(), "guest_cmd": session.cmd_output, "monitor_cmd": hmp_port.send_args_cmd, "qmp_cmd": qmp_port.send_args_cmd} def send_cmd(cmd): """ Helper to execute command on ssh/host/monitor """ if cmd_type in callback.keys(): return callback[cmd_type](cmd) else: test.error("cmd_type is not supported") pre_cmd = params.get("pre_cmd") qmp_cmd = params.get("qmp_cmd") cmd_type = params.get("event_cmd_type") post_cmd = params.get("post_cmd") result_check = params.get("cmd_result_check") cmd_return_value = params.get("cmd_return_value") exception_list = params.get("exception_list", "") # Pre command if pre_cmd is not None:"Run prepare command '%s'.", pre_cmd) pre_o = send_cmd(pre_cmd) logging.debug("Pre-command: '%s'\n Output: '%s'", pre_cmd, pre_o) try: # Testing command"Run qmp command '%s'.", qmp_cmd) output = qmp_port.send_args_cmd(qmp_cmd) logging.debug("QMP command: '%s' \n Output: '%s'", qmp_cmd, output) except qemu_monitor.QMPCmdError as err: if params.get("negative_test") == 'yes': logging.debug("Negative QMP command: '%s'\n output:'%s'", qmp_cmd, err) if params.get("negative_check_pattern"): check_pattern = params.get("negative_check_pattern") if check_pattern not in str(err):"'%s' not in exception '%s'" % (check_pattern, err)) else: except qemu_monitor.MonitorProtocolError as err: except Exception as err: # Post command if post_cmd is not None:"Run post command '%s'.", post_cmd) post_o = send_cmd(post_cmd) logging.debug("Post-command: '%s'\n Output: '%s'", post_cmd, post_o) if result_check is not None: txt = "Verify that qmp command '%s' works as designed." % qmp_cmd if result_check == "equal" or result_check == "contain": if qmp_cmd == "query-name": vm_name = params["main_vm"] check_result(output, vm_name, exception_list) elif qmp_cmd == "query-uuid": uuid_input = params["uuid"] check_result(output, uuid_input, exception_list) else: check_result(output, cmd_return_value, exception_list) elif result_check == "m_format_q": check_result(output, cmd_return_value, exception_list) elif 'post' in result_check: result_check = result_check.split('_', 1)[1] check_result(post_o, cmd_return_value, exception_list) else: check_result(output, post_o, exception_list) session.close()