# AArch64 SVE instruction descriptions # # Copyright (c) 2017 Linaro, Ltd # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, see . # # This file is processed by scripts/decodetree.py # ########################################################################### # Named fields. These are primarily for disjoint fields. %imm6_22_5 22:1 5:5 %imm9_16_10 16:s6 10:3 # A combination of tsz:imm3 -- extract esize. %tszimm_esz 22:2 5:5 !function=tszimm_esz # A combination of tsz:imm3 -- extract (2 * esize) - (tsz:imm3) %tszimm_shr 22:2 5:5 !function=tszimm_shr # A combination of tsz:imm3 -- extract (tsz:imm3) - esize %tszimm_shl 22:2 5:5 !function=tszimm_shl # Either a copy of rd (at bit 0), or a different source # as propagated via the MOVPRFX instruction. %reg_movprfx 0:5 ########################################################################### # Named attribute sets. These are used to make nice(er) names # when creating helpers common to those for the individual # instruction patterns. &rr_esz rd rn esz &rri rd rn imm &rrr_esz rd rn rm esz &rpr_esz rd pg rn esz &rprr_s rd pg rn rm s &rprr_esz rd pg rn rm esz &rpri_esz rd pg rn imm esz ########################################################################### # Named instruction formats. These are generally used to # reduce the amount of duplication between instruction patterns. # Two operand with unused vector element size @pd_pn_e0 ........ ........ ....... rn:4 . rd:4 &rr_esz esz=0 # Two operand @pd_pn ........ esz:2 .. .... ....... rn:4 . rd:4 &rr_esz # Three operand with unused vector element size @rd_rn_rm_e0 ........ ... rm:5 ... ... rn:5 rd:5 &rrr_esz esz=0 # Three predicate operand, with governing predicate, flag setting @pd_pg_pn_pm_s ........ . s:1 .. rm:4 .. pg:4 . rn:4 . rd:4 &rprr_s # Two register operand, with governing predicate, vector element size @rdn_pg_rm ........ esz:2 ... ... ... pg:3 rm:5 rd:5 \ &rprr_esz rn=%reg_movprfx @rdm_pg_rn ........ esz:2 ... ... ... pg:3 rn:5 rd:5 \ &rprr_esz rm=%reg_movprfx # One register operand, with governing predicate, vector element size @rd_pg_rn ........ esz:2 ... ... ... pg:3 rn:5 rd:5 &rpr_esz # Two register operand, one immediate operand, with predicate, # element size encoded as TSZHL. User must fill in imm. @rdn_pg_tszimm ........ .. ... ... ... pg:3 ..... rd:5 \ &rpri_esz rn=%reg_movprfx esz=%tszimm_esz # Basic Load/Store with 9-bit immediate offset @pd_rn_i9 ........ ........ ...... rn:5 . rd:4 \ &rri imm=%imm9_16_10 @rd_rn_i9 ........ ........ ...... rn:5 rd:5 \ &rri imm=%imm9_16_10 ########################################################################### # Instruction patterns. Grouped according to the SVE encodingindex.xhtml. ### SVE Integer Arithmetic - Binary Predicated Group # SVE bitwise logical vector operations (predicated) ORR_zpzz 00000100 .. 011 000 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm EOR_zpzz 00000100 .. 011 001 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm AND_zpzz 00000100 .. 011 010 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm BIC_zpzz 00000100 .. 011 011 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm # SVE integer add/subtract vectors (predicated) ADD_zpzz 00000100 .. 000 000 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm SUB_zpzz 00000100 .. 000 001 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm SUB_zpzz 00000100 .. 000 011 000 ... ..... ..... @rdm_pg_rn # SUBR # SVE integer min/max/difference (predicated) SMAX_zpzz 00000100 .. 001 000 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm UMAX_zpzz 00000100 .. 001 001 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm SMIN_zpzz 00000100 .. 001 010 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm UMIN_zpzz 00000100 .. 001 011 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm SABD_zpzz 00000100 .. 001 100 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm UABD_zpzz 00000100 .. 001 101 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm # SVE integer multiply/divide (predicated) MUL_zpzz 00000100 .. 010 000 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm SMULH_zpzz 00000100 .. 010 010 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm UMULH_zpzz 00000100 .. 010 011 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm # Note that divide requires size >= 2; below 2 is unallocated. SDIV_zpzz 00000100 .. 010 100 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm UDIV_zpzz 00000100 .. 010 101 000 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm SDIV_zpzz 00000100 .. 010 110 000 ... ..... ..... @rdm_pg_rn # SDIVR UDIV_zpzz 00000100 .. 010 111 000 ... ..... ..... @rdm_pg_rn # UDIVR ### SVE Integer Reduction Group # SVE bitwise logical reduction (predicated) ORV 00000100 .. 011 000 001 ... ..... ..... @rd_pg_rn EORV 00000100 .. 011 001 001 ... ..... ..... @rd_pg_rn ANDV 00000100 .. 011 010 001 ... ..... ..... @rd_pg_rn # SVE integer add reduction (predicated) # Note that saddv requires size != 3. UADDV 00000100 .. 000 001 001 ... ..... ..... @rd_pg_rn SADDV 00000100 .. 000 000 001 ... ..... ..... @rd_pg_rn # SVE integer min/max reduction (predicated) SMAXV 00000100 .. 001 000 001 ... ..... ..... @rd_pg_rn UMAXV 00000100 .. 001 001 001 ... ..... ..... @rd_pg_rn SMINV 00000100 .. 001 010 001 ... ..... ..... @rd_pg_rn UMINV 00000100 .. 001 011 001 ... ..... ..... @rd_pg_rn ### SVE Shift by Immediate - Predicated Group # SVE bitwise shift by immediate (predicated) ASR_zpzi 00000100 .. 000 000 100 ... .. ... ..... \ @rdn_pg_tszimm imm=%tszimm_shr LSR_zpzi 00000100 .. 000 001 100 ... .. ... ..... \ @rdn_pg_tszimm imm=%tszimm_shr LSL_zpzi 00000100 .. 000 011 100 ... .. ... ..... \ @rdn_pg_tszimm imm=%tszimm_shl ASRD 00000100 .. 000 100 100 ... .. ... ..... \ @rdn_pg_tszimm imm=%tszimm_shr # SVE bitwise shift by vector (predicated) ASR_zpzz 00000100 .. 010 000 100 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm LSR_zpzz 00000100 .. 010 001 100 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm LSL_zpzz 00000100 .. 010 011 100 ... ..... ..... @rdn_pg_rm ASR_zpzz 00000100 .. 010 100 100 ... ..... ..... @rdm_pg_rn # ASRR LSR_zpzz 00000100 .. 010 101 100 ... ..... ..... @rdm_pg_rn # LSRR LSL_zpzz 00000100 .. 010 111 100 ... ..... ..... @rdm_pg_rn # LSLR ### SVE Logical - Unpredicated Group # SVE bitwise logical operations (unpredicated) AND_zzz 00000100 00 1 ..... 001 100 ..... ..... @rd_rn_rm_e0 ORR_zzz 00000100 01 1 ..... 001 100 ..... ..... @rd_rn_rm_e0 EOR_zzz 00000100 10 1 ..... 001 100 ..... ..... @rd_rn_rm_e0 BIC_zzz 00000100 11 1 ..... 001 100 ..... ..... @rd_rn_rm_e0 ### SVE Predicate Logical Operations Group # SVE predicate logical operations AND_pppp 00100101 0. 00 .... 01 .... 0 .... 0 .... @pd_pg_pn_pm_s BIC_pppp 00100101 0. 00 .... 01 .... 0 .... 1 .... @pd_pg_pn_pm_s EOR_pppp 00100101 0. 00 .... 01 .... 1 .... 0 .... @pd_pg_pn_pm_s SEL_pppp 00100101 0. 00 .... 01 .... 1 .... 1 .... @pd_pg_pn_pm_s ORR_pppp 00100101 1. 00 .... 01 .... 0 .... 0 .... @pd_pg_pn_pm_s ORN_pppp 00100101 1. 00 .... 01 .... 0 .... 1 .... @pd_pg_pn_pm_s NOR_pppp 00100101 1. 00 .... 01 .... 1 .... 0 .... @pd_pg_pn_pm_s NAND_pppp 00100101 1. 00 .... 01 .... 1 .... 1 .... @pd_pg_pn_pm_s ### SVE Predicate Misc Group # SVE predicate test PTEST 00100101 01 010000 11 pg:4 0 rn:4 0 0000 # SVE predicate initialize PTRUE 00100101 esz:2 01100 s:1 111000 pat:5 0 rd:4 # SVE initialize FFR SETFFR 00100101 0010 1100 1001 0000 0000 0000 # SVE zero predicate register PFALSE 00100101 0001 1000 1110 0100 0000 rd:4 # SVE predicate read from FFR (predicated) RDFFR_p 00100101 0 s:1 0110001111000 pg:4 0 rd:4 # SVE predicate read from FFR (unpredicated) RDFFR 00100101 0001 1001 1111 0000 0000 rd:4 # SVE FFR write from predicate (WRFFR) WRFFR 00100101 0010 1000 1001 000 rn:4 00000 # SVE predicate first active PFIRST 00100101 01 011 000 11000 00 .... 0 .... @pd_pn_e0 # SVE predicate next active PNEXT 00100101 .. 011 001 11000 10 .... 0 .... @pd_pn ### SVE Memory - 32-bit Gather and Unsized Contiguous Group # SVE load predicate register LDR_pri 10000101 10 ...... 000 ... ..... 0 .... @pd_rn_i9 # SVE load vector register LDR_zri 10000101 10 ...... 010 ... ..... ..... @rd_rn_i9