================ Avocado Releases ================ How we release Avocado ====================== The regular releases are released after each sprint, which usually takes 3 weeks. Regular releases are supported only until the next version is released. We also understand that there are multiple projects currently depending on the stability of Avocado and we don't want their work to be disrupted by incompatibilities nor instabilities in new releases. Because of that, we have **LTS releases**, that are regular releases considering the release cycle, but a new branch is created and bugfixes are backported on demand for a period of about 18 months after the release. Every year (or so) a new LTS version is released. Two subsequent LTS versions are guaranteed to have 6 months of supportability overlap. Long Term Stability Releases ============================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 lts/69_0 lts/52_0 lts/next Regular Releases ================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 75_0 74_0 73_0 72_0 71_0 70_0 69_0 68_0 67_0 66_0 65_0 64_0 63_0 62_0 61_0 60_0 59_0 58_0 57_0 56_0 55_0 54_1 54_0 53_0 52_0 51_0 50_0 49_0 48_0 47_0 46_0 45_0 44_0 43_0 42_0 41_0 40_0 39_0 38_0 37_0 36_0 35_0 0_34_0 0_33_0 0_32_0 0_31_0 0_30_0 0_29_0 0_28_0 0_27_1 0_27_0 0_26_0 0_25_0