diff --git a/build-aux/check-spacing.pl b/build-aux/check-spacing.pl
index d36b004abf0c9961b5ad51d7f4bbe45718a35235..ca8b434916851748dfaa6731b912be8167babca4 100755
--- a/build-aux/check-spacing.pl
+++ b/build-aux/check-spacing.pl
@@ -23,356 +23,180 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-# CheckFunctionBody:
-# $_[0]: $data(in)
-# $_[1]: $location(in), which format is file-path:line-num:line-code
-# $_[2]: $fn_linenum(inout), maintains start line-num of function body
-# Returns 0 in case of success or 1 on failure
-# Check incorrect indentation and blank first line in function body.
-# For efficiency, it only checks the first line of function body.
-# But it's enough for most cases.
-# (It could be better that we use *state* to declare @fn_linenum and
-#  move it into this subroutine. But *state* requires version >= v5.10.)
-sub CheckFunctionBody {
-    my $ret = 0;
-    my ($data, $location, $fn_linenum) = @_;
+my $ret = 0;
+my $incomment = 0;
-    # Check first line of function block
-    if ($$fn_linenum) {
-        if ($$data =~ /^\s*$/) {
-            print "Blank line before content in function body:\n$$location";
-            $ret = 1;
-        } elsif ($$data !~ /^[ ]{4}\S/) {
-            unless ($$data =~ /^[ ]\w+:$/ || $$data =~ /^}/) {
-                print "Incorrect indentation in function body:\n$$location";
-                $ret = 1;
-            }
-        }
-        $$fn_linenum = 0;
-    }
+foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
+    # Per-file variables for multiline Curly Bracket (cb_) check
+    my $cb_linenum = 0;
+    my $cb_code = "";
+    my $cb_scolon = 0;
-    # Detect start of function block
-    if ($$data =~ /^{$/) {
-        $$fn_linenum = $.;
-    }
+    open FILE, $file;
-    return $ret;
+    while (defined (my $line = <FILE>)) {
+        my $data = $line;
+        # For temporary modifications
+        my $tmpdata;
-# KillComments:
-# $_[0]: $data(inout)
-# $_[1]: $incomment(inout)
-# Remove all content of comments
-# (Also, the @incomment could be declared with *state* and move it in.)
-sub KillComments {
-    my ($data, $incomment) = @_;
+        # Kill any quoted , ; = or "
+        $data =~ s/'[";,=]'/'X'/g;
-    # Kill contents of multi-line comments
-    # and detect end of multi-line comments
-    if ($$incomment) {
-        if ($$data =~ m,\*/,) {
-            $$incomment = 0;
-            $$data =~ s,^.*\*/,*/,;
-        } else {
-            $$data = "";
-        }
-    }
+        # Kill any quoted strings
+        $data =~ s,"(?:[^\\\"]|\\.)*","XXX",g;
-    # Kill single line comments, and detect
-    # start of multi-line comments
-    if ($$data =~ m,/\*.*\*/,) {
-        $$data =~ s,/\*.*\*/,/* */,;
-    } elsif ($$data =~ m,/\*,) {
-        $$incomment = 1;
-        $$data =~ s,/\*.*,/*,;
-    }
+        # Kill any C++ style comments
+        $data =~ s,//.*$,//,;
-    return;
+        next if $data =~ /^#/;
-# CheckWhiteSpaces:
-# $_[0]: $data(in)
-# $_[1]: $location(in), which format is file-path:line-num:line-code
-# Returns 0 in case of success or 1 on failure
-# Check whitespaces according to code spec of libvirt.
-sub CheckWhiteSpaces {
-    my $ret = 0;
-    my ($data, $location) = @_;
+        # Kill contents of multi-line comments
+        # and detect end of multi-line comments
+        if ($incomment) {
+            if ($data =~ m,\*/,) {
+                $incomment = 0;
+                $data =~ s,^.*\*/,*/,;
+            } else {
+                $data = "";
+            }
+        }
-    # We need to match things like
-    #
-    #  int foo (int bar, bool wizz);
-    #  foo (bar, wizz);
-    #
-    # but not match things like:
-    #
-    #  typedef int (*foo)(bar wizz)
-    #
-    # we can't do this (efficiently) without
-    # missing things like
-    #
-    #  foo (*bar, wizz);
-    #
-    # We also don't want to spoil the $data so it can be used
-    # later on.
+        # Kill single line comments, and detect
+        # start of multi-line comments
+        if ($data =~ m,/\*.*\*/,) {
+            $data =~ s,/\*.*\*/,/* */,;
+        } elsif ($data =~ m,/\*,) {
+            $incomment = 1;
+            $data =~ s,/\*.*,/*,;
+        }
-    # For temporary modifications
-    my $tmpdata = $$data;
-    while ($tmpdata =~ /(\w+)\s\((?!\*)/) {
-        my $kw = $1;
+        # We need to match things like
+        #
+        #  int foo (int bar, bool wizz);
+        #  foo (bar, wizz);
+        #
+        # but not match things like:
+        #
+        #  typedef int (*foo)(bar wizz)
+        #
+        # we can't do this (efficiently) without
+        # missing things like
+        #
+        #  foo (*bar, wizz);
+        #
+        # We also don't want to spoil the $data so it can be used
+        # later on.
+        $tmpdata = $data;
+        while ($tmpdata =~ /(\w+)\s\((?!\*)/) {
+            my $kw = $1;
+            # Allow space after keywords only
+            if ($kw =~ /^(?:if|for|while|switch|return)$/) {
+                $tmpdata =~ s/(?:$kw\s\()/XXX(/;
+            } else {
+                print "Whitespace after non-keyword:\n";
+                print "$file:$.: $line";
+                $ret = 1;
+                last;
+            }
+        }
-        # Allow space after keywords only
-        if ($kw =~ /^(?:if|for|while|switch|return)$/) {
-            $tmpdata =~ s/(?:$kw\s\()/XXX(/;
-        } else {
-            print "Whitespace after non-keyword:\n$$location";
+        # Require whitespace immediately after keywords
+        if ($data =~ /\b(?:if|for|while|switch|return)\(/) {
+            print "No whitespace after keyword:\n";
+            print "$file:$.: $line";
             $ret = 1;
-            last;
-    }
-    # Require whitespace immediately after keywords
-    if ($$data =~ /\b(?:if|for|while|switch|return)\(/) {
-        print "No whitespace after keyword:\n$$location";
-        $ret = 1;
-    }
-    # Forbid whitespace between )( of a function typedef
-    if ($$data =~ /\(\*\w+\)\s+\(/) {
-        print "Whitespace between ')' and '(':\n$$location";
-        $ret = 1;
-    }
-    # Forbid whitespace following ( or prior to )
-    # but allow whitespace before ) on a single line
-    # (optionally followed by a semicolon)
-    if (($$data =~ /\s\)/ && not $$data =~ /^\s+\);?$/) ||
-        $$data =~ /\((?!$)\s/) {
-        print "Whitespace after '(' or before ')':\n$$location";
-        $ret = 1;
-    }
-    # Forbid whitespace before ";" or ",". Things like below are allowed:
-    #
-    # 1) The expression is empty for "for" loop. E.g.
-    #   for (i = 0; ; i++)
-    #
-    # 2) An empty statement. E.g.
-    #   while (write(statuswrite, &status, 1) == -1 &&
-    #          errno == EINTR)
-    #       ;
-    #
-    if ($$data =~ /\s[;,]/) {
-        unless ($$data =~ /\S; ; / ||
-                $$data =~ /^\s+;/) {
-            print "Whitespace before semicolon or comma:\n$$location";
+        # Forbid whitespace between )( of a function typedef
+        if ($data =~ /\(\*\w+\)\s+\(/) {
+            print "Whitespace between ')' and '(':\n";
+            print "$file:$.: $line";
             $ret = 1;
-    }
-    # Require EOL, macro line continuation, or whitespace after ";".
-    # Allow "for (;;)" as an exception.
-    if ($$data =~ /;[^	 \\\n;)]/) {
-        print "Invalid character after semicolon:\n$$location";
-        $ret = 1;
-    }
-    # Require EOL, space, or enum/struct end after comma.
-    if ($$data =~ /,[^ \\\n)}]/) {
-        print "Invalid character after comma:\n$$location";
-        $ret = 1;
-    }
-    # Require spaces around assignment '=', compounds and '=='
-    if ($$data =~ /[^ ]\b[!<>&|\-+*\/%\^=]?=/ ||
-        $$data =~ /=[^= \\\n]/) {
-        print "Spacing around '=' or '==':\n$$location";
-        $ret = 1;
-    }
-    return $ret;
-# CheckCurlyBrackets:
-# $_[0]: $data(in)
-# $_[1]: $file(in)
-# $_[2]: $line(in)
-# $_[3]: $cb_linenum(inout)
-# $_[4]: $cb_code(inout)
-# $_[5]: $cb_scolon(inout)
-# Returns 0 in case of success or 1 on failure
-# Check whitespaces according to code spec of libvirt.
-sub CheckCurlyBrackets {
-    my $ret = 0;
-    my ($data, $file, $line, $cb_linenum, $cb_code, $cb_scolon) = @_;
-    # One line conditional statements with one line bodies should
-    # not use curly brackets.
-    if ($$data =~ /^\s*(if|while|for)\b.*\{$/) {
-        $$cb_linenum = $.;
-        $$cb_code = $$line;
-        $$cb_scolon = 0;
-    }
-    # We need to check for exactly one semicolon inside the body,
-    # because empty statements (e.g. with comment only) are
-    # allowed
-    if ($$cb_linenum == $. - 1 && $$data =~ /^[^;]*;[^;]*$/) {
-        $$cb_code .= $$line;
-        $$cb_scolon = 1;
-    }
-    if ($$data =~ /^\s*}\s*$/ &&
-        $$cb_linenum == $. - 2 &&
-        $$cb_scolon) {
-        print "Curly brackets around single-line body:\n";
-        print "$$file:$$cb_linenum-$.:\n$$cb_code$$line";
-        $ret = 1;
-        # There _should_ be no need to reset the values; but to
-        # keep my inner peace...
-        $$cb_linenum = 0;
-        $$cb_scolon = 0;
-        $$cb_code = "";
-    }
-    return $ret;
-# CheckMisalignment:
-# $_[0]: $data(in)
-# $_[1]: $file(in)
-# $_[2]: $line(in)
-# $_[3]: @paren_stack(inout), which maintains information
-#         of the parenthesis
-# Returns 0 in case of success or 1 on failure
-# Check misaligned stuff in parenthesis:
-# 1. For misaligned arguments of function
-# 2. For misaligned conditions of [if|while|switch|...]
-sub CheckMisalignment {
-    my $ret = 0;
-    my ($data, $file, $line, $paren_stack) = @_;
-    # Check alignment based on @paren_stack
-    if (@$paren_stack) {
-        if ($$data =~ /(\S+.*$)/) {
-            my $pos = $$paren_stack[-1][0];
-            my $linenum = $$paren_stack[-1][1];
-            my $code = $$paren_stack[-1][2];
-            if ($pos + 1 != length($`)) {
-                my $pad = "";
-                if ($. > $linenum + 1) {
-                    $pad = " " x $pos . " ...\n";
-                }
-                print "Misaligned line in parenthesis:\n";
-                print "$$file:$linenum-$.:\n$code$pad$$line\n";
-                $ret = 1;
-            }
+        # Forbid whitespace following ( or prior to )
+        # but allow whitespace before ) on a single line
+        # (optionally followed by a semicolon)
+        if (($data =~ /\s\)/ && not $data =~ /^\s+\);?$/) ||
+            $data =~ /\((?!$)\s/) {
+            print "Whitespace after '(' or before ')':\n";
+            print "$file:$.: $line";
+            $ret = 1;
-    }
-    # Maintain @paren_stack
-    if ($$data =~ /.*[()]/) {
-        my $pos = 0;
-        my $temp = $$data;
-        # Kill the content between matched parenthesis and themselves
-        # within the current line.
-        $temp =~ s,(\((?:[^()]++|(?R))*+\)),"X" x (length $&),ge;
-        # Pop a item for the open-paren when finding close-paren
-        while (($pos = index($temp, "\)", $pos)) >= 0) {
-            if (@$paren_stack) {
-                pop(@$paren_stack);
-                $pos++;
-            } else {
-                print "Warning: found unbalanced parenthesis:\n";
-                print "$$file:$.:\n$$line\n";
+        # Forbid whitespace before ";" or ",". Things like below are allowed:
+        #
+        # 1) The expression is empty for "for" loop. E.g.
+        #   for (i = 0; ; i++)
+        #
+        # 2) An empty statement. E.g.
+        #   while (write(statuswrite, &status, 1) == -1 &&
+        #          errno == EINTR)
+        #       ;
+        #
+        if ($data =~ /\s[;,]/) {
+            unless ($data =~ /\S; ; / ||
+                    $data =~ /^\s+;/) {
+                print "Whitespace before semicolon or comma:\n";
+                print "$file:$.: $line";
                 $ret = 1;
-                last;
-        # Push the item for open-paren on @paren_stack
-        # @item = [ position of the open-paren, linenum, code-line ]
-        while (($pos = index($temp, "\(", $pos)) >= 0) {
-            push @$paren_stack, [$pos, $., $$line];
-            $pos++;
+        # Require EOL, macro line continuation, or whitespace after ";".
+        # Allow "for (;;)" as an exception.
+        if ($data =~ /;[^	 \\\n;)]/) {
+            print "Invalid character after semicolon:\n";
+            print "$file:$.: $line";
+            $ret = 1;
-    }
-    return $ret;
-my $ret = 0;
-foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
-    # Per-file variables for multiline Curly Bracket (cb_) check
-    my $cb_linenum = 0;
-    my $cb_code = "";
-    my $cb_scolon = 0;
-    my $fn_linenum = 0;
-    my $incomment = 0;
-    my @paren_stack;
-    open FILE, $file;
-    while (defined (my $line = <FILE>)) {
-        my $has_define = 0;
-        my $data = $line;
-        my $location = "$file:$.:\n$line";
-        # Kill any quoted , ; = or "
-        $data =~ s/'[";,=]'/'X'/g;
-        # Kill any quoted strings. Replace with equal-length "XXXX..."
-        $data =~ s,"(([^\\\"]|\\.)*)","\"".'X'x(length $1)."\"",ge;
-        $data =~ s,'(([^\\\']|\\.)*)',"\'".'X'x(length $1)."\'",ge;
+        # Require EOL, space, or enum/struct end after comma.
+        if ($data =~ /,[^ \\\n)}]/) {
+            print "Invalid character after comma:\n";
+            print "$file:$.: $line";
+            $ret = 1;
+        }
-        # Kill any C++ style comments
-        $data =~ s,//.*$,//,;
+        # Require spaces around assignment '=', compounds and '=='
+        if ($data =~ /[^ ]\b[!<>&|\-+*\/%\^=]?=/ ||
+            $data =~ /=[^= \\\n]/) {
+            print "Spacing around '=' or '==':\n";
+            print "$file:$.: $line";
+            $ret = 1;
+        }
-        $has_define = 1 if $data =~ /(?:^#\s*define\b)/;
-        if (not $has_define) {
-            # Ignore all macros except for #define
-            next if $data =~ /^#/;
+        # One line conditional statements with one line bodies should
+        # not use curly brackets.
+        if ($data =~ /^\s*(if|while|for)\b.*\{$/) {
+            $cb_linenum = $.;
+            $cb_code = $line;
+            $cb_scolon = 0;
+        }
-            $ret = 1 if CheckFunctionBody(\$data, \$location, \$fn_linenum);
+        # We need to check for exactly one semicolon inside the body,
+        # because empty statements (e.g. with comment only) are
+        # allowed
+        if ($cb_linenum == $. - 1 && $data =~ /^[^;]*;[^;]*$/) {
+            $cb_code .= $line;
+            $cb_scolon = 1;
+        }
-            KillComments(\$data, \$incomment);
+        if ($data =~ /^\s*}\s*$/ &&
+            $cb_linenum == $. - 2 &&
+            $cb_scolon) {
-            $ret = 1 if CheckWhiteSpaces(\$data, \$location);
+            print "Curly brackets around single-line body:\n";
+            print "$file:$cb_linenum-$.:\n$cb_code$line";
+            $ret = 1;
-            $ret = 1 if CheckCurlyBrackets(\$data, \$file, \$line,
-                                           \$cb_linenum, \$cb_code, \$cb_scolon);
+            # There _should_ be no need to reset the values; but to
+            # keep my inner peace...
+            $cb_linenum = 0;
+            $cb_scolon = 0;
+            $cb_code = "";
-        #####################################################################
-        # Temporary Filter for CheckMisalignment:
-        # Here we introduce a white-list of path, since there're
-        # too much misalignment.
-        # We _need_ fix these misalignment in batches.
-        # We _should_ remove it as soon as fixing all.
-        #####################################################################
-        next unless $file =~ /^src\/util\//;
-        $ret = 1 if CheckMisalignment(\$data, \$file, \$line, \@paren_stack);
     close FILE;