""" Utilities to perform automatic guest installation using step files. @copyright: Red Hat 2008-2009 """ import os, time, shutil, logging from autotest.client.shared import error from virttest import utils_misc, ppm_utils, qemu_monitor try: import PIL.Image except ImportError: logging.warning('No python imaging library installed. PPM image ' 'conversion to JPEG disabled. In order to enable it, ' 'please install python-imaging or the equivalent for your ' 'distro.') def handle_var(vm, params, varname): var = params.get(varname) if not var: return False vm.send_string(var) return True def barrier_2(vm, words, params, debug_dir, data_scrdump_filename, current_step_num): if len(words) < 7: logging.error("Bad barrier_2 command line") return False # Parse barrier command line _, dx, dy, x1, y1, md5sum, timeout = words[:7] dx, dy, x1, y1, timeout = map(int, [dx, dy, x1, y1, timeout]) # Define some paths scrdump_filename = os.path.join(debug_dir, "scrdump.ppm") cropped_scrdump_filename = os.path.join(debug_dir, "cropped_scrdump.ppm") expected_scrdump_filename = os.path.join(debug_dir, "scrdump_expected.ppm") expected_cropped_scrdump_filename = os.path.join(debug_dir, "cropped_scrdump_expected.ppm") comparison_filename = os.path.join(debug_dir, "comparison.ppm") history_dir = os.path.join(debug_dir, "barrier_history") # Collect a few parameters timeout_multiplier = float(params.get("timeout_multiplier") or 1) fail_if_stuck_for = float(params.get("fail_if_stuck_for") or 1e308) stuck_detection_history = int(params.get("stuck_detection_history") or 2) keep_screendump_history = params.get("keep_screendump_history") == "yes" keep_all_history = params.get("keep_all_history") == "yes" # Multiply timeout by the timeout multiplier timeout *= timeout_multiplier # Timeout/5 is the time it took stepmaker to complete this step. # Divide that number by 10 to poll 10 times, just in case # current machine is stronger then the "stepmaker machine". # Limit to 1 (min) and 10 (max) seconds between polls. sleep_duration = float(timeout) / 50.0 if sleep_duration < 1.0: sleep_duration = 1.0 if sleep_duration > 10.0: sleep_duration = 10.0 end_time = time.time() + timeout end_time_stuck = time.time() + fail_if_stuck_for start_time = time.time() prev_whole_image_md5sums = [] failure_message = None # Main loop while True: # Check for timeouts if time.time() > end_time: failure_message = "regular timeout" break if time.time() > end_time_stuck: failure_message = "guest is stuck" break # Make sure vm is alive if not vm.is_alive(): failure_message = "VM is dead" break # Request screendump try: vm.monitor.screendump(scrdump_filename, debug=False) except qemu_monitor.MonitorError, e: logging.warn(e) continue # Read image file try: (w, h, data) = ppm_utils.image_read_from_ppm_file(scrdump_filename) except IOError, e: logging.warn(e) continue # Make sure image is valid if not ppm_utils.image_verify_ppm_file(scrdump_filename): logging.warn("Got invalid screendump: dimensions: %dx%d, " "data size: %d", w, h, len(data)) continue # Compute md5sum of whole image whole_image_md5sum = ppm_utils.image_md5sum(w, h, data) # Write screendump to history_dir (as JPG) if requested # and if the screendump differs from the previous one if (keep_screendump_history and whole_image_md5sum not in prev_whole_image_md5sums[:1]): try: os.makedirs(history_dir) except Exception: pass history_scrdump_filename = os.path.join(history_dir, "scrdump-step_%s-%s.jpg" % (current_step_num, time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"))) try: image = PIL.Image.open(scrdump_filename) image.save(history_scrdump_filename, format = 'JPEG', quality = 30) except NameError: pass # Compare md5sum of barrier region with the expected md5sum calced_md5sum = ppm_utils.get_region_md5sum(w, h, data, x1, y1, dx, dy, cropped_scrdump_filename) if calced_md5sum == md5sum: # Success -- remove screendump history unless requested not to if keep_screendump_history and not keep_all_history: shutil.rmtree(history_dir) # Report success return True # Insert image md5sum into queue of last seen images: # If md5sum is already in queue... if whole_image_md5sum in prev_whole_image_md5sums: # Remove md5sum from queue prev_whole_image_md5sums.remove(whole_image_md5sum) else: # Otherwise extend 'stuck' timeout end_time_stuck = time.time() + fail_if_stuck_for # Insert md5sum at beginning of queue prev_whole_image_md5sums.insert(0, whole_image_md5sum) # Limit queue length to stuck_detection_history prev_whole_image_md5sums = \ prev_whole_image_md5sums[:stuck_detection_history] # Sleep for a while time.sleep(sleep_duration) # Failure message = ("Barrier failed at step %s after %.2f seconds (%s)" % (current_step_num, time.time() - start_time, failure_message)) # What should we do with this failure? if words[-1] == "optional": logging.info(message) return False else: # Collect information and put it in debug_dir if data_scrdump_filename and os.path.exists(data_scrdump_filename): # Read expected screendump image (ew, eh, edata) = \ ppm_utils.image_read_from_ppm_file(data_scrdump_filename) # Write it in debug_dir ppm_utils.image_write_to_ppm_file(expected_scrdump_filename, ew, eh, edata) # Write the cropped version as well ppm_utils.get_region_md5sum(ew, eh, edata, x1, y1, dx, dy, expected_cropped_scrdump_filename) # Perform comparison (w, h, data) = ppm_utils.image_read_from_ppm_file(scrdump_filename) if w == ew and h == eh: (w, h, data) = ppm_utils.image_comparison(w, h, data, edata) ppm_utils.image_write_to_ppm_file(comparison_filename, w, h, data) # Print error messages and fail the test long_message = message + "\n(see analysis at %s)" % debug_dir logging.error(long_message) raise error.TestFail, message def run_steps(test, params, env): vm = env.get_vm(params.get("vms", "main_vm").split(" ")[0]) vm.verify_alive() steps_filename = params.get("steps") if not steps_filename: image_name = os.path.basename(params["image_name"]) steps_filename = 'steps/%s.steps' % image_name steps_filename = utils_misc.get_path(test.virtdir, steps_filename) if not os.path.exists(steps_filename): raise error.TestError("Steps file not found: %s" % steps_filename) sf = open(steps_filename, "r") lines = sf.readlines() sf.close() vm.resume() current_step_num = 0 current_screendump = None skip_current_step = False # Iterate over the lines in the file for line in lines: line = line.strip() if not line: continue logging.info(line) if line.startswith("#"): continue words = line.split() if words[0] == "step": current_step_num += 1 current_screendump = None skip_current_step = False elif words[0] == "screendump": current_screendump = words[1] elif skip_current_step: continue elif words[0] == "sleep": timeout_multiplier = float(params.get("timeout_multiplier") or 1) time.sleep(float(words[1]) * timeout_multiplier) elif words[0] == "key": vm.send_key(words[1]) elif words[0] == "var": if not handle_var(vm, params, words[1]): logging.error("Variable not defined: %s", words[1]) elif words[0] == "barrier_2": if current_screendump: scrdump_filename = os.path.join( ppm_utils.get_data_dir(steps_filename), current_screendump) else: scrdump_filename = None if not barrier_2(vm, words, params, test.debugdir, scrdump_filename, current_step_num): skip_current_step = True else: vm.send_key(words[0])