// +build !windows package container // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container" // IsValid indicates if an isolation technology is valid func (i Isolation) IsValid() bool { return i.IsDefault() } // NetworkName returns the name of the network stack. func (n NetworkMode) NetworkName() string { if n.IsBridge() { return "bridge" } else if n.IsHost() { return "host" } else if n.IsContainer() { return "container" } else if n.IsNone() { return "none" } else if n.IsDefault() { return "default" } else if n.IsUserDefined() { return n.UserDefined() } return "" } // IsBridge indicates whether container uses the bridge network stack func (n NetworkMode) IsBridge() bool { return n == "bridge" } // IsHost indicates whether container uses the host network stack. func (n NetworkMode) IsHost() bool { return n == "host" } // IsUserDefined indicates user-created network func (n NetworkMode) IsUserDefined() bool { return !n.IsDefault() && !n.IsBridge() && !n.IsHost() && !n.IsNone() && !n.IsContainer() }