#!/usr/bin/python3 # pylint: disable= too-many-lines """ Description: Entry method for custom commands Class: BaseCommand,PkgshipCommand,RemoveCommand,InitDatabaseCommand, AllPackageCommand,UpdatePackageCommand,BuildDepCommand,InstallDepCommand, SelfBuildCommand,BeDependCommand,SingleCommand """ import os import json import threading from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError try: import argparse import requests from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError as ConnErr from requests.exceptions import HTTPError import prettytable from prettytable import PrettyTable from packageship import system_config from packageship.libs.log import Log from packageship.libs.exception import Error from packageship.libs.configutils.readconfig import ReadConfig LOGGER = Log(__name__) except ImportError as import_error: print('Error importing related dependencies, \ please check if related dependencies are installed') else: from packageship.application.apps.package.function.constants import ResponseCode from packageship.application.apps.package.function.constants import ListNode from packageship.application.apps.lifecycle.function.download_yaml import update_pkg_info DB_NAME = 0 def main(): """ Description: Command line tool entry, register related commands Args: Returns: Raises: Error: An error occurred while executing the command """ try: packship_cmd = PkgshipCommand() packship_cmd.parser_args() except Error as error: LOGGER.logger.error(error) print('command error') class BaseCommand(): """ Description: Basic attributes used for command invocation Attributes: write_host: Can write operation single host address read_host: Can read the host address of the operation headers: Send HTTP request header information """ def __init__(self): """ Description: Class instance initialization """ self._read_config = ReadConfig(system_config.SYS_CONFIG_PATH) self.write_host = None self.read_host = None self.__http = 'http://' self.headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9"} self.load_read_host() self.load_write_host() def load_write_host(self): """ Description: Address to load write permission Args: Returns: Raises: """ wirte_port = self._read_config.get_system('write_port') write_ip = self._read_config.get_system('write_ip_addr') if not all([write_ip, wirte_port]): raise Error( "The system does not configure the relevant port and ip correctly") _write_host = self.__http + write_ip + ":" + wirte_port setattr(self, 'write_host', _write_host) def load_read_host(self): """ Returns:Address to load read permission Args: Returns: Raises: """ read_port = self._read_config.get_system('query_port') read_ip = self._read_config.get_system('query_ip_addr') if all([read_ip, read_port]): _read_host = self.__http + read_ip + ":" + read_port setattr(self, 'read_host', _read_host) def _set_read_host(self, remote=False): """ Set read domain name """ if remote: _host = self._read_config.get_system('remote_host') self.read_host = _host if self.read_host is None: raise Error( "The system does not configure the relevant port and ip correctly") class PkgshipCommand(BaseCommand): """ Description: PKG package command line Attributes: statistics: Summarized data table table: Output table columns: Calculate the width of the terminal dynamically params: Command parameters """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='package related dependency management') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( help='package related dependency management') def __init__(self): """ Description: Class instance initialization """ super(PkgshipCommand, self).__init__() self.statistics = dict() self.table = PkgshipCommand.create_table() # Calculate the total width of the current terminal self.columns = 100 self.params = [] @staticmethod def register_command(command): """ Description: Registration of related commands Args: command: Related commands Returns: Raises: """ command.register() def register(self): """ Description: Command line parameter injection Args: Returns: Raises: """ for command_params in self.params: self.parse.add_argument( # pylint: disable=E1101 command_params[0], # type=eval(command_params[1]), # pylint: disable=W0123 help=command_params[2], default=command_params[3], action=command_params[4]) @classmethod def parser_args(cls): """ Description: Register the command line and parse related commands Args: Returns: Raises: Error: An error occurred during command parsing """ cls.register_command(RemoveCommand()) cls.register_command(InitDatabaseCommand()) cls.register_command(AllPackageCommand()) cls.register_command(UpdatePackageCommand()) cls.register_command(BuildDepCommand()) cls.register_command(InstallDepCommand()) cls.register_command(SelfBuildCommand()) cls.register_command(BeDependCommand()) cls.register_command(SingleCommand()) cls.register_command(IssueCommand()) cls.register_command(AllTablesCommand()) cls.register_command(BatchTaskCommand()) try: args = cls.parser.parse_args() args.func(args) except Error: print('command error') def parse_depend_package(self, response_data, params=None): """ Description: Parsing package data with dependencies Args: response_data: http request response content params: Parameters passed in on the command line Returns: Summarized data table Raises: """ bin_package_count = 0 src_package_count = 0 if response_data.get('code') == ResponseCode.SUCCESS: package_all = response_data.get('data') if isinstance(package_all, dict): if params: if package_all.get("not_found_components"): print("Problem: Not Found Components") for not_found_com in package_all.get("not_found_components"): print(" - nothing provides {} needed by {} ".format(not_found_com, params.packagename)) package_all = package_all.get("build_dict") for bin_package, package_depend in package_all.items(): # distinguish whether the current data is the data of the root node if isinstance(package_depend, list) and \ package_depend[ListNode.SOURCE_NAME] != 'source': row_data = [bin_package, package_depend[ListNode.SOURCE_NAME], package_depend[ListNode.VERSION], package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME]] # Whether the database exists if package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME] not in self.statistics: self.statistics[package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME]] = { 'binary': [], 'source': [] } # Determine whether the current binary package exists if bin_package not in \ self.statistics[package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME]]['binary']: self.statistics[package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME] ]['binary'].append(bin_package) bin_package_count += 1 # Determine whether the source package exists if package_depend[ListNode.SOURCE_NAME] not in \ self.statistics[package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME]]['source']: self.statistics[package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME]]['source'].append( package_depend[ListNode.SOURCE_NAME]) src_package_count += 1 if hasattr(self, 'table') and self.table: self.table.add_row(row_data) else: LOGGER.logger.error(response_data.get('msg')) print(response_data.get('msg')) statistics_table = self.statistics_table( bin_package_count, src_package_count) return statistics_table def print_(self, content=None, character='=', dividing_line=False): """ Description: Output formatted characters Args: content: Output content character: Output separator content dividing_line: Whether to show the separator Returns: Raises: """ # Get the current width of the console if dividing_line: print(character * self.columns) if content: print(content) if dividing_line: print(character * self.columns) @staticmethod def create_table(title=None): """ Description: Create printed forms Args: title: Table title Returns: ASCII format table Raises: """ table = PrettyTable(title) # table.set_style(prettytable.PLAIN_COLUMNS) table.align = 'l' table.horizontal_char = '=' table.junction_char = '=' table.vrules = prettytable.NONE table.hrules = prettytable.FRAME return table def statistics_table(self, bin_package_count, src_package_count): """ Description: Generate data for total statistical tables Args: bin_package_count: Number of binary packages src_package_count: Number of source packages Returns: Summarized data table Raises: """ statistics_table = self.create_table(['', 'binary', 'source']) statistics_table.add_row( ['self depend sum', bin_package_count, src_package_count]) # cyclically count the number of source packages and binary packages in each database for database, statistics_item in self.statistics.items(): statistics_table.add_row([database, len(statistics_item.get( 'binary')), len(statistics_item.get('source'))]) return statistics_table @staticmethod def http_error(response): """ Description: Log error messages for http Args: response: Response content of http request Returns: Raises: HTTPError: http request error """ try: print(response.raise_for_status()) except HTTPError as http_error: LOGGER.logger.error(http_error) print('Request failed') print(http_error) class RemoveCommand(PkgshipCommand): """ Description: Delete database command Attributes: parse: Command line parsing example params: Command line parameters """ def __init__(self): """ Description: Class instance initialization """ super(RemoveCommand, self).__init__() self.parse = PkgshipCommand.subparsers.add_parser( 'rm', help='delete database operation') self.params = [ ('db', 'str', 'name of the database operated', '', 'store')] def register(self): """ Description: Command line parameter injection Args: Returns: Raises: """ super(RemoveCommand, self).register() self.parse.set_defaults(func=self.do_command) def do_command(self, params): """ Description: Action to execute command Args: params: Command line parameters Returns: Raises: ConnErr: Request connection error """ if params.db is None: print('No database specified for deletion') else: _url = self.write_host + '/repodatas?dbName={}'.format(params.db) try: response = requests.delete(_url) except ConnErr as conn_err: LOGGER.logger.error(conn_err) print(str(conn_err)) else: # Determine whether to delete the mysql database or sqlite database if response.status_code == 200: try: data = json.loads(response.text) except JSONDecodeError as json_error: LOGGER.logger.error(json_error) print(response.text) else: if data.get('code') == ResponseCode.SUCCESS: print('delete success') else: LOGGER.logger.error(data.get('msg')) print(data.get('msg')) else: self.http_error(response) class InitDatabaseCommand(PkgshipCommand): """ Description: Initialize database command Attributes: parse: Command line parsing example params: Command line parameters """ def __init__(self): """ Description: Class instance initialization """ super(InitDatabaseCommand, self).__init__() self.parse = PkgshipCommand.subparsers.add_parser( 'init', help='initialization of the database') self.params = [ ('-filepath', 'str', 'name of the database operated', '', 'store')] def register(self): """ Description: Command line parameter injection Args: Returns: Raises: """ super(InitDatabaseCommand, self).register() self.parse.set_defaults(func=self.do_command) def do_command(self, params): """ Description: Action to execute command Args: params: Command line parameters Returns: Raises: """ file_path = params.filepath try: if file_path: file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path) response = requests.post(self.write_host + '/initsystem', data=json.dumps({'configfile': file_path}), headers=self.headers) except ConnErr as conn_error: LOGGER.logger.error(conn_error) print(str(conn_error)) else: if response.status_code == 200: try: response_data = json.loads(response.text) except JSONDecodeError as json_error: LOGGER.logger.error(json_error) print(response.text) else: if response_data.get('code') == ResponseCode.SUCCESS: print('Database initialization success ') else: LOGGER.logger.error(response_data.get('msg')) print(response_data.get('msg')) else: self.http_error(response) class AllPackageCommand(PkgshipCommand): """ Description: get all package commands Attributes: parse: Command line parsing example params: Command line parameters table: Output table """ def __init__(self): """ Description: Class instance initialization """ super(AllPackageCommand, self).__init__() self.parse = PkgshipCommand.subparsers.add_parser( 'list', help='get all package data') self.table = self.create_table( ['packagenames', 'database', 'version', 'license', 'maintainer', 'release date', 'used time']) self.params = [('tablename', 'str', 'name of the database operated', '', 'store'), ('-remote', 'str', 'The address of the remote service', False, 'store_true'), ('-packagename', 'str', 'Package name that needs fuzzy matching', '', 'store'), ('-maintainer', 'str', 'Maintainer\'s name', '', 'store') ] def register(self): """ Description: Command line parameter injection Args: Returns: Raises: """ super(AllPackageCommand, self).register() self.parse.set_defaults(func=self.do_command) def __parse_package(self, response_data, table_name): """ Description: Parse the corresponding data of the package Args: response_data: http request response content Returns: Raises: """ if response_data.get('code') == ResponseCode.SUCCESS: package_all = response_data.get('data') if isinstance(package_all, list): for package_item in package_all: row_data = [package_item.get('name'), table_name, package_item.get('version') if package_item.get( 'version') else '', package_item.get('rpm_license') if package_item.get( 'rpm_license') else '', package_item.get('maintainer') if package_item.get( 'maintainer') else '', package_item.get('release_time') if package_item.get( 'release_time') else '', package_item.get('used_time')] self.table.add_row(row_data) else: print(response_data.get('msg')) def do_command(self, params): """ Description: Action to execute command Args: params: Command line parameters Returns: Raises: ConnectionError: Request connection error """ self._set_read_host(params.remote) _url = self.read_host + \ '/packages?table_name={table_name}&query_pkg_name={pkg_name}&\ maintainner={maintainer}&maintainlevel={maintainlevel}&\ page_num={page}&page_size={pagesize}'.format( table_name=params.tablename, pkg_name=params.packagename, maintainer=params.maintainer, maintainlevel='', page=1, pagesize=65535).replace(' ', '') try: response = requests.get(_url) except ConnErr as conn_error: LOGGER.logger.error(conn_error) print(str(conn_error)) else: if response.status_code == 200: try: response_data = json.loads(response.text) self.__parse_package(response_data, params.tablename) except JSONDecodeError as json_error: LOGGER.logger.error(json_error) print(response.text) if getattr(self.table, 'rowcount'): print(self.table) else: print('Sorry, no relevant information has been found yet') else: self.http_error(response) class UpdatePackageCommand(PkgshipCommand): """ Description: update package data Attributes: parse: Command line parsing example params: Command line parameters """ def __init__(self): """ Description: Class instance initialization """ super(UpdatePackageCommand, self).__init__() self.parse = PkgshipCommand.subparsers.add_parser( 'updatepkg', help='update package data') self.params = [ ('-packagename', 'str', 'Source package name', '', 'store'), ('-maintainer', 'str', 'Maintainers name', '', 'store'), ('-maintainlevel', 'int', 'database priority', 1, 'store'), ('-filefolder', 'str', 'Path of yaml file for batch update', '', 'store'), ('--batch', 'str', 'The address of the remote service', False, 'store_true'), ] def register(self): """ Description: Command line parameter injection Args: Returns: Raises: """ super(UpdatePackageCommand, self).register() self.parse.set_defaults(func=self.do_command) def do_command(self, params): """ Description: Action to execute command Args: params: Command line parameters Returns: Raises: ConnectionError: Request connection error """ _url = self.write_host + '/lifeCycle/updatePkgInfo' try: _folder = params.filefolder if _folder: _folder = os.path.abspath(_folder) response = requests.put( _url, data=json.dumps({'pkg_name': params.packagename, 'maintainer': params.maintainer, 'maintainlevel': params.maintainlevel, 'batch': params.batch, 'filepath': _folder}), headers=self.headers) except ConnErr as conn_error: LOGGER.logger.error(conn_error) print(str(conn_error)) else: if response.status_code == 200: try: data = json.loads(response.text) except JSONDecodeError as json_error: LOGGER.logger.error(json_error) print(response.text) else: if data.get('code') == ResponseCode.SUCCESS: print('update completed') else: LOGGER.logger.error(data.get('msg')) print(data.get('msg')) else: self.http_error(response) class BuildDepCommand(PkgshipCommand): """ Description: query the compilation dependencies of the specified package Attributes: parse: Command line parsing example params: Command line parameters collection: Is there a collection parameter collection_params: Command line collection parameters """ def __init__(self): """ Description: Class instance initialization """ super(BuildDepCommand, self).__init__() self.table = PkgshipCommand.create_table( ['Binary name', 'Source name', 'Version', 'Database name']) self.parse = PkgshipCommand.subparsers.add_parser( 'builddep', help='query the compilation dependencies of the specified package') self.collection = True self.params = [ ('packagename', 'str', 'source package name', '', 'store'), ('-remote', 'str', 'The address of the remote service', False, 'store_true') ] self.collection_params = [ ('-dbs', 'Operational database collection') ] def register(self): """ Description: Command line parameter injection Args: Returns: Raises: """ super(BuildDepCommand, self).register() # collection parameters for cmd_params in self.collection_params: self.parse.add_argument( cmd_params[0], nargs='*', default=None, help=cmd_params[1]) self.parse.set_defaults(func=self.do_command) def do_command(self, params): """ Description: Action to execute command Args: params: Command line parameters Returns: Raises: ConnectionError: Request connection error """ self._set_read_host(params.remote) _url = self.read_host + '/packages/findBuildDepend' try: response = requests.post( _url, data=json.dumps({'sourceName': params.packagename, 'db_list': params.dbs}), headers=self.headers) except ConnErr as conn_error: LOGGER.logger.error(conn_error) print(str(conn_error)) else: if response.status_code == 200: try: statistics_table = self.parse_depend_package( json.loads(response.text), params) except JSONDecodeError as json_error: LOGGER.logger.error(json_error) print(response.text) else: if getattr(self.table, 'rowcount'): self.print_('query {} buildDepend result display:'.format( params.packagename)) print(self.table) self.print_('statistics') print(statistics_table) else: self.http_error(response) class InstallDepCommand(PkgshipCommand): """ Description: query the installation dependencies of the specified package Attributes: parse: Command line parsing example params: Command line parameters collection: Is there a collection parameter collection_params: Command line collection parameters """ def __init__(self): """ Description: Class instance initialization """ super(InstallDepCommand, self).__init__() self.parse = PkgshipCommand.subparsers.add_parser( 'installdep', help='query the installation dependencies of the specified package') self.collection = True self.params = [ ('packagename', 'str', 'source package name', '', 'store'), ('-remote', 'str', 'The address of the remote service', False, 'store_true') ] self.collection_params = [ ('-dbs', 'Operational database collection') ] def register(self): """ Description: Command line parameter injection Args: Returns: Raises: """ super(InstallDepCommand, self).register() # collection parameters for cmd_params in self.collection_params: self.parse.add_argument( cmd_params[0], nargs='*', default=None, help=cmd_params[1]) self.parse.set_defaults(func=self.do_command) def __parse_package(self, response_data, params): """ Description: Parse the corresponding data of the package Args: response_data: http response data params: Parameters passed in on the command line Returns: Raises: """ self.table = PkgshipCommand.create_table( ['Binary name', 'Source name', 'Version', 'Database name']) if getattr(self, 'statistics'): setattr(self, 'statistics', dict()) bin_package_count = 0 src_package_count = 0 if response_data.get('code') == ResponseCode.SUCCESS: package_all = response_data.get('data') if isinstance(package_all, dict): if package_all.get("not_found_components"): print("Problem: Not Found Components") for not_found_com in package_all.get("not_found_components"): print(" - nothing provides {} needed by {} ".format(not_found_com, params.packagename)) for bin_package, package_depend in package_all.get("install_dict").items(): # distinguish whether the current data is the data of the root node if isinstance(package_depend, list) and package_depend[-1][0][0] != 'root': row_data = [bin_package, package_depend[ListNode.SOURCE_NAME], package_depend[ListNode.VERSION], package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME]] # Whether the database exists if package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME] not in self.statistics: self.statistics[package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME]] = { 'binary': [], 'source': [] } # Determine whether the current binary package exists if bin_package not in \ self.statistics[package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME]]['binary']: self.statistics[package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME] ]['binary'].append(bin_package) bin_package_count += 1 # Determine whether the source package exists if package_depend[ListNode.SOURCE_NAME] not in \ self.statistics[package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME]]['source']: self.statistics[package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME]]['source'].append( package_depend[ListNode.SOURCE_NAME]) src_package_count += 1 self.table.add_row(row_data) else: LOGGER.logger.error(response_data.get('msg')) print(response_data.get('msg')) # Display of aggregated data statistics_table = self.statistics_table( bin_package_count, src_package_count) return statistics_table def do_command(self, params): """ Description: Action to execute command Args: params: Command line parameters Returns: Raises: ConnectionError: requests connection error """ self._set_read_host(params.remote) _url = self.read_host + '/packages/findInstallDepend' try: response = requests.post(_url, data=json.dumps( { 'binaryName': params.packagename, 'db_list': params.dbs }, ensure_ascii=True), headers=self.headers) except ConnErr as conn_error: LOGGER.logger.error(conn_error) print(str(conn_error)) else: if response.status_code == 200: try: statistics_table = self.__parse_package( json.loads(response.text), params) except JSONDecodeError as json_error: LOGGER.logger.error(json_error) print(response.text) else: if getattr(self.table, 'rowcount'): self.print_('query {} InstallDepend result display:'.format( params.packagename)) print(self.table) self.print_('statistics') print(statistics_table) else: self.http_error(response) class SelfBuildCommand(PkgshipCommand): """ Description: self-compiled dependency query Attributes: parse: Command line parsing example params: Command line parameters collection: Is there a collection parameter collection_params: Command line collection parameters """ def __init__(self): """ Description: Class instance initialization """ super(SelfBuildCommand, self).__init__() self.parse = PkgshipCommand.subparsers.add_parser( 'selfbuild', help='query the self-compiled dependencies of the specified package') self.collection = True self.bin_package_table = self.create_table( ['package name', 'src name', 'version', 'database']) self.src_package_table = self.create_table([ 'src name', 'version', 'database']) self.params = [ ('packagename', 'str', 'source package name', '', 'store'), ('-t', 'str', 'Source of data query', 'binary', 'store'), ('-w', 'str', 'whether to include other subpackages of binary', 0, 'store'), ('-s', 'str', 'whether it is self-compiled', 0, 'store'), ('-remote', 'str', 'The address of the remote service', False, 'store_true') ] self.collection_params = [ ('-dbs', 'Operational database collection') ] def register(self): """ Description: Command line parameter injection Args: Returns: Raises: """ super(SelfBuildCommand, self).register() # collection parameters for cmd_params in self.collection_params: self.parse.add_argument( cmd_params[0], nargs='*', default=None, help=cmd_params[1]) self.parse.set_defaults(func=self.do_command) def _parse_bin_package(self, bin_packages): """ Description: Parsing binary result data Args: bin_packages: Binary package data Returns: Raises: """ bin_package_count = 0 if bin_packages: for bin_package, package_depend in bin_packages.items(): # distinguish whether the current data is the data of the root node if isinstance(package_depend, list) and package_depend[-1][0][0] != 'root': row_data = [bin_package, package_depend[ListNode.SOURCE_NAME], package_depend[ListNode.VERSION], package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME]] # Whether the database exists if package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME] not in self.statistics: self.statistics[package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME]] = { 'binary': [], 'source': [] } # Determine whether the current binary package exists if bin_package not in \ self.statistics[package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME]]['binary']: self.statistics[package_depend[ListNode.DBNAME] ]['binary'].append(bin_package) bin_package_count += 1 self.bin_package_table.add_row(row_data) return bin_package_count def _parse_src_package(self, src_packages): """ Description: Source package data analysis Args: src_packages: Source package Returns: Source package data Raises: """ src_package_count = 0 if src_packages: for src_package, package_depend in src_packages.items(): # distinguish whether the current data is the data of the root node if isinstance(package_depend, list): row_data = [src_package, package_depend[ListNode.VERSION], package_depend[DB_NAME]] # Whether the database exists if package_depend[DB_NAME] not in self.statistics: self.statistics[package_depend[DB_NAME]] = { 'binary': [], 'source': [] } # Determine whether the current binary package exists if src_package not in self.statistics[package_depend[DB_NAME]]['source']: self.statistics[package_depend[DB_NAME] ]['source'].append(src_package) src_package_count += 1 self.src_package_table.add_row(row_data) return src_package_count def __parse_package(self, response_data, params): """ Description: Parse the corresponding data of the package Args: response_data: http response data params: Parameters passed in on the command line Returns: Summarized data table Raises: """ if getattr(self, 'statistics'): setattr(self, 'statistics', dict()) bin_package_count = 0 src_package_count = 0 if response_data.get('code') == ResponseCode.SUCCESS: package_all = response_data.get('data') if isinstance(package_all, dict): # Parsing binary result data if package_all.get("not_found_components"): print("Problem: Not Found Components") for not_found_com in package_all.get("not_found_components"): print(" - nothing provides {} needed by {} ".format(not_found_com, params.packagename)) bin_package_count = self._parse_bin_package( package_all.get('binary_dicts')) # Source package data analysis src_package_count = self._parse_src_package( package_all.get('source_dicts')) else: LOGGER.logger.error(response_data.get('msg')) print(response_data.get('msg')) # Display of aggregated data statistics_table = self.statistics_table( bin_package_count, src_package_count) # return (bin_package_table, src_package_table, statistics_table) return statistics_table def do_command(self, params): """ Description: Action to execute command Args: params: commands lines params Returns: Raises: ConnectionError: requests connection error """ self._set_read_host(params.remote) _url = self.read_host + '/packages/findSelfDepend' try: response = requests.post(_url, data=json.dumps({ 'packagename': params.packagename, 'db_list': params.dbs, 'packtype': params.t, 'selfbuild': str(params.s), 'withsubpack': str(params.w)}), headers=self.headers) except ConnErr as conn_error: LOGGER.logger.error(conn_error) print(str(conn_error)) else: if response.status_code == 200: try: statistics_table = self.__parse_package( json.loads(response.text), params) except JSONDecodeError as json_error: LOGGER.logger.error(json_error) print(response.text) else: if getattr(self.bin_package_table, 'rowcount') \ and getattr(self.src_package_table, 'rowcount'): self.print_('query {} selfDepend result display :'.format( params.packagename)) print(self.bin_package_table) self.print_(character='=') print(self.src_package_table) self.print_('statistics') print(statistics_table) else: self.http_error(response) class BeDependCommand(PkgshipCommand): """ Description: dependent query Attributes: parse: Command line parsing example params: Command line parameters """ def __init__(self): """ Description: Class instance initialization """ super(BeDependCommand, self).__init__() self.table = PkgshipCommand.create_table( ['Binary name', 'Source name', 'Version', 'Database name']) self.parse = PkgshipCommand.subparsers.add_parser( 'bedepend', help='dependency query for the specified package') self.params = [ ('packagename', 'str', 'source package name', '', 'store'), ('db', 'str', 'name of the database operated', '', 'store'), ('-w', 'str', 'whether to include other subpackages of binary', 0, 'store'), ('-remote', 'str', 'The address of the remote service', False, 'store_true') ] def register(self): """ Description: Command line parameter injection Args: Returns: Raises: """ super(BeDependCommand, self).register() self.parse.set_defaults(func=self.do_command) def do_command(self, params): """ Description: Action to execute command Args: params: command lines params Returns: Raises: ConnectionError: requests connection error """ self._set_read_host(params.remote) _url = self.read_host + '/packages/findBeDepend' try: response = requests.post(_url, data=json.dumps( { 'packagename': params.packagename, 'dbname': params.db, 'withsubpack': str(params.w) } ), headers=self.headers) except ConnErr as conn_error: LOGGER.logger.error(conn_error) print(str(conn_error)) else: if response.status_code == 200: try: statistics_table = self.parse_depend_package( json.loads(response.text)) except JSONDecodeError as json_error: LOGGER.logger.error(json_error) print(response.text) else: if getattr(self.table, 'rowcount'): self.print_('query {} beDepend result display :'.format( params.packagename)) print(self.table) self.print_('statistics') print(statistics_table) else: self.http_error(response) class SingleCommand(PkgshipCommand): """ Description: query single package information Attributes: parse: Command line parsing example params: Command line parameters """ def __init__(self): """ Description: Class instance initialization """ super(SingleCommand, self).__init__() self.parse = PkgshipCommand.subparsers.add_parser( 'single', help='query the information of a single package') self.params = [ ('packagename', 'str', 'source package name', '', 'store'), ('tablename', 'str', 'name of the database operated', '', 'store'), ('-remote', 'str', 'The address of the remote service', False, 'store_true') ] self.provides_table = self.create_table(['Symbol', 'Required by']) self.requires_table = self.create_table(['Symbol', 'Provides by']) def register(self): """ Description: Command line parameter injection Args: Returns: Raises: """ super(SingleCommand, self).register() self.parse.set_defaults(func=self.do_command) def __parse_package_detail(self, response_data): """ """ _show_field_name = ('pkg_name', 'version', 'release', 'url', 'license', 'feature', 'maintainer', 'maintainlevel', 'gitee_url', 'issue', 'summary', 'description', 'buildrequired') _package_detail_info = response_data.get('data') _line_content = [] if _package_detail_info: for key in _show_field_name: value = _package_detail_info.get(key) if value is None: value = '' if isinstance(value, list): value = '、'.join(value) if value else '' _line_content.append('%-15s:%s' % (key, value)) for content in _line_content: self.print_(content=content) def __parse_provides(self, provides): """ """ if provides and isinstance(provides, list): for _provide in provides: _required_by = '\n'.join( _provide['requiredby']) if _provide['requiredby'] else '' self.provides_table.add_row( [_provide['name'], _required_by]) self.print_('Provides') if getattr(self.provides_table, 'rowcount'): print(self.provides_table) else: print('No relevant dependent data') self.provides_table.clear_rows() def __parse_requires(self, requires): """ """ if requires and isinstance(requires, list): for _require in requires: _provide_by = '\n'.join( _require['providedby']) if _require['providedby'] else '' self.requires_table.add_row( [_require['name'], _provide_by]) self.print_('Requires') if getattr(self.requires_table, 'rowcount'): print(self.requires_table) else: print('No related components') self.requires_table.clear_rows() def __parse_subpack(self, subpacks): """ Data analysis of binary package """ for subpack_item in subpacks: print('-' * 50) self.print_(subpack_item['name']) self.__parse_provides(subpack_item['provides']) self.__parse_requires(subpack_item['requires']) def __parse_package(self, response_data): """ Description: Parse the corresponding data of the package Args: response_data: http response data Returns: Raises: """ if response_data.get('code') == ResponseCode.SUCCESS: self.__parse_package_detail(response_data) try: _subpacks = response_data['data']['subpack'] self.__parse_subpack(_subpacks) except KeyError as key_error: LOGGER.logger.error(key_error) else: print(response_data.get('msg')) def do_command(self, params): """ Description: Action to execute command Args: params: command lines params Returns: Raises: ConnectionError: requests connection error """ self._set_read_host(params.remote) _url = self.read_host + \ '/packages/packageInfo?table_name={db_name}&pkg_name={packagename}' \ .format(db_name=params.tablename, packagename=params.packagename) try: response = requests.get(_url) except ConnErr as conn_error: LOGGER.logger.error(conn_error) print(str(conn_error)) else: if response.status_code == 200: try: self.__parse_package(json.loads(response.text)) except JSONDecodeError as json_error: LOGGER.logger.error(json_error) print(response.text) else: self.http_error(response) class IssueCommand(PkgshipCommand): """ Description: Get the issue list Attributes: parse: Command line parsing example params: Command line parameters """ def __init__(self): """ Description: Class instance initialization """ super(IssueCommand, self).__init__() self.parse = PkgshipCommand.subparsers.add_parser( 'issue', help='Query the issue list of the specified package') self.params = [ ('-packagename', 'str', 'Query source package name', '', 'store'), ('-issue_type', 'str', 'Type of issue', '', 'store'), ('-issue_status', 'str', 'the status of the issue', '', 'store'), ('-maintainer', 'str', 'Maintainer\'s name', '', 'store'), ('-page', 'int', 'Need to query the data on the first few pages', 1, 'store'), ('-pagesize', 'int', 'The size of the data displayed on each page', 65535, 'store'), ('-remote', 'str', 'The address of the remote service', False, 'store_true') ] self.table = self.create_table( ['issue_id', 'pkg_name', 'issue_title', 'issue_status', 'issue_type', 'maintainer']) def register(self): """ Description: Command line parameter injection """ super(IssueCommand, self).register() self.parse.set_defaults(func=self.do_command) def __parse_package(self, response_data): """ Description: Parse the corresponding data of the package Args: response_data: http response data """ if response_data.get('code') == ResponseCode.SUCCESS: issue_all = response_data.get('data') if isinstance(issue_all, list): for issue_item in issue_all: _row_data = [ issue_item.get('issue_id'), issue_item.get('pkg_name') if issue_item.get( 'pkg_name') else '', issue_item.get('issue_title')[:50]+'...' if issue_item.get( 'issue_title') else '', issue_item.get('issue_status') if issue_item.get( 'issue_status') else '', issue_item.get('issue_type') if issue_item.get( 'issue_type') else '', issue_item.get('maintainer') if issue_item.get('maintainer') else ''] self.table.add_row(_row_data) else: print(response_data.get('msg')) def do_command(self, params): """ Description: Action to execute command Args: params: command lines params Returns: Raises: ConnectionError: requests connection error """ self._set_read_host(params.remote) _url = self.read_host + \ '/lifeCycle/issuetrace?page_num={page_num}&\ page_size={page_size}&pkg_name={pkg_name}&issue_type={issue_type}\ &issue_status={issue_status}&maintainer={maintainer}'\ .format(page_num=params.page, page_size=params.pagesize, pkg_name=params.packagename, issue_type=params.issue_type, issue_status=params.issue_status, maintainer=params.maintainer).replace(' ', '') try: response = requests.get(_url) except ConnErr as conn_error: LOGGER.logger.error(conn_error) print(str(conn_error)) else: if response.status_code == 200: try: response_data = json.loads(response.text) self.__parse_package(response_data) except JSONDecodeError as json_error: LOGGER.logger.error(json_error) print(response.text) if getattr(self.table, "rowcount"): print('total count : %d' % response_data['total_count']) print('total page : %d' % response_data['total_page']) print('current page : %s ' % params.page) print(self.table) else: print("Sorry, no relevant information has been found yet") else: self.http_error(response) class AllTablesCommand(PkgshipCommand): """ Description: Get all data tables in the current life cycle Attributes: parse: Command line parsing example params: Command line parameters """ def __init__(self): """ Description: Class instance initialization """ super(AllTablesCommand, self).__init__() self.parse = PkgshipCommand.subparsers.add_parser( 'tables', help='Get all data tables in the current life cycle') self.params = [ ('-remote', 'str', 'The address of the remote service', False, 'store_true') ] def register(self): """ Description: Command line parameter injection """ super(AllTablesCommand, self).register() self.parse.set_defaults(func=self.do_command) def do_command(self, params): """ Description: Action to execute command Args: params: command lines params Returns: Raises: ConnectionError: requests connection error """ self._set_read_host(params.remote) _url = self.read_host + '/lifeCycle/tables' try: response = requests.get(_url, headers=self.headers) except ConnErr as conn_error: LOGGER.logger.error(conn_error) print(str(conn_error)) else: if response.status_code == 200: try: _response_content = json.loads(response.text) if _response_content.get('code') == ResponseCode.SUCCESS: print( 'The version libraries that exist in the ', 'current life cycle are as follows:') for table in _response_content.get('data', []): print(table) else: print('Failed to get the lifecycle repository') except JSONDecodeError as json_error: LOGGER.logger.error(json_error) print(response.text) else: self.http_error(response) class BatchTaskCommand(PkgshipCommand): """ Description: Issue and life cycle information involved in batch processing packages Attributes: parse: Command line parsing example params: Command line parameters """ def __init__(self): """ Description: Class instance initialization """ super(BatchTaskCommand, self).__init__() self.parse = PkgshipCommand.subparsers.add_parser( 'update', help='Issue and life cycle information involved in batch processing packages') self.params = [ ('--issue', 'str', 'Batch operation on issue', False, 'store_true'), ('--package', 'str', 'Package life cycle information processing', False, 'store_true'), ] def register(self): """ Description: Command line parameter injection """ super(BatchTaskCommand, self).register() self.parse.set_defaults(func=self.do_command) def do_command(self, params): """ Description: Action to execute command Args: params: command lines params Returns: Raises: ConnectionError: requests connection error """ if not params.issue and not params.package: print('Please select the way to operate') if params.issue: issue_thread = threading.Thread( target=update_pkg_info, args=(False,)) issue_thread.start() if params.package: update_pkg_thread = threading.Thread( target=update_pkg_info) update_pkg_thread.start() if __name__ == '__main__': main()