Snapshot XML format

Snapshot XML

Attributes of libvirt snapshots are stored as child elements of the domainsnapshot element. At snapshot creation time, only the name and description elements are settable; the rest of the fields are informational (and readonly) and will be filled in by libvirt when the snapshot is created.

The top-level domainsnapshot element may contain the following elements:

The name for this snapshot. If the name is specified when initially creating the snapshot, then the snapshot will have that particular name. If the name is omitted when initially creating the snapshot, then libvirt will make up a name for the snapshot.
A human-readable description of the snapshot. If the description is omitted when initially creating the snapshot, then this field will be empty.
The time this snapshot was created. The time is specified in seconds since the Epoch, UTC (i.e. Unix time). Readonly.
The state of the domain at the time this snapshot was taken. When the domain is reverted to this snapshot, the domain's state will be set to whatever is in this field. Readonly.
The parent of this snapshot. This element contains exactly one child element, name. This specifies the name of the parent snapshot of this snapshot, and is used to represent trees of snapshots. Readonly.
The domain that this snapshot was taken against. This element contains exactly one child element, uuid. This specifies the uuid of the domain that this snapshot was taken against. Readonly.


         <description>Snapshot of OS install and updates</description>