- disk_extension: only virtio_blk virtio_scsi virt_test_type = qemu type = disk_extension not_preprocess = yes wait_timeout = 60 drive_werror = stop drive_rerror = stop tmpfs_folder = "/tmp/xtmpfs" loop_device = /dev/loop6 # Please keep consistent unit begin_size = 50M max_size = 500M increment_size = 100M # Equal max_size max_size_in_bytes = 524288000 # Data disk loop_device_backend_img_tag = "stg0" loop_device_img_tag = "stg1" images += " ${loop_device_img_tag}" boot_drive_stg0 = no image_raw_device_stg0 = yes image_name_stg0 = ${tmpfs_folder}/stg0.raw image_size_stg0 = ${begin_size} # Must be raw format image_format_stg0 = raw # Loop device image_raw_device_stg1 = yes remove_image_stg1 = no disk_serial = TARGET_DISK0 blk_extra_params_stg1 += "serial=${disk_serial}" image_name_stg1 = ${loop_device} image_format_stg1 = qcow2 image_size_stg1 = ${max_size} Linux: guest_cmd = "dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s oflag=direct bs=${max_size}" Windows: guest_cmd = "WIN_UTILS:\coreutils\DummyCMD.exe %s ${max_size_in_bytes} 1" cd_format_cd1 = ide virtio_blk: driver_name = viostor virtio_scsi: driver_name = vioscsi # The test cover virtio_blk and virtio_scsi # With aio native and threads meanwhile variants: - with_virtio_blk: drive_format_stg1 = virtio - with_virtio_scsi: drive_format_stg1 = scsi-hd variants: - aio_native: image_aio_stg1 = native - aio_threads: image_aio_stg1 = threads