ISULAD_KIT_BIN=./isulad-img BUILT=$(shell echo `date +'%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S'`) ifeq ($(shell uname),Darwin) PREFIX ?= ${DESTDIR}/usr/local DARWIN_BUILD_TAG=containers_image_ostree_stub # On macOS, (brew install gpgme) installs it within /usr/local, but /usr/local/include is not in the default search path. # Rather than hard-code this directory, use gpgme-config. Sadly that must be done at the top-level user # instead of locally in the gpgme subpackage, because cgo supports only pkg-config, not general shell scripts, # and gpgme does not install a pkg-config file. # If gpgme is not installed or gpgme-config can¡¯t be found for other reasons, the error is silently ignored # (and the user will probably find out because the cgo compilation will fail). GPGME_ENV := CGO_CFLAGS="$(shell gpgme-config --cflags 2>/dev/null)" CGO_LDFLAGS="$(shell gpgme-config --libs 2>/dev/null)" else PREFIX ?= ${DESTDIR}/usr endif INSTALLDIR=${PREFIX}/bin CONTAINERSSYSCONFIGDIR=${DESTDIR}/etc/containers ifeq ($(shell go env GOOS), linux) GO_DYN_FLAGS="-buildmode=pie" endif export GOPATH := $(CURDIR) BTRFS_BUILD_TAG = $(shell hack/ LIBDM_BUILD_TAG = $(shell hack/ LOCAL_BUILD_TAGS = $(BTRFS_BUILD_TAG) $(LIBDM_BUILD_TAG) $(DARWIN_BUILD_TAG) BUILDTAGS += $(LOCAL_BUILD_TAGS) GIT_COMMIT := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD 2> /dev/null || true) GO_LDFLAGS="-s -w -extldflags -static -X main.gitCommit=${GIT_COMMIT} -X main.built=${BUILT}" GOTMPDIR=/tmp/isulad-img # ifeq ($(DISABLE_CGO), 1) override BUILDTAGS = containers_image_ostree_stub exclude_graphdriver_btrfs containers_image_openpgp # endif .PHONY: all isulad_img static clean all: isulad_img isulad_img: link echo $(GOPATH) echo $(CURDIR) rm -rf $(CURDIR)/src/isula-image/isula mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/src/isula-image/ cp -rf isula $(CURDIR)/src/isula-image/ mkdir -p ${GOTMPDIR} $(GPGME_ENV) go build ${GO_DYN_FLAGS} -ldflags "-extldflags -zrelro -extldflags -znow -tmpdir ${GOTMPDIR} -X main.gitCommit=${GIT_COMMIT}" -gcflags "$(GOGCFLAGS)" -tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" -o isulad-img ./cmd/isulad_img rm -rf ${GOTMPDIR} rm -rf $(CURDIR)/src/isula-image/isula static: link echo $(GOPATH) echo $(CURDIR) rm -rf $(CURDIR)/src/isula-image/isula mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/src/isula-image/ cp -rf isula $(CURDIR)/src/isula-image/ mkdir -p ${GOTMPDIR} $(GPGME_ENV) go build -ldflags "-tmpdir ${GOTMPDIR} -extldflags \"-static\" -X main.gitCommit=${GIT_COMMIT}" -gcflags "$(GOGCFLAGS)" -tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" -o isulad-img ./cmd/isulad_img rm -rf ${GOTMPDIR} rm -rf $(CURDIR)/src/isula-image/isula unit-test: link echo $(GOPATH) echo $(CURDIR) go test -v proto: protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:. ./isula/isula_image.proto clean: rm -rf ${ISULAD_KIT_BIN} install: install -d -m 755 ${INSTALLDIR} install -m 755 ${ISULAD_KIT_BIN} ${INSTALLDIR}/isulad-img install -d -m 755 ${CONTAINERSSYSCONFIGDIR} install -m 644 default-policy.json ${CONTAINERSSYSCONFIGDIR}/policy.json link: ln -sfn $(CURDIR)/vendor $(CURDIR)/src