提交 bcdede10 编写于 作者: S Shuping Cui

qemu.tests: Add new case migration_multi_host_with_stress

Signed-off-by: NShuping Cui <scui@redhat.com>
上级 d8e5ffb7
......@@ -108,6 +108,13 @@
#Count of migration during file transfer.
migrate_count = 3
regain_ip_cmd = ""
- with_stress:
type = migration_multi_host_with_stress
bg_stress_test = autotest_control
test_control_file = stress.control
control_args = "--cpu 4 --io 4 --vm 2 --vm-bytes 128M --timeout 120s"
check_running_cmd = "pgrep stress"
need_cleanup = no
- downtime:
only after_login_vm
sub_type = downtime
import logging
from autotest.client.shared import error
from autotest.client.shared import utils
from virttest import utils_misc
from virttest import utils_test
def run(test, params, env):
KVM multi-host migration test:
Migration execution progress is described in documentation
for migrate method in class MultihostMigration.
1) boot vm and login, load stress in guest
2) do migration
3) wait for a while and stop stress
4) login guest when migrate done
:param test: kvm test object.
:param params: Dictionary with test parameters.
:param env: Dictionary with the test environment.
preprocess_env = params.get("preprocess_env", "yes") == "yes"
mig_protocol = params.get("mig_protocol", "tcp")
mig_type = utils_test.qemu.MultihostMigration
if mig_protocol == "exec":
mig_type = utils_test.qemu.MultihostMigrationExec
if "rdma" in mig_protocol:
mig_type = utils_test.qemu.MultihostMigrationRdma
class TestMultihostMigration(mig_type):
def __init__(self, test, params, env):
super(TestMultihostMigration, self).__init__(test, params, env,
self.srchost = self.params.get("hosts")[0]
self.dsthost = self.params.get("hosts")[1]
self.is_src = params["hostid"] == self.srchost
self.vms = params["vms"].split()
self.login_timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
self.need_cleanup = params.get("need_cleanup", "yes") == "yes"
def migration_scenario(self):
def clean_up(vm):
kill_bg_stress_cmd = params.get("kill_bg_stress_cmd",
"killall -9 stress")
logging.info("Kill the background test in guest.")
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=self.login_timeout)
s = session.cmd_status(kill_bg_stress_cmd)
if s:
raise error.TestFail("Failed to kill the background"
" test in guest.")
def start_worker(mig_data):
logging.info("Try to login guest before migration test.")
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=self.login_timeout)
error.context("Do stress test before migration.", logging.info)
bg_stress_test = params.get("bg_stress_test")
check_running_cmd = params.get("check_running_cmd")
bg = utils.InterruptedThread(utils_test.run_virt_sub_test,
args=(test, params, env,),
kwargs={"sub_type": bg_stress_test})
def check_running():
return session.cmd_status(check_running_cmd) == 0
if check_running_cmd:
if not utils_misc.wait_for(check_running, timeout=360):
raise error.TestFail("Failed to start %s in guest." %
def check_worker(mig_data):
if not self.is_src and self.need_cleanup:
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
if params.get("check_vm_before_migration", "yes") == "no":
params["check_vm_needs_restart"] = "no"
self.migrate_wait(self.vms, self.srchost, self.dsthost,
start_worker, check_worker)
mig = TestMultihostMigration(test, params, env)
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