via-velocity.h 42.9 KB
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 * Copyright (c) 1996, 2003 VIA Networking Technologies, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This software may be redistributed and/or modified under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
 * for more details.
 * File: via-velocity.h
 * Purpose: Header file to define driver's private structures.
 * Author: Chuang Liang-Shing, AJ Jiang
 * Date: Jan 24, 2003

#ifndef VELOCITY_H
#define VELOCITY_H


#define VELOCITY_NAME          "via-velocity"
#define VELOCITY_FULL_DRV_NAM  "VIA Networking Velocity Family Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Driver"
#define VELOCITY_VERSION       "1.14"
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#define VELOCITY_IO_SIZE	256

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#define PKT_BUF_SZ          1540

#define MAX_UNITS           8
#define OPTION_DEFAULT      { [0 ... MAX_UNITS-1] = -1}

#define REV_ID_VT6110       (0)

#define BYTE_REG_BITS_ON(x,p)       do { writeb(readb((p))|(x),(p));} while (0)
#define WORD_REG_BITS_ON(x,p)       do { writew(readw((p))|(x),(p));} while (0)
#define DWORD_REG_BITS_ON(x,p)      do { writel(readl((p))|(x),(p));} while (0)

#define BYTE_REG_BITS_IS_ON(x,p)    (readb((p)) & (x))
#define WORD_REG_BITS_IS_ON(x,p)    (readw((p)) & (x))
#define DWORD_REG_BITS_IS_ON(x,p)   (readl((p)) & (x))

#define BYTE_REG_BITS_OFF(x,p)      do { writeb(readb((p)) & (~(x)),(p));} while (0)
#define WORD_REG_BITS_OFF(x,p)      do { writew(readw((p)) & (~(x)),(p));} while (0)
#define DWORD_REG_BITS_OFF(x,p)     do { writel(readl((p)) & (~(x)),(p));} while (0)

#define BYTE_REG_BITS_SET(x,m,p)    do { writeb( (readb((p)) & (~(m))) |(x),(p));} while (0)
#define WORD_REG_BITS_SET(x,m,p)    do { writew( (readw((p)) & (~(m))) |(x),(p));} while (0)
#define DWORD_REG_BITS_SET(x,m,p)   do { writel( (readl((p)) & (~(m)))|(x),(p));}  while (0)

#define VAR_USED(p)     do {(p)=(p);} while (0)

 * Purpose: Structures for MAX RX/TX descriptors.

#define B_OWNED_BY_CHIP     1
#define B_OWNED_BY_HOST     0

 * Bits in the RSR0 register

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#define RSR_DETAG	cpu_to_le16(0x0080)
#define RSR_SNTAG	cpu_to_le16(0x0040)
#define RSR_RXER	cpu_to_le16(0x0020)
#define RSR_RL		cpu_to_le16(0x0010)
#define RSR_CE		cpu_to_le16(0x0008)
#define RSR_FAE		cpu_to_le16(0x0004)
#define RSR_CRC		cpu_to_le16(0x0002)
#define RSR_VIDM	cpu_to_le16(0x0001)
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 * Bits in the RSR1 register

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#define RSR_RXOK	cpu_to_le16(0x8000) // rx OK
#define RSR_PFT		cpu_to_le16(0x4000) // Perfect filtering address match
#define RSR_MAR		cpu_to_le16(0x2000) // MAC accept multicast address packet
#define RSR_BAR		cpu_to_le16(0x1000) // MAC accept broadcast address packet
#define RSR_PHY		cpu_to_le16(0x0800) // MAC accept physical address packet
#define RSR_VTAG	cpu_to_le16(0x0400) // 802.1p/1q tagging packet indicator
#define RSR_STP		cpu_to_le16(0x0200) // start of packet
#define RSR_EDP		cpu_to_le16(0x0100) // end of packet
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 * Bits in the CSM register

#define CSM_IPOK            0x40	//IP Checkusm validatiaon ok
#define CSM_TUPOK           0x20	//TCP/UDP Checkusm validatiaon ok
#define CSM_FRAG            0x10	//Fragment IP datagram
#define CSM_IPKT            0x04	//Received an IP packet
#define CSM_TCPKT           0x02	//Received a TCP packet
#define CSM_UDPKT           0x01	//Received a UDP packet

 * Bits in the TSR0 register

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#define TSR0_ABT	cpu_to_le16(0x0080) // Tx abort because of excessive collision
#define TSR0_OWT	cpu_to_le16(0x0040) // Jumbo frame Tx abort
#define TSR0_OWC	cpu_to_le16(0x0020) // Out of window collision
#define TSR0_COLS	cpu_to_le16(0x0010) // experience collision in this transmit event
#define TSR0_NCR3	cpu_to_le16(0x0008) // collision retry counter[3]
#define TSR0_NCR2	cpu_to_le16(0x0004) // collision retry counter[2]
#define TSR0_NCR1	cpu_to_le16(0x0002) // collision retry counter[1]
#define TSR0_NCR0	cpu_to_le16(0x0001) // collision retry counter[0]
#define TSR0_TERR	cpu_to_le16(0x8000) //
#define TSR0_FDX	cpu_to_le16(0x4000) // current transaction is serviced by full duplex mode
#define TSR0_GMII	cpu_to_le16(0x2000) // current transaction is serviced by GMII mode
#define TSR0_LNKFL	cpu_to_le16(0x1000) // packet serviced during link down
#define TSR0_SHDN	cpu_to_le16(0x0400) // shutdown case
#define TSR0_CRS	cpu_to_le16(0x0200) // carrier sense lost
#define TSR0_CDH	cpu_to_le16(0x0100) // AQE test fail (CD heartbeat)
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// Bits in the TCR0 register
#define TCR0_TIC            0x80	// assert interrupt immediately while descriptor has been send complete
#define TCR0_PIC            0x40	// priority interrupt request, INA# is issued over adaptive interrupt scheme
#define TCR0_VETAG          0x20	// enable VLAN tag
#define TCR0_IPCK           0x10	// request IP  checksum calculation.
#define TCR0_UDPCK          0x08	// request UDP checksum calculation.
#define TCR0_TCPCK          0x04	// request TCP checksum calculation.
#define TCR0_JMBO           0x02	// indicate a jumbo packet in GMAC side
#define TCR0_CRC            0x01	// disable CRC generation

#define TCPLS_NORMAL        3
#define TCPLS_START         2
#define TCPLS_END           1
#define TCPLS_MED           0

// max transmit or receive buffer size
#define CB_RX_BUF_SIZE     2048UL	// max buffer size
					// NOTE: must be multiple of 4

#define CB_MAX_RD_NUM       512	// MAX # of RD
#define CB_MAX_TD_NUM       256	// MAX # of TD

#define CB_INIT_RD_NUM_3119 128	// init # of RD, for setup VT3119
#define CB_INIT_TD_NUM_3119 64	// init # of TD, for setup VT3119

#define CB_INIT_RD_NUM      128	// init # of RD, for setup default
#define CB_INIT_TD_NUM      64	// init # of TD, for setup default

// for 3119
#define CB_TD_RING_NUM      4	// # of TD rings.
#define CB_MAX_SEG_PER_PKT  7	// max data seg per packet (Tx)

 *	If collisions excess 15 times , tx will abort, and
 *	if tx fifo underflow, tx will fail
 *	we should try to resend it


 *	Receive descriptor

struct rdesc0 {
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	__le16 RSR;		/* Receive status */
	__le16 len;		/* bits 0--13; bit 15 - owner */
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struct rdesc1 {
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	__le16 PQTAG;
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	u8 CSM;
	u8 IPKT;

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enum {
	RX_INTEN = __constant_cpu_to_le16(0x8000)

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struct rx_desc {
	struct rdesc0 rdesc0;
	struct rdesc1 rdesc1;
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	__le32 pa_low;		/* Low 32 bit PCI address */
	__le16 pa_high;		/* Next 16 bit PCI address (48 total) */
	__le16 size;		/* bits 0--14 - frame size, bit 15 - enable int. */
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} __attribute__ ((__packed__));

 *	Transmit descriptor

struct tdesc0 {
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	__le16 TSR;		/* Transmit status register */
	__le16 len;		/* bits 0--13 - size of frame, bit 15 - owner */
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struct tdesc1 {
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	__le16 vlan;
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	u8 TCR;
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	u8 cmd;			/* bits 0--1 - TCPLS, bits 4--7 - CMDZ */
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} __attribute__ ((__packed__));

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enum {
	TD_QUEUE = __constant_cpu_to_le16(0x8000)

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struct td_buf {
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	__le32 pa_low;
	__le16 pa_high;
	__le16 size;		/* bits 0--13 - size, bit 15 - queue */
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} __attribute__ ((__packed__));

struct tx_desc {
	struct tdesc0 tdesc0;
	struct tdesc1 tdesc1;
	struct td_buf td_buf[7];

struct velocity_rd_info {
	struct sk_buff *skb;
	dma_addr_t skb_dma;

 *	Used to track transmit side buffers.

struct velocity_td_info {
	struct sk_buff *skb;
	int nskb_dma;
	dma_addr_t skb_dma[7];

enum  velocity_owner {
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	OWNED_BY_NIC = __constant_cpu_to_le16(0x8000)
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 *	MAC registers and macros.

#define MCAM_SIZE           64
#define VCAM_SIZE           64
#define TX_QUEUE_NO         4

#define MAX_HW_MIB_COUNTER  32
#define VELOCITY_MIN_MTU    (64)
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#define VELOCITY_MAX_MTU    (9000)

 *	Registers in the MAC

#define MAC_REG_PAR         0x00	// physical address
#define MAC_REG_RCR         0x06
#define MAC_REG_TCR         0x07
#define MAC_REG_CR0_SET     0x08
#define MAC_REG_CR1_SET     0x09
#define MAC_REG_CR2_SET     0x0A
#define MAC_REG_CR3_SET     0x0B
#define MAC_REG_CR0_CLR     0x0C
#define MAC_REG_CR1_CLR     0x0D
#define MAC_REG_CR2_CLR     0x0E
#define MAC_REG_CR3_CLR     0x0F
#define MAC_REG_MAR         0x10
#define MAC_REG_CAM         0x10
#define MAC_REG_DEC_BASE_HI 0x18
#define MAC_REG_DBF_BASE_HI 0x1C
#define MAC_REG_ISR_CTL     0x20
#define MAC_REG_ISR_HOTMR   0x20
#define MAC_REG_ISR_TSUPTHR 0x20
#define MAC_REG_ISR_RSUPTHR 0x20
#define MAC_REG_ISR_CTL1    0x21
#define MAC_REG_TXE_SR      0x22
#define MAC_REG_RXE_SR      0x23
#define MAC_REG_ISR         0x24
#define MAC_REG_ISR0        0x24
#define MAC_REG_ISR1        0x25
#define MAC_REG_ISR2        0x26
#define MAC_REG_ISR3        0x27
#define MAC_REG_IMR         0x28
#define MAC_REG_IMR0        0x28
#define MAC_REG_IMR1        0x29
#define MAC_REG_IMR2        0x2A
#define MAC_REG_IMR3        0x2B
#define MAC_REG_TDCSR_SET   0x30
#define MAC_REG_RDCSR_SET   0x32
#define MAC_REG_TDCSR_CLR   0x34
#define MAC_REG_RDCSR_CLR   0x36
#define MAC_REG_RDBASE_LO   0x38
#define MAC_REG_RDINDX      0x3C
#define MAC_REG_TDBASE_LO   0x40
#define MAC_REG_RDCSIZE     0x50
#define MAC_REG_TDCSIZE     0x52
#define MAC_REG_TDINDX      0x54
#define MAC_REG_TDIDX0      0x54
#define MAC_REG_TDIDX1      0x56
#define MAC_REG_TDIDX2      0x58
#define MAC_REG_TDIDX3      0x5A
#define MAC_REG_RBRDU       0x5E
#define MAC_REG_FIFO_TEST0  0x60
#define MAC_REG_FIFO_TEST1  0x64
#define MAC_REG_CAMADDR     0x68
#define MAC_REG_CAMCR       0x69
#define MAC_REG_GFTEST      0x6A
#define MAC_REG_FTSTCMD     0x6B
#define MAC_REG_MIICFG      0x6C
#define MAC_REG_MIISR       0x6D
#define MAC_REG_PHYSR0      0x6E
#define MAC_REG_PHYSR1      0x6F
#define MAC_REG_MIICR       0x70
#define MAC_REG_MIIADR      0x71
#define MAC_REG_MIIDATA     0x72
#define MAC_REG_SOFT_TIMER0 0x74
#define MAC_REG_SOFT_TIMER1 0x76
#define MAC_REG_CFGA        0x78
#define MAC_REG_CFGB        0x79
#define MAC_REG_CFGC        0x7A
#define MAC_REG_CFGD        0x7B
#define MAC_REG_DCFG0       0x7C
#define MAC_REG_DCFG1       0x7D
#define MAC_REG_MCFG0       0x7E
#define MAC_REG_MCFG1       0x7F

#define MAC_REG_TBIST       0x80
#define MAC_REG_RBIST       0x81
#define MAC_REG_PMCC        0x82
#define MAC_REG_STICKHW     0x83
#define MAC_REG_MIBCR       0x84
#define MAC_REG_EERSV       0x85
#define MAC_REG_REVID       0x86
#define MAC_REG_MIBREAD     0x88
#define MAC_REG_BPMA        0x8C
#define MAC_REG_EEWR_DATA   0x8C
#define MAC_REG_BPMD_WR     0x8F
#define MAC_REG_BPCMD       0x90
#define MAC_REG_BPMD_RD     0x91
#define MAC_REG_EECHKSUM    0x92
#define MAC_REG_EECSR       0x93
#define MAC_REG_EERD_DATA   0x94
#define MAC_REG_EADDR       0x96
#define MAC_REG_EMBCMD      0x97
#define MAC_REG_JMPSR0      0x98
#define MAC_REG_JMPSR1      0x99
#define MAC_REG_JMPSR2      0x9A
#define MAC_REG_JMPSR3      0x9B
#define MAC_REG_CHIPGSR     0x9C
#define MAC_REG_TESTCFG     0x9D
#define MAC_REG_DEBUG       0x9E
#define MAC_REG_CHIPGCR     0x9F
#define MAC_REG_WOLCR0_SET  0xA0
#define MAC_REG_WOLCR1_SET  0xA1
#define MAC_REG_PWCFG_SET   0xA2
#define MAC_REG_WOLCFG_SET  0xA3
#define MAC_REG_WOLCR0_CLR  0xA4
#define MAC_REG_WOLCR1_CLR  0xA5
#define MAC_REG_PWCFG_CLR   0xA6
#define MAC_REG_WOLCFG_CLR  0xA7
#define MAC_REG_WOLSR0_SET  0xA8
#define MAC_REG_WOLSR1_SET  0xA9
#define MAC_REG_WOLSR0_CLR  0xAC
#define MAC_REG_WOLSR1_CLR  0xAD
#define MAC_REG_PATRN_CRC0  0xB0
#define MAC_REG_PATRN_CRC1  0xB2
#define MAC_REG_PATRN_CRC2  0xB4
#define MAC_REG_PATRN_CRC3  0xB6
#define MAC_REG_PATRN_CRC4  0xB8
#define MAC_REG_PATRN_CRC5  0xBA
#define MAC_REG_PATRN_CRC6  0xBC
#define MAC_REG_PATRN_CRC7  0xBE
#define MAC_REG_BYTEMSK0_0  0xC0
#define MAC_REG_BYTEMSK0_1  0xC4
#define MAC_REG_BYTEMSK0_2  0xC8
#define MAC_REG_BYTEMSK0_3  0xCC
#define MAC_REG_BYTEMSK1_0  0xD0
#define MAC_REG_BYTEMSK1_1  0xD4
#define MAC_REG_BYTEMSK1_2  0xD8
#define MAC_REG_BYTEMSK1_3  0xDC
#define MAC_REG_BYTEMSK2_0  0xE0
#define MAC_REG_BYTEMSK2_1  0xE4
#define MAC_REG_BYTEMSK2_2  0xE8
#define MAC_REG_BYTEMSK2_3  0xEC
#define MAC_REG_BYTEMSK3_0  0xF0
#define MAC_REG_BYTEMSK3_1  0xF4
#define MAC_REG_BYTEMSK3_2  0xF8
#define MAC_REG_BYTEMSK3_3  0xFC

 *	Bits in the RCR register

#define RCR_AS              0x80
#define RCR_AP              0x40
#define RCR_AL              0x20
#define RCR_PROM            0x10
#define RCR_AB              0x08
#define RCR_AM              0x04
#define RCR_AR              0x02
#define RCR_SEP             0x01

 *	Bits in the TCR register

#define TCR_TB2BDIS         0x80
#define TCR_COLTMC1         0x08
#define TCR_COLTMC0         0x04
#define TCR_LB1             0x02	/* loopback[1] */
#define TCR_LB0             0x01	/* loopback[0] */

 *	Bits in the CR0 register

#define CR0_TXON            0x00000008UL
#define CR0_RXON            0x00000004UL
#define CR0_STOP            0x00000002UL	/* stop MAC, default = 1 */
#define CR0_STRT            0x00000001UL	/* start MAC */
#define CR0_SFRST           0x00008000UL	/* software reset */
#define CR0_TM1EN           0x00004000UL
#define CR0_TM0EN           0x00002000UL
#define CR0_DPOLL           0x00000800UL	/* disable rx/tx auto polling */
#define CR0_DISAU           0x00000100UL
#define CR0_XONEN           0x00800000UL
#define CR0_FDXTFCEN        0x00400000UL	/* full-duplex TX flow control enable */
#define CR0_FDXRFCEN        0x00200000UL	/* full-duplex RX flow control enable */
#define CR0_HDXFCEN         0x00100000UL	/* half-duplex flow control enable */
#define CR0_XHITH1          0x00080000UL	/* TX XON high threshold 1 */
#define CR0_XHITH0          0x00040000UL	/* TX XON high threshold 0 */
#define CR0_XLTH1           0x00020000UL	/* TX pause frame low threshold 1 */
#define CR0_XLTH0           0x00010000UL	/* TX pause frame low threshold 0 */
#define CR0_GSPRST          0x80000000UL
#define CR0_FORSRST         0x40000000UL
#define CR0_FPHYRST         0x20000000UL
#define CR0_DIAG            0x10000000UL
#define CR0_INTPCTL         0x04000000UL
#define CR0_GINTMSK1        0x02000000UL
#define CR0_GINTMSK0        0x01000000UL

 *	Bits in the CR1 register

#define CR1_SFRST           0x80	/* software reset */
#define CR1_TM1EN           0x40
#define CR1_TM0EN           0x20
#define CR1_DPOLL           0x08	/* disable rx/tx auto polling */
#define CR1_DISAU           0x01

 *	Bits in the CR2 register

#define CR2_XONEN           0x80
#define CR2_FDXTFCEN        0x40	/* full-duplex TX flow control enable */
#define CR2_FDXRFCEN        0x20	/* full-duplex RX flow control enable */
#define CR2_HDXFCEN         0x10	/* half-duplex flow control enable */
#define CR2_XHITH1          0x08	/* TX XON high threshold 1 */
#define CR2_XHITH0          0x04	/* TX XON high threshold 0 */
#define CR2_XLTH1           0x02	/* TX pause frame low threshold 1 */
#define CR2_XLTH0           0x01	/* TX pause frame low threshold 0 */

 *	Bits in the CR3 register

#define CR3_GSPRST          0x80
#define CR3_FORSRST         0x40
#define CR3_FPHYRST         0x20
#define CR3_DIAG            0x10
#define CR3_INTPCTL         0x04
#define CR3_GINTMSK1        0x02
#define CR3_GINTMSK0        0x01

#define ISRCTL_UDPINT       0x8000
#define ISRCTL_TSUPDIS      0x4000
#define ISRCTL_RSUPDIS      0x2000
#define ISRCTL_PMSK1        0x1000
#define ISRCTL_PMSK0        0x0800
#define ISRCTL_INTPD        0x0400
#define ISRCTL_HCRLD        0x0200
#define ISRCTL_SCRLD        0x0100

 *	Bits in the ISR_CTL1 register

#define ISRCTL1_UDPINT      0x80
#define ISRCTL1_TSUPDIS     0x40
#define ISRCTL1_RSUPDIS     0x20
#define ISRCTL1_PMSK1       0x10
#define ISRCTL1_PMSK0       0x08
#define ISRCTL1_INTPD       0x04
#define ISRCTL1_HCRLD       0x02
#define ISRCTL1_SCRLD       0x01

 *	Bits in the TXE_SR register

#define TXESR_TFDBS         0x08
#define TXESR_TDWBS         0x04
#define TXESR_TDRBS         0x02
#define TXESR_TDSTR         0x01

 *	Bits in the RXE_SR register

#define RXESR_RFDBS         0x08
#define RXESR_RDWBS         0x04
#define RXESR_RDRBS         0x02
#define RXESR_RDSTR         0x01

 *	Bits in the ISR register

#define ISR_ISR3            0x80000000UL
#define ISR_ISR2            0x40000000UL
#define ISR_ISR1            0x20000000UL
#define ISR_ISR0            0x10000000UL
#define ISR_TXSTLI          0x02000000UL
#define ISR_RXSTLI          0x01000000UL
#define ISR_HFLD            0x00800000UL
#define ISR_UDPI            0x00400000UL
#define ISR_MIBFI           0x00200000UL
#define ISR_SHDNI           0x00100000UL
#define ISR_PHYI            0x00080000UL
#define ISR_PWEI            0x00040000UL
#define ISR_TMR1I           0x00020000UL
#define ISR_TMR0I           0x00010000UL
#define ISR_SRCI            0x00008000UL
#define ISR_LSTPEI          0x00004000UL
#define ISR_LSTEI           0x00002000UL
#define ISR_OVFI            0x00001000UL
#define ISR_FLONI           0x00000800UL
#define ISR_RACEI           0x00000400UL
#define ISR_TXWB1I          0x00000200UL
#define ISR_TXWB0I          0x00000100UL
#define ISR_PTX3I           0x00000080UL
#define ISR_PTX2I           0x00000040UL
#define ISR_PTX1I           0x00000020UL
#define ISR_PTX0I           0x00000010UL
#define ISR_PTXI            0x00000008UL
#define ISR_PRXI            0x00000004UL
#define ISR_PPTXI           0x00000002UL
#define ISR_PPRXI           0x00000001UL

 *	Bits in the IMR register

#define IMR_TXSTLM          0x02000000UL
#define IMR_UDPIM           0x00400000UL
#define IMR_MIBFIM          0x00200000UL
#define IMR_SHDNIM          0x00100000UL
#define IMR_PHYIM           0x00080000UL
#define IMR_PWEIM           0x00040000UL
#define IMR_TMR1IM          0x00020000UL
#define IMR_TMR0IM          0x00010000UL

#define IMR_SRCIM           0x00008000UL
#define IMR_LSTPEIM         0x00004000UL
#define IMR_LSTEIM          0x00002000UL
#define IMR_OVFIM           0x00001000UL
#define IMR_FLONIM          0x00000800UL
#define IMR_RACEIM          0x00000400UL
#define IMR_TXWB1IM         0x00000200UL
#define IMR_TXWB0IM         0x00000100UL

#define IMR_PTX3IM          0x00000080UL
#define IMR_PTX2IM          0x00000040UL
#define IMR_PTX1IM          0x00000020UL
#define IMR_PTX0IM          0x00000010UL
#define IMR_PTXIM           0x00000008UL
#define IMR_PRXIM           0x00000004UL
#define IMR_PPTXIM          0x00000002UL
#define IMR_PPRXIM          0x00000001UL

/* 0x0013FB0FUL  =  initial value of IMR */


 *	Bits in the TDCSR0/1, RDCSR0 register

#define TRDCSR_DEAD         0x0008
#define TRDCSR_WAK          0x0004
#define TRDCSR_ACT          0x0002
#define TRDCSR_RUN	    0x0001

 *	Bits in the CAMADDR register

#define CAMADDR_CAMEN       0x80
#define CAMADDR_VCAMSL      0x40

 *	Bits in the CAMCR register

#define CAMCR_PS1           0x80
#define CAMCR_PS0           0x40
#define CAMCR_AITRPKT       0x20
#define CAMCR_AITR16        0x10
#define CAMCR_CAMRD         0x08
#define CAMCR_CAMWR         0x04
#define CAMCR_PS_CAM_MASK   0x40
#define CAMCR_PS_CAM_DATA   0x80
#define CAMCR_PS_MAR        0x00

 *	Bits in the MIICFG register

#define MIICFG_MPO1         0x80
#define MIICFG_MPO0         0x40
#define MIICFG_MFDC         0x20

 *	Bits in the MIISR register

#define MIISR_MIDLE         0x80

 *	 Bits in the PHYSR0 register

#define PHYSR0_PHYRST       0x80
#define PHYSR0_LINKGD       0x40
#define PHYSR0_FDPX         0x10
#define PHYSR0_SPDG         0x08
#define PHYSR0_SPD10        0x04
#define PHYSR0_RXFLC        0x02
#define PHYSR0_TXFLC        0x01

 *	Bits in the PHYSR1 register

#define PHYSR1_PHYTBI       0x01

 *	Bits in the MIICR register

#define MIICR_MAUTO         0x80
#define MIICR_RCMD          0x40
#define MIICR_WCMD          0x20
#define MIICR_MDPM          0x10
#define MIICR_MOUT          0x08
#define MIICR_MDO           0x04
#define MIICR_MDI           0x02
#define MIICR_MDC           0x01

 *	Bits in the MIIADR register

#define MIIADR_SWMPL        0x80

 *	Bits in the CFGA register

#define CFGA_PMHCTG         0x08
#define CFGA_GPIO1PD        0x04
#define CFGA_ABSHDN         0x02
#define CFGA_PACPI          0x01

 *	Bits in the CFGB register

#define CFGB_GTCKOPT        0x80
#define CFGB_MIIOPT         0x40
#define CFGB_CRSEOPT        0x20
#define CFGB_OFSET          0x10
#define CFGB_CRANDOM        0x08
#define CFGB_CAP            0x04
#define CFGB_MBA            0x02
#define CFGB_BAKOPT         0x01

 *	Bits in the CFGC register

#define CFGC_EELOAD         0x80
#define CFGC_BROPT          0x40
#define CFGC_DLYEN          0x20
#define CFGC_DTSEL          0x10
#define CFGC_BTSEL          0x08
#define CFGC_BPS2           0x04	/* bootrom select[2] */
#define CFGC_BPS1           0x02	/* bootrom select[1] */
#define CFGC_BPS0           0x01	/* bootrom select[0] */

 * Bits in the CFGD register

#define CFGD_IODIS          0x80
#define CFGD_MSLVDACEN      0x40
#define CFGD_CFGDACEN       0x20
#define CFGD_PCI64EN        0x10
#define CFGD_HTMRL4         0x08

 *	Bits in the DCFG1 register

#define DCFG_XMWI           0x8000
#define DCFG_XMRM           0x4000
#define DCFG_XMRL           0x2000
#define DCFG_PERDIS         0x1000
#define DCFG_MRWAIT         0x0400
#define DCFG_MWWAIT         0x0200
#define DCFG_LATMEN         0x0100

 *	Bits in the MCFG0 register

#define MCFG_RXARB          0x0080
#define MCFG_RFT1           0x0020
#define MCFG_RFT0           0x0010
#define MCFG_LOWTHOPT       0x0008
#define MCFG_PQEN           0x0004
#define MCFG_RTGOPT         0x0002
#define MCFG_VIDFR          0x0001

 *	Bits in the MCFG1 register

#define MCFG_TXARB          0x8000
#define MCFG_TXQBK1         0x0800
#define MCFG_TXQBK0         0x0400
#define MCFG_TXQNOBK        0x0200
#define MCFG_SNAPOPT        0x0100

 *	Bits in the PMCC  register

#define PMCC_DSI            0x80
#define PMCC_D2_DIS         0x40
#define PMCC_D1_DIS         0x20
#define PMCC_D3C_EN         0x10
#define PMCC_D3H_EN         0x08
#define PMCC_D2_EN          0x04
#define PMCC_D1_EN          0x02
#define PMCC_D0_EN          0x01

 *	Bits in STICKHW

#define STICKHW_SWPTAG      0x10
#define STICKHW_WOLSR       0x08
#define STICKHW_WOLEN       0x04
#define STICKHW_DS1         0x02	/* R/W by software/cfg cycle */
#define STICKHW_DS0         0x01	/* suspend well DS write port */

 *	Bits in the MIBCR register

#define MIBCR_MIBISTOK      0x80
#define MIBCR_MIBISTGO      0x40
#define MIBCR_MIBINC        0x20
#define MIBCR_MIBHI         0x10
#define MIBCR_MIBFRZ        0x08
#define MIBCR_MIBFLSH       0x04
#define MIBCR_MPTRINI       0x02
#define MIBCR_MIBCLR        0x01

 *	Bits in the EERSV register

#define EERSV_BOOT_RPL      ((u8) 0x01)	 /* Boot method selection for VT6110 */

#define EERSV_BOOT_MASK     ((u8) 0x06)
#define EERSV_BOOT_INT19    ((u8) 0x00)
#define EERSV_BOOT_INT18    ((u8) 0x02)
#define EERSV_BOOT_LOCAL    ((u8) 0x04)
#define EERSV_BOOT_BEV      ((u8) 0x06)

 *	Bits in BPCMD

#define BPCMD_BPDNE         0x80
#define BPCMD_EBPWR         0x02
#define BPCMD_EBPRD         0x01

 *	Bits in the EECSR register

#define EECSR_EMBP          0x40	/* eeprom embeded programming */
#define EECSR_RELOAD        0x20	/* eeprom content reload */
#define EECSR_DPM           0x10	/* eeprom direct programming */
#define EECSR_ECS           0x08	/* eeprom CS pin */
#define EECSR_ECK           0x04	/* eeprom CK pin */
#define EECSR_EDI           0x02	/* eeprom DI pin */
#define EECSR_EDO           0x01	/* eeprom DO pin */

 *	Bits in the EMBCMD register

#define EMBCMD_EDONE        0x80
#define EMBCMD_EWDIS        0x08
#define EMBCMD_EWEN         0x04
#define EMBCMD_EWR          0x02
#define EMBCMD_ERD          0x01

 *	Bits in TESTCFG register

#define TESTCFG_HBDIS       0x80

 *	Bits in CHIPGCR register

#define CHIPGCR_FCGMII      0x80
#define CHIPGCR_FCFDX       0x40
#define CHIPGCR_FCRESV      0x20
#define CHIPGCR_FCMODE      0x10
#define CHIPGCR_LPSOPT      0x08
#define CHIPGCR_TM1US       0x04
#define CHIPGCR_TM0US       0x02
#define CHIPGCR_PHYINTEN    0x01

 *	Bits in WOLCR0

#define WOLCR_MSWOLEN7      0x0080	/* enable pattern match filtering */
#define WOLCR_MSWOLEN6      0x0040
#define WOLCR_MSWOLEN5      0x0020
#define WOLCR_MSWOLEN4      0x0010
#define WOLCR_MSWOLEN3      0x0008
#define WOLCR_MSWOLEN2      0x0004
#define WOLCR_MSWOLEN1      0x0002
#define WOLCR_MSWOLEN0      0x0001
#define WOLCR_ARP_EN        0x0001

 *	Bits in WOLCR1

#define WOLCR_LINKOFF_EN      0x0800	/* link off detected enable */
#define WOLCR_LINKON_EN       0x0400	/* link on detected enable */
#define WOLCR_MAGIC_EN        0x0200	/* magic packet filter enable */
#define WOLCR_UNICAST_EN      0x0100	/* unicast filter enable */

 *	Bits in PWCFG

#define PWCFG_PHYPWOPT          0x80	/* internal MII I/F timing */
#define PWCFG_PCISTICK          0x40	/* PCI sticky R/W enable */
#define PWCFG_WOLTYPE           0x20	/* pulse(1) or button (0) */
#define PWCFG_LEGCY_WOL         0x10
#define PWCFG_PMCSR_PME_SR      0x08
#define PWCFG_PMCSR_PME_EN      0x04	/* control by PCISTICK */
#define PWCFG_LEGACY_WOLSR      0x02	/* Legacy WOL_SR shadow */
#define PWCFG_LEGACY_WOLEN      0x01	/* Legacy WOL_EN shadow */

 *	Bits in WOLCFG

#define WOLCFG_PMEOVR           0x80	/* for legacy use, force PMEEN always */
#define WOLCFG_SAM              0x20	/* accept multicast case reset, default=0 */
#define WOLCFG_SAB              0x10	/* accept broadcast case reset, default=0 */
#define WOLCFG_SMIIACC          0x08	/* ?? */
#define WOLCFG_SGENWH           0x02
#define WOLCFG_PHYINTEN         0x01	/* 0:PHYINT trigger enable, 1:use internal MII
					  to report status change */
 *	Bits in WOLSR1

#define WOLSR_LINKOFF_INT      0x0800
#define WOLSR_LINKON_INT       0x0400
#define WOLSR_MAGIC_INT        0x0200
#define WOLSR_UNICAST_INT      0x0100

 *	Ethernet address filter type

#define PKT_TYPE_NONE               0x0000	/* Turn off receiver */
#define PKT_TYPE_DIRECTED           0x0001	/* obselete, directed address is always accepted */
#define PKT_TYPE_MULTICAST          0x0002
#define PKT_TYPE_ALL_MULTICAST      0x0004
#define PKT_TYPE_BROADCAST          0x0008
#define PKT_TYPE_PROMISCUOUS        0x0020
#define PKT_TYPE_LONG               0x2000	/* NOTE.... the definition of LONG is >2048 bytes in our chip */
#define PKT_TYPE_RUNT               0x4000
#define PKT_TYPE_ERROR              0x8000	/* Accept error packets, e.g. CRC error */

 *	Loopback mode

#define MAC_LB_NONE         0x00
#define MAC_LB_INTERNAL     0x01
#define MAC_LB_EXTERNAL     0x02

 *	Enabled mask value of irq

#if defined(_SIM)
#define IMR_MASK_VALUE      0x0033FF0FUL	/* initial value of IMR
						   set IMR0 to 0x0F according to spec */

#define IMR_MASK_VALUE      0x0013FB0FUL	/* initial value of IMR
						   ignore MIBFI,RACEI to
						   reduce intr. frequency
						   NOTE.... do not enable NoBuf int mask at driver driver
						      when (1) NoBuf -> RxThreshold = SF
							   (2) OK    -> RxThreshold = original value

 *	Revision id

#define REV_ID_VT3119_A0	0x00
#define REV_ID_VT3119_A1	0x01
#define REV_ID_VT3216_A0	0x10

 *	Max time out delay time

#define W_MAX_TIMEOUT       0x0FFFU

 *	MAC registers as a structure. Cannot be directly accessed this
 *	way but generates offsets for readl/writel() calls

struct mac_regs {
	volatile u8 PAR[6];		/* 0x00 */
	volatile u8 RCR;
	volatile u8 TCR;

Al Viro 已提交
981 982
	volatile __le32 CR0Set;		/* 0x08 */
	volatile __le32 CR0Clr;		/* 0x0C */
Linus Torvalds 已提交
983 984 985

	volatile u8 MARCAM[8];		/* 0x10 */

Al Viro 已提交
986 987 988
	volatile __le32 DecBaseHi;	/* 0x18 */
	volatile __le16 DbfBaseHi;	/* 0x1C */
	volatile __le16 reserved_1E;
Linus Torvalds 已提交

Al Viro 已提交
	volatile __le16 ISRCTL;		/* 0x20 */
Linus Torvalds 已提交
991 992 993
	volatile u8 TXESR;
	volatile u8 RXESR;

Al Viro 已提交
994 995
	volatile __le32 ISR;		/* 0x24 */
	volatile __le32 IMR;
Linus Torvalds 已提交

Al Viro 已提交
	volatile __le32 TDStatusPort;	/* 0x2C */
Linus Torvalds 已提交

Al Viro 已提交
	volatile __le16 TDCSRSet;	/* 0x30 */
Linus Torvalds 已提交
1000 1001
	volatile u8 RDCSRSet;
	volatile u8 reserved_33;
Al Viro 已提交
	volatile __le16 TDCSRClr;
Linus Torvalds 已提交
1003 1004 1005
	volatile u8 RDCSRClr;
	volatile u8 reserved_37;

Al Viro 已提交
1006 1007 1008
	volatile __le32 RDBaseLo;	/* 0x38 */
	volatile __le16 RDIdx;		/* 0x3C */
	volatile __le16 reserved_3E;
Linus Torvalds 已提交

Al Viro 已提交
	volatile __le32 TDBaseLo[4];	/* 0x40 */
Linus Torvalds 已提交

Al Viro 已提交
1012 1013 1014 1015 1016
	volatile __le16 RDCSize;	/* 0x50 */
	volatile __le16 TDCSize;	/* 0x52 */
	volatile __le16 TDIdx[4];	/* 0x54 */
	volatile __le16 tx_pause_timer;	/* 0x5C */
	volatile __le16 RBRDU;		/* 0x5E */
Linus Torvalds 已提交

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1018 1019
	volatile __le32 FIFOTest0;	/* 0x60 */
	volatile __le32 FIFOTest1;	/* 0x64 */
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1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031

	volatile u8 CAMADDR;		/* 0x68 */
	volatile u8 CAMCR;		/* 0x69 */
	volatile u8 GFTEST;		/* 0x6A */
	volatile u8 FTSTCMD;		/* 0x6B */

	volatile u8 MIICFG;		/* 0x6C */
	volatile u8 MIISR;
	volatile u8 PHYSR0;
	volatile u8 PHYSR1;
	volatile u8 MIICR;
	volatile u8 MIIADR;
Al Viro 已提交
	volatile __le16 MIIDATA;
Linus Torvalds 已提交

Al Viro 已提交
1034 1035
	volatile __le16 SoftTimer0;	/* 0x74 */
	volatile __le16 SoftTimer1;
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1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041

	volatile u8 CFGA;		/* 0x78 */
	volatile u8 CFGB;
	volatile u8 CFGC;
	volatile u8 CFGD;

Al Viro 已提交
1042 1043
	volatile __le16 DCFG;		/* 0x7C */
	volatile __le16 MCFG;
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1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054

	volatile u8 TBIST;		/* 0x80 */
	volatile u8 RBIST;
	volatile u8 PMCPORT;
	volatile u8 STICKHW;

	volatile u8 MIBCR;		/* 0x84 */
	volatile u8 reserved_85;
	volatile u8 rev_id;
	volatile u8 PORSTS;

Al Viro 已提交
	volatile __le32 MIBData;	/* 0x88 */
Linus Torvalds 已提交

Al Viro 已提交
	volatile __le16 EEWrData;
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1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066

	volatile u8 reserved_8E;
	volatile u8 BPMDWr;
	volatile u8 BPCMD;
	volatile u8 BPMDRd;

	volatile u8 EECHKSUM;		/* 0x92 */
	volatile u8 EECSR;

Al Viro 已提交
	volatile __le16 EERdData;	/* 0x94 */
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1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080
	volatile u8 EADDR;
	volatile u8 EMBCMD;

	volatile u8 JMPSR0;		/* 0x98 */
	volatile u8 JMPSR1;
	volatile u8 JMPSR2;
	volatile u8 JMPSR3;
	volatile u8 CHIPGSR;		/* 0x9C */
	volatile u8 TESTCFG;
	volatile u8 DEBUG;
	volatile u8 CHIPGCR;

Al Viro 已提交
	volatile __le16 WOLCRSet;	/* 0xA0 */
Linus Torvalds 已提交
1082 1083 1084
	volatile u8 PWCFGSet;
	volatile u8 WOLCFGSet;

Al Viro 已提交
	volatile __le16 WOLCRClr;	/* 0xA4 */
Linus Torvalds 已提交
1086 1087 1088
	volatile u8 PWCFGCLR;
	volatile u8 WOLCFGClr;

Al Viro 已提交
1089 1090
	volatile __le16 WOLSRSet;	/* 0xA8 */
	volatile __le16 reserved_AA;
Linus Torvalds 已提交

Al Viro 已提交
1092 1093
	volatile __le16 WOLSRClr;	/* 0xAC */
	volatile __le16 reserved_AE;
Linus Torvalds 已提交

Al Viro 已提交
1095 1096
	volatile __le16 PatternCRC[8];	/* 0xB0 */
	volatile __le32 ByteMask[4][4];	/* 0xC0 */
Linus Torvalds 已提交
1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141
} __attribute__ ((__packed__));

enum hw_mib {
	HW_MIB_ifRxAllPkts = 0,

enum chip_type {
	CHIP_TYPE_VT6110 = 1,

struct velocity_info_tbl {
	enum chip_type chip_id;
Stephen Hemminger 已提交
	const char *name;
Linus Torvalds 已提交
1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186
	int txqueue;
	u32 flags;

#define mac_hw_mibs_init(regs) {\
	do {}\
		while (BYTE_REG_BITS_IS_ON(MIBCR_MIBCLR,&((regs)->MIBCR)));\

#define mac_read_isr(regs)  		readl(&((regs)->ISR))
#define mac_write_isr(regs, x)  	writel((x),&((regs)->ISR))
#define mac_clear_isr(regs) 		writel(0xffffffffL,&((regs)->ISR))

#define mac_write_int_mask(mask, regs) 	writel((mask),&((regs)->IMR));
#define mac_disable_int(regs)       	writel(CR0_GINTMSK1,&((regs)->CR0Clr))
#define mac_enable_int(regs)    	writel(CR0_GINTMSK1,&((regs)->CR0Set))

#define mac_set_dma_length(regs, n) {\

#define mac_set_rx_thresh(regs, n) {\

#define mac_rx_queue_run(regs) {\
	writeb(TRDCSR_RUN, &((regs)->RDCSRSet));\

#define mac_rx_queue_wake(regs) {\
	writeb(TRDCSR_WAK, &((regs)->RDCSRSet));\

#define mac_tx_queue_run(regs, n) {\

#define mac_tx_queue_wake(regs, n) {\

Stephen Hemminger 已提交
1187 1188
static inline void mac_eeprom_reload(struct mac_regs __iomem * regs) {
	int i=0;
Linus Torvalds 已提交

Stephen Hemminger 已提交
1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195
	do {
		if (i++>0x1000)
Linus Torvalds 已提交
1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206

 * Header for WOL definitions. Used to compute hashes

typedef u8 MCAM_ADDR[ETH_ALEN];

struct arp_packet {
	u8 dest_mac[ETH_ALEN];
	u8 src_mac[ETH_ALEN];
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1207 1208 1209
	__be16 type;
	__be16 ar_hrd;
	__be16 ar_pro;
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1210 1211
	u8 ar_hln;
	u8 ar_pln;
Al Viro 已提交
	__be16 ar_op;
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1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221
	u8 ar_sha[ETH_ALEN];
	u8 ar_sip[4];
	u8 ar_tha[ETH_ALEN];
	u8 ar_tip[4];
} __attribute__ ((__packed__));

struct _magic_packet {
	u8 dest_mac[6];
	u8 src_mac[6];
Al Viro 已提交
	__be16 type;
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	u8 MAC[16][6];
	u8 password[6];
} __attribute__ ((__packed__));

 *	Store for chip context when saving and restoring status. Not
 *	all fields are saved/restored currently.

struct velocity_context {
	u8 mac_reg[256];
	u16 vcam[VCAM_SIZE];
	u32 cammask[2];
	u32 patcrc[2];
	u32 pattern[8];

 *	MII registers.

 *	Registers in the MII (offset unit is WORD)

#define MII_REG_BMCR        0x00	// physical address
#define MII_REG_BMSR        0x01	//
#define MII_REG_PHYID1      0x02	// OUI
#define MII_REG_PHYID2      0x03	// OUI + Module ID + REV ID
#define MII_REG_ANAR        0x04	//
#define MII_REG_ANLPAR      0x05	//
#define MII_REG_G1000CR     0x09	//
#define MII_REG_G1000SR     0x0A	//
#define MII_REG_MODCFG      0x10	//
#define MII_REG_TCSR        0x16	//
#define MII_REG_PLED        0x1B	//
// NS, MYSON only
#define MII_REG_PCR         0x17	//
// ESI only
#define MII_REG_PCSR        0x17	//
#define MII_REG_AUXCR       0x1C	//

// Marvell 88E1000/88E1000S
#define MII_REG_PSCR        0x10	// PHY specific control register

// Bits in the BMCR register
#define BMCR_RESET          0x8000	//
#define BMCR_LBK            0x4000	//
#define BMCR_SPEED100       0x2000	//
#define BMCR_AUTO           0x1000	//
#define BMCR_PD             0x0800	//
#define BMCR_ISO            0x0400	//
#define BMCR_REAUTO         0x0200	//
#define BMCR_FDX            0x0100	//
#define BMCR_SPEED1G        0x0040	//
// Bits in the BMSR register
#define BMSR_AUTOCM         0x0020	//
#define BMSR_LNK            0x0004	//

// Bits in the ANAR register
#define ANAR_ASMDIR         0x0800	// Asymmetric PAUSE support
#define ANAR_PAUSE          0x0400	// Symmetric PAUSE Support
#define ANAR_T4             0x0200	//
#define ANAR_TXFD           0x0100	//
#define ANAR_TX             0x0080	//
#define ANAR_10FD           0x0040	//
#define ANAR_10             0x0020	//
// Bits in the ANLPAR register
#define ANLPAR_ASMDIR       0x0800	// Asymmetric PAUSE support
#define ANLPAR_PAUSE        0x0400	// Symmetric PAUSE Support
#define ANLPAR_T4           0x0200	//
#define ANLPAR_TXFD         0x0100	//
#define ANLPAR_TX           0x0080	//
#define ANLPAR_10FD         0x0040	//
#define ANLPAR_10           0x0020	//

// Bits in the G1000CR register
#define G1000CR_1000FD      0x0200	// PHY is 1000-T Full-duplex capable
#define G1000CR_1000        0x0100	// PHY is 1000-T Half-duplex capable

// Bits in the G1000SR register
#define G1000SR_1000FD      0x0800	// LP PHY is 1000-T Full-duplex capable
#define G1000SR_1000        0x0400	// LP PHY is 1000-T Half-duplex capable

#define TCSR_ECHODIS        0x2000	//
#define AUXCR_MDPPS         0x0004	//

// Bits in the PLED register
#define PLED_LALBE			0x0004	//

// Marvell 88E1000/88E1000S Bits in the PHY specific control register (10h)
#define PSCR_ACRSTX         0x0800	// Assert CRS on Transmit

#define PHYID_CICADA_CS8201 0x000FC410UL
#define PHYID_VT3216_32BIT  0x000FC610UL
#define PHYID_VT3216_64BIT  0x000FC600UL
#define PHYID_MARVELL_1000  0x01410C50UL
#define PHYID_MARVELL_1000S 0x01410C40UL

#define PHYID_REV_ID_MASK   0x0000000FUL

#define PHYID_GET_PHY_REV_ID(i)     ((i) & PHYID_REV_ID_MASK)
#define PHYID_GET_PHY_ID(i)         ((i) & ~PHYID_REV_ID_MASK)

#define MII_REG_BITS_ON(x,i,p) do {\
    u16 w;\
} while (0)

#define MII_REG_BITS_OFF(x,i,p) do {\
    u16 w;\
} while (0)

#define MII_REG_BITS_IS_ON(x,i,p) ({\
    u16 w;\
    ((int) ((w) & (x)));})

#define MII_GET_PHY_ID(p) ({\
    u32 id;\
    velocity_mii_read((p),MII_REG_PHYID2,(u16 *) &id);\
    velocity_mii_read((p),MII_REG_PHYID1,((u16 *) &id)+1);\

 * Inline debug routine

enum velocity_msg_level {
	MSG_LEVEL_ERR = 0,	//Errors that will cause abnormal operation.
	MSG_LEVEL_NOTICE = 1,	//Some errors need users to be notified.
	MSG_LEVEL_INFO = 2,	//Normal message.
	MSG_LEVEL_VERBOSE = 3,	//Will report all trival errors.
	MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG = 4	//Only for debug purpose.

#define ASSERT(x) { \
	if (!(x)) { \
		printk(KERN_ERR "assertion %s failed: file %s line %d\n", #x,\
			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);\
		BUG(); \
#define VELOCITY_DBG(p,args...) printk(p, ##args)
#define ASSERT(x)
#define VELOCITY_DBG(x)

#define VELOCITY_PRT(l, p, args...) do {if (l<=msglevel) printk( p ,##args);} while (0)

#define VELOCITY_PRT_CAMMASK(p,t) {\
	int i;\
        	for (i=0;i<(MCAM_SIZE/8);i++)\
	else {\
		for (i=0;i<(VCAM_SIZE/8);i++)\

#define     VELOCITY_WOL_MAGIC             0x00000000UL
#define     VELOCITY_WOL_PHY               0x00000001UL
#define     VELOCITY_WOL_ARP               0x00000002UL
#define     VELOCITY_WOL_UCAST             0x00000004UL
#define     VELOCITY_WOL_BCAST             0x00000010UL
#define     VELOCITY_WOL_MCAST             0x00000020UL
#define     VELOCITY_WOL_MAGIC_SEC         0x00000040UL

 *	Flags for options

#define     VELOCITY_FLAGS_TAGGING         0x00000001UL
#define     VELOCITY_FLAGS_TX_CSUM         0x00000002UL
#define     VELOCITY_FLAGS_RX_CSUM         0x00000004UL
#define     VELOCITY_FLAGS_IP_ALIGN        0x00000008UL
#define     VELOCITY_FLAGS_VAL_PKT_LEN     0x00000010UL

#define     VELOCITY_FLAGS_FLOW_CTRL       0x01000000UL

 *	Flags for driver status

#define     VELOCITY_FLAGS_OPENED          0x00010000UL
#define     VELOCITY_FLAGS_WOL_ENABLED     0x00080000UL

 *	Flags for MII status

#define     VELOCITY_LINK_FAIL             0x00000001UL
#define     VELOCITY_SPEED_10              0x00000002UL
#define     VELOCITY_SPEED_100             0x00000004UL
#define     VELOCITY_SPEED_1000            0x00000008UL
#define     VELOCITY_DUPLEX_FULL           0x00000010UL
#define     VELOCITY_AUTONEG_ENABLE        0x00000020UL
#define     VELOCITY_FORCED_BY_EEPROM      0x00000040UL

 *	For velocity_set_media_duplex

#define     VELOCITY_LINK_CHANGE           0x00000001UL

enum speed_opt {
	SPD_DPX_100_HALF = 1,
	SPD_DPX_100_FULL = 2,
	SPD_DPX_10_HALF = 3,
	SPD_DPX_10_FULL = 4

enum velocity_init_type {

enum velocity_flow_cntl_type {

struct velocity_opt {
	int numrx;			/* Number of RX descriptors */
	int numtx;			/* Number of TX descriptors */
	enum speed_opt spd_dpx;		/* Media link mode */

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	int DMA_length;			/* DMA length */
	int rx_thresh;			/* RX_THRESH */
	int flow_cntl;
	int wol_opts;			/* Wake on lan options */
	int td_int_count;
	int int_works;
	int rx_bandwidth_hi;
	int rx_bandwidth_lo;
	int rx_bandwidth_en;
	u32 flags;

struct velocity_info {
	struct list_head list;

	struct pci_dev *pdev;
	struct net_device *dev;
	struct net_device_stats stats;

	dma_addr_t rd_pool_dma;
	dma_addr_t td_pool_dma[TX_QUEUE_NO];

	struct vlan_group    *vlgrp;
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	u8 ip_addr[4];
	enum chip_type chip_id;

	struct mac_regs __iomem * mac_regs;
	unsigned long memaddr;
	unsigned long ioaddr;

	u8 rev_id;

#define AVAIL_TD(p,q)   ((p)->options.numtx-((p)->td_used[(q)]))

	int num_txq;

	volatile int td_used[TX_QUEUE_NO];
	int td_curr[TX_QUEUE_NO];
	int td_tail[TX_QUEUE_NO];
	struct tx_desc *td_rings[TX_QUEUE_NO];
	struct velocity_td_info *td_infos[TX_QUEUE_NO];

	int rd_curr;
	int rd_dirty;
	u32 rd_filled;
	struct rx_desc *rd_ring;
	struct velocity_rd_info *rd_info;	/* It's an array */

#define GET_RD_BY_IDX(vptr, idx)   (vptr->rd_ring[idx])
	u32 mib_counter[MAX_HW_MIB_COUNTER];
	struct velocity_opt options;

	u32 int_mask;

	u32 flags;

	int rx_buf_sz;
	u32 mii_status;
	u32 phy_id;
	int multicast_limit;

	u8 vCAMmask[(VCAM_SIZE / 8)];
	u8 mCAMmask[(MCAM_SIZE / 8)];

	spinlock_t lock;

	int wol_opts;
	u8 wol_passwd[6];

	struct velocity_context context;

	u32 ticks;
	u32 rx_bytes;


 *	velocity_get_ip		-	find an IP address for the device
 *	@vptr: Velocity to query
 *	Dig out an IP address for this interface so that we can
 *	configure wakeup with WOL for ARP. If there are multiple IP
 *	addresses on this chain then we use the first - multi-IP WOL is not
 *	supported.
 *	CHECK ME: locking

static inline int velocity_get_ip(struct velocity_info *vptr)
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	struct in_device *in_dev = (struct in_device *) vptr->dev->ip_ptr;
	struct in_ifaddr *ifa;

	if (in_dev != NULL) {
		ifa = (struct in_ifaddr *) in_dev->ifa_list;
		if (ifa != NULL) {
			memcpy(vptr->ip_addr, &ifa->ifa_address, 4);
			return 0;
	return -ENOENT;

 *	velocity_update_hw_mibs	-	fetch MIB counters from chip
 *	@vptr: velocity to update
 *	The velocity hardware keeps certain counters in the hardware
 * 	side. We need to read these when the user asks for statistics
 *	or when they overflow (causing an interrupt). The read of the
 *	statistic clears it, so we keep running master counters in user
 *	space.

static inline void velocity_update_hw_mibs(struct velocity_info *vptr)
	u32 tmp;
	int i;

	while (BYTE_REG_BITS_IS_ON(MIBCR_MIBFLSH, &(vptr->mac_regs->MIBCR)));

	for (i = 0; i < HW_MIB_SIZE; i++) {
		tmp = readl(&(vptr->mac_regs->MIBData)) & 0x00FFFFFFUL;
		vptr->mib_counter[i] += tmp;

 *	init_flow_control_register 	-	set up flow control
 *	@vptr: velocity to configure
 *	Configure the flow control registers for this velocity device.

static inline void init_flow_control_register(struct velocity_info *vptr)
	struct mac_regs __iomem * regs = vptr->mac_regs;

	/* Set {XHITH1, XHITH0, XLTH1, XLTH0} in FlowCR1 to {1, 0, 1, 1}
	   depend on RD=64, and Turn on XNOEN in FlowCR1 */
	writel((CR0_XONEN | CR0_XHITH1 | CR0_XLTH1 | CR0_XLTH0), &regs->CR0Set);
	writel((CR0_FDXTFCEN | CR0_FDXRFCEN | CR0_HDXFCEN | CR0_XHITH0), &regs->CR0Clr);

	/* Set TxPauseTimer to 0xFFFF */
	writew(0xFFFF, &regs->tx_pause_timer);

	/* Initialize RBRDU to Rx buffer count. */
	writew(vptr->options.numrx, &regs->RBRDU);
