提交 192cdd24 编写于 作者: M Marian Krcmarik 提交者: Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues

tests: Keyboard input tests through spice

Keys based on their scancodes are sent to client VM through monitor
when spice session of guest VM is in focused on the client VM.
Key events are caught on the guest VM and compared with expected
Signed-off-by: NMarian Krcmarik <mkrcmari@redhat.com>
上级 9b116106
rv_input.py - test keyboard inputs through spice
Requires: Two VMs - client and guest and remote-viewer session
from client VM to guest VM created by rv_connect test.
Deployed wxPython on guest VM.
import logging, os
from autotest.client.shared import error
from virttest.aexpect import ShellCmdError, ShellStatusError
from virttest import utils_misc, utils_spice
def deploy_epel_repo(guest_session, params):
Deploy epel repository to RHEL VM If It's RHEL6 or 5.
@param guest_session - ssh session to guest VM
@param params
#Check existance of epel repository
cmd = ("if [ ! -f /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo ]; then echo"
" \"NeedsInstall\"; fi")
output = guest_session.cmd(cmd, print_func=logging.info, timeout=10)
#Install epel repository If needed
if "NeedsInstall" in output:
if "release 5" in guest_session.cmd("cat /etc/redhat-release"):
cmd = ("rpm -ivh http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/"
"`arch`/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm 2>&1")
logging.info("Installing epel repository to %s",
guest_session.cmd(cmd, print_func=logging.info, timeout=60)
elif "release 6" in guest_session.cmd("cat /etc/redhat-release"):
cmd = ("rpm -ivh http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/"
"`arch`/epel-release-6-7.noarch.rpm 2>&1")
logging.info("Installing epel repository to %s",
guest_session.cmd(cmd, print_func=logging.info, timeout=60)
raise Exception("Unsupported RHEL guest")
def install_wxpython(guest_session, params):
Install wxPython to a VM with yum package manager.
Requires epel repository for RHEL guest.
@param guest_session - ssh session to guest VM
@param params
cmd = "rpm -q wxPython"
except ShellCmdError:
cmd = "yum -y install wxPython"
logging.info("Installing wxPython package to %s",
guest_session.cmd(cmd, timeout=60)
def deploy_test_form(test, guest_vm, params):
Copy wxPython Test form to guest VM.
Test form is copied to /tmp directory.
@param test
@param guest_vm - vm object
@param params
script = params.get("guest_script")
scriptdir = os.path.join("scripts", script)
script_path = utils_misc.get_path(test.virtdir, scriptdir)
guest_vm.copy_files_to(script_path, "/tmp/%s" % params.get("guest_script"),
def run_test_form(guest_session, params):
Start wxPython simple test form on guest VM.
Test form catches KeyEvents and is located in /tmp.
@param guest_session - ssh session to guest VM
@param params
logging.info("Starting test form for catching key events on guest")
cmd = "python /tmp/%s &> /dev/null &" % params.get("guest_script")
cmd = "disown -ar"
def get_test_results(guest_vm):
@param guest_vm - vm object
path = "/tmp/autotest-rv_input"
guest_vm.copy_files_from(path, path, timeout=60)
return path
def test_type_and_func_keys(client_vm, guest_session, params):
Test typewriter and functional keys.
Function sends various keys through qemu monitor to client VM.
@param client_vm - vm object
@param guest_session - ssh session to guest VM
@param params
run_test_form(guest_session, params)
#Send typewriter and functional keys to client machine based on scancodes
logging.info("Sending typewriter and functional keys to client machine")
for i in range(1, 69):
#Avoid Ctrl, RSH, LSH, PtScr, Alt, CpsLk
if not (i in [29, 42, 54, 55, 56, 58]):
def test_leds_and_esc_keys(client_vm, guest_session, params):
Test LEDS and Escaped keys.
Function sends various keys through qemu monitor to client VM.
@param client_vm - vm object
@param guest_session - ssh session to guest VM
@param params
#Run wxPython form catching KeyEvents on guest
run_test_form(guest_session, params)
#Prepare lists with the keys to be sent to client machine
leds = ['a', 'caps_lock', 'a', 'caps_lock', 'num_lock', 'kp_1', 'num_lock',
shortcuts = ['a', 'shift-a', 'shift_r-a', 'ctrl-a', 'ctrl-c', 'ctrl-v',
escaped = ['insert', 'delete', 'home', 'end', 'pgup', 'pgdn', 'up',
'down', 'right', 'left']
test_keys = leds + shortcuts + escaped
#Send keys to client machine
logging.info("Sending leds and escaped keys to client machine")
for key in test_keys:
def test_nonus_layout(client_vm, guest_session, params):
Test some keys of non-us keyboard layouts (de, cz).
Function sends various keys through qemu monitor to client VM.
@param client_vm - vm object
@param guest_session - ssh session to guest VM
@param params
#Run wxPython form catching KeyEvents on guest
run_test_form(guest_session, params)
#Czech layout - test some special keys
cmd = "setxkbmap cz"
test_keys = ['7', '8', '9', '0', 'alt_r-x', 'alt_r-c', 'alt_r-v']
logging.info("Sending czech keys to client machine")
for key in test_keys:
#German layout - test some special keys
cmd = "setxkbmap de"
test_keys = ['minus', '0x1a', 'alt_r-q', 'alt_r-m']
logging.info("Sending german keys to client machine")
for key in test_keys:
cmd = "setxkbmap us"
def test_leds_migration(client_vm, guest_vm, guest_session, params):
Check LEDS after migration.
Function sets LEDS (caps, num) to ON and send scancodes of "a" and "1 (num)"
and expected to get keycodes of "A" and "1" after migration.
@param client_vm - vm object
@param guest_vm - vm object
@param guest_session - ssh session to guest VM
@param params
#Run wxPython form catching KeyEvents on guest
run_test_form(guest_session, params)
#Tested keys before migration
test_keys = ['a', 'kp_1', 'caps_lock', 'num_lock', 'a', 'kp_1']
logging.info("Sending leds keys to client machine before migration")
for key in test_keys:
#Tested keys after migration
test_keys = ['a', 'kp_1']
logging.info("Sending leds keys to client machine after migration")
for key in test_keys:
def analyze_results(file_path, test_type):
Analyze results - compare caught keycodes and expected keycodes.
@param file_path - path to file with results
@param test_type - type of the test
if test_type == "type_and_func_keys":
#List of expected keycodes from guest machine
correct_keycodes = ['27', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55',
'56', '57', '48', '45', '61', '8', '9', '113',
'119', '101', '114', '116', '121', '117', '105',
'111', '112', '91', '93', '13', '97', '115','100',
'102', '103', '104', '106', '107', '108', '59',
'39', '96', '92', '122', '120', '99', '118', '98',
'110', '109', '44', '46', '47', '32', '340', '341',
'342', '343', '344', '345', '346', '347', '348',
elif test_type == "leds_and_esc_keys":
correct_keycodes = ['97', '65', '49', '312', '97', '65', '65', '1',
'3', '22', '120', '322', '127', '313', '312', '366',
'367', '315', '317', '316', '314']
elif test_type == "nonus_layout":
correct_keycodes = ['253', '225', '237', '233', '35', '38', '64',
'223', '252', '64', '181']
elif test_type == "leds_migration":
correct_keycodes = ['97', '312', '65', '49', '65', '49']
#Read caught keycodes on guest machine
file = open(file_path, "r")
keycodes = file.read()
#Compare caught keycodes with expected keycodes
test_keycodes = keycodes.split(",")
logging.info("Caught keycodes:%s", test_keycodes)
for i in range(len(correct_keycodes)):
if not (test_keycodes[i] == correct_keycodes[i]):
return correct_keycodes[i]
return None
def run_rv_input(test, params, env):
Test for testing keyboard inputs through spice.
Test depends on rv_connect test.
@param test: KVM test object.
@param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
@param env: Dictionary with test environment.
guest_vm = env.get_vm(params["guest_vm"])
client_vm = env.get_vm(params["client_vm"])
guest_session = guest_vm.wait_for_login(
timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))
if guest_session.cmd("test -e /etc/redhat-release"):
deploy_epel_repo(guest_session, params)
guest_session.cmd("startx &", timeout=15)
except (ShellCmdError, ShellStatusError):
logging.debug("Ignoring an Exception that Occurs from calling startx")
#Give some time to X
guest_session.cmd("export DISPLAY=:0.0")
# Verify that gnome is now running on the guest
guest_session.cmd("ps aux | grep -v grep | grep gnome-session")
install_wxpython(guest_session, params)
deploy_test_form(test, guest_vm, params)
#Get test type and perform proper test
test_type = params.get("config_test")
test_mapping = {'type_and_func_keys': test_type_and_func_keys,
'leds_and_esc_keys': test_leds_and_esc_keys,
'nonus_layout': test_nonus_layout,
'leds_migration': test_leds_migration}
test_parameters = {'type_and_func_keys': (client_vm, guest_session, params),
'leds_and_esc_keys': (client_vm, guest_session, params),
'nonus_layout': (client_vm, guest_session, params),
'leds_migration': (client_vm, guest_vm, guest_session, params)}
func = test_mapping[test_type]
args = test_parameters[test_type]
raise error.TestFail("Unknown type of test")
#Get file with caught keycodes from guest
result_path = get_test_results(guest_vm)
#Analyze results and raise fail exp. If sent scancodes
#do not match with expected keycodes
result = analyze_results(result_path, test_type)
if result is not None:
raise error.TestFail("Testing of sending keys failed:"
" Expected keycode = %s" % result)
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