- qemu_cpu: virt_test_type = qemu type = cpuid start_vm = "no" smp = 1 variants: - rhel64.kvm.check_models: cpu_models = "qemu64 phenom core2duo kvm64 qemu32" cpu_models += " coreduo 486 pentium pentium2" cpu_models += " pentium3 athlon n270 Conroe Penryn" cpu_models += " Nehalem Westmere SandyBridge Haswell" cpu_models += " Opteron_G1 Opteron_G2 Opteron_G3" cpu_models += " Opteron_G4 Opteron_G5" cpu_models += " cpu64-rhel6 cpu64-rhel5" test_type = "test_qemu_cpu_models_list" - qemu13.kvm.check_models: cpu_models = "qemu64 phenom core2duo kvm64 qemu32" cpu_models += " kvm32 coreduo 486 pentium pentium2" cpu_models += " pentium3 athlon n270 Conroe Penryn" cpu_models += " Nehalem Westmere SandyBridge Haswell" cpu_models += " Opteron_G1 Opteron_G2 Opteron_G3" cpu_models += " Opteron_G4 Opteron_G5" test_type = "test_qemu_cpu_models_list" - qemu13.kvm.cpuid.default.vendor: # 486 is exculded due to not supporting cpuid ignore_cpu_models = "486" # if 'vendor' is missing then host's vendor value is used # kvm by default overides vendor with host's value test_type = "default_vendor" - qemu13.nokvm.cpuid.default.vendor.intel: disable_kvm = "yes" enable_kvm = "no" ignore_cpu_models = "486" cpu_models = "core2duo kvm64 qemu32" cpu_models += " coreduo pentium pentium2" cpu_models += " pentium3 n270 Conroe Penryn" cpu_models += " Nehalem Westmere SandyBridge Haswell" vendor = "GenuineIntel" test_type = "default_vendor" - qemu13.nokvm.cpuid.default.vendor.amd: disable_kvm = "yes" enable_kvm = "no" cpu_models = "qemu64 phenom athlon" cpu_models += " Opteron_G1 Opteron_G2 Opteron_G3" cpu_models += " Opteron_G4 Opteron_G5" vendor = "AuthenticAMD" test_type = "default_vendor" - rhel64.kvm.cpuid.default.vendor: # 486 is exculded due to not supporting cpuid ignore_cpu_models = "486" # host vendor due to override with kvm vendor = "GenuineIntel" test_type = "default_vendor" - rhel64.nokvm.cpuid.default.vendor.intel: disable_kvm = "yes" enable_kvm = "no" # 486 is exculded due to not supporting cpuid cpu_models = "core2duo kvm64 qemu32" cpu_models += " coreduo pentium pentium2" cpu_models += " pentium3 n270 Conroe Penryn" cpu_models += " Nehalem Westmere SandyBridge Haswell" vendor = "GenuineIntel" test_type = "default_vendor" - rhel64.nokvm.cpuid.default.vendor.amd: disable_kvm = "yes" enable_kvm = "no" # 486 is exculded due to not supporting cpuid cpu_models = "qemu64 phenom athlon" cpu_models += " Opteron_G1 Opteron_G2 Opteron_G3" cpu_models += " Opteron_G4 Opteron_G5" cpu_models += " cpu64-rhel6 cpu64-rhel5" vendor = "AuthenticAMD" test_type = "default_vendor" - cpuid.custom.vendor: vendor = "QWERasdfZXCV" test_type = "custom_vendor" - cpuid.custom.vendor.too_short: xfail = "yes" vendor = "Q" test_type = "custom_vendor" - cpuid.custom.vendor.empty: xfail = "yes" vendor = "" test_type = "custom_vendor" - cpuid.custom.level: level = 5 test_type = "custom_level" - cpuid.custom.level.NaN: xfail = "yes" level = "five" test_type = "custom_level" - cpuid.custom.family: family = 6 test_type = "custom_family" - cpuid.custom.family.ext: family = 21 test_type = "custom_family" - cpuid.custom.family.max: # 0xff + 0xf = 270 family = 270 test_type = "custom_family" - cpuid.custom.family.NaN: xfail = "yes" family = foo test_type = "custom_family" - cpuid.custom.family.out_of_range: xfail = "yes" family = 271 test_type = "custom_family" - cpuid.custom.model: model = 15 test_type = "custom_model" - cpuid.custom.model.max: model = 255 test_type = "custom_model" - cpuid.custom.model.out_of_range: xfail = "yes" model = 256 test_type = "custom_model" - cpuid.custom.model.NaN: xfail = "yes" model = foo test_type = "custom_model" - cpuid.custom.stepping: stepping = 5 test_type = "custom_stepping" - cpuid.custom.stepping.max: stepping = 15 test_type = "custom_stepping" - cpuid.custom.stepping.out_of_range: xfail = "yes" stepping = 16 test_type = "custom_stepping" - cpuid.custom.stepping.Nan: xfail = "yes" stepping = foo test_type = "custom_stepping" - cpuid.custom.xlevel.fixup: # fix me when fixup in QEMU is removed xlevel = 5 # expect fixup to 0x80000005 expect_xlevel = 2147483653 test_type = "custom_xlevel" - cpuid.custom.xlevel: # xlevel = 0x80000001 xlevel = 2147483649 test_type = "custom_xlevel" - cpuid.custom.xlevel.supported_max: # xlevel = 0x8000000A xlevel = 2147483658 test_type = "custom_xlevel" - cpuid.custom.xlevel.Nan: xfail = "yes" xlevel = foo test_type = "custom_xlevel" - cpuid.custom.model_id: model_id = "QEMU CPU Brand by virt-test" test_type = "custom_model_id"