# oemaker #### Description `oemaker` is a building tool for making DVD iso, include standard iso, debug iso and source iso. `oemaker` uses local arch when building, did not support cross building. currently, `oemaker` support the arch of aarch64 and x86_64 for iso making. #### Installation To install `oemaker`, you can use `rpm` or `dnf` package manager command with openEuler repository. Install oemaker with dnf ```sh dnf install -y oemaker ``` #### Instructions Generally, the disk space is more than 50g. #### Contribution oemaker _[-t Type] [-p Product] [-v Version] [-r RELEASE] [-s REPOSITORY]_ optional arguments: -t Type ISO Type include standard debug and source -p Product Product Name, such as: openEuler -v Version version identifier -r RELEASE release information -s REPOSITORY source dnf repository address link(may be listed multiple times)