{"suspend",VSH_OT_BOOL,0,N_("do not restart the domain on the destination host")},
{"copy-storage-all",VSH_OT_BOOL,0,N_("migration with non-shared storage with full disk copy")},
{"copy-storage-inc",VSH_OT_BOOL,0,N_("migration with non-shared storage with incremental copy (same base image shared between source and destination)")},
{"verbose",VSH_OT_BOOL,0,N_("display the progress of migration")},
{"domain",VSH_OT_DATA,VSH_OFLAG_REQ,N_("domain name, id or uuid")},
{"desturi",VSH_OT_DATA,VSH_OFLAG_REQ,N_("connection URI of the destination host as seen from the client(normal migration) or source(p2p migration)")},
{"migrateuri",VSH_OT_DATA,0,N_("migration URI, usually can be omitted")},