diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/x86/Makefile b/tools/testing/selftests/x86/Makefile
index c73425de3cfe731c5743e7b0d6aec78d601527b5..abe9c35c1cb605439e4da898233dfb44e28ce4ad 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/x86/Makefile
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/x86/Makefile
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ include ../lib.mk
 .PHONY: all all_32 all_64 warn_32bit_failure clean
 TARGETS_C_BOTHBITS := single_step_syscall sysret_ss_attrs syscall_nt ptrace_syscall \
-			check_initial_reg_state sigreturn ldt_gdt iopl
+			check_initial_reg_state sigreturn ldt_gdt iopl mpx-mini-test
 TARGETS_C_32BIT_ONLY := entry_from_vm86 syscall_arg_fault test_syscall_vdso unwind_vdso \
 			test_FCMOV test_FCOMI test_FISTTP \
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-debug.h b/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-debug.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9230981f2e12a0905e675da931938fef0ad8abc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-debug.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#ifndef _MPX_DEBUG_H
+#define _MPX_DEBUG_H
+#ifndef DEBUG_LEVEL
+#define DEBUG_LEVEL 0
+#define dprintf_level(level, args...) do { if(level <= DEBUG_LEVEL) printf(args); } while(0)
+#define dprintf1(args...) dprintf_level(1, args)
+#define dprintf2(args...) dprintf_level(2, args)
+#define dprintf3(args...) dprintf_level(3, args)
+#define dprintf4(args...) dprintf_level(4, args)
+#define dprintf5(args...) dprintf_level(5, args)
+#endif /* _MPX_DEBUG_H */
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-dig.c b/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-dig.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce85356d7e2e7fefc9d79891ad69185ab124dd8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-dig.c
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+ * Written by Dave Hansen <dave.hansen@intel.com>
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include "mpx-debug.h"
+#include "mpx-mm.h"
+#include "mpx-hw.h"
+unsigned long bounds_dir_global;
+#define mpx_dig_abort()	__mpx_dig_abort(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__)
+static void inline __mpx_dig_abort(const char *file, const char *func, int line)
+	fprintf(stderr, "MPX dig abort @ %s::%d in %s()\n", file, line, func);
+	printf("MPX dig abort @ %s::%d in %s()\n", file, line, func);
+	abort();
+ * run like this (BDIR finds the probably bounds directory):
+ *
+ *	BDIR="$(cat /proc/$pid/smaps | grep -B1 2097152 \
+ *		| head -1 | awk -F- '{print $1}')";
+ *	./mpx-dig $pid 0x$BDIR
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *	assumes that the only 2097152-kb VMA is the bounds dir
+ */
+long nr_incore(void *ptr, unsigned long size_bytes)
+	int i;
+	long ret = 0;
+	long vec_len = size_bytes / PAGE_SIZE;
+	unsigned char *vec = malloc(vec_len);
+	int incore_ret;
+	if (!vec)
+		mpx_dig_abort();
+	incore_ret = mincore(ptr, size_bytes, vec);
+	if (incore_ret) {
+		printf("mincore ret: %d\n", incore_ret);
+		perror("mincore");
+		mpx_dig_abort();
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < vec_len; i++)
+		ret += vec[i];
+	free(vec);
+	return ret;
+int open_proc(int pid, char *file)
+	static char buf[100];
+	int fd;
+	snprintf(&buf[0], sizeof(buf), "/proc/%d/%s", pid, file);
+	fd = open(&buf[0], O_RDONLY);
+	if (fd < 0)
+		perror(buf);
+	return fd;
+struct vaddr_range {
+	unsigned long start;
+	unsigned long end;
+struct vaddr_range *ranges;
+int nr_ranges_allocated;
+int nr_ranges_populated;
+int last_range = -1;
+int __pid_load_vaddrs(int pid)
+	int ret = 0;
+	int proc_maps_fd = open_proc(pid, "maps");
+	char linebuf[10000];
+	unsigned long start;
+	unsigned long end;
+	char rest[1000];
+	FILE *f = fdopen(proc_maps_fd, "r");
+	if (!f)
+		mpx_dig_abort();
+	nr_ranges_populated = 0;
+	while (!feof(f)) {
+		char *readret = fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), f);
+		int parsed;
+		if (readret == NULL) {
+			if (feof(f))
+				break;
+			mpx_dig_abort();
+		}
+		parsed = sscanf(linebuf, "%lx-%lx%s", &start, &end, rest);
+		if (parsed != 3)
+			mpx_dig_abort();
+		dprintf4("result[%d]: %lx-%lx<->%s\n", parsed, start, end, rest);
+		if (nr_ranges_populated >= nr_ranges_allocated) {
+			ret = -E2BIG;
+			break;
+		}
+		ranges[nr_ranges_populated].start = start;
+		ranges[nr_ranges_populated].end = end;
+		nr_ranges_populated++;
+	}
+	last_range = -1;
+	fclose(f);
+	close(proc_maps_fd);
+	return ret;
+int pid_load_vaddrs(int pid)
+	int ret;
+	dprintf2("%s(%d)\n", __func__, pid);
+	if (!ranges) {
+		nr_ranges_allocated = 4;
+		ranges = malloc(nr_ranges_allocated * sizeof(ranges[0]));
+		dprintf2("%s(%d) allocated %d ranges @ %p\n", __func__, pid,
+			 nr_ranges_allocated, ranges);
+		assert(ranges != NULL);
+	}
+	do {
+		ret = __pid_load_vaddrs(pid);
+		if (!ret)
+			break;
+		if (ret == -E2BIG) {
+			dprintf2("%s(%d) need to realloc\n", __func__, pid);
+			nr_ranges_allocated *= 2;
+			ranges = realloc(ranges,
+					nr_ranges_allocated * sizeof(ranges[0]));
+			dprintf2("%s(%d) allocated %d ranges @ %p\n", __func__,
+					pid, nr_ranges_allocated, ranges);
+			assert(ranges != NULL);
+			dprintf1("reallocating to hold %d ranges\n", nr_ranges_allocated);
+		}
+	} while (1);
+	dprintf2("%s(%d) done\n", __func__, pid);
+	return ret;
+static inline int vaddr_in_range(unsigned long vaddr, struct vaddr_range *r)
+	if (vaddr < r->start)
+		return 0;
+	if (vaddr >= r->end)
+		return 0;
+	return 1;
+static inline int vaddr_mapped_by_range(unsigned long vaddr)
+	int i;
+	if (last_range > 0 && vaddr_in_range(vaddr, &ranges[last_range]))
+		return 1;
+	for (i = 0; i < nr_ranges_populated; i++) {
+		struct vaddr_range *r = &ranges[i];
+		if (vaddr_in_range(vaddr, r))
+			continue;
+		last_range = i;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+const int bt_entry_size_bytes = sizeof(unsigned long) * 4;
+void *read_bounds_table_into_buf(unsigned long table_vaddr)
+	static char bt_buf[MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_SIZE_BYTES];
+	off_t seek_ret = lseek(fd, table_vaddr, SEEK_SET);
+	if (seek_ret != table_vaddr)
+		mpx_dig_abort();
+	int read_ret = read(fd, &bt_buf, sizeof(bt_buf));
+	if (read_ret != sizeof(bt_buf))
+		mpx_dig_abort();
+	return &bt_buf;
+	return (void *)table_vaddr;
+int dump_table(unsigned long table_vaddr, unsigned long base_controlled_vaddr,
+		unsigned long bde_vaddr)
+	unsigned long offset_inside_bt;
+	int nr_entries = 0;
+	int do_abort = 0;
+	char *bt_buf;
+	dprintf3("%s() base_controlled_vaddr: 0x%012lx bde_vaddr: 0x%012lx\n",
+			__func__, base_controlled_vaddr, bde_vaddr);
+	bt_buf = read_bounds_table_into_buf(table_vaddr);
+	dprintf4("%s() read done\n", __func__);
+	for (offset_inside_bt = 0;
+	     offset_inside_bt < MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_SIZE_BYTES;
+	     offset_inside_bt += bt_entry_size_bytes) {
+		unsigned long bt_entry_index;
+		unsigned long bt_entry_controls;
+		unsigned long this_bt_entry_for_vaddr;
+		unsigned long *bt_entry_buf;
+		int i;
+		dprintf4("%s() offset_inside_bt: 0x%lx of 0x%llx\n", __func__,
+			offset_inside_bt, MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_SIZE_BYTES);
+		bt_entry_buf = (void *)&bt_buf[offset_inside_bt];
+		if (!bt_buf) {
+			printf("null bt_buf\n");
+			mpx_dig_abort();
+		}
+		if (!bt_entry_buf) {
+			printf("null bt_entry_buf\n");
+			mpx_dig_abort();
+		}
+		dprintf4("%s() reading *bt_entry_buf @ %p\n", __func__,
+				bt_entry_buf);
+		if (!bt_entry_buf[0] &&
+		    !bt_entry_buf[1] &&
+		    !bt_entry_buf[2] &&
+		    !bt_entry_buf[3])
+			continue;
+		nr_entries++;
+		bt_entry_index = offset_inside_bt/bt_entry_size_bytes;
+		bt_entry_controls = sizeof(void *);
+		this_bt_entry_for_vaddr =
+			base_controlled_vaddr + bt_entry_index*bt_entry_controls;
+		/*
+		 * We sign extend vaddr bits 48->63 which effectively
+		 * creates a hole in the virtual address space.
+		 * This calculation corrects for the hole.
+		 */
+		if (this_bt_entry_for_vaddr > 0x00007fffffffffffUL)
+			this_bt_entry_for_vaddr |= 0xffff800000000000;
+		if (!vaddr_mapped_by_range(this_bt_entry_for_vaddr)) {
+			printf("bt_entry_buf: %p\n", bt_entry_buf);
+			printf("there is a bte for %lx but no mapping\n",
+					this_bt_entry_for_vaddr);
+			printf("	  bde   vaddr: %016lx\n", bde_vaddr);
+			printf("base_controlled_vaddr: %016lx\n", base_controlled_vaddr);
+			printf("	  table_vaddr: %016lx\n", table_vaddr);
+			printf("	  entry vaddr: %016lx @ offset %lx\n",
+				table_vaddr + offset_inside_bt, offset_inside_bt);
+			do_abort = 1;
+			mpx_dig_abort();
+		}
+		if (DEBUG_LEVEL < 4)
+			continue;
+		printf("table entry[%lx]: ", offset_inside_bt);
+		for (i = 0; i < bt_entry_size_bytes; i += sizeof(unsigned long))
+			printf("0x%016lx ", bt_entry_buf[i]);
+		printf("\n");
+	}
+	if (do_abort)
+		mpx_dig_abort();
+	dprintf4("%s() done\n",  __func__);
+	return nr_entries;
+int search_bd_buf(char *buf, int len_bytes, unsigned long bd_offset_bytes,
+		int *nr_populated_bdes)
+	unsigned long i;
+	int total_entries = 0;
+	dprintf3("%s(%p, %x, %lx, ...) buf end: %p\n", __func__, buf,
+			len_bytes, bd_offset_bytes, buf + len_bytes);
+	for (i = 0; i < len_bytes; i += sizeof(unsigned long)) {
+		unsigned long bd_index = (bd_offset_bytes + i) / sizeof(unsigned long);
+		unsigned long *bounds_dir_entry_ptr = (unsigned long *)&buf[i];
+		unsigned long bounds_dir_entry;
+		unsigned long bd_for_vaddr;
+		unsigned long bt_start;
+		unsigned long bt_tail;
+		int nr_entries;
+		dprintf4("%s() loop i: %ld bounds_dir_entry_ptr: %p\n", __func__, i,
+				bounds_dir_entry_ptr);
+		bounds_dir_entry = *bounds_dir_entry_ptr;
+		if (!bounds_dir_entry) {
+			dprintf4("no bounds dir at index 0x%lx / 0x%lx "
+				 "start at offset:%lx %lx\n", bd_index, bd_index,
+					bd_offset_bytes, i);
+			continue;
+		}
+		dprintf3("found bounds_dir_entry: 0x%lx @ "
+			 "index 0x%lx buf ptr: %p\n", bounds_dir_entry, i,
+					&buf[i]);
+		/* mask off the enable bit: */
+		bounds_dir_entry &= ~0x1;
+		(*nr_populated_bdes)++;
+		dprintf4("nr_populated_bdes: %p\n", nr_populated_bdes);
+		dprintf4("*nr_populated_bdes: %d\n", *nr_populated_bdes);
+		bt_start = bounds_dir_entry;
+		bt_tail = bounds_dir_entry + MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_SIZE_BYTES - 1;
+		if (!vaddr_mapped_by_range(bt_start)) {
+			printf("bounds directory 0x%lx points to nowhere\n",
+					bounds_dir_entry);
+			mpx_dig_abort();
+		}
+		if (!vaddr_mapped_by_range(bt_tail)) {
+			printf("bounds directory end 0x%lx points to nowhere\n",
+					bt_tail);
+			mpx_dig_abort();
+		}
+		/*
+		 * Each bounds directory entry controls 1MB of virtual address
+		 * space.  This variable is the virtual address in the process
+		 * of the beginning of the area controlled by this bounds_dir.
+		 */
+		bd_for_vaddr = bd_index * (1UL<<20);
+		nr_entries = dump_table(bounds_dir_entry, bd_for_vaddr,
+				bounds_dir_global+bd_offset_bytes+i);
+		total_entries += nr_entries;
+		dprintf5("dir entry[%4ld @ %p]: 0x%lx %6d entries "
+			 "total this buf: %7d bd_for_vaddrs: 0x%lx -> 0x%lx\n",
+				bd_index, buf+i,
+				bounds_dir_entry, nr_entries, total_entries,
+				bd_for_vaddr, bd_for_vaddr + (1UL<<20));
+	}
+	dprintf3("%s(%p, %x, %lx, ...) done\n", __func__, buf, len_bytes,
+			bd_offset_bytes);
+	return total_entries;
+int proc_pid_mem_fd = -1;
+void *fill_bounds_dir_buf_other(long byte_offset_inside_bounds_dir,
+			   long buffer_size_bytes, void *buffer)
+	unsigned long seekto = bounds_dir_global + byte_offset_inside_bounds_dir;
+	int read_ret;
+	off_t seek_ret = lseek(proc_pid_mem_fd, seekto, SEEK_SET);
+	if (seek_ret != seekto)
+		mpx_dig_abort();
+	read_ret = read(proc_pid_mem_fd, buffer, buffer_size_bytes);
+	/* there shouldn't practically be short reads of /proc/$pid/mem */
+	if (read_ret != buffer_size_bytes)
+		mpx_dig_abort();
+	return buffer;
+void *fill_bounds_dir_buf_self(long byte_offset_inside_bounds_dir,
+			   long buffer_size_bytes, void *buffer)
+	unsigned char vec[buffer_size_bytes / PAGE_SIZE];
+	char *dig_bounds_dir_ptr =
+		(void *)(bounds_dir_global + byte_offset_inside_bounds_dir);
+	/*
+	 * use mincore() to quickly find the areas of the bounds directory
+	 * that have memory and thus will be worth scanning.
+	 */
+	int incore_ret;
+	int incore = 0;
+	int i;
+	dprintf4("%s() dig_bounds_dir_ptr: %p\n", __func__, dig_bounds_dir_ptr);
+	incore_ret = mincore(dig_bounds_dir_ptr, buffer_size_bytes, &vec[0]);
+	if (incore_ret) {
+		printf("mincore ret: %d\n", incore_ret);
+		perror("mincore");
+		mpx_dig_abort();
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(vec); i++)
+		incore += vec[i];
+	dprintf4("%s() total incore: %d\n", __func__, incore);
+	if (!incore)
+		return NULL;
+	dprintf3("%s() total incore: %d\n", __func__, incore);
+	return dig_bounds_dir_ptr;
+int inspect_pid(int pid)
+	static int dig_nr;
+	long offset_inside_bounds_dir;
+	char bounds_dir_buf[sizeof(unsigned long) * (1UL << 15)];
+	char *dig_bounds_dir_ptr;
+	int total_entries = 0;
+	int nr_populated_bdes = 0;
+	int inspect_self;
+	if (getpid() == pid) {
+		dprintf4("inspecting self\n");
+		inspect_self = 1;
+	} else {
+		dprintf4("inspecting pid %d\n", pid);
+		mpx_dig_abort();
+	}
+	for (offset_inside_bounds_dir = 0;
+	     offset_inside_bounds_dir < MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_SIZE_BYTES;
+	     offset_inside_bounds_dir += sizeof(bounds_dir_buf)) {
+		static int bufs_skipped;
+		int this_entries;
+		if (inspect_self) {
+			dig_bounds_dir_ptr =
+				fill_bounds_dir_buf_self(offset_inside_bounds_dir,
+							 sizeof(bounds_dir_buf),
+							 &bounds_dir_buf[0]);
+		} else {
+			dig_bounds_dir_ptr =
+				fill_bounds_dir_buf_other(offset_inside_bounds_dir,
+							  sizeof(bounds_dir_buf),
+							  &bounds_dir_buf[0]);
+		}
+		if (!dig_bounds_dir_ptr) {
+			bufs_skipped++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		this_entries = search_bd_buf(dig_bounds_dir_ptr,
+					sizeof(bounds_dir_buf),
+					offset_inside_bounds_dir,
+					&nr_populated_bdes);
+		total_entries += this_entries;
+	}
+	printf("mpx dig (%3d) complete, SUCCESS (%8d / %4d)\n", ++dig_nr,
+			total_entries, nr_populated_bdes);
+	return total_entries + nr_populated_bdes;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	int err;
+	char *c;
+	unsigned long bounds_dir_entry;
+	int pid;
+	printf("mpx-dig starting...\n");
+	err = sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &pid);
+	printf("parsing: '%s', err: %d\n", argv[1], err);
+	if (err != 1)
+		mpx_dig_abort();
+	err = sscanf(argv[2], "%lx", &bounds_dir_global);
+	printf("parsing: '%s': %d\n", argv[2], err);
+	if (err != 1)
+		mpx_dig_abort();
+	proc_pid_mem_fd = open_proc(pid, "mem");
+	if (proc_pid_mem_fd < 0)
+		mpx_dig_abort();
+	inspect_pid(pid);
+	return 0;
+long inspect_me(struct mpx_bounds_dir *bounds_dir)
+	int pid = getpid();
+	pid_load_vaddrs(pid);
+	bounds_dir_global = (unsigned long)bounds_dir;
+	dprintf4("enter %s() bounds dir: %p\n", __func__, bounds_dir);
+	return inspect_pid(pid);
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-hw.h b/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-hw.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..093c190178a962dc193f7b02421813971a916a82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-hw.h
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#ifndef _MPX_HW_H
+#define _MPX_HW_H
+#include <assert.h>
+/* Describe the MPX Hardware Layout in here */
+#ifdef __i386__
+#define MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_ENTRY_SIZE_BYTES	16 /* 4 * 32-bits */
+#define MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_SIZE_BYTES		(1ULL << 14) /* 16k */
+#define MPX_BOUNDS_DIR_SIZE_BYTES		(1ULL << 22) /* 4MB */
+#define MPX_BOUNDS_DIR_TOP_BIT			31
+ * Linear Address of "pointer" (LAp)
+ *   0 ->  2: ignored
+ *   3 -> 19: index in to bounds table
+ *  20 -> 47: index in to bounds directory
+ *  48 -> 63: ignored
+ */
+#define MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_SIZE_BYTES		(1ULL << 22) /* 4MB */
+#define MPX_BOUNDS_DIR_SIZE_BYTES		(1ULL << 31) /* 2GB */
+#define MPX_BOUNDS_DIR_TOP_BIT			47
+struct mpx_bd_entry {
+	union {
+		void *contents[1];
+	};
+} __attribute__((packed));
+struct mpx_bt_entry {
+	union {
+		unsigned long contents[1];
+	};
+} __attribute__((packed));
+struct mpx_bounds_dir {
+	struct mpx_bd_entry entries[MPX_BOUNDS_DIR_NR_ENTRIES];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+struct mpx_bounds_table {
+	struct mpx_bt_entry entries[MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_NR_ENTRIES];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+static inline unsigned long GET_BITS(unsigned long val, int bottombit, int topbit)
+	int total_nr_bits = topbit - bottombit;
+	unsigned long mask = (1UL << total_nr_bits)-1;
+	return (val >> bottombit) & mask;
+static inline unsigned long __vaddr_bounds_table_index(void *vaddr)
+	return GET_BITS((unsigned long)vaddr, MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_BOTTOM_BIT,
+static inline unsigned long __vaddr_bounds_directory_index(void *vaddr)
+	return GET_BITS((unsigned long)vaddr, MPX_BOUNDS_DIR_BOTTOM_BIT,
+					      MPX_BOUNDS_DIR_TOP_BIT);
+static inline struct mpx_bd_entry *mpx_vaddr_to_bd_entry(void *vaddr,
+		struct mpx_bounds_dir *bounds_dir)
+	unsigned long index = __vaddr_bounds_directory_index(vaddr);
+	return &bounds_dir->entries[index];
+static inline int bd_entry_valid(struct mpx_bd_entry *bounds_dir_entry)
+	unsigned long __bd_entry = (unsigned long)bounds_dir_entry->contents;
+	return (__bd_entry & MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_ENTRY_VALID_BIT);
+static inline struct mpx_bounds_table *
+__bd_entry_to_bounds_table(struct mpx_bd_entry *bounds_dir_entry)
+	unsigned long __bd_entry = (unsigned long)bounds_dir_entry->contents;
+	assert(__bd_entry & MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_ENTRY_VALID_BIT);
+	return (struct mpx_bounds_table *)__bd_entry;
+static inline struct mpx_bt_entry *
+mpx_vaddr_to_bt_entry(void *vaddr, struct mpx_bounds_dir *bounds_dir)
+	struct mpx_bd_entry *bde = mpx_vaddr_to_bd_entry(vaddr, bounds_dir);
+	struct mpx_bounds_table *bt = __bd_entry_to_bounds_table(bde);
+	unsigned long index = __vaddr_bounds_table_index(vaddr);
+	return &bt->entries[index];
+#endif /* _MPX_HW_H */
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-mini-test.c b/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-mini-test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..616ee967333933778eaf54b84c41fcce59a5e9f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-mini-test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1585 @@
+ * mpx-mini-test.c: routines to test Intel MPX (Memory Protection eXtentions)
+ *
+ * Written by:
+ * "Ren, Qiaowei" <qiaowei.ren@intel.com>
+ * "Wei, Gang" <gang.wei@intel.com>
+ * "Hansen, Dave" <dave.hansen@intel.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+ * version 2.
+ */
+ * 2014-12-05: Dave Hansen: fixed all of the compiler warnings, and made sure
+ *	       it works on 32-bit.
+ */
+int inspect_every_this_many_mallocs = 100;
+int zap_all_every_this_many_mallocs = 1000;
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ucontext.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "mpx-hw.h"
+#include "mpx-debug.h"
+#include "mpx-mm.h"
+#ifndef __always_inline
+#define __always_inline inline __attribute__((always_inline)
+void write_int_to(char *prefix, char *file, int int_to_write)
+	char buf[100];
+	int fd = open(file, O_RDWR);
+	int len;
+	int ret;
+	assert(fd >= 0);
+	len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%d", prefix, int_to_write);
+	assert(len >= 0);
+	assert(len < sizeof(buf));
+	ret = write(fd, buf, len);
+	assert(ret == len);
+	ret = close(fd);
+	assert(!ret);
+void write_pid_to(char *prefix, char *file)
+	write_int_to(prefix, file, getpid());
+void trace_me(void)
+/* tracing events dir */
+#define TED "/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/"
+	write_pid_to("common_pid=", TED "signal/filter");
+	write_pid_to("common_pid=", TED "exceptions/filter");
+	write_int_to("", TED "signal/enable", 1);
+	write_int_to("", TED "exceptions/enable", 1);
+	write_pid_to("", "/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/set_ftrace_pid");
+	write_int_to("", "/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace", 0);
+#define test_failed() __test_failed(__FILE__, __LINE__)
+static void __test_failed(char *f, int l)
+	fprintf(stderr, "abort @ %s::%d\n", f, l);
+	abort();
+/* Error Printf */
+#define eprintf(args...)	fprintf(stderr, args)
+#ifdef __i386__
+/* i386 directory size is 4MB */
+#define REX_PREFIX
+#define XSAVE_OFFSET_IN_FPMEM	sizeof(struct _libc_fpstate)
+ * __cpuid() is from the Linux Kernel:
+ */
+static inline void __cpuid(unsigned int *eax, unsigned int *ebx,
+		unsigned int *ecx, unsigned int *edx)
+	/* ecx is often an input as well as an output. */
+	asm volatile(
+		"push %%ebx;"
+		"cpuid;"
+		"mov %%ebx, %1;"
+		"pop %%ebx"
+		: "=a" (*eax),
+		  "=g" (*ebx),
+		  "=c" (*ecx),
+		  "=d" (*edx)
+		: "0" (*eax), "2" (*ecx));
+#else /* __i386__ */
+#define REX_PREFIX "0x48, "
+ * __cpuid() is from the Linux Kernel:
+ */
+static inline void __cpuid(unsigned int *eax, unsigned int *ebx,
+		unsigned int *ecx, unsigned int *edx)
+	/* ecx is often an input as well as an output. */
+	asm volatile(
+		"cpuid;"
+		: "=a" (*eax),
+		  "=b" (*ebx),
+		  "=c" (*ecx),
+		  "=d" (*edx)
+		: "0" (*eax), "2" (*ecx));
+#endif /* !__i386__ */
+struct xsave_hdr_struct {
+	uint64_t xstate_bv;
+	uint64_t reserved1[2];
+	uint64_t reserved2[5];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+struct bndregs_struct {
+	uint64_t bndregs[8];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+struct bndcsr_struct {
+	uint64_t cfg_reg_u;
+	uint64_t status_reg;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+struct xsave_struct {
+	uint8_t fpu_sse[512];
+	struct xsave_hdr_struct xsave_hdr;
+	uint8_t ymm[256];
+	uint8_t lwp[128];
+	struct bndregs_struct bndregs;
+	struct bndcsr_struct bndcsr;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+uint8_t __attribute__((__aligned__(64))) buffer[4096];
+struct xsave_struct *xsave_buf = (struct xsave_struct *)buffer;
+uint8_t __attribute__((__aligned__(64))) test_buffer[4096];
+struct xsave_struct *xsave_test_buf = (struct xsave_struct *)test_buffer;
+uint64_t num_bnd_chk;
+static __always_inline void xrstor_state(struct xsave_struct *fx, uint64_t mask)
+	uint32_t lmask = mask;
+	uint32_t hmask = mask >> 32;
+	asm volatile(".byte " REX_PREFIX "0x0f,0xae,0x2f\n\t"
+		     : : "D" (fx), "m" (*fx), "a" (lmask), "d" (hmask)
+		     :   "memory");
+static __always_inline void xsave_state_1(void *_fx, uint64_t mask)
+	uint32_t lmask = mask;
+	uint32_t hmask = mask >> 32;
+	unsigned char *fx = _fx;
+	asm volatile(".byte " REX_PREFIX "0x0f,0xae,0x27\n\t"
+		     : : "D" (fx), "m" (*fx), "a" (lmask), "d" (hmask)
+		     :   "memory");
+static inline uint64_t xgetbv(uint32_t index)
+	uint32_t eax, edx;
+	asm volatile(".byte 0x0f,0x01,0xd0" /* xgetbv */
+		     : "=a" (eax), "=d" (edx)
+		     : "c" (index));
+	return eax + ((uint64_t)edx << 32);
+static uint64_t read_mpx_status_sig(ucontext_t *uctxt)
+	memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
+	memcpy(buffer,
+		(uint8_t *)uctxt->uc_mcontext.fpregs + XSAVE_OFFSET_IN_FPMEM,
+		sizeof(struct xsave_struct));
+	return xsave_buf->bndcsr.status_reg;
+#include <pthread.h>
+static uint8_t *get_next_inst_ip(uint8_t *addr)
+	uint8_t *ip = addr;
+	uint8_t sib;
+	uint8_t rm;
+	uint8_t mod;
+	uint8_t base;
+	uint8_t modrm;
+	/* determine the prefix. */
+	switch(*ip) {
+	case 0xf2:
+	case 0xf3:
+	case 0x66:
+		ip++;
+		break;
+	}
+	/* look for rex prefix */
+	if ((*ip & 0x40) == 0x40)
+		ip++;
+	/* Make sure we have a MPX instruction. */
+	if (*ip++ != 0x0f)
+		return addr;
+	/* Skip the op code byte. */
+	ip++;
+	/* Get the modrm byte. */
+	modrm = *ip++;
+	/* Break it down into parts. */
+	rm = modrm & 7;
+	mod = (modrm >> 6);
+	/* Init the parts of the address mode. */
+	base = 8;
+	/* Is it a mem mode? */
+	if (mod != 3) {
+		/* look for scaled indexed addressing */
+		if (rm == 4) {
+			/* SIB addressing */
+			sib = *ip++;
+			base = sib & 7;
+			switch (mod) {
+			case 0:
+				if (base == 5)
+					ip += 4;
+				break;
+			case 1:
+				ip++;
+				break;
+			case 2:
+				ip += 4;
+				break;
+			}
+		} else {
+			/* MODRM addressing */
+			switch (mod) {
+			case 0:
+				/* DISP32 addressing, no base */
+				if (rm == 5)
+					ip += 4;
+				break;
+			case 1:
+				ip++;
+				break;
+			case 2:
+				ip += 4;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return ip;
+#ifdef si_lower
+static inline void *__si_bounds_lower(siginfo_t *si)
+	return si->si_lower;
+static inline void *__si_bounds_upper(siginfo_t *si)
+	return si->si_upper;
+static inline void **__si_bounds_hack(siginfo_t *si)
+	void *sigfault = &si->_sifields._sigfault;
+	void *end_sigfault = sigfault + sizeof(si->_sifields._sigfault);
+	void **__si_lower = end_sigfault;
+	return __si_lower;
+static inline void *__si_bounds_lower(siginfo_t *si)
+	return *__si_bounds_hack(si);
+static inline void *__si_bounds_upper(siginfo_t *si)
+	return (*__si_bounds_hack(si)) + sizeof(void *);
+static int br_count;
+static int expected_bnd_index = -1;
+uint64_t shadow_plb[NR_MPX_BOUNDS_REGISTERS][2]; /* shadow MPX bound registers */
+unsigned long shadow_map[NR_MPX_BOUNDS_REGISTERS];
+ * The kernel is supposed to provide some information about the bounds
+ * exception in the siginfo.  It should match what we have in the bounds
+ * registers that we are checking against.  Just check against the shadow copy
+ * since it is easily available, and we also check that *it* matches the real
+ * registers.
+ */
+void check_siginfo_vs_shadow(siginfo_t* si)
+	int siginfo_ok = 1;
+	void *shadow_lower = (void *)(unsigned long)shadow_plb[expected_bnd_index][0];
+	void *shadow_upper = (void *)(unsigned long)shadow_plb[expected_bnd_index][1];
+	if ((expected_bnd_index < 0) ||
+	    (expected_bnd_index >= NR_MPX_BOUNDS_REGISTERS)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid expected_bnd_index: %d\n",
+			expected_bnd_index);
+		exit(6);
+	}
+	if (__si_bounds_lower(si) != shadow_lower)
+		siginfo_ok = 0;
+	if (__si_bounds_upper(si) != shadow_upper)
+		siginfo_ok = 0;
+	if (!siginfo_ok) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: siginfo bounds do not match "
+			"shadow bounds for register %d\n", expected_bnd_index);
+		exit(7);
+	}
+void handler(int signum, siginfo_t *si, void *vucontext)
+	int i;
+	ucontext_t *uctxt = vucontext;
+	int trapno;
+	unsigned long ip;
+	dprintf1("entered signal handler\n");
+	trapno = uctxt->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_TRAPNO];
+	ip = uctxt->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_IP_IDX];
+	if (trapno == 5) {
+		typeof(si->si_addr) *si_addr_ptr = &si->si_addr;
+		uint64_t status = read_mpx_status_sig(uctxt);
+		uint64_t br_reason =  status & 0x3;
+		br_count++;
+		dprintf1("#BR 0x%jx (total seen: %d)\n", status, br_count);
+#define __SI_FAULT      (3 << 16)
+#define SEGV_BNDERR     (__SI_FAULT|3)  /* failed address bound checks */
+		dprintf2("Saw a #BR! status 0x%jx at %016lx br_reason: %jx\n",
+				status, ip, br_reason);
+		dprintf2("si_signo: %d\n", si->si_signo);
+		dprintf2("  signum: %d\n", signum);
+		dprintf2("info->si_code == SEGV_BNDERR: %d\n",
+				(si->si_code == SEGV_BNDERR));
+		dprintf2("info->si_code: %d\n", si->si_code);
+		dprintf2("info->si_lower: %p\n", __si_bounds_lower(si));
+		dprintf2("info->si_upper: %p\n", __si_bounds_upper(si));
+		check_siginfo_vs_shadow(si);
+		for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+			dprintf3("[%d]: %p\n", i, si_addr_ptr[i]);
+		switch (br_reason) {
+		case 0: /* traditional BR */
+			fprintf(stderr,
+				"Undefined status with bound exception:%jx\n",
+				 status);
+			exit(5);
+		case 1: /* #BR MPX bounds exception */
+			/* these are normal and we expect to see them */
+			dprintf1("bounds exception (normal): status 0x%jx at %p si_addr: %p\n",
+				status, (void *)ip, si->si_addr);
+			num_bnd_chk++;
+			uctxt->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_IP_IDX] =
+				(greg_t)get_next_inst_ip((uint8_t *)ip);
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			fprintf(stderr, "#BR status == 2, missing bounds table,"
+					"kernel should have handled!!\n");
+			exit(4);
+			break;
+		default:
+			fprintf(stderr, "bound check error: status 0x%jx at %p\n",
+				status, (void *)ip);
+			num_bnd_chk++;
+			uctxt->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_IP_IDX] =
+				(greg_t)get_next_inst_ip((uint8_t *)ip);
+			fprintf(stderr, "bound check error: si_addr %p\n", si->si_addr);
+			exit(3);
+		}
+	} else if (trapno == 14) {
+		eprintf("ERROR: In signal handler, page fault, trapno = %d, ip = %016lx\n",
+			trapno, ip);
+		eprintf("si_addr %p\n", si->si_addr);
+		eprintf("REG_ERR: %lx\n", (unsigned long)uctxt->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_ERR]);
+		test_failed();
+	} else {
+		eprintf("unexpected trap %d! at 0x%lx\n", trapno, ip);
+		eprintf("si_addr %p\n", si->si_addr);
+		eprintf("REG_ERR: %lx\n", (unsigned long)uctxt->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_ERR]);
+		test_failed();
+	}
+static inline void cpuid_count(unsigned int op, int count,
+			       unsigned int *eax, unsigned int *ebx,
+			       unsigned int *ecx, unsigned int *edx)
+	*eax = op;
+	*ecx = count;
+	__cpuid(eax, ebx, ecx, edx);
+#define XSTATE_CPUID	    0x0000000d
+ * List of XSAVE features Linux knows about:
+ */
+enum xfeature_bit {
+#define XSTATE_FP	       (1 << XSTATE_BIT_FP)
+#define XSTATE_SSE	      (1 << XSTATE_BIT_SSE)
+#define XSTATE_YMM	      (1 << XSTATE_BIT_YMM)
+#define XSTATE_ZMM_Hi256	(1 << XSTATE_BIT_ZMM_Hi256)
+#define XSTATE_Hi16_ZMM	 (1 << XSTATE_BIT_Hi16_ZMM)
+bool one_bit(unsigned int x, int bit)
+	return !!(x & (1<<bit));
+void print_state_component(int state_bit_nr, char *name)
+	unsigned int eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
+	unsigned int state_component_size;
+	unsigned int state_component_supervisor;
+	unsigned int state_component_user;
+	unsigned int state_component_aligned;
+	/* See SDM Section 13.2 */
+	cpuid_count(XSTATE_CPUID, state_bit_nr, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
+	assert(eax || ebx || ecx);
+	state_component_size = eax;
+	state_component_supervisor = ((!ebx) && one_bit(ecx, 0));
+	state_component_user = !one_bit(ecx, 0);
+	state_component_aligned = one_bit(ecx, 1);
+	printf("%8s: size: %d user: %d supervisor: %d aligned: %d\n",
+		name,
+		state_component_size,	    state_component_user,
+		state_component_supervisor, state_component_aligned);
+/* Intel-defined CPU features, CPUID level 0x00000001 (ecx) */
+#define OSXSAVE_FEATURE_BIT     (27) /* XSAVE enabled in the OS */
+bool check_mpx_support(void)
+	unsigned int eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
+	cpuid_count(1, 0, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
+	/* We can't do much without XSAVE, so just make these assert()'s */
+	if (!one_bit(ecx, XSAVE_FEATURE_BIT)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "processor lacks XSAVE, can not run MPX tests\n");
+		exit(0);
+	}
+	if (!one_bit(ecx, OSXSAVE_FEATURE_BIT)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "processor lacks OSXSAVE, can not run MPX tests\n");
+		exit(0);
+	}
+	/* CPUs not supporting the XSTATE CPUID leaf do not support MPX */
+	/* Is this redundant with the feature bit checks? */
+	cpuid_count(0, 0, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
+	if (eax < XSTATE_CPUID) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "processor lacks XSTATE CPUID leaf,"
+				" can not run MPX tests\n");
+		exit(0);
+	}
+	printf("XSAVE is supported by HW & OS\n");
+	cpuid_count(XSTATE_CPUID, 0, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
+	printf("XSAVE processor supported state mask: 0x%x\n", eax);
+	printf("XSAVE OS supported state mask: 0x%jx\n", xgetbv(0));
+	/* Make sure that the MPX states are enabled in in XCR0 */
+	if ((eax & MPX_XSTATES) != MPX_XSTATES) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "processor lacks MPX XSTATE(s), can not run MPX tests\n");
+		exit(0);
+	}
+	/* Make sure the MPX states are supported by XSAVE* */
+	if ((xgetbv(0) & MPX_XSTATES) != MPX_XSTATES) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "MPX XSTATE(s) no enabled in XCR0, "
+				"can not run MPX tests\n");
+		exit(0);
+	}
+	print_state_component(XSTATE_BIT_BNDREGS, "BNDREGS");
+	print_state_component(XSTATE_BIT_BNDCSR,  "BNDCSR");
+	return true;
+void enable_mpx(void *l1base)
+	/* enable point lookup */
+	memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
+	xrstor_state(xsave_buf, 0x18);
+	xsave_buf->xsave_hdr.xstate_bv = 0x10;
+	xsave_buf->bndcsr.cfg_reg_u = (unsigned long)l1base | 1;
+	xsave_buf->bndcsr.status_reg = 0;
+	dprintf2("bf xrstor\n");
+	dprintf2("xsave cndcsr: status %jx, configu %jx\n",
+	       xsave_buf->bndcsr.status_reg, xsave_buf->bndcsr.cfg_reg_u);
+	xrstor_state(xsave_buf, 0x18);
+	dprintf2("after xrstor\n");
+	xsave_state_1(xsave_buf, 0x18);
+	dprintf1("xsave bndcsr: status %jx, configu %jx\n",
+	       xsave_buf->bndcsr.status_reg, xsave_buf->bndcsr.cfg_reg_u);
+#include <sys/prctl.h>
+struct mpx_bounds_dir *bounds_dir_ptr;
+unsigned long __bd_incore(const char *func, int line)
+	unsigned long ret = nr_incore(bounds_dir_ptr, MPX_BOUNDS_DIR_SIZE_BYTES);
+	return ret;
+#define bd_incore() __bd_incore(__func__, __LINE__)
+void check_clear(void *ptr, unsigned long sz)
+	unsigned long *i;
+	for (i = ptr; (void *)i < ptr + sz; i++) {
+		if (*i) {
+			dprintf1("%p is NOT clear at %p\n", ptr, i);
+			assert(0);
+		}
+	}
+	dprintf1("%p is clear for %lx\n", ptr, sz);
+void check_clear_bd(void)
+	check_clear(bounds_dir_ptr, 2UL << 30);
+bool process_specific_init(void)
+	unsigned long size;
+	unsigned long *dir;
+	/* Guarantee we have the space to align it, add padding: */
+	unsigned long pad = getpagesize();
+	size = 2UL << 30; /* 2GB */
+	if (sizeof(unsigned long) == 4)
+		size = 4UL << 20; /* 4MB */
+	dprintf1("trying to allocate %ld MB bounds directory\n", (size >> 20));
+		unsigned long _dir;
+		dir = malloc(size + pad);
+		assert(dir);
+		_dir = (unsigned long)dir;
+		_dir += 0xfffUL;
+		_dir &= ~0xfffUL;
+		dir = (void *)_dir;
+	} else {
+		/*
+		 * This makes debugging easier because the address
+		 * calculations are simpler:
+		 */
+		dir = mmap((void *)0x200000000000, size + pad,
+		if (dir == (void *)-1) {
+			perror("unable to allocate bounds directory");
+			abort();
+		}
+		check_clear(dir, size);
+	}
+	bounds_dir_ptr = (void *)dir;
+	madvise(bounds_dir_ptr, size, MADV_NOHUGEPAGE);
+	bd_incore();
+	dprintf1("bounds directory: 0x%p -> 0x%p\n", bounds_dir_ptr,
+			(char *)bounds_dir_ptr + size);
+	check_clear(dir, size);
+	enable_mpx(dir);
+	check_clear(dir, size);
+	if (prctl(43, 0, 0, 0, 0)) {
+		printf("no MPX support\n");
+		abort();
+		return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+bool process_specific_finish(void)
+	if (prctl(44)) {
+		printf("no MPX support\n");
+		return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+void setup_handler()
+	int r, rs;
+	struct sigaction newact;
+	struct sigaction oldact;
+	/* #BR is mapped to sigsegv */
+	int signum  = SIGSEGV;
+	newact.sa_handler = 0;   /* void(*)(int)*/
+	newact.sa_sigaction = handler; /* void (*)(int, siginfo_t*, void *) */
+	/*sigset_t - signals to block while in the handler */
+	/* get the old signal mask. */
+	rs = sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, 0, &newact.sa_mask);
+	assert(rs == 0);
+	/* call sa_sigaction, not sa_handler*/
+	newact.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
+	newact.sa_restorer = 0;  /* void(*)(), obsolete */
+	r = sigaction(signum, &newact, &oldact);
+	assert(r == 0);
+void mpx_prepare(void)
+	dprintf2("%s()\n", __func__);
+	setup_handler();
+	process_specific_init();
+void mpx_cleanup(void)
+	printf("%s(): %jd BRs. bye...\n", __func__, num_bnd_chk);
+	process_specific_finish();
+/*-------------- the following is test case ---------------*/
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+uint64_t num_lower_brs;
+uint64_t num_upper_brs;
+#define MPX_CONFIG_OFFSET 1024
+#define MPX_BOUNDS_OFFSET 960
+#define MPX_HEADER_OFFSET 512
+#define MAX_ADDR_TESTED (1<<28)
+#define TEST_ROUNDS 100
+      0F 1A /r BNDLDX-Load
+      0F 1B /r BNDSTX-Store Extended Bounds Using Address Translation
+   66 0F 1A /r BNDMOV bnd1, bnd2/m128
+   66 0F 1B /r BNDMOV bnd1/m128, bnd2
+   F2 0F 1A /r BNDCU bnd, r/m64
+   F2 0F 1B /r BNDCN bnd, r/m64
+   F3 0F 1A /r BNDCL bnd, r/m64
+   F3 0F 1B /r BNDMK bnd, m64
+static __always_inline void xsave_state(void *_fx, uint64_t mask)
+	uint32_t lmask = mask;
+	uint32_t hmask = mask >> 32;
+	unsigned char *fx = _fx;
+	asm volatile(".byte " REX_PREFIX "0x0f,0xae,0x27\n\t"
+		     : : "D" (fx), "m" (*fx), "a" (lmask), "d" (hmask)
+		     :   "memory");
+static __always_inline void mpx_clear_bnd0(void)
+	long size = 0;
+	void *ptr = NULL;
+	/* F3 0F 1B /r BNDMK bnd, m64			*/
+	/* f3 0f 1b 04 11    bndmk  (%rcx,%rdx,1),%bnd0	*/
+	asm volatile(".byte 0xf3,0x0f,0x1b,0x04,0x11\n\t"
+		     : : "c" (ptr), "d" (size-1)
+		     :   "memory");
+static __always_inline void mpx_make_bound_helper(unsigned long ptr,
+		unsigned long size)
+	/* F3 0F 1B /r		BNDMK bnd, m64			*/
+	/* f3 0f 1b 04 11       bndmk  (%rcx,%rdx,1),%bnd0	*/
+	asm volatile(".byte 0xf3,0x0f,0x1b,0x04,0x11\n\t"
+		     : : "c" (ptr), "d" (size-1)
+		     :   "memory");
+static __always_inline void mpx_check_lowerbound_helper(unsigned long ptr)
+	/* F3 0F 1A /r	NDCL bnd, r/m64			*/
+	/* f3 0f 1a 01	bndcl  (%rcx),%bnd0		*/
+	asm volatile(".byte 0xf3,0x0f,0x1a,0x01\n\t"
+		     : : "c" (ptr)
+		     :   "memory");
+static __always_inline void mpx_check_upperbound_helper(unsigned long ptr)
+	/* F2 0F 1A /r	BNDCU bnd, r/m64	*/
+	/* f2 0f 1a 01	bndcu  (%rcx),%bnd0	*/
+	asm volatile(".byte 0xf2,0x0f,0x1a,0x01\n\t"
+		     : : "c" (ptr)
+		     :   "memory");
+static __always_inline void mpx_movbndreg_helper()
+	/* 66 0F 1B /r	BNDMOV bnd1/m128, bnd2	*/
+	/* 66 0f 1b c2	bndmov %bnd0,%bnd2	*/
+	asm volatile(".byte 0x66,0x0f,0x1b,0xc2\n\t");
+static __always_inline void mpx_movbnd2mem_helper(uint8_t *mem)
+	/* 66 0F 1B /r	BNDMOV bnd1/m128, bnd2	*/
+	/* 66 0f 1b 01	bndmov %bnd0,(%rcx)	*/
+	asm volatile(".byte 0x66,0x0f,0x1b,0x01\n\t"
+		     : : "c" (mem)
+		     :   "memory");
+static __always_inline void mpx_movbnd_from_mem_helper(uint8_t *mem)
+	/* 66 0F 1A /r	BNDMOV bnd1, bnd2/m128	*/
+	/* 66 0f 1a 01	bndmov (%rcx),%bnd0	*/
+	asm volatile(".byte 0x66,0x0f,0x1a,0x01\n\t"
+		     : : "c" (mem)
+		     :   "memory");
+static __always_inline void mpx_store_dsc_helper(unsigned long ptr_addr,
+		unsigned long ptr_val)
+	/* 0F 1B /r	BNDSTX-Store Extended Bounds Using Address Translation	*/
+	/* 0f 1b 04 11	bndstx %bnd0,(%rcx,%rdx,1)				*/
+	asm volatile(".byte 0x0f,0x1b,0x04,0x11\n\t"
+		     : : "c" (ptr_addr), "d" (ptr_val)
+		     :   "memory");
+static __always_inline void mpx_load_dsc_helper(unsigned long ptr_addr,
+		unsigned long ptr_val)
+	/* 0F 1A /r	BNDLDX-Load			*/
+	/*/ 0f 1a 04 11	bndldx (%rcx,%rdx,1),%bnd0	*/
+	asm volatile(".byte 0x0f,0x1a,0x04,0x11\n\t"
+		     : : "c" (ptr_addr), "d" (ptr_val)
+		     :   "memory");
+void __print_context(void *__print_xsave_buffer, int line)
+	uint64_t *bounds = (uint64_t *)(__print_xsave_buffer + MPX_BOUNDS_OFFSET);
+	uint64_t *cfg    = (uint64_t *)(__print_xsave_buffer + MPX_CONFIG_OFFSET);
+	int i;
+	eprintf("%s()::%d\n", "print_context", line);
+	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+		eprintf("bound[%d]: 0x%016lx 0x%016lx(0x%016lx)\n", i,
+		       (unsigned long)bounds[i*2],
+		       ~(unsigned long)bounds[i*2+1],
+			(unsigned long)bounds[i*2+1]);
+	}
+	eprintf("cpcfg: %jx  cpstatus: %jx\n", cfg[0], cfg[1]);
+#define print_context(x) __print_context(x, __LINE__)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define dprint_context(x) print_context(x)
+#define dprint_context(x) do{}while(0)
+void init()
+	int i;
+	srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
+	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+		shadow_plb[i][0] = 0;
+		shadow_plb[i][1] = ~(unsigned long)0;
+	}
+long int __mpx_random(int line)
+	static long fake = 722122311;
+	fake += 563792075;
+	return fakse;
+	return random();
+#define mpx_random() __mpx_random(__LINE__)
+uint8_t *get_random_addr()
+	uint8_t*addr = (uint8_t *)(unsigned long)(rand() % MAX_ADDR_TESTED);
+	return (addr - (unsigned long)addr % sizeof(uint8_t *));
+static inline bool compare_context(void *__xsave_buffer)
+	uint64_t *bounds = (uint64_t *)(__xsave_buffer + MPX_BOUNDS_OFFSET);
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+		dprintf3("shadow[%d]{%016lx/%016lx}\nbounds[%d]{%016lx/%016lx}\n",
+		       i, (unsigned long)shadow_plb[i][0], (unsigned long)shadow_plb[i][1],
+		       i, (unsigned long)bounds[i*2],     ~(unsigned long)bounds[i*2+1]);
+		if ((shadow_plb[i][0] != bounds[i*2]) ||
+		    (shadow_plb[i][1] != ~(unsigned long)bounds[i*2+1])) {
+			eprintf("ERROR comparing shadow to real bound register %d\n", i);
+			eprintf("shadow{0x%016lx/0x%016lx}\nbounds{0x%016lx/0x%016lx}\n",
+			       (unsigned long)shadow_plb[i][0], (unsigned long)shadow_plb[i][1],
+			       (unsigned long)bounds[i*2], (unsigned long)bounds[i*2+1]);
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	return true;
+void mkbnd_shadow(uint8_t *ptr, int index, long offset)
+	uint64_t *lower = (uint64_t *)&(shadow_plb[index][0]);
+	uint64_t *upper = (uint64_t *)&(shadow_plb[index][1]);
+	*lower = (unsigned long)ptr;
+	*upper = (unsigned long)ptr + offset - 1;
+void check_lowerbound_shadow(uint8_t *ptr, int index)
+	uint64_t *lower = (uint64_t *)&(shadow_plb[index][0]);
+	if (*lower > (uint64_t)(unsigned long)ptr)
+		num_lower_brs++;
+	else
+		dprintf1("LowerBoundChk passed:%p\n", ptr);
+void check_upperbound_shadow(uint8_t *ptr, int index)
+	uint64_t upper = *(uint64_t *)&(shadow_plb[index][1]);
+	if (upper < (uint64_t)(unsigned long)ptr)
+		num_upper_brs++;
+	else
+		dprintf1("UpperBoundChk passed:%p\n", ptr);
+__always_inline void movbndreg_shadow(int src, int dest)
+	shadow_plb[dest][0] = shadow_plb[src][0];
+	shadow_plb[dest][1] = shadow_plb[src][1];
+__always_inline void movbnd2mem_shadow(int src, unsigned long *dest)
+	unsigned long *lower = (unsigned long *)&(shadow_plb[src][0]);
+	unsigned long *upper = (unsigned long *)&(shadow_plb[src][1]);
+	*dest = *lower;
+	*(dest+1) = *upper;
+__always_inline void movbnd_from_mem_shadow(unsigned long *src, int dest)
+	unsigned long *lower = (unsigned long *)&(shadow_plb[dest][0]);
+	unsigned long *upper = (unsigned long *)&(shadow_plb[dest][1]);
+	*lower = *src;
+	*upper = *(src+1);
+__always_inline void stdsc_shadow(int index, uint8_t *ptr, uint8_t *ptr_val)
+	shadow_map[0] = (unsigned long)shadow_plb[index][0];
+	shadow_map[1] = (unsigned long)shadow_plb[index][1];
+	shadow_map[2] = (unsigned long)ptr_val;
+	dprintf3("%s(%d, %p, %p) set shadow map[2]: %p\n", __func__,
+			index, ptr, ptr_val, ptr_val);
+	/*ptr ignored */
+void lddsc_shadow(int index, uint8_t *ptr, uint8_t *ptr_val)
+	uint64_t lower = shadow_map[0];
+	uint64_t upper = shadow_map[1];
+	uint8_t *value = (uint8_t *)shadow_map[2];
+	if (value != ptr_val) {
+		dprintf2("%s(%d, %p, %p) init shadow bounds[%d] "
+			 "because %p != %p\n", __func__, index, ptr,
+			 ptr_val, index, value, ptr_val);
+		shadow_plb[index][0] = 0;
+		shadow_plb[index][1] = ~(unsigned long)0;
+	} else {
+		shadow_plb[index][0] = lower;
+		shadow_plb[index][1] = upper;
+	}
+	/* ptr ignored */
+static __always_inline void mpx_test_helper0(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *ptr)
+	mpx_make_bound_helper((unsigned long)ptr, 0x1800);
+static __always_inline void mpx_test_helper0_shadow(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *ptr)
+	mkbnd_shadow(ptr, 0, 0x1800);
+static __always_inline void mpx_test_helper1(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *ptr)
+	/* these are hard-coded to check bnd0 */
+	expected_bnd_index = 0;
+	mpx_check_lowerbound_helper((unsigned long)(ptr-1));
+	mpx_check_upperbound_helper((unsigned long)(ptr+0x1800));
+	/* reset this since we do not expect any more bounds exceptions */
+	expected_bnd_index = -1;
+static __always_inline void mpx_test_helper1_shadow(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *ptr)
+	check_lowerbound_shadow(ptr-1, 0);
+	check_upperbound_shadow(ptr+0x1800, 0);
+static __always_inline void mpx_test_helper2(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *ptr)
+	mpx_make_bound_helper((unsigned long)ptr, 0x1800);
+	mpx_movbndreg_helper();
+	mpx_movbnd2mem_helper(buf);
+	mpx_make_bound_helper((unsigned long)(ptr+0x12), 0x1800);
+static __always_inline void mpx_test_helper2_shadow(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *ptr)
+	mkbnd_shadow(ptr, 0, 0x1800);
+	movbndreg_shadow(0, 2);
+	movbnd2mem_shadow(0, (unsigned long *)buf);
+	mkbnd_shadow(ptr+0x12, 0, 0x1800);
+static __always_inline void mpx_test_helper3(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *ptr)
+	mpx_movbnd_from_mem_helper(buf);
+static __always_inline void mpx_test_helper3_shadow(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *ptr)
+	movbnd_from_mem_shadow((unsigned long *)buf, 0);
+static __always_inline void mpx_test_helper4(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *ptr)
+	mpx_store_dsc_helper((unsigned long)buf, (unsigned long)ptr);
+	mpx_make_bound_helper((unsigned long)(ptr+0x12), 0x1800);
+static __always_inline void mpx_test_helper4_shadow(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *ptr)
+	stdsc_shadow(0, buf, ptr);
+	mkbnd_shadow(ptr+0x12, 0, 0x1800);
+static __always_inline void mpx_test_helper5(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *ptr)
+	mpx_load_dsc_helper((unsigned long)buf, (unsigned long)ptr);
+static __always_inline void mpx_test_helper5_shadow(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *ptr)
+	lddsc_shadow(0, buf, ptr);
+ * For compatibility reasons, MPX will clear the bounds registers
+ * when you make function calls (among other things).  We have to
+ * preserve the registers in between calls to the "helpers" since
+ * they build on each other.
+ *
+ * Be very careful not to make any function calls inside the
+ * helpers, or anywhere else beween the xrstor and xsave.
+ */
+#define run_helper(helper_nr, buf, buf_shadow, ptr)	do {	\
+	xrstor_state(xsave_test_buf, flags);			\
+	mpx_test_helper##helper_nr(buf, ptr);			\
+	xsave_state(xsave_test_buf, flags);			\
+	mpx_test_helper##helper_nr##_shadow(buf_shadow, ptr);	\
+} while (0)
+static void run_helpers(int nr, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *buf_shadow, uint8_t *ptr)
+	uint64_t flags = 0x18;
+	dprint_context(xsave_test_buf);
+	switch (nr) {
+	case 0:
+		run_helper(0, buf, buf_shadow, ptr);
+		break;
+	case 1:
+		run_helper(1, buf, buf_shadow, ptr);
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		run_helper(2, buf, buf_shadow, ptr);
+		break;
+	case 3:
+		run_helper(3, buf, buf_shadow, ptr);
+		break;
+	case 4:
+		run_helper(4, buf, buf_shadow, ptr);
+		break;
+	case 5:
+		run_helper(5, buf, buf_shadow, ptr);
+		break;
+	default:
+		test_failed();
+		break;
+	}
+	dprint_context(xsave_test_buf);
+unsigned long buf_shadow[1024]; /* used to check load / store descriptors */
+extern long inspect_me(struct mpx_bounds_dir *bounds_dir);
+long cover_buf_with_bt_entries(void *buf, long buf_len)
+	int i;
+	long nr_to_fill;
+	int ratio = 1000;
+	unsigned long buf_len_in_ptrs;
+	/* Fill about 1/100 of the space with bt entries */
+	nr_to_fill = buf_len / (sizeof(unsigned long) * ratio);
+	if (!nr_to_fill)
+		dprintf3("%s() nr_to_fill: %ld\n", __func__, nr_to_fill);
+	/* Align the buffer to pointer size */
+	while (((unsigned long)buf) % sizeof(void *)) {
+		buf++;
+		buf_len--;
+	}
+	/* We are storing pointers, so make */
+	buf_len_in_ptrs = buf_len / sizeof(void *);
+	for (i = 0; i < nr_to_fill; i++) {
+		long index = (mpx_random() % buf_len_in_ptrs);
+		void *ptr = buf + index * sizeof(unsigned long);
+		unsigned long ptr_addr = (unsigned long)ptr;
+		/* ptr and size can be anything */
+		mpx_make_bound_helper((unsigned long)ptr, 8);
+		/*
+		 * take bnd0 and put it in to bounds tables "buf + index" is an
+		 * address inside the buffer where we are pretending that we
+		 * are going to put a pointer We do not, though because we will
+		 * never load entries from the table, so it doesn't matter.
+		 */
+		mpx_store_dsc_helper(ptr_addr, (unsigned long)ptr);
+		dprintf4("storing bound table entry for %lx (buf start @ %p)\n",
+				ptr_addr, buf);
+	}
+	return nr_to_fill;
+unsigned long align_down(unsigned long alignme, unsigned long align_to)
+	return alignme & ~(align_to-1);
+unsigned long align_up(unsigned long alignme, unsigned long align_to)
+	return (alignme + align_to - 1) & ~(align_to-1);
+ * Using 1MB alignment guarantees that each no allocation
+ * will overlap with another's bounds tables.
+ *
+ * We have to cook our own allocator here.  malloc() can
+ * mix other allocation with ours which means that even
+ * if we free all of our allocations, there might still
+ * be bounds tables for the *areas* since there is other
+ * valid memory there.
+ *
+ * We also can't use malloc() because a free() of an area
+ * might not free it back to the kernel.  We want it
+ * completely unmapped an malloc() does not guarantee
+ * that.
+ */
+#ifdef __i386__
+long alignment = 4096;
+long sz_alignment = 4096;
+long alignment = 1 * MB;
+long sz_alignment = 1 * MB;
+void *mpx_mini_alloc(unsigned long sz)
+	unsigned long long tries = 0;
+	static void *last;
+	void *ptr;
+	void *try_at;
+	sz = align_up(sz, sz_alignment);
+	try_at = last + alignment;
+	while (1) {
+		ptr = mmap(try_at, sz, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
+		if (ptr == (void *)-1)
+			return NULL;
+		if (ptr == try_at)
+			break;
+		munmap(ptr, sz);
+		try_at += alignment;
+#ifdef __i386__
+		/*
+		 * This isn't quite correct for 32-bit binaries
+		 * on 64-bit kernels since they can use the
+		 * entire 32-bit address space, but it's close
+		 * enough.
+		 */
+		if (try_at > (void *)0xC0000000)
+		if (try_at > (void *)0x0000800000000000)
+			try_at = (void *)0x0;
+		if (!(++tries % 10000))
+			dprintf1("stuck in %s(), tries: %lld\n", __func__, tries);
+		continue;
+	}
+	last = ptr;
+	dprintf3("mpx_mini_alloc(0x%lx) returning: %p\n", sz, ptr);
+	return ptr;
+void mpx_mini_free(void *ptr, long sz)
+	dprintf2("%s() ptr: %p\n", __func__, ptr);
+	if ((unsigned long)ptr > 0x100000000000) {
+		dprintf1("uh oh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pointer too high: %p\n", ptr);
+		test_failed();
+	}
+	sz = align_up(sz, sz_alignment);
+	dprintf3("%s() ptr: %p before munmap\n", __func__, ptr);
+	munmap(ptr, sz);
+	dprintf3("%s() ptr: %p DONE\n", __func__, ptr);
+#define NR_MALLOCS 100
+struct one_malloc {
+	char *ptr;
+	int nr_filled_btes;
+	unsigned long size;
+struct one_malloc mallocs[NR_MALLOCS];
+void free_one_malloc(int index)
+	unsigned long free_ptr;
+	unsigned long mask;
+	if (!mallocs[index].ptr)
+		return;
+	mpx_mini_free(mallocs[index].ptr, mallocs[index].size);
+	dprintf4("freed[%d]:  %p\n", index, mallocs[index].ptr);
+	free_ptr = (unsigned long)mallocs[index].ptr;
+	mask = alignment-1;
+	dprintf4("lowerbits: %lx / %lx mask: %lx\n", free_ptr,
+			(free_ptr & mask), mask);
+	assert((free_ptr & mask) == 0);
+	mallocs[index].ptr = NULL;
+#ifdef __i386__
+void zap_everything(void)
+	long after_zap;
+	long before_zap;
+	int i;
+	before_zap = inspect_me(bounds_dir_ptr);
+	dprintf1("zapping everything start: %ld\n", before_zap);
+	for (i = 0; i < NR_MALLOCS; i++)
+		free_one_malloc(i);
+	after_zap = inspect_me(bounds_dir_ptr);
+	dprintf1("zapping everything done: %ld\n", after_zap);
+	/*
+	 * We only guarantee to empty the thing out if our allocations are
+	 * exactly aligned on the boundaries of a boudns table.
+	 */
+	if ((alignment >= MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_COVERS) &&
+	    (sz_alignment >= MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_COVERS)) {
+		if (after_zap != 0)
+			test_failed();
+		assert(after_zap == 0);
+	}
+void do_one_malloc(void)
+	static int malloc_counter;
+	long sz;
+	int rand_index = (mpx_random() % NR_MALLOCS);
+	void *ptr = mallocs[rand_index].ptr;
+	dprintf3("%s() enter\n", __func__);
+	if (ptr) {
+		dprintf3("freeing one malloc at index: %d\n", rand_index);
+		free_one_malloc(rand_index);
+		if (mpx_random() % (NR_MALLOCS*3) == 3) {
+			int i;
+			dprintf3("zapping some more\n");
+			for (i = rand_index; i < NR_MALLOCS; i++)
+				free_one_malloc(i);
+		}
+		if ((mpx_random() % zap_all_every_this_many_mallocs) == 4)
+			zap_everything();
+	}
+	/* 1->~1M */
+	sz = (1 + mpx_random() % 1000) * 1000;
+	ptr = mpx_mini_alloc(sz);
+	if (!ptr) {
+		/*
+		 * If we are failing allocations, just assume we
+		 * are out of memory and zap everything.
+		 */
+		dprintf3("zapping everything because out of memory\n");
+		zap_everything();
+		goto out;
+	}
+	dprintf3("malloc: %p size: 0x%lx\n", ptr, sz);
+	mallocs[rand_index].nr_filled_btes = cover_buf_with_bt_entries(ptr, sz);
+	mallocs[rand_index].ptr = ptr;
+	mallocs[rand_index].size = sz;
+	if ((++malloc_counter) % inspect_every_this_many_mallocs == 0)
+		inspect_me(bounds_dir_ptr);
+void run_timed_test(void (*test_func)(void))
+	int done = 0;
+	long iteration = 0;
+	static time_t last_print;
+	time_t now;
+	time_t start;
+	time(&start);
+	while (!done) {
+		time(&now);
+		if ((now - start) > TEST_DURATION_SECS)
+			done = 1;
+		test_func();
+		iteration++;
+		if ((now - last_print > 1) || done) {
+			printf("iteration %ld complete, OK so far\n", iteration);
+			last_print = now;
+		}
+	}
+void check_bounds_table_frees(void)
+	printf("executing unmaptest\n");
+	inspect_me(bounds_dir_ptr);
+	run_timed_test(&do_one_malloc);
+	printf("done with malloc() fun\n");
+void insn_test_failed(int test_nr, int test_round, void *buf,
+		void *buf_shadow, void *ptr)
+	print_context(xsave_test_buf);
+	eprintf("ERROR: test %d round %d failed\n", test_nr, test_round);
+	while (test_nr == 5) {
+		struct mpx_bt_entry *bte;
+		struct mpx_bounds_dir *bd = (void *)bounds_dir_ptr;
+		struct mpx_bd_entry *bde = mpx_vaddr_to_bd_entry(buf, bd);
+		printf("  bd: %p\n", bd);
+		printf("&bde: %p\n", bde);
+		printf("*bde: %lx\n", *(unsigned long *)bde);
+		if (!bd_entry_valid(bde))
+			break;
+		bte = mpx_vaddr_to_bt_entry(buf, bd);
+		printf(" te: %p\n", bte);
+		printf("bte[0]: %lx\n", bte->contents[0]);
+		printf("bte[1]: %lx\n", bte->contents[1]);
+		printf("bte[2]: %lx\n", bte->contents[2]);
+		printf("bte[3]: %lx\n", bte->contents[3]);
+		break;
+	}
+	test_failed();
+void check_mpx_insns_and_tables(void)
+	int successes = 0;
+	int failures  = 0;
+	int buf_size = (1024*1024);
+	unsigned long *buf = malloc(buf_size);
+	const int total_nr_tests = NR_MPX_TEST_FUNCTIONS * TEST_ROUNDS;
+	int i, j;
+	memset(buf, 0, buf_size);
+	memset(buf_shadow, 0, sizeof(buf_shadow));
+	for (i = 0; i < TEST_ROUNDS; i++) {
+		uint8_t *ptr = get_random_addr() + 8;
+		for (j = 0; j < NR_MPX_TEST_FUNCTIONS; j++) {
+			if (0 && j != 5) {
+				successes++;
+				continue;
+			}
+			dprintf2("starting test %d round %d\n", j, i);
+			dprint_context(xsave_test_buf);
+			/*
+			 * test5 loads an address from the bounds tables.
+			 * The load will only complete if 'ptr' matches
+			 * the load and the store, so with random addrs,
+			 * the odds of this are very small.  Make it
+			 * higher by only moving 'ptr' 1/10 times.
+			 */
+			if (random() % 10 <= 0)
+				ptr = get_random_addr() + 8;
+			dprintf3("random ptr{%p}\n", ptr);
+			dprint_context(xsave_test_buf);
+			run_helpers(j, (void *)buf, (void *)buf_shadow, ptr);
+			dprint_context(xsave_test_buf);
+			if (!compare_context(xsave_test_buf)) {
+				insn_test_failed(j, i, buf, buf_shadow, ptr);
+				failures++;
+				goto exit;
+			}
+			successes++;
+			dprint_context(xsave_test_buf);
+			dprintf2("finished test %d round %d\n", j, i);
+			dprintf3("\n");
+			dprint_context(xsave_test_buf);
+		}
+	}
+	dprintf2("\nabout to free:\n");
+	free(buf);
+	dprintf1("successes: %d\n", successes);
+	dprintf1(" failures: %d\n", failures);
+	dprintf1("    tests: %d\n", total_nr_tests);
+	dprintf1(" expected: %jd #BRs\n", num_upper_brs + num_lower_brs);
+	dprintf1("      saw: %d #BRs\n", br_count);
+	if (failures) {
+		eprintf("ERROR: non-zero number of failures\n");
+		exit(20);
+	}
+	if (successes != total_nr_tests) {
+		eprintf("ERROR: succeded fewer than number of tries (%d != %d)\n",
+				successes, total_nr_tests);
+		exit(21);
+	}
+	if (num_upper_brs + num_lower_brs != br_count) {
+		eprintf("ERROR: unexpected number of #BRs: %jd %jd %d\n",
+				num_upper_brs, num_lower_brs, br_count);
+		eprintf("successes: %d\n", successes);
+		eprintf(" failures: %d\n", failures);
+		eprintf("    tests: %d\n", total_nr_tests);
+		eprintf(" expected: %jd #BRs\n", num_upper_brs + num_lower_brs);
+		eprintf("      saw: %d #BRs\n", br_count);
+		exit(22);
+	}
+ * This is supposed to SIGSEGV nicely once the kernel
+ * can no longer allocate vaddr space.
+ */
+void exhaust_vaddr_space(void)
+	unsigned long ptr;
+	/* Try to make sure there is no room for a bounds table anywhere */
+	unsigned long skip = MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_SIZE_BYTES - PAGE_SIZE;
+#ifdef __i386__
+	unsigned long max_vaddr = 0xf7788000UL;
+	unsigned long max_vaddr = 0x800000000000UL;
+	dprintf1("%s() start\n", __func__);
+	/* do not start at 0, we aren't allowed to map there */
+	for (ptr = PAGE_SIZE; ptr < max_vaddr; ptr += skip) {
+		void *ptr_ret;
+		int ret = madvise((void *)ptr, PAGE_SIZE, MADV_NORMAL);
+		if (!ret) {
+			dprintf1("madvise() %lx ret: %d\n", ptr, ret);
+			continue;
+		}
+		ptr_ret = mmap((void *)ptr, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
+		if (ptr_ret != (void *)ptr) {
+			perror("mmap");
+			dprintf1("mmap(%lx) ret: %p\n", ptr, ptr_ret);
+			break;
+		}
+		if (!(ptr & 0xffffff))
+			dprintf1("mmap(%lx) ret: %p\n", ptr, ptr_ret);
+	}
+	for (ptr = PAGE_SIZE; ptr < max_vaddr; ptr += skip) {
+		dprintf2("covering 0x%lx with bounds table entries\n", ptr);
+		cover_buf_with_bt_entries((void *)ptr, PAGE_SIZE);
+	}
+	dprintf1("%s() end\n", __func__);
+	printf("done with vaddr space fun\n");
+void mpx_table_test(void)
+	printf("starting mpx bounds table test\n");
+	run_timed_test(check_mpx_insns_and_tables);
+	printf("done with mpx bounds table test\n");
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	int unmaptest = 0;
+	int vaddrexhaust = 0;
+	int tabletest = 0;
+	int i;
+	check_mpx_support();
+	mpx_prepare();
+	srandom(11179);
+	bd_incore();
+	init();
+	bd_incore();
+	trace_me();
+	xsave_state((void *)xsave_test_buf, 0x1f);
+	if (!compare_context(xsave_test_buf))
+		printf("Init failed\n");
+	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+		if (!strcmp(argv[i], "unmaptest"))
+			unmaptest = 1;
+		if (!strcmp(argv[i], "vaddrexhaust"))
+			vaddrexhaust = 1;
+		if (!strcmp(argv[i], "tabletest"))
+			tabletest = 1;
+	}
+	if (!(unmaptest || vaddrexhaust || tabletest)) {
+		unmaptest = 1;
+		/* vaddrexhaust = 1; */
+		tabletest = 1;
+	}
+	if (unmaptest)
+		check_bounds_table_frees();
+	if (tabletest)
+		mpx_table_test();
+	if (vaddrexhaust)
+		exhaust_vaddr_space();
+	printf("%s completed successfully\n", argv[0]);
+	exit(0);
+#include "mpx-dig.c"
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-mm.h b/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-mm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af706a5398f7a7328448f83233a1da0a90e544b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-mm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#ifndef _MPX_MM_H
+#define _MPX_MM_H
+#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
+#define MB (1UL<<20)
+extern long nr_incore(void *ptr, unsigned long size_bytes);
+#endif /* _MPX_MM_H */