import logging import time import os import sys import re from autotest.client.shared import error from autotest.client import utils from autotest.client.shared.syncdata import SyncData from virttest import data_dir, env_process, utils_test, aexpect @error.context_aware def run(test, params, env): """ Test virtual floppy of guest: 1) Create a floppy disk image on host 2) Start the guest with this floppy image. 3) Make a file system on guest virtual floppy. 4) Calculate md5sum value of a file and copy it into floppy. 5) Verify whether the md5sum does match. :param test: QEMU test object. :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters. :param env: Dictionary with test environment. """ source_file = params["source_file"] dest_file = params["dest_file"] login_timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)) floppy_prepare_timeout = int(params.get("floppy_prepare_timeout", 360)) guest_floppy_path = params["guest_floppy_path"] def create_floppy(params, prepare=True): """ Creates 'new' floppy with one file on it :param params: parameters for test :param preapre: if True then it prepare cd images. :return: path to new floppy file. """ error.context("creating test floppy") floppy = params["floppy_name"] if not os.path.isabs(floppy): floppy = os.path.join(data_dir.get_data_dir(), floppy) if prepare:"dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=512 count=2880" % floppy) return floppy def cleanup_floppy(path): """ Removes created floppy """ error.context("cleaning up temp floppy images") os.remove("%s" % path) def lazy_copy(vm, dst_path, check_path, copy_timeout=None, dsize=None): """ Start disk load. Cyclic copy from src_path to dst_path. :param vm: VM where to find a disk. :param src_path: Source of data :param copy_timeout: Timeout for copy :param dsize: Size of data block which is periodically copied. """ if copy_timeout is None: copy_timeout = 120 session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout) cmd = ('nohup bash -c "while [ true ]; do echo \"1\" | ' 'tee -a %s >> %s; sleep 0.1; done" 2> /dev/null &' % (check_path, dst_path)) pid ="\[.+\] (.+)", session.cmd_output(cmd, timeout=copy_timeout)) return class MiniSubtest(object): def __new__(cls, *args, **kargs): self = super(MiniSubtest, cls).__new__(cls) ret = None exc_info = None if args is None: args = [] try: try: ret = self.test(*args, **kargs) except Exception: exc_info = sys.exc_info() finally: if hasattr(self, "clean"): try: self.clean() except Exception: if exc_info is None: raise if exc_info: raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2] return ret class test_singlehost(MiniSubtest): def test(self): create_floppy(params) params["start_vm"] = "yes" vm_name = params.get("main_vm", "vm1") env_process.preprocess_vm(test, params, env, vm_name) vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) vm.verify_alive() self.session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout) self.dest_dir = params.get("mount_dir") # If mount_dir specified, treat guest as a Linux OS # Some Linux distribution does not load floppy at boot and Windows # needs time to load and init floppy driver if self.dest_dir: lsmod = self.session.cmd("lsmod") if 'floppy' not in lsmod: self.session.cmd("modprobe floppy") else: time.sleep(20) error.context("Formating floppy disk before using it") format_cmd = params["format_floppy_cmd"] self.session.cmd(format_cmd, timeout=120)"Floppy disk formatted successfully") if self.dest_dir: error.context("Mounting floppy") self.session.cmd("mount -t vfat %s %s" % (guest_floppy_path, self.dest_dir)) error.context("Testing floppy") self.session.cmd(params["test_floppy_cmd"]) error.context("Copying file to the floppy") md5_cmd = params.get("md5_cmd") if md5_cmd: md5_source = self.session.cmd("%s %s" % (params["md5_cmd"], source_file)) try: md5_source = md5_source.split(" ")[0] except IndexError: error.TestError("Failed to get md5 from source file," " output: '%s'" % md5_source) else: md5_source = None self.session.cmd("%s %s %s" % (params["copy_cmd"], source_file, dest_file))"Succeed to copy file '%s' into floppy disk" % source_file) error.context("Checking if the file is unchanged after copy") if md5_cmd: md5_dest = self.session.cmd("%s %s" % (params["md5_cmd"], dest_file)) try: md5_dest = md5_dest.split(" ")[0] except IndexError: error.TestError("Failed to get md5 from dest file," " output: '%s'" % md5_dest) if md5_source != md5_dest: raise error.TestFail("File changed after copy to floppy") else: md5_dest = None self.session.cmd("%s %s %s" % (params["diff_file_cmd"], source_file, dest_file)) def clean(self): clean_cmd = "%s %s" % (params["clean_cmd"], dest_file) self.session.cmd(clean_cmd) if self.dest_dir: self.session.cmd("umount %s" % self.dest_dir) self.session.close() class Multihost(MiniSubtest): def test(self): error.context("Preparing migration env and floppies.") mig_protocol = params.get("mig_protocol", "tcp") self.mig_type = utils_test.qemu.MultihostMigration if mig_protocol == "fd": self.mig_type = utils_test.qemu.MultihostMigrationFd if mig_protocol == "exec": self.mig_type = utils_test.qemu.MultihostMigrationExec self.vms = params.get("vms").split(" ") self.srchost = params["hosts"][0] self.dsthost = params["hosts"][1] self.is_src = params["hostid"] == self.srchost self.mig = self.mig_type(test, params, env, False, ) if self.is_src: self.floppy = create_floppy(params) self.floppy_dir = os.path.dirname(self.floppy) params["start_vm"] = "yes" env_process.process(test, params, env, env_process.preprocess_image, env_process.preprocess_vm) vm = env.get_vm(self.vms[0]) vm.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout) else: self.floppy = create_floppy(params, False) self.floppy_dir = os.path.dirname(self.floppy) def clean(self): self.mig.cleanup() if self.is_src: cleanup_floppy(self.floppy) class test_multihost_write(Multihost): def test(self): super(test_multihost_write, self).test() copy_timeout = int(params.get("copy_timeout", 480)) self.mount_dir = params["mount_dir"] format_floppy_cmd = params["format_floppy_cmd"] check_copy_path = params["check_copy_path"] pid = None sync_id = {'src': self.srchost, 'dst': self.dsthost, "type": "file_trasfer"} filename = "orig" if self.is_src: # Starts in source vm = env.get_vm(self.vms[0]) session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout) if self.mount_dir: session.cmd("rm -f %s" % (os.path.join(self.mount_dir, filename))) session.cmd("rm -f %s" % (check_copy_path)) # If mount_dir specified, treat guest as a Linux OS # Some Linux distribution does not load floppy at boot # and Windows needs time to load and init floppy driver error.context("Prepare floppy for writing.") if self.mount_dir: lsmod = session.cmd("lsmod") if 'floppy' not in lsmod: session.cmd("modprobe floppy") else: time.sleep(20) session.cmd(format_floppy_cmd) error.context("Mount and copy data") if self.mount_dir: session.cmd("mount -t vfat %s %s" % (guest_floppy_path, self.mount_dir), timeout=30) error.context("File copying test") pid = lazy_copy(vm, os.path.join(self.mount_dir, filename), check_copy_path, copy_timeout) sync = SyncData(self.mig.master_id(), self.mig.hostid, self.mig.hosts, sync_id, self.mig.sync_server) pid = sync.sync(pid, timeout=floppy_prepare_timeout)[self.srchost] self.mig.migrate_wait([self.vms[0]], self.srchost, self.dsthost) if not self.is_src: # Starts in destination vm = env.get_vm(self.vms[0]) session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout) error.context("Wait for copy finishing.") status = int(session.cmd_status("kill %s" % pid, timeout=copy_timeout)) if status not in [0]: raise error.TestFail("Copy process was terminatted with" " error code %s" % (status)) session.cmd_status("kill -s SIGINT %s" % (pid), timeout=copy_timeout) error.context("Check floppy file checksum.") md5_cmd = params.get("md5_cmd") if md5_cmd: md5_floppy = session.cmd("%s %s" % (params.get("md5_cmd"), os.path.join(self.mount_dir, filename))) try: md5_floppy = md5_floppy.split(" ")[0] except IndexError: error.TestError("Failed to get md5 from source file," " output: '%s'" % md5_floppy) md5_check = session.cmd("%s %s" % (params.get("md5_cmd"), check_copy_path)) try: md5_check = md5_check.split(" ")[0] except IndexError: error.TestError("Failed to get md5 from source file," " output: '%s'" % md5_floppy) if md5_check != md5_floppy: raise error.TestFail("There is mistake in copying," " it is possible to check file on vm.") session.cmd("rm -f %s" % (os.path.join(self.mount_dir, filename))) session.cmd("rm -f %s" % (check_copy_path)) self.mig._hosts_barrier(self.mig.hosts, self.mig.hosts, 'finish_floppy_test', login_timeout) def clean(self): super(test_multihost_write, self).clean() class test_multihost_eject(Multihost): def test(self): super(test_multihost_eject, self).test() self.mount_dir = params.get("mount_dir", None) format_floppy_cmd = params["format_floppy_cmd"] floppy = params["floppy_name"] second_floppy = params["second_floppy_name"] if not os.path.isabs(floppy): floppy = os.path.join(data_dir.get_data_dir(), floppy) if not os.path.isabs(second_floppy): second_floppy = os.path.join(data_dir.get_data_dir(), second_floppy) if not self.is_src: self.floppy = create_floppy(params) pid = None sync_id = {'src': self.srchost, 'dst': self.dsthost, "type": "file_trasfer"} filename = "orig" if self.is_src: # Starts in source vm = env.get_vm(self.vms[0]) session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout) if self.mount_dir: # If linux session.cmd("rm -f %s" % (os.path.join(self.mount_dir, filename))) # If mount_dir specified, treat guest as a Linux OS # Some Linux distribution does not load floppy at boot # and Windows needs time to load and init floppy driver error.context("Prepare floppy for writing.") if self.mount_dir: # If linux lsmod = session.cmd("lsmod") if 'floppy' not in lsmod: session.cmd("modprobe floppy") else: time.sleep(20) if floppy not in"block"): raise error.TestFail("Wrong floppy image is placed in vm.") try: session.cmd(format_floppy_cmd) except aexpect.ShellCmdError, e: if e.status == 1: logging.error("First access to floppy failed, " " Trying a second time as a workaround") session.cmd(format_floppy_cmd) error.context("Check floppy") if self.mount_dir: # If linux session.cmd("mount -t vfat %s %s" % (guest_floppy_path, self.mount_dir), timeout=30) session.cmd("umount %s" % (self.mount_dir), timeout=30) written = None if self.mount_dir: filepath = os.path.join(self.mount_dir, "test.txt") session.cmd("echo 'test' > %s" % (filepath)) output = session.cmd("cat %s" % (filepath)) written = "test\n" else: # Windows version. filepath = "A:\\test.txt" session.cmd("echo test > %s" % (filepath)) output = session.cmd("type %s" % (filepath)) written = "test \n\n" if output != written: raise error.TestFail("Data read from the floppy differs" "from the data written to it." " EXPECTED: %s GOT: %s" % (repr(written), repr(output))) error.context("Change floppy.") vm.monitor.cmd("eject floppy0") vm.monitor.cmd("change floppy %s" % (second_floppy)) session.cmd(format_floppy_cmd) error.context("Mount and copy data") if self.mount_dir: # If linux session.cmd("mount -t vfat %s %s" % (guest_floppy_path, self.mount_dir), timeout=30) if second_floppy not in"block"): raise error.TestFail("Wrong floppy image is placed in vm.") sync = SyncData(self.mig.master_id(), self.mig.hostid, self.mig.hosts, sync_id, self.mig.sync_server) pid = sync.sync(pid, timeout=floppy_prepare_timeout)[self.srchost] self.mig.migrate_wait([self.vms[0]], self.srchost, self.dsthost) if not self.is_src: # Starts in destination vm = env.get_vm(self.vms[0]) session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout) written = None if self.mount_dir: filepath = os.path.join(self.mount_dir, "test.txt") session.cmd("echo 'test' > %s" % (filepath)) output = session.cmd("cat %s" % (filepath)) written = "test\n" else: # Windows version. filepath = "A:\\test.txt" session.cmd("echo test > %s" % (filepath)) output = session.cmd("type %s" % (filepath)) written = "test \n\n" if output != written: raise error.TestFail("Data read from the floppy differs" "from the data written to it." " EXPECTED: %s GOT: %s" % (repr(written), repr(output))) self.mig._hosts_barrier(self.mig.hosts, self.mig.hosts, 'finish_floppy_test', login_timeout) def clean(self): super(test_multihost_eject, self).clean() test_type = params.get("test_type", "test_singlehost") if (test_type in locals()): tests_group = locals()[test_type] tests_group() else: raise error.TestFail("Test group '%s' is not defined in" " migration_with_dst_problem test" % test_type)