未验证 提交 1cd2794b 编写于 作者: L Longxiang Lyu 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #1947 from YongxueHong/bug-1731471

Add cases to test virtio_blk with discard and write_zeroes
- virtio_blk_with_discard_write_zeroes:
only virtio_blk
only Linux
required_qemu = [4.0.0,)
type = virtio_blk_with_discard_write_zeroes
images += " stg0"
boot_drive_stg0 = yes
image_name_stg0 = images/storage0
image_size_stg0 = 1G
remove_image_stg0 = yes
force_create_image_stg0 = yes
blk_extra_params_stg0 = "serial=TARGET_DISK0"
cmd_dd = "dd if=/dev/zero of={0} bs=1M count=900 oflag=direct && "
cmd_dd += "dd if={0} of=/dev/null bs=1M count=900 iflag=direct"
- all_enabled:
blk_extra_params_stg0 += ",discard=on,write-zeroes=on"
attributes_checked = "{'discard': 'true', 'write-zeroes': 'true'}"
check_cmd_discard = "blkdiscard {0} && echo "PASS" || echo "FAIL""
check_cmd_zeroes = "blkdiscard -z {0} && dd if={0} bs=64k count=10000 | "
check_cmd_zeroes += "tr -d '\0' | read -n 1 && echo "FAIL" || echo "PASS (All zeroes)""
status_checked = "{'check_cmd_discard': 'PASS', 'check_cmd_zeroes': 'PASS (All zeroes)'}"
- all_disabled:
blk_extra_params_stg0 += ",discard=off,write-zeroes=off"
attributes_checked = "{'discard': 'false', 'write-zeroes': 'false'}"
check_cmd_discard = "blkdiscard {0} && echo "PASS" || echo "FAIL""
check_cmd_zeroes = "dd if=/dev/urandom of={0} bs=64k count=10000 conv=fsync && "
check_cmd_zeroes += "dd if={0} bs=64k count=10000 | tr -d '\0' | read -n 1 && "
check_cmd_zeroes += "echo "PASS (not all zeroes)" || echo "FAIL""
status_checked = "{'check_cmd_discard': 'FAIL', 'check_cmd_zeroes': 'PASS (not all zeroes)'}"
import ast
import re
import logging
from virttest import error_context
from virttest import qemu_qtree
from virttest import utils_misc
def run(test, params, env):
Test virtio_blk with options "discard" and "write_zeroes".
1. Boot up a virtio-blk guest with options 'discard' and
'write_zeroes' enabled or disabled.
2. Check if discard and write-zeroes attribute works.
3. In guest, check if discard enabled or disabled.
4. In guest, check if write_zeroes enabled or disabled.
5. Do some IO tests on the disk.
:param test: KVM test object.
:param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
:param env: Dictionary with test environment.
def check_attribute_in_qtree(dev_id, name, excepted_val):
"""Check if discard and write-zeroes attribute work."""
error_context.context('Check if %s attribute works.' % name, logging.info)
qtree = qemu_qtree.QtreeContainer()
for node in qtree.get_nodes():
if (isinstance(node, qemu_qtree.QtreeDev) and
node.qtree.get('id') == dev_id):
_node = node.children[0].children[0]
if _node.qtree.get('drive').endswith('_%s"' % dev_id):
if _node.qtree.get(name) is None:
test.fail('The qtree device %s has no property %s.' %
(dev_id, name))
elif _node.qtree.get(name) == excepted_val:
logging.info('The "%s" matches with qtree device "%s"'
'(%s).' % (name, dev_id, excepted_val))
test.fail('The "%s" mismatches with qtree device "%s"'
'(%s).' % (name, dev_id, excepted_val))
test.error('No such "%s" qtree device.' % dev_id)
def check_status_inside_guest(session, cmd, excepted_val):
"""Check if the discard or write-zeroes is enabled or disabled."""
if excepted_val not in session.cmd(cmd, 600):
test.fail('The output should be "%s"' % excepted_val)
def get_data_disk_by_serial(session, image_tag):
"""Get the data disks by serial options."""
match = re.search(
r"serial=(\w+)", params["blk_extra_params_%s" % image_tag], re.M)
drive_path = utils_misc.get_linux_drive_path(session, match.group(1))
if not drive_path:
test.error("Failed to get '%s' drive path" % image_tag)
return drive_path
def dd_test(session, target):
"""Do dd test on the data disk."""
error_context.context('Do dd test on the data disk.', logging.info)
session.cmd(params['cmd_dd'].format(target), 600)
data_tag = params["images"].split()[1]
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
session = vm.wait_for_login()
data_disk = get_data_disk_by_serial(session, data_tag)
for attr_name, val in ast.literal_eval(params['attributes_checked']).items():
check_attribute_in_qtree(data_tag, attr_name, val)
for cmd, val in ast.literal_eval(params['status_checked']).items():
check_status_inside_guest(session, params[cmd].format(data_disk), val)
dd_test(session, data_disk)
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