import os import re import time import json import string import logging import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from distutils.version import LooseVersion # pylint: disable=E0611 from avocado.core import exceptions from avocado.utils import process from virttest import utils_v2v from virttest import utils_sasl from virttest import virsh from virttest import utils_misc from virttest import xml_utils from virttest.libvirt_xml import vm_xml V2V_7_3_VERSION = 'virt-v2v-1.32.1-1.el7' RETRY_TIMES = 10 # Temporary workaround FEATURE_SUPPORT = { 'genid': 'virt-v2v-1.40.1-1.el7', 'libosinfo': 'virt-v2v-1.40.2-2.el7', 'virtio_rng': '2.6.26', 'cache_none': 'virt-v2v-1.42.0-4'} def compare_version(compare_version, real_version=None, cmd=None): """ Compare version against given version. :param compare_version: The minumum version to be compared :param real_version: The real version to compare :param cmd: the command to get the real version :return: If the real_version is greater equal than minumum version, return True, others return False """ if not real_version: if not cmd: cmd = 'rpm -q virt-v2v|grep virt-v2v' real_version =, shell=True).stdout_text.strip() if LooseVersion(real_version) >= LooseVersion(compare_version): return True return False class VMChecker(object): """ Check VM after virt-v2v converted """ def __init__(self, test, params, env): self.errors = [] self.params = params self.vmxml = '' self.xmltree = None self.vm_name = params.get('main_vm') self.v2v_cmd = params.get('v2v_command', '') self.original_vm_name = params.get('original_vm_name') # The expected boottype of guest, default 0 is 'i440fx+bios' # Other values are 1 for q35+bios, 2 for q35+uefi, 3 for # q35+secure_uefi self.boottype = int(params.get("boottype", 0)) self.hypervisor = params.get("hypervisor") = params.get('target') self.os_type = params.get('os_type') self.os_version = params.get('os_version', 'OS_VERSION_V2V_EXAMPLE') self.original_vmxml = params.get('original_vmxml') self.vmx_nfs_src = params.get('vmx_nfs_src') self.virsh_session = params.get('virsh_session') self.virsh_session_id = self.virsh_session.get_id( ) if self.virsh_session else params.get('virsh_session_id') self.checker = utils_v2v.VMCheck(test, params, env) self.setup_session() if not self.checker.virsh_session_id: self.checker.virsh_session_id = self.virsh_session_id self.init_vmxml(raise_exception=False) # Save NFS mount records like {0:(src, dst, fstype)} self.mount_records = {} def cleanup(self): self.close_virsh_session() try: self.checker.cleanup() except Exception as e: logging.debug("Exception during cleanup:\n%s", e) pass if len(self.mount_records) != 0: for src, dst, fstype in self.mount_records.values(): utils_misc.umount(src, dst, fstype) def close_virsh_session(self): logging.debug('virsh session %s is closing', self.virsh_session) if not self.virsh_session: return if == "ovirt": self.virsh_session.close() else: self.virsh_session.close_session() def setup_session(self): if self.virsh_session and self.virsh_session_id: logging.debug( 'virsh session %s has already been set', self.virsh_session) return for index in range(RETRY_TIMES):'Trying %d times', index + 1) try: if == "ovirt": self.virsh_session = utils_sasl.VirshSessionSASL( self.params) self.virsh_session_id = self.virsh_session.get_id() else: self.virsh_session = virsh.VirshPersistent(auto_close=True) self.virsh_session_id = self.virsh_session.session_id except Exception as detail: logging.error(detail) else: break logging.debug('new virsh session %s is created', self.virsh_session) if not self.virsh_session_id: raise exceptions.TestError('Fail to create virsh session') def log_err(self, msg): logging.error(msg) self.errors.append(msg) def init_vmxml(self, raise_exception=True): """ Initialize the self.vmxml. The self.vmxml could be empty untill begins. It's not neccessary to get the xml if you don't need to check it or the env is not ready to get the xml. e.g. When the VM is in a rhv host, the dumpxml will not success unless the VM is started. But the VM may fail to start because of unexpected reason, so we should not assume the dumpxml always returns success in vmchecker.__init__ function. But the self.vmxml must not be empty when begins. :param raise_exception: True to raise exception, False to ignore it. """ if self.vmxml: return try: res = virsh.dumpxml( self.vm_name, session_id=self.virsh_session_id, debug=True) if res.exit_status == 0: self.vmxml = res.stdout_text.strip() self.xmltree = xml_utils.XMLTreeFile(self.vmxml) except Exception as e: if raise_exception: raise logging.debug('Failed to dumpxml: %s', str(e)) def run(self): self.init_vmxml() self.check_metadata_libosinfo() self.check_genid() if self.os_type == 'linux': self.check_linux_vm() elif self.os_type == 'windows': self.check_windows_vm() else: logging.warn("Unspported os type: %s", self.os_type) return self.errors def get_expect_graphic_type(self): """ The graphic type in VM XML is different for different target. """ # 'ori_graphic' only can be set when hypervior is KVM. For Xen and # Esx, it will always be 'None' and 'vnc' will be set by default. graphic_type = self.params.get('ori_graphic', 'vnc') # Video modle will change to QXL if convert target is ovirt/RHEVM if == 'ovirt': graphic_type = 'spice' return graphic_type def get_expect_video_model(self): """ The video model in VM XML is different in different situation. """ video_model = 'cirrus' # Video modle will change to QXL if convert target is ovirt/RHEVM if == 'ovirt': video_model = 'qxl' # Since RHEL7.3(virt-v2v-1.32.1-1.el7), video model will change to # QXL for linux VMs if self.os_type == 'linux': if compare_version(V2V_7_3_VERSION): video_model = 'qxl' # Video model will change to QXL for Windows2008r2 and windows7 if self.os_version in ['win7', 'win2008r2']: video_model = 'qxl' # video mode of windows guest will be cirrus if there is no virtio-win # driver installed and environment 'VIRTIO_WIN' is not set on host if 'rpm -q virtio-win', ignore_status=True).exit_status != 0 and not os.getenv('VIRTIO_WIN'): video_model = 'cirrus' return video_model def check_metadata_libosinfo(self): """ Check if metadata libosinfo attributes value in vm xml match with given param. Note: This is not a mandatory checking, if you need to check it, you have to set related parameters correctly. """ def _guess_long_id(short_id): """ If libosinfo doesn't have the short_id of an OS, we have to guess the final long_id based on the short_id. This usually happens when v2v server is on a lower rhel version, but the guest has a higher rhel version. On which the libosinfo doesn't include the guest info. """ # 'winnt' must precede 'win' # 'rhel-atomic' must precede 'rhel' os_list = [ 'rhel-atomic', 'rhel', 'sles', 'centos', 'opensuse', 'debian', 'ubuntu', 'fedora', 'winnt', 'win'] long_id = '' for os_i in os_list: ptn = r'(%s)(\S+)' % os_i res =, short_id) if not res: continue os_name, os_ver =,'-') if os_name == 'rhel': long_id = '' % (os_name, os_ver) elif os_name == 'sles': long_id = '' % ( os_name, os_ver.replace('sp', '.')) elif os_name == 'centos': long_id = '' % (os_name, os_ver) elif os_name == 'opensuse': long_id = '' % (os_name, os_ver) elif os_name == 'debian': long_id = '' % (os_name, os_ver) elif os_name == 'ubuntu': long_id = '' % (os_name, os_ver) elif os_name == 'fedora': long_id = '' % ( os_name, os_ver) elif os_name in ['winnt', 'win']: long_id = '' % (os_name, os_ver) else: logging.debug("Guess long id failed") break if not long_id: raise exceptions.TestError( 'Cannot guess long id for %s' % short_id) return long_id def _id_short_to_long(short_id): """ Convert short_id to long_id """ cmd = 'osinfo-query os --fields=short-id | tail -n +3' # Too much debug output if verbose is True output = cmd, timeout=20, shell=True, ignore_status=True, verbose=False) short_id_all = output.stdout_text.splitlines() if short_id not in [os_id.strip() for os_id in short_id_all]:"Not found shourt_id '%s' on host", short_id) long_id = _guess_long_id(short_id) else: cmd = "osinfo-query os --fields=id short-id='%s'| tail -n +3" % short_id output = cmd, timeout=20, verbose=True, shell=True, ignore_status=True) long_id = output.stdout_text.strip() return long_id"Checking metadata libosinfo") # 'os_short_id' must be set for libosinfo checking, you can query it by # 'osinfo-query os' short_id = self.params.get('os_short_id') if not short_id: reason = 'short_id is not set' 'Skip Checking metadata libosinfo parameters: %s' % reason) return # Checking if the feature is supported if not compare_version(FEATURE_SUPPORT['libosinfo']): reason = "Unsupported if v2v < %s" % FEATURE_SUPPORT['libosinfo'] 'Skip Checking metadata libosinfo parameters: %s' % reason) return # Need target or output_mode be set explicitly if not self.params.get( 'target') and not self.params.get('output_mode'): reason = 'Both target and output_mode are not set' 'Skip Checking metadata libosinfo parameters: %s' % reason) return supported_output = ['libvirt', 'local'] # Skip checking if any of them is not in supported list if self.params.get('target') not in supported_output or self.params.get( 'output_mode') not in supported_output: reason = 'target or output_mode is not in %s' % supported_output 'Skip Checking metadata libosinfo parameters: %s' % reason) return long_id = _id_short_to_long(short_id) # ' Fix it #libosinfo_pattern = r'' % long_id # A temp workaround for above problem libosinfo_pattern = r'<.*?:os id="%s"/>' % long_id'libosinfo pattern: %s' % libosinfo_pattern) if not, self.vmxml): self.log_err('Not find metadata libosinfo') def check_video_model(self, video_type, dev_id): """ Check expected video module on VM :param video_type: the expected video type :param dev_id: the ID of the video device :return: log error will be recored if not found, else return nothing """ # Check by 'lspci' or 'lshw' or 'hwinfo --gfxcard' cmd = ["lspci", "lshw", "hwinfo --gfxcard"] if self.checker.vm_general_search( cmd, video_type, re.IGNORECASE, ignore_status=True): return elif len(dev_id) > 0 and any([self.checker.vm_general_search(cmd, id_i, debug=False, ignore_status=True) for id_i in dev_id]): return # Check by 'journalctl' if self.checker.vm_journal_search(video_type, "--since -20m"): return # Check by xorg log if self.checker.vm_xorg_search(video_type): return err_msg = "Not find %s device" % video_type self.log_err(err_msg) def get_device_id_by_name(self, devname): """ Return device id by device name :param devname: a device's name provided by RedHat """ # All pci device which provided by Red Hat, Inc. # # virtio_name_id_mapping = { 'Virtio network device': ['1000', '1041'], 'Virtio block device': ['1001', '1042'], 'Virtio memory balloon': ['1002', '1045'], 'Virtio console': ['1003', '1043'], 'Virtio SCSI': ['1004', '1048'], 'Virtio RNG': ['1005', '1044'], 'Virtio filesystem': ['1009', '1049'], 'Virtio GPU': ['1050'], 'Virtio input': ['1052'], 'Inter-VM shared memory': ['1110'], # QXL paravirtual graphic card 'qxl': ['0100'], # Cirrus Logic 'cirrus': ['1100']} if devname not in virtio_name_id_mapping.keys(): logging.debug('Unknown RedHat virtio device: %s' % devname) return [] return virtio_name_id_mapping[devname] def get_expected_boottype(self, boottype): """ Return chipset and boottype of the VM. :param boottype: a value stands for boottype """ # The value is [chipset, boottype, secure_boot] boottype_mapping = {0: ['i440fx', 'bios', False], 1: ['q35', 'bios', False], 2: ['q35', 'uefi', False], 3: ['q35', 'uefi', True]} if boottype not in range(4): raise exceptions.TestError( 'Invalid boottype value: %s' % str(boottype)) logging.debug("expected boot type is %s" % boottype_mapping[boottype]) return boottype_mapping[boottype] def check_vm_boottype(self): """ Check boottype of the guest """ if self.boottype in [ 2, 3] and not self.checker.is_uefi_guest() or self.boottype in [ 0, 1] and self.checker.is_uefi_guest(): err_msg = "Incorrect boottype of VM" self.log_err(err_msg) def check_vm_xml(self): """ Checking XML info of the VM. """ logging.debug('vmxml is:\n%s' % self.vmxml)"Checking graphic type in VM XML") expect_graphic = self.get_expect_graphic_type()"Expect type: %s", expect_graphic) pattern = r"\s+10mins to finish drivers # installation self.checker.create_session(timeout=900) except Exception as detail: raise exceptions.TestError( 'Failed to connect to windows guest: %s' % detail)"Wait 60 seconds for installing drivers") time.sleep(60) # Close and re-create session in case connection reset by peer during # sleeping time. Keep trying until the test command runs successfully. for retry in range(RETRY_TIMES): try: self.checker.run_cmd('dir') except BaseException: self.checker.session.close() self.checker.session = None self.checker.create_session() else: break # Check boottype of the guest self.check_vm_boottype() # Check viostor file"Checking windows viostor info") output = self.checker.get_viostor_info() if not output: err_msg = "Not find viostor info" self.log_err(err_msg) # Check Red Hat VirtIO drivers and display adapter"Checking VirtIO drivers and display adapter") expect_drivers = ["Red Hat VirtIO SCSI", "Red Hat VirtIO Ethernet Adapte"] # Windows display adapter is different for each release # Default value expect_adapter = 'Basic Display Driver' if self.os_version in ['win7', 'win2008r2']: expect_adapter = 'QXL' if self.os_version in ['win2003', 'win2008']: expect_adapter = 'Standard VGA Graphics Adapter' bdd_list = [ 'win8', 'win8.1', 'win10', 'win2012', 'win2012r2', 'win2016', 'win2019'] if self.os_version in bdd_list: expect_adapter = 'Basic Display Driver' expect_drivers.append(expect_adapter) check_drivers = expect_drivers[:] for check_times in range(5):'Check drivers for the %dth time', check_times + 1) win_dirvers = self.checker.get_driver_info() for driver in expect_drivers: if driver in win_dirvers:"Driver %s found", driver) check_drivers.remove(driver) else: err_msg = "Driver %s not found" % driver logging.error(err_msg) expect_drivers = check_drivers[:] if not expect_drivers: break else: wait = 60'Wait another %d seconds...', wait) time.sleep(wait) if expect_drivers: for driver in expect_drivers: self.log_err("Not find driver: %s" % driver) # Check graphic and video type in VM XML if compare_version(V2V_7_3_VERSION): self.check_vm_xml() def check_graphics(self, param): """ Check if graphics attributes value in vm xml match with given param. """'Check graphics parameters') if == 'ovirt': xml = virsh.dumpxml( self.vm_name, extra='--security-info', session_id=self.virsh_session_id).stdout vmxml = xml_utils.XMLTreeFile(xml) graphic = vmxml.find('devices').find('graphics') else: vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml( self.vm_name, options='--security-info', virsh_instance=self.virsh_session) graphic = vmxml.xmltreefile.find('devices').find('graphics') status = True for key in param: logging.debug('%s = %s' % (key, graphic.get(key))) if graphic.get(key) != param[key]: logging.error('Attribute "%s" match failed' % key) status = False if not status: self.log_err('Graphic parameter check failed') def check_genid(self): """ Check genid value in vm xml match with given param. """ def _compose_genid(vm_genid, vm_genidX): for index, val in enumerate( map(lambda x: hex(int(x) & ((1 << 64) - 1)), [vm_genid, vm_genidX])): # Remove 'L' suffix for python2 val = val.rstrip('L') # if length of val is not equal 18, we must fill the length # to 18 with 0. if len(val) < 18: zero_pad = 18 - len(val) val = '0x' + '0' * zero_pad + val[2:] if index == 0: gen_id = '-'.join([val[n:] if n == -8 else val[n:n + 4] for n in range(-8, -17, -4)]) elif index == 1: temp_str = ''.join([val[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(val), 2)][:0:-1]) gen_idX = temp_str[:4] + '-' + temp_str[4:] return gen_id + '-' + gen_idX has_genid = self.params.get('has_genid') # Return if not set has_genid if not has_genid: return # Checking if the feature is supported if not compare_version(FEATURE_SUPPORT['genid']): reason = "Unsupported if v2v < %s" % FEATURE_SUPPORT['genid']'Skip Checking genid: %s' % reason) return supported_output = ['libvirt', 'local', 'qemu'] # Skip checking if any of them is not in supported list if self.params.get('output_mode') not in supported_output: reason = 'output_mode is not in %s' % supported_output'Skip Checking genid: %s' % reason) return'Checking genid info in xml') logging.debug('vmxml is:\n%s' % self.vmxml) if has_genid == 'yes': mount_point = utils_v2v.v2v_mount(self.vmx_nfs_src, 'vmx_nfs_src') # For clean up self.mount_records[len(self.mount_records)] = ( self.vmx_nfs_src, mount_point, None) cmd = "cat {}/{name}/{name}.vmx".format( mount_point, name=self.original_vm_name) cmd_result =, timeout=20, ignore_status=True) cmd_result.stdout = cmd_result.stdout_text genid_pattern = r'vm.genid = "(-?\d+)"' genidX_pattern = r'vm.genidX = "(-?\d+)"' genid_list = [ i, cmd_result.stdout).group(1) if i, cmd_result.stdout) else None for i in [ genid_pattern, genidX_pattern]] if not all(genid_list): 'vm.genid or vm.genidX is missing:%s' % genid_list) # genid will not be in vmxml if'genid', self.vmxml): self.log_err('Unexpected genid in xml') return genid_str = _compose_genid(*genid_list) logging.debug('genid string is %s' % genid_str) if not, self.vmxml): self.log_err('Not find genid or genid is incorrect') elif has_genid == 'no': if'genid', self.vmxml): self.log_err('Unexpected genid in xml') def check_local_output(params): """ Check -o local result Only do basic checking, '-o libvirt' already does the whole checking process. """'checking local output') os_directory = params.get('os_directory') disk_count = int(params.get('vm_disk_count', 0)) vm_name = params.get('main_vm') result = True # Checking all disks for i, c in enumerate(string.ascii_lowercase): if i == disk_count: break disk_file_name = "%s-%s" % (vm_name, 'sd%s' % c) disk_file = os.path.join(os_directory, disk_file_name) if not os.path.isfile(disk_file): logging.error('Not found %s' % disk_file) result = False # Check xml file xml_file = os.path.join(os_directory, '%s.xml' % vm_name) if not os.path.isfile(xml_file): logging.error('Not found %s' % xml_file) result = False elif compare_version(FEATURE_SUPPORT['cache_none']): # Check 'cache_none' in xml file"Checking cache='none' not exist in %s" % xml_file) root = ET.parse(xml_file).getroot() for disk in root.findall("./devices/disk/driver[@cache]"): if disk.get('cache') == 'none': result = False break return result def check_json_output(params): """ Check -o json result """'checking json output') os_directory = params.get('os_directory') disk_count = int(params.get('vm_disk_count', 0)) vm_name = params.get('main_vm') json_disk_pattern = params.get('json_disk_pattern') result = True json_disk_dict = { 'GuestName': vm_name, 'DiskDeviceName': '', 'DiskNo': 0} if json_disk_pattern: json_disk_pattern = json_disk_pattern.replace('%{', '{') json_disk_pattern = re.sub( r'%{(.*?)}', r'%%{{\g<1>}}', json_disk_pattern) # Checking all disks for i, c in enumerate(string.ascii_lowercase): if i == disk_count: break json_disk_dict.update({'DiskDeviceName': 'sd%s' % c}) json_disk_dict.update({'DiskNo': '%d' % (i + 1)}) disk_file_name = "%s-%s" % (vm_name, 'sd%s' % c) if json_disk_pattern: disk_file_name = json_disk_pattern.format(**json_disk_dict) disk_file = os.path.join(os_directory, disk_file_name) if not os.path.isfile(disk_file): logging.error('Not found %s' % disk_file) result = False # Check json file json_file = os.path.join(os_directory, '%s.json' % vm_name) if not os.path.isfile(json_file): logging.error('Not found %s' % json_file) result = False # Check content of the json file with open(json_file) as fp: vm = json.load(fp) if vm['name'] != vm_name and len(vm['disks']) != disk_count: logging.error('Verify content failed in %s' % json_file) result = False return result