提交 d58b6daa 编写于 作者: J jianmin

Update related information of raspberrypi sig.

上级 5b467598
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English | [简体中文](./README.md)
#### Description
This repository is main repository of openEuler RaspberryPi SIG, and provides scripts for building openEuler image for Raspberry Pi and related documents:
## How to collaborate
You can get introduction of openEuler RaspberryPi SIG from [sig-RaspberryPi](https://gitee.com/jianminw/community/tree/master/sig/sig-RaspberryPi)
- Issues: welcome to collaborate with us by create new issues or reply opened issues. You can get repository list from [sig-RaspberryPi](https://gitee.com/jianminw/community/tree/master/sig/sig-RaspberryPi).
- Join Slack workspace: [openeuler-raspberrypi](https://openeuler-raspberrypi.slack.com )
- [Invite link](https://join.slack.com/t/openeuler-raspberrypi/shared_invite/zt-dlqztpyb-GSgR98xIAI06SoTpFiJH6A), this link will be due on May 15th. We will update the link periodically.
- Weekly meeting
- Time: Every week on Tue, 15:00 - 15:30 +0800
- Zoom Meeting ID: 881 4204 8958
- [Meeting Agenda](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HuN7sWLiPuvGLqd-1tH1WAbzk51tgXpFBodp3dz_DBY/)
- [Meeting Minutes](https://gitee.com/openeuler/raspberrypi/issues/I1EYZ6?from=project-issue)
- Warmly welcome to sumbit Pull Requests.
## Files and Directories
- [build_img.sh](build_img.sh): Script for building openEuler image for Raspberry Pi
- [config](./config/): config files for building image
- [documents](./documents/):
- [Building openEuler image for Raspberry Pi](documents/openEuler镜像的构建.md)
- [Cross-compile the kernel](documents/交叉编译内核.md)
- [Install openEuler on a SD card](documents/树莓派刷机.md)
- [How to use Raspberry Pi](documents/树莓派使用.md)
## How to download latest image
Alpha version of openEuler 20.03 LTS image for Raspberry Pi: <https://isrc.iscas.ac.cn/EulixOS/repo/dailybuild/1/isos/20200415/openEuler_20200415.img.xz>.
......@@ -13,26 +39,22 @@ Basic information of the above image:
- Repository of rootfs: [openEuler-20.03-LTS](http://repo.openeuler.org/openEuler-20.03-LTS/everything/aarch64/)
- Repository inside the image: [openEuler 20.03 LTS repository](https://gitee.com/openeuler/raspberrypi/blob/master/config/openEuler-20.03-LTS.repo)
This repository provides scripts for building openEuler image for Raspberry Pi and related documents:
* [Script for building openEuler image for Raspberry Pi](build_img.sh)
* [Building openEuler image for Raspberry Pi](documents/openEuler镜像的构建.md)
* [Cross-compile the kernel](documents/交叉编译内核.md)
* [Install openEuler on a SD card](documents/树莓派刷机.md)
* [How to use Raspberry Pi](documents/树莓派使用.md)
## How to Use image
Refer to [Install openEuler on a SD card](documents/树莓派刷机.md) and [How to use Raspberry Pi](documents/树莓派使用.md) for details about how to use the image on Raspberry Pi.
#### Build openEuler image
## How to build image locally
##### Prepare the environment
### Prepare the environment
To build openEuler AArch64 image for Raspberry Pi, the requirements of runing scripts of this repository are as follows:
- OS: openEuler or Centos 7/8
- Architecture: AArch64
For example, you can use [QEMU](https://www.qemu.org/) to build AArch64 system emulation or directly use an AArch64 hardware such as Raspberry Pi.
- OS: openEuler or CentOS 7/8
- Hardware: AArch64 hardware, such as Raspberry Pi
For other architecture hardwareyou can use [QEMU](https://www.qemu.org/) to build AArch64 system emulation.
##### Run the scripts to build image
### Run the scripts to build image
Refer to [Script for building openEuler image for Raspberry Pi](documents/openEuler镜像的构建.md) for details.
......@@ -59,7 +81,3 @@ The meaning of each parameter:
- REPO_FILE:The URL or name of openEuler's file, which defaults to `openEuler-20.03-LTS.repo`. Caution, if REPO_FILE is a file name, please make sure this file in the config directory. Otherwise, if REPO_FILE is a URL, please make sure you can get a correct repo file from this URL.
- --cores:Followed by parameter MAKE_CORES
- MAKE_CORES:The number of parallel compilations, according to the actual number of CPU of the server running the script. The default is 18.
#### Use image
Refer to [Install openEuler on a SD card](documents/树莓派刷机.md) and [How to use Raspberry Pi](documents/树莓派使用.md) for details about how to use the image on Raspberry Pi.
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[English](./README.cn.md) | 简体中文
#### 介绍
本仓库是 openEuler 社区树莓派 SIG 组的主仓库,提供 SIG 组相关信息以及适用于树莓派的 openEuler 镜像的构建脚本和相关文档:
## 如何参与 SIG 组
SIG 组基本信息位于 [sig-RaspberryPi](https://gitee.com/jianminw/community/tree/master/sig/sig-RaspberryPi)
- 建立或回复 issue:欢迎通过建立或回复 issue 来讨论,此 SIG 组维护的仓库列表可在 [sig-RaspberryPi](https://gitee.com/jianminw/community/tree/master/sig/sig-RaspberryPi) 中查看。
- 加入 Slack 群组:[openeuler-raspberrypi](https://openeuler-raspberrypi.slack.com )
- [加入群组链接](https://join.slack.com/t/openeuler-raspberrypi/shared_invite/zt-dlqztpyb-GSgR98xIAI06SoTpFiJH6A),此链接于 5 月 15 日失效,我们会定期更新。
- 每周 SIG 组会议:每周二下午 03:00 - 03:30 会进行一次讨论会议,Zoom Meeting ID: 881 4204 8958
- [会议议题](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HuN7sWLiPuvGLqd-1tH1WAbzk51tgXpFBodp3dz_DBY/):每周会议前填写要讨论的议题,我们也会从 issue 列表中提取本周讨论的内容。
- [会议记录](https://gitee.com/openeuler/raspberrypi/issues/I1EYZ6?from=project-issue):每周会议结束后会议结论会更新在此 issue 中。
- 重要的事说三遍:**欢迎提交 PR!欢迎提交 PR!欢迎提交 PR!**
## 仓库目录
- [build_img.sh](build_img.sh): 构建 openEuler 树莓派镜像的主脚本
- [config](./config/): 构建使用的配置文件
- [documents](./documents/): 使用文档
- [openEuler 镜像的构建](documents/openEuler镜像的构建.md)
- [交叉编译内核](documents/交叉编译内核.md)
- [树莓派刷机](documents/树莓派刷机.md)
- [树莓派使用](documents/树莓派使用.md)
## 最新镜像
openEuler 20.03 LTS 的内测版本镜像:<https://isrc.iscas.ac.cn/EulixOS/repo/dailybuild/1/isos/20200415/openEuler_20200415.img.xz>
......@@ -13,27 +37,25 @@ openEuler 20.03 LTS 的内测版本镜像:<https://isrc.iscas.ac.cn/EulixOS/re
- 构建文件系统的源仓库:[openEuler-20.03-LTS](http://repo.openeuler.org/openEuler-20.03-LTS/everything/aarch64/)
- 镜像内置源仓库:[openEuler 20.03 LTS 源仓库](https://gitee.com/openeuler/raspberrypi/blob/master/config/openEuler-20.03-LTS.repo)
本仓库提供适用于树莓派的 openEuler 镜像的构建脚本和相关文档:
## 使用镜像
镜像刷写 SD 卡并使用树莓派,详见以下文档:
* [适用于树莓派的 openEuler 镜像构建脚本](build_img.sh)
* [openEuler 镜像的构建](documents/openEuler镜像的构建.md)
* [交叉编译内核](documents/交叉编译内核.md)
* [树莓派刷机](documents/树莓派刷机.md)
* [树莓派使用](documents/树莓派使用.md)
- [树莓派刷机](documents/树莓派刷机.md)
- [树莓派使用](documents/树莓派使用.md)
#### openEuler镜像构建
## 镜像构建
##### 准备环境
### 准备环境
用于生成 openEuler AArch64 的树莓派镜像。
- 操作系统:openEuler 或 Centos 7/8
- 架构:AArch64
- 操作系统:openEuler、CentOS 7、CentOS 8
- 架构:AArch64,如树莓派
可以使用 [QEMU](https://www.qemu.org/) 模拟器搭建 AArch64 运行环境或者直接使用 AArch64 架构的主机(例如,树莓派)
其他架构可以使用 [QEMU](https://www.qemu.org/) 模拟器搭建 AArch64 运行环境
##### 构建镜像
### 构建镜像
详细过程参见 [openEuler 镜像的构建](documents/openEuler镜像的构建.md)
......@@ -60,7 +82,3 @@ openEuler 20.03 LTS 的内测版本镜像:<https://isrc.iscas.ac.cn/EulixOS/re
- REPO_FILE:openEuler 开发源的 repo 文件的 URL 或者文件名称, 默认为 `openEuler-20.03-LTS.repo`。注意,如果 REPO_FILE 为文件名称,需要保证该文件在脚本 build_img.sh 所在目录的 config 文件夹下。
- --cores:其后跟参数 MAKE_CORES。
- MAKE_CORES:并行编译的数量,根据运行脚本的服务器CPU实际数目设定,默认为 18。
#### 镜像使用
镜像刷写 SD 卡并使用树莓派,详见 [树莓派刷机](documents/树莓派刷机.md)[树莓派使用](documents/树莓派使用.md)
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