#!/bin/bash ####################################################################### ##- @Copyright (C) Huawei Technologies., Ltd. 2020. All rights reserved. # - iSulad licensed under the Mulan PSL v2. # - You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. # - You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: # - http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 # - THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR # - IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR # - PURPOSE. # - See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. ##- @Description: generate cetification ##- @Author: lifeng ##- @Create: 2020-03-30 ####################################################################### set +e set -x ignore_ci=false basepath=$(cd `dirname $0`; pwd) source $basepath/helper.sh TOPDIR=`pwd` src_code_dir="$TOPDIR" make_script="${TOPDIR}/CI/make-and-install.sh" CIDIR="$TOPDIR/CI" testcase_script="${src_code_dir}/CI/run-testcases.sh" testcase_test="${src_code_dir}/CI/test.sh" testcase_data="/tmp/testcases_data" LXC_LOCK_DIR_CONTAINER="/run/lxc/lock/mount_lock" LXC_LOCK_DIR_HOST="/tmp/lxc_mount_dir" KEEP_CONTAINERS_ALIVE_DIR="/tmp/containerslock" TESTCASE_ASSIGN="${CIDIR}/testcase_assign" BASE_IMAGE="" rm -rf ${TESTCASE_ASSIGN}_* # #Run this file will generate default BASE_IMAGE and auto run isulad unit tests # #You should cd the root path of isulad, and run: # ./CI/build.sh declare -a modules container_nums=0 function usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [options]" echo "Continuous integration (CI) script for isulad/lcr project" echo "Options:" echo " -m, --module Execute scripts related to the specified module" echo " -n, --container-num Multiple containers execute scripts in parallel" echo " -g, --enable-gcov Enable gcov for code coverage analysis" echo " -i, --ignore-ci Not running testcase" echo " --rm Auto remove containers after testcase run success" echo " -h, --help Script help information" } function err() { echo "[$(date +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')]: $@" >&2 } args=`getopt -o m:n:g:i:h --long module:,container-num:,ignore-ci:,help -- "$@"` if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Terminating..." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi eval set -- "$args" while true; do case "$1" in -m|--module) modules=${2} ; modules=(${modules// / }) ; shift 2 ;; -n|--container-num) container_nums=${2} ; shift 2 ;; -i|--ignore-ci) ignore_ci=${2} ; shift 2 ;; -h|--help) usage ; exit 0 ;; --) shift ; break ;; *) err "invalid parameter" ; exit -1 ;; esac done declare -A scripts pwd TESTCASE_PATH="./CI/test_cases" for file in $(find ${TESTCASE_PATH} -not \( -path '.*/data' -prune \) -regextype posix-extended -regex ".*\.(bash)" | grep -v "helpers.bash" | sort) do attributes=$(sed -n '3p' $file) if [[ "x$attributes" == "x" ]] || [[ ! "${attributes}" =~ "attributes:" ]];then attributes=$(cat $file | grep "# attributes:") if [[ "x$attributes" == "x" ]] || [[ ! "${attributes}" =~ "attributes:" ]];then continue fi fi attributes=${attributes#*: } attributes=(${attributes// / }) if [[ ${#modules[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then intersection=($(comm -12 <(echo ${modules[*]}| tr " " "\n"| sort) <(echo ${attributes[*]} | tr " " "\n"| sort)| sort -g)) if [[ ${#intersection[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then continue fi fi concurrent=$(sed -n '4p' $file) concurrent=${concurrent#*: } spend_time=$(sed -n '5p' $file) spend_time=${spend_time#*: } info=(${spend_time} ${concurrent} ${attributes[@]}) scripts+=([${file}]=${info[@]}) done function check_concurrent() { attr=${scripts[${1}]} attributes=(${attr// / }) #disable concurrent run, testcase may fail while using sleep in testcase due to concurrent return 1 if [[ "x${attributes[1]}" == "xYES" ]];then return 0 fi return 1 } declare -A concurrent_scripts declare -A non_concurrent_scripts for script in "${!scripts[@]}" do check_concurrent ${script} if [ $? -eq 0 ];then concurrent_scripts+=([${script}]=${scripts[${script}]}) else non_concurrent_scripts+=([${script}]=${scripts[${script}]}) fi done CONTAINER_INDEX=1 function calculate_non_concurrent_script_tatol_time() { local result=0 for script in ${!non_concurrent_scripts[@]} do attr=${non_concurrent_scripts[${script}]} attributes=(${attr// / }) spend_time=${attributes[0]} if [[ ${spend_time} == "-" ]]; then spend_time=3 fi result=$((result + spend_time)) done echo ${result} } function do_testcase_auto_assignment() { local index=1 for script in ${!concurrent_scripts[@]} do script_realpath=$(realpath ${script}) echo ${script_realpath} >> ${TESTCASE_ASSIGN}_P${CONTAINER_INDEX} index=$((index + 1)) if [[ ${index} -eq 50 ]]; then index=1 CONTAINER_INDEX=$((CONTAINER_INDEX + 1)) fi done if [[ ${#concurrent_scripts[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then CONTAINER_INDEX=$((CONTAINER_INDEX + 1)) fi local acc_time=0 for script in ${!non_concurrent_scripts[@]} do attr=${non_concurrent_scripts[${script}]} attributes=(${attr// / }) spend_time=${attributes[0]} if [[ ${spend_time} == "-" ]]; then spend_time=3 fi acc_time=$((acc_time + spend_time)) if [[ ${acc_time} -ge 600 ]]; then acc_time=0 CONTAINER_INDEX=$((CONTAINER_INDEX + 1)) fi script_realpath=$(realpath ${script}) echo ${script_realpath} >> ${TESTCASE_ASSIGN}_S${CONTAINER_INDEX} done if [[ ${#non_concurrent_scripts[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then CONTAINER_INDEX=$((CONTAINER_INDEX - 1)) fi } function do_testcase_manual_assignment() { local index=1 rm -rf ${TESTCASE_ASSIGN}_* for script in ${!concurrent_scripts[@]} do script_realpath=$(realpath ${script}) echo ${script_realpath} >> ${TESTCASE_ASSIGN}_P${CONTAINER_INDEX} index=$((index + 1)) if [[ ${index} -eq 50 ]]; then index=1 CONTAINER_INDEX=$((CONTAINER_INDEX + 1)) fi done non_concurrent_tatol_time=$(calculate_non_concurrent_script_tatol_time) avg_time_per_container=$((non_concurrent_tatol_time / container_nums)) if [[ ${#concurrent_scripts[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then CONTAINER_INDEX=$((CONTAINER_INDEX + 1)) fi local acc_time=0 for script in ${!non_concurrent_scripts[@]} do attr=${non_concurrent_scripts[${script}]} attributes=(${attr// / }) spend_time=${attributes[0]} if [[ ${spend_time} == "-" ]]; then spend_time=3 fi acc_time=$((acc_time + spend_time)) if [[ ${acc_time} -gt ${avg_time_per_container} ]]; then acc_time=0 CONTAINER_INDEX=$((CONTAINER_INDEX + 1)) fi script_realpath=$(realpath ${script}) echo ${script_realpath} >> ${TESTCASE_ASSIGN}_S${CONTAINER_INDEX} done if [[ ${#non_concurrent_scripts[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then CONTAINER_INDEX=$((CONTAINER_INDEX - 1)) fi } if [[ ${container_nums} -le 0 ]]; then do_testcase_auto_assignment else do_testcase_manual_assignment ${container_nums} fi function echo_success() { echo -e "\033[1;32m"$@"\033[0m" } function echo_error() { echo -e "\033[1;31m"$@"\033[0m" } DockerFile=./CI/Dockerfile ProcsFile=/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/docker/cgroup.clone_children function make_sure_cgroup() { image=`cat $DockerFile | grep FROM | awk '{print $2}'` if [ ! -e $ProcsFile ];then cid=`docker run -d $image` if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "Can not run docker container" return 1 fi docker rm -f $cid fi procsval=`cat $ProcsFile` if [ $procsval -ne 1 ];then echo "warning: set $ProcsFile to 1" echo 1 > $ProcsFile fi } function make_base_image() { BASE_IMAGE=`docker build -q -f ${DockerFile} .` } make_sure_cgroup make_base_image if [ $? -ne 0 ];then exit 0 fi #if you want to debug and disable cleanup all resources, create directory by 'mkdir -p $KEEP_CONTAINERS_ALIVE_DIR' #remember to remove $KEEP_CONTAINERS_ALIVE_DIR after finished your debug. if [ ! -d $KEEP_CONTAINERS_ALIVE_DIR ];then delete_old_resources $time_id "$containers_clear_time" "listcontainers" "remove_container" delete_old_resources $time_id "$containers_clear_time" "listtmpdirs" "remove_tmpdir" fi RES_CODE=0 mkdir -p $LXC_LOCK_DIR_HOST env_ignore_ci="" if [ "x$ignore_ci" == "xON" ];then env_ignore_ci="--env IGNORE_CI=ON" fi function exec_script() { set +e local log_path="/tmp/${1}.log" contname="${1}" # keep -i so testcases which read stdin can success docker exec -itd -e TOPDIR=$src_code_dir -e TESTCASE_FLOCK=/tmp/runflag/${CONTAINER_NAME}.flock -e TESTCASE_SCRIPTS_LOG=/tmp/runflag/${CONTAINER_NAME}.scripts.log -e TESTCASE_RUNFLAG=/tmp/runflag/${CONTAINER_NAME}.runflag -e TESTCASE_CONTNAME=${contname} ${contname} ${testcase_test} run ${2} ${log_path} docker exec ${1} $testcase_test get if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then rm -rf ${CIDIR}/${CONTAINER_NAME}.runflag docker exec ${contname} cat ${log_path} echo_error "testcase execute failed in container ${contname}, log: ${log_path}" return 1 fi echo_success "Container: ${contname} success" return 0 } cptemp=${tmpdir_prefix}/${CONTAINER_NAME}_cptemp # container for testing restful and building copycontainer=${CONTAINER_NAME}_R1 tmpdir="${tmpdir_prefix}/${copycontainer}" containers+=(${copycontainer}) mkdir -p ${tmpdir} touch $CIDIR/${CONTAINER_NAME}.runflag docker run -tid -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup --tmpfs /tmp:exec,mode=777 --tmpfs /run:exec,mode=777 --name ${copycontainer} -v ${cptemp}:${cptemp} $env_gcov $env_ignore_ci -v ${CIDIR}:/tmp/runflag -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules -v $testcases_data_dir:$testcase_data -v $LXC_LOCK_DIR_HOST:$LXC_LOCK_DIR_CONTAINER -v $TOPDIR:$src_code_dir -v ${tmpdir}:/var/lib/isulad --privileged -e login_username=$login_username -e login_passwd=$login_passwd $BASE_IMAGE docker cp ${CIDIR}/testcase_assign_R1 ${copycontainer}:/root echo_success "Run container ${copycontainer} success" # make and install in rest container docker exec -e TOPDIR=${src_code_dir} -e BUILDDIR=${cptemp} ${copycontainer} ${make_script} if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo_error "Make and install failed in container ${copycontainer}" rm -rf ${cptemp} exit 1 fi echo_success "Finished build in container ${copycontainer}" for index in $(seq 1 ${CONTAINER_INDEX}) do suffix=$(ls ${CIDIR} | grep testcase_assign_ | grep -E "*[S|P]${index}$" | awk -F '_' '{print $NF}') tmpdir="${tmpdir_prefix}/${CONTAINER_NAME}_${suffix}" mkdir -p ${tmpdir} containers+=(${CONTAINER_NAME}_${suffix}) docker run -tid -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup --tmpfs /tmp:exec,mode=777 --tmpfs /run:exec,mode=777 --name ${CONTAINER_NAME}_${suffix} -v ${cptemp}:${cptemp} $env_gcov $env_ignore_ci -v ${CIDIR}:/tmp/runflag -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules -v $testcases_data_dir:$testcase_data -v $LXC_LOCK_DIR_HOST:$LXC_LOCK_DIR_CONTAINER -v $TOPDIR:$src_code_dir -v ${tmpdir}:/var/lib/isulad --privileged -e login_username=$login_username -e login_passwd=$login_passwd $BASE_IMAGE docker cp ${CIDIR}/testcase_assign_${suffix} ${CONTAINER_NAME}_${suffix}:/root echo_success "Run container ${CONTAINER_NAME}_${suffix} success" done for container in ${containers[@]} do { docker cp ${cptemp}/bin ${container}:/usr docker cp ${cptemp}/etc ${container}:/ docker cp ${cptemp}/usr/bin ${container}:/usr docker cp ${cptemp}/include ${container}:/usr docker cp ${cptemp}/lib ${container}:/usr docker cp ${cptemp}/systemd ${container}:/lib # Docker cannot cp file to tmpfs /tmp in container docker exec ${container} sh -c "umask 0022 && cp -r ${testcase_data}/ci_testcase_data/embedded /tmp" docker cp ${cptemp}/rpm ${container}:/ docker exec ${container} /bin/sh -c "rpm --force --nodeps -ivh /rpm/*" }& done wait docker cp ${cptemp}/rest/bin ${copycontainer}:/usr docker cp ${cptemp}/rest/etc ${copycontainer}:/ docker cp ${cptemp}/rest/include ${copycontainer}:/usr docker cp ${cptemp}/rest/lib ${copycontainer}:/usr rm -rf ${cptemp} # wait for copy files become effective sleep 3 for container in ${containers[@]} do { exec_script ${container} ${testcase_script} }& pids="$! $pids" done docker exec ${copycontainer} tail -f --retry /tmp/runflag/${CONTAINER_NAME}.scripts.log 2>/dev/null & tailpid=$! trap "kill -9 $tailpid; exit 0" 15 2 wait $pids kill -9 $tailpid if [[ -e $CIDIR/${CONTAINER_NAME}.runflag ]]; then echo_success "All \"${#scripts[@]}\" testcases passed!" rm -rf $CIDIR/${CONTAINER_NAME}.runflag for container in ${containers[@]} do docker rm -f $container done exit 0; else for container in ${containers[@]} do docker rm -f $container done echo_error "Test failed!" exit -1; fi