# raspberrypi English | [简体中文](./README.md) This repository is main repository of openEuler RaspberryPi SIG, and provides scripts for building openEuler image for Raspberry Pi and related documents: ## How to collaborate You can get introduction of openEuler RaspberryPi SIG from [sig-RaspberryPi](https://gitee.com/jianminw/community/tree/master/sig/sig-RaspberryPi). - Issues: welcome to collaborate with us by create new issues or reply opened issues. You can get repository list from [sig-RaspberryPi](https://gitee.com/jianminw/community/tree/master/sig/sig-RaspberryPi). - Join Slack workspace: [openeuler-raspberrypi](https://openeuler-raspberrypi.slack.com ) - [Invite link](https://join.slack.com/t/openeuler-raspberrypi/shared_invite/zt-dlqztpyb-GSgR98xIAI06SoTpFiJH6A), this link will be due on May 15th. We will update the link periodically. - Weekly meeting - Time: Every week on Tue, 15:00 - 15:30 +0800 - Zoom Meeting ID: 881 4204 8958 - [Meeting Agenda](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HuN7sWLiPuvGLqd-1tH1WAbzk51tgXpFBodp3dz_DBY/) - [Meeting Minutes](https://gitee.com/openeuler/raspberrypi/issues/I1EYZ6?from=project-issue) - Warmly welcome to sumbit Pull Requests. ## Files and Directories - [scripts](./scripts): Script for building openEuler image for Raspberry Pi - [Build on host](scripts/build-img.sh) - [Build in a Docker container](scripts/build-img-docker.sh) - [documents](./documents/): - [Building openEuler image for Raspberry Pi](documents/openEuler镜像的构建.md) - [Cross-compile the kernel](documents/交叉编译内核.md) - [Install openEuler on a SD card](documents/树莓派刷机.md) - [How to use Raspberry Pi](documents/树莓派使用.md) ## How to download latest image Alpha version of openEuler 20.03 LTS image for Raspberry Pi: . Basic information of the above image: - Kernel version number: 4.19.90-2003.4.0.0036 - Firmware source: [firmware](https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware), [bluez-firmware](https://github.com/RPi-Distro/bluez-firmware), [firmware-nonfree](https://github.com/RPi-Distro/firmware-nonfree) - Repository of rootfs: [openEuler-20.03-LTS](http://repo.openeuler.org/openEuler-20.03-LTS/everything/aarch64/) - Repository inside the image: [openEuler 20.03 LTS repository](https://gitee.com/openeuler/raspberrypi/blob/master/config/openEuler-20.03-LTS.repo) ## How to Use image Refer to [Install openEuler on a SD card](documents/树莓派刷机.md) and [How to use Raspberry Pi](documents/树莓派使用.md) for details about how to use the image on Raspberry Pi. ## How to build image locally ### Prepare the environment To build openEuler AArch64 image for Raspberry Pi, the requirements of runing scripts of this repository are as follows: - OS: openEuler or CentOS 7/8 - Hardware: AArch64 hardware, such as Raspberry Pi For other architecture hardware, you can use [QEMU](https://www.qemu.org/) to build AArch64 system emulation. ### Run the scripts to build image Refer to [Script for building openEuler image for Raspberry Pi](documents/openEuler镜像的构建.md) for details. #### Build on host Build script: [build-img.sh](scripts/build-img.sh), which can be set 0/5/7 parameters. 1. Build with default parameters `sudo bash build-img.sh` 2. Build with custom parameters `sudo bash build-img.sh KERNEL_URL KERNEL_BRANCH KERNEL_DEFCONFIG DEFAULT_DEFCONFIG REPO_FILE --cores MAKE_CORES` or `sudo bash build-img.sh KERNEL_URL KERNEL_BRANCH KERNEL_DEFCONFIG DEFAULT_DEFCONFIG REPO_FILE` The meaning of each parameter: - KERNEL_URL: The URL of kernel source's repository, which defaults to `https://gitee.com/openeuler/raspberrypi-kernel.git`. - KERNEL_BRANCH: The branch name of kernel source's repository, which defaults to `openEuler-1.0-LTS-raspi`. - KERNEL_DEFCONFIG: The filename of configuration for compiling kernel, which defaults to `openeuler-raspi_defconfig`. The configuration file should be in the config directory or in arch/arm64/configs of the kernel source. If this configuration file does not exist, the script uses the next parameter: DEFAULT_DEFCONFIG. - DEFAULT_DEFCONFIG: The filename of configuration for kernel, which defaults to `openeuler-raspi_defconfig`. The configuration file should be in arch/arm64/configs of the kernel source. If both KERNEL_DEFCONFIG and this file do not exist, the process of building image will exit. - REPO_FILE: The URL or name of openEuler's file, which defaults to `openEuler-20.03-LTS.repo`. Caution, if REPO_FILE is a file name, please make sure this file in the config directory. Otherwise, if REPO_FILE is a URL, please make sure you can get a correct repo file from this URL. - --cores: Followed by parameter MAKE_CORES - MAKE_CORES: The number of parallel compilations, according to the actual number of CPU of the server running the script. The default is 18. #### Build in a Docker container Build script: [build-img-docker.sh](scripts/build-img-docker.sh), which can be set 0/6/8 parameters. The script will automatically download a Docker image of openEuler and import it into the local system. The Docker image version is determined by the script's parameter: DOCKER_FILE. Caution, before running the script, you need to install Docker. 1. Build with default parameters `sudo bash build-img-docker.sh` 2. Build with custom parameters `sudo bash build-img-docker.sh DOCKER_FILE KERNEL_URL KERNEL_BRANCH KERNEL_DEFCONFIG DEFAULT_DEFCONFIG REPO_FILE --cores MAKE_CORES` or `sudo bash build-img-docker.sh DOCKER_FILE KERNEL_URL KERNEL_BRANCH KERNEL_DEFCONFIG DEFAULT_DEFCONFIG REPO_FILE` In addition to the first parameter DOCKER_FILE, the other parameters are the same as the corresponding parameters in "Build on host": - DOCKER_FILE: The URL or name of the Docker image, which defaults to `https://repo.openeuler.org/openEuler-20.03-LTS/docker_img/aarch64/openEuler-docker.aarch64.tar.xz`. With the default parameter, the script will automatically download the Docker image of openEuler 20.03 LTS and import it into the local system. Caution, if DOCKER_FILE is a file name, please make sure this file in the config directory. Otherwise, if DOCKER_FILE is a URL, please make sure you can get a correct Docker image from this URL.