.. _writing-tests: ===================== Writing Avocado Tests ===================== We are going to write an Avocado test in Python and we are going to inherit from :class:`avocado.Test`. This makes this test a so-called instrumented test. Basic example ============= Let's re-create an old time favorite, ``sleeptest`` [#f1]_. It is so simple, it does nothing besides sleeping for a while:: import time from avocado import Test class SleepTest(Test): def test(self): sleep_length = self.params.get('sleep_length', default=1) self.log.debug("Sleeping for %.2f seconds", sleep_length) time.sleep(sleep_length) This is about the simplest test you can write for Avocado, while still leveraging its API power. What is an Avocado Test ----------------------- As can be seen in the example above, an Avocado test is a method that starts with ``test`` in a class that inherits from :mod:`avocado.Test`. Multiple tests and naming conventions ------------------------------------- You can have multiple tests in a single class. To do so, just give the methods names that start with ``test``, say ``test_foo``, ``test_bar`` and so on. We recommend you follow this naming style, as defined in the `PEP8 Function Names`_ section. For the class name, you can pick any name you like, but we also recommend that it follows the CamelCase convention, also known as CapWords, defined in the PEP 8 document under `Class Names`_. Convenience Attributes ---------------------- Note that the test class provides you with a number of convenience attributes: * A ready to use log mechanism for your test, that can be accessed by means of ``self.log``. It lets you log debug, info, error and warning messages. * A parameter passing system (and fetching system) that can be accessed by means of ``self.params``. This is hooked to the Multiplexer, about which you can find that more information at :doc:`MultiplexConfig`. Saving test generated (custom) data =================================== Each test instance provides a so called ``whiteboard``. It that can be accessed through ``self.whiteboard``. This whiteboard is simply a string that will be automatically saved to test results (as long as the output format supports it). If you choose to save binary data to the whiteboard, it's your responsibility to encode it first (base64 is the obvious choice). Building on the previously demonstrated ``sleeptest``, suppose that you want to save the sleep length to be used by some other script or data analysis tool:: def test(self): sleep_length = self.params.get('sleep_length', default=1) self.log.debug("Sleeping for %.2f seconds", sleep_length) time.sleep(sleep_length) self.whiteboard = "%.2f" % sleep_length The whiteboard can and should be exposed by files generated by the available test result plugins. The ``results.json`` file already includes the whiteboard for each test. Additionally, we'll save a raw copy of the whiteboard contents on a file named ``whiteboard``, in the same level as the ``results.json`` file, for your convenience (maybe you want to use the result of a benchmark directly with your custom made scripts to analyze that particular benchmark result). Accessing test parameters ========================= Each test has a set of parameters that can be accessed through ``self.params.get($name, $path=None, $default=None)``. Avocado finds and populates ``self.params`` with all parameters you define on a Multiplex Config file (see :doc:`MultiplexConfig`). As an example, consider the following multiplex file for sleeptest:: sleeptest: type: "builtin" short: sleep_length: 0.5 medium: sleep_length: 1 long: sleep_length: 5 When running this example by ``avocado run $test --multiplex $file.yaml`` three variants are executed and the content is injected into ``/run`` namespace (see :doc:`MultiplexConfig` for details). Every variant contains variables "type" and "sleep_length". To obtain the current value, you need the name ("sleep_length") and its path. The path differs for each variant so it's needed to use the most suitable portion of the path, in this example: "/run/sleeptest/*" or perhaps "sleeptest/*" might be enough. It depends on how your setup looks like. The default value is optional, but always keep in mind to handle them nicely. Someone might be executing your test with different params or without any params at all. It should work fine. So the complete example on how to access the "sleep_length" would be:: self.params.get("sleep_length", "/*/sleeptest/*", 1) There is one way to make this even simpler. It's possible to define resolution order, then for simple queries you can simply omit the path:: self.params.get("sleep_length", None, 1) self.params.get("sleep_length", '*', 1) self.params.get("sleep_length", default=1) One should always try to avoid param clashes (multiple matching keys for given path with different origin). If it's not possible (eg. when you use multiple yaml files) you can modify the default paths by modifying ``--mux-path``. What it does is it slices the params and iterates through the paths one by one. When there is a match in the first slice it returns it without trying the other slices. Although relative queries only match from ``--mux-path`` slices. There are many ways to use paths to separate clashing params or just to make more clear what your query for. Usually in tests the usage of '*' is sufficient and the namespacing is not necessarily, but it helps make advanced usage clearer and easier to follow. When thinking of the path always think about users. It's common to extend default config with additional variants or combine them with different ones to generate just the right scenarios they need. People might simply inject the values elsewhere (eg. `/run/sleeptest` => `/upstream/sleeptest`) or they can merge other clashing file into the default path, which won't generate clash, but would return their values instead. Then you need to clarify the path (eg. `'*'` => `sleeptest/*`) More details on that are in :doc:`MultiplexConfig` Using a multiplex file ====================== You may use the Avocado runner with a multiplex file to provide params and matrix generation for sleeptest just like:: $ avocado run sleeptest --multiplex examples/tests/sleeptest.py.data/sleeptest.yaml JOB ID : d565e8dec576d6040f894841f32a836c751f968f JOB LOG : $HOME/avocado/job-results/job-2014-08-12T15.44-d565e8de/job.log JOB HTML : $HOME/avocado/job-results/job-2014-08-12T15.44-d565e8de/html/results.html TESTS : 3 (1/3) sleeptest: PASS (0.50 s) (2/3) sleeptest.1: PASS (1.01 s) (3/3) sleeptest.2: PASS (5.01 s) PASS : 3 ERROR : 0 FAIL : 0 SKIP : 0 WARN : 0 INTERRUPT : 0 TIME : 6.52 s The ``--multiplex`` accepts either only ``$FILE_LOCATION`` or ``$INJECT_TO:$FILE_LOCATION``. As explained in :doc:`MultiplexConfig` without any path the content gets injected into ``/run`` in order to be in the default relative path location. The ``$INJECT_TO`` can be either relative path, then it's injected into ``/run/$INJECT_TO`` location, or absolute path (starting with ``'/'``), then it's injected directly into the specified path and it's up to the test/framework developer to get the value from this location (using path or adding the path to ``mux-path``). To understand the difference execute those commands:: $ avocado multiplex -t examples/tests/sleeptest.py.data/sleeptest.yaml $ avocado multiplex -t duration:examples/tests/sleeptest.py.data/sleeptest.yaml $ avocado multiplex -t /my/location:examples/tests/sleeptest.py.data/sleeptest.yaml Note that, as your multiplex file specifies all parameters for sleeptest, you can't leave the test ID empty:: $ scripts/avocado run --multiplex examples/tests/sleeptest/sleeptest.yaml Empty test ID. A test path or alias must be provided You can also execute multiple tests with the same multiplex file:: ./scripts/avocado run sleeptest synctest --multiplex examples/tests/sleeptest.py.data/sleeptest.yaml JOB ID : 72166988c13fec26fcc9c2e504beec8edaad4761 JOB LOG : /home/medic/avocado/job-results/job-2015-05-15T11.02-7216698/job.log JOB HTML : /home/medic/avocado/job-results/job-2015-05-15T11.02-7216698/html/results.html TESTS : 8 (1/8) sleeptest.py: PASS (1.00 s) (2/8) sleeptest.py.1: PASS (1.00 s) (3/8) sleeptest.py.2: PASS (1.00 s) (4/8) sleeptest.py.3: PASS (1.00 s) (5/8) synctest.py: PASS (1.31 s) (6/8) synctest.py.1: PASS (1.48 s) (7/8) synctest.py.2: PASS (3.36 s) (8/8) synctest.py.3: PASS (3.59 s) PASS : 8 ERROR : 0 FAIL : 0 SKIP : 0 WARN : 0 INTERRUPT : 0 TIME : 13.76 s Avocado tests are also unittests ================================ Since Avocado tests inherit from :class:`unittest.TestCase`, you can use all the :func:`assert` class methods on your tests. Some silly examples:: class RandomExamples(test.Test): def test(self): self.log.debug("Verifying some random math...") four = 2 * 2 four_ = 2 + 2 self.assertEqual(four, four_, "something is very wrong here!") self.log.debug("Verifying if a variable is set to True...") variable = True self.assertTrue(variable) self.log.debug("Verifying if this test is an instance of test.Test") self.assertIsInstance(self, test.Test) The reason why we have a shebang in the beginning of the test is because Avocado tests, similarly to unittests, can use an entry point, called :func:`avocado.main`, that calls avocado libs to look for test classes and execute its main entry point. This is an optional, but fairly handy feature. In case you want to use it, don't forget to ``chmod +x`` your test. Executing an Avocado test gives:: $ examples/tests/sleeptest.py JOB ID : de6c1e4c227c786dc4d926f6fca67cda34d96276 JOB LOG : $HOME/avocado/job-results/job-2014-08-12T15.48-de6c1e4c/job.log JOB HTML : $HOME/avocado/job-results/job-2014-08-12T15.48-de6c1e4c/html/results.html TESTS : 1 (1/1) sleeptest.1: PASS (1.00 s) PASS : 1 ERROR : 0 FAIL : 0 SKIP : 0 WARN : 0 INTERRUPT : 0 TIME : 1.00 s Running tests with nosetests ============================ `nose `__ is a Python testing framework with similar goals as Avocado, except that avocado also intends to provide tools to assemble a fully automated test grid, plus richer test API for tests on the Linux platform. Regardless, the fact that an Avocado class is also an unittest cass, you can run them with the ``nosetests`` application:: $ nosetests examples/tests/sleeptest.py . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 1.004s OK Setup and cleanup methods ========================= If you need to perform setup actions before/after your test, you may do so in the ``setUp`` and ``tearDown`` methods, respectively. We'll give examples in the following section. Running third party test suites =============================== It is very common in test automation workloads to use test suites developed by third parties. By wrapping the execution code inside an Avocado test module, you gain access to the facilities and API provided by the framework. Let's say you want to pick up a test suite written in C that it is in a tarball, uncompress it, compile the suite code, and then executing the test. Here's an example that does that:: #!/usr/bin/python import os from avocado import Test from avocado import main from avocado.utils import archive from avocado.utils import build from avocado.utils import process class SyncTest(Test): """ Execute the synctest test suite. """ default_params = {'sync_tarball': 'synctest.tar.bz2', 'sync_length': 100, 'sync_loop': 10} def setUp(self): """ Set default params and build the synctest suite. """ # Build the synctest suite self.cwd = os.getcwd() tarball_path = self.get_data_path(self.params.sync_tarball) archive.extract(tarball_path, self.srcdir) self.srcdir = os.path.join(self.srcdir, 'synctest') build.make(self.srcdir) def test(self): """ Execute synctest with the appropriate params. """ os.chdir(self.srcdir) cmd = ('./synctest %s %s' % (self.params.sync_length, self.params.sync_loop)) process.system(cmd) os.chdir(self.cwd) if __name__ == "__main__": main() Here we have an example of the ``setup`` method in action: Here we get the location of the test suite code (tarball) through :func:`avocado.Test.get_data_path`, then uncompress the tarball through :func:`avocado.utils.archive.extract`, an API that will decompress the suite tarball, followed by ``build.make``, that will build the suite. In this example, the ``action`` method just gets into the base directory of the compiled suite and executes the ``./synctest`` command, with appropriate parameters, using :func:`avocado.utils.process.system`. Test Output Check and Output Record Mode ======================================== In a lot of occasions, you want to go simpler: just check if the output of a given application matches an expected output. In order to help with this common use case, we offer the option ``--output-check-record [mode]`` to the test runner:: --output-check-record OUTPUT_CHECK_RECORD Record output streams of your tests to reference files (valid options: none (do not record output streams), all (record both stdout and stderr), stdout (record only stderr), stderr (record only stderr). Default: none If this option is used, it will store the stdout or stderr of the process (or both, if you specified ``all``) being executed to reference files: ``stdout.expected`` and ``stderr.expected``. Those files will be recorded in the test data dir. The data dir is in the same directory as the test source file, named ``[source_file_name.data]``. Let's take as an example the test ``synctest.py``. In a fresh checkout of Avocado, you can see:: examples/tests/synctest.py.data/stderr.expected examples/tests/synctest.py.data/stdout.expected From those 2 files, only stdout.expected is non empty:: $ cat examples/tests/synctest.py.data/stdout.expected PAR : waiting PASS : sync interrupted The output files were originally obtained using the test runner and passing the option --output-check-record all to the test runner:: $ scripts/avocado run --output-check-record all synctest JOB ID : bcd05e4fd33e068b159045652da9eb7448802be5 JOB LOG : $HOME/avocado/job-results/job-2014-09-25T20.20-bcd05e4/job.log TESTS : 1 (1/1) synctest.py: PASS (2.20 s) PASS : 1 ERROR : 0 FAIL : 0 SKIP : 0 WARN : 0 TIME : 2.20 s After the reference files are added, the check process is transparent, in the sense that you do not need to provide special flags to the test runner. Now, every time the test is executed, after it is done running, it will check if the outputs are exactly right before considering the test as PASSed. If you want to override the default behavior and skip output check entirely, you may provide the flag ``--output-check=off`` to the test runner. The :mod:`avocado.utils.process` APIs have a parameter ``allow_output_check`` (defaults to ``all``), so that you can select which process outputs will go to the reference files, should you chose to record them. You may choose ``all``, for both stdout and stderr, ``stdout``, for the stdout only, ``stderr``, for only the stderr only, or ``none``, to allow neither of them to be recorded and checked. This process works fine also with simple tests, which are programs or shell scripts that returns 0 (PASSed) or != 0 (FAILed). Let's consider our bogus example:: $ cat output_record.sh #!/bin/bash echo "Hello, world!" Let's record the output for this one:: $ scripts/avocado run output_record.sh --output-check-record all JOB ID : 25c4244dda71d0570b7f849319cd71fe1722be8b JOB LOG : $HOME/avocado/job-results/job-2014-09-25T20.49-25c4244/job.log TESTS : 1 (1/1) home/$USER/Code/avocado/output_record.sh: PASS (0.01 s) PASS : 1 ERROR : 0 FAIL : 0 SKIP : 0 WARN : 0 TIME : 0.01 s After this is done, you'll notice that a the test data directory appeared in the same level of our shell script, containing 2 files:: $ ls output_record.sh.data/ stderr.expected stdout.expected Let's look what's in each of them:: $ cat output_record.sh.data/stdout.expected Hello, world! $ cat output_record.sh.data/stderr.expected $ Now, every time this test runs, it'll take into account the expected files that were recorded, no need to do anything else but run the test. Let's see what happens if we change the ``stdout.expected`` file contents to ``Hello, Avocado!``:: $ scripts/avocado run output_record.sh JOB ID : f0521e524face93019d7cb99c5765aedd933cb2e JOB LOG : $HOME/avocado/job-results/job-2014-09-25T20.52-f0521e5/job.log TESTS : 1 (1/1) home/$USER/Code/avocado/output_record.sh: FAIL (0.02 s) PASS : 0 ERROR : 0 FAIL : 1 SKIP : 0 WARN : 0 TIME : 0.02 s Verifying the failure reason:: $ cat $HOME/avocado/job-results/job-2014-09-25T20.52-f0521e5/job.log 20:52:38 test L0163 INFO | START home/$USER/Code/avocado/output_record.sh 20:52:38 test L0164 DEBUG| 20:52:38 test L0165 DEBUG| Test instance parameters: 20:52:38 test L0173 DEBUG| 20:52:38 test L0176 DEBUG| Default parameters: 20:52:38 test L0180 DEBUG| 20:52:38 test L0181 DEBUG| Test instance params override defaults whenever available 20:52:38 test L0182 DEBUG| 20:52:38 process L0242 INFO | Running '$HOME/Code/avocado/output_record.sh' 20:52:38 process L0310 DEBUG| [stdout] Hello, world! 20:52:38 test L0565 INFO | Command: $HOME/Code/avocado/output_record.sh 20:52:38 test L0565 INFO | Exit status: 0 20:52:38 test L0565 INFO | Duration: 0.00313782691956 20:52:38 test L0565 INFO | Stdout: 20:52:38 test L0565 INFO | Hello, world! 20:52:38 test L0565 INFO | 20:52:38 test L0565 INFO | Stderr: 20:52:38 test L0565 INFO | 20:52:38 test L0060 ERROR| 20:52:38 test L0063 ERROR| Traceback (most recent call last): 20:52:38 test L0063 ERROR| File "$HOME/Code/avocado/avocado/test.py", line 397, in check_reference_stdout 20:52:38 test L0063 ERROR| self.assertEqual(expected, actual, msg) 20:52:38 test L0063 ERROR| File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/unittest/case.py", line 551, in assertEqual 20:52:38 test L0063 ERROR| assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg) 20:52:38 test L0063 ERROR| File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/unittest/case.py", line 544, in _baseAssertEqual 20:52:38 test L0063 ERROR| raise self.failureException(msg) 20:52:38 test L0063 ERROR| AssertionError: Actual test sdtout differs from expected one: 20:52:38 test L0063 ERROR| Actual: 20:52:38 test L0063 ERROR| Hello, world! 20:52:38 test L0063 ERROR| 20:52:38 test L0063 ERROR| Expected: 20:52:38 test L0063 ERROR| Hello, Avocado! 20:52:38 test L0063 ERROR| 20:52:38 test L0064 ERROR| 20:52:38 test L0529 ERROR| FAIL home/$USER/Code/avocado/output_record.sh -> AssertionError: Actual test sdtout differs from expected one: Actual: Hello, world! Expected: Hello, Avocado! 20:52:38 test L0516 INFO | As expected, the test failed because we changed its expectations. Test log, stdout and stderr in native Avocado modules ===================================================== If needed, you can write directly to the expected stdout and stderr files from the native test scope. It is important to make the distinction between the following entities: * The test logs * The test expected stdout * The test expected stderr The first one is used for debugging and informational purposes. Additionally writing to `self.log.warning` causes test to be marked as dirty and when everything else goes well the test ends with WARN. This means that the test passed but there were non-related unexpected situations described in warning log. You may log something into the test logs using the methods in :mod:`avocado.Test.log` class attributes. Consider the example:: class output_test(Test): def test(self): self.log.info('This goes to the log and it is only informational') self.log.warn('Oh, something unexpected, non-critical happened, ' 'but we can continue.') self.log.error('Describe the error here and don't forget to raise ' 'an exception yourself. Writing to self.log.error ' 'won't do that for you.') self.log.debug('Everybody look, I had a good lunch today...') If you need to write directly to the test stdout and stderr streams, there are another 2 class attributes for that, :mod:`avocado.Test.stdout_log` and :mod:`avocado.Test.stderr_log`, that have the exact same methods of the log object. So if you want to add stuff to your expected stdout and stderr streams, you can do something like:: class output_test(Test): def test(self): self.log.info('This goes to the log and it is only informational') self.stdout_log.info('This goes to the test stdout (will be recorded)') self.stderr_log.info('This goes to the test stderr (will be recorded)') Each one of the last 2 statements will go to the ``stdout.expected`` and ``stderr.expected``, should you choose ``--output-check-record all``, and will be output to the files ``stderr`` and ``stdout`` of the job results dir every time that test is executed. Avocado Tests run on a separate process ======================================= In order to avoid tests to mess around the environment used by the main Avocado runner process, tests are run on a forked subprocess. This allows for more robustness (tests are not easily able to mess/break Avocado) and some nifty features, such as setting test timeouts. Setting a Test Timeout ====================== Sometimes your test suite/test might get stuck forever, and this might impact your test grid. You can account for that possibility and set up a ``timeout`` parameter for your test. The test timeout can be set through 2 means, in the following order of precedence: * Multiplex variable parameters. You may just set the timeout parameter, like in the following simplistic example: :: sleep_length = 5 sleep_length_type = float timeout = 3 timeout_type = float :: $ avocado run sleeptest --multiplex /tmp/sleeptest-example.yaml JOB ID : 6d5a2ff16bb92395100fbc3945b8d253308728c9 JOB LOG : $HOME/avocado/job-results/job-2014-08-12T15.52-6d5a2ff1/job.log JOB HTML : $HOME/avocado/job-results/job-2014-08-12T15.52-6d5a2ff1/html/results.html TESTS : 1 (1/1) sleeptest.1: ERROR (2.97 s) PASS : 0 ERROR : 1 FAIL : 0 SKIP : 0 WARN : 0 INTERRUPT : 0 TIME : 2.97 s :: $ cat $HOME/avocado/job-results/job-2014-08-12T15.52-6d5a2ff1/job.log 15:52:51 test L0143 INFO | START sleeptest.1 15:52:51 test L0144 DEBUG| 15:52:51 test L0145 DEBUG| Test log: $HOME/avocado/job-results/job-2014-08-12T15.52-6d5a2ff1/sleeptest.1/test.log 15:52:51 test L0146 DEBUG| Test instance parameters: 15:52:51 test L0153 DEBUG| _name_map_file = {'sleeptest-example.yaml': 'sleeptest'} 15:52:51 test L0153 DEBUG| _short_name_map_file = {'sleeptest-example.yaml': 'sleeptest'} 15:52:51 test L0153 DEBUG| dep = [] 15:52:51 test L0153 DEBUG| id = sleeptest 15:52:51 test L0153 DEBUG| name = sleeptest 15:52:51 test L0153 DEBUG| shortname = sleeptest 15:52:51 test L0153 DEBUG| sleep_length = 5.0 15:52:51 test L0153 DEBUG| sleep_length_type = float 15:52:51 test L0153 DEBUG| timeout = 3.0 15:52:51 test L0153 DEBUG| timeout_type = float 15:52:51 test L0154 DEBUG| 15:52:51 test L0157 DEBUG| Default parameters: 15:52:51 test L0159 DEBUG| sleep_length = 1.0 15:52:51 test L0161 DEBUG| 15:52:51 test L0162 DEBUG| Test instance params override defaults whenever available 15:52:51 test L0163 DEBUG| 15:52:51 test L0169 INFO | Test timeout set. Will wait 3.00 s for PID 15670 to end 15:52:51 test L0170 INFO | 15:52:51 sleeptest L0035 DEBUG| Sleeping for 5.00 seconds 15:52:54 test L0057 ERROR| 15:52:54 test L0060 ERROR| Traceback (most recent call last): 15:52:54 test L0060 ERROR| File "$HOME/Code/avocado/tests/sleeptest.py", line 36, in action 15:52:54 test L0060 ERROR| time.sleep(self.params.sleep_length) 15:52:54 test L0060 ERROR| File "$HOME/Code/avocado/avocado/job.py", line 127, in timeout_handler 15:52:54 test L0060 ERROR| raise exceptions.TestTimeoutError(e_msg) 15:52:54 test L0060 ERROR| TestTimeoutError: Timeout reached waiting for sleeptest to end 15:52:54 test L0061 ERROR| 15:52:54 test L0400 ERROR| ERROR sleeptest.1 -> TestTimeoutError: Timeout reached waiting for sleeptest to end 15:52:54 test L0387 INFO | If you pass that multiplex file to the runner multiplexer, this will register a timeout of 3 seconds before Avocado ends the test forcefully by sending a :class:`signal.SIGTERM` to the test, making it raise a :class:`avocado.core.exceptions.TestTimeoutError`. * Default params attribute. Consider the following example: :: import time from avocado import Test from avocado import main class TimeoutTest(Test): """ Functional test for Avocado. Throw a TestTimeoutError. """ default_params = {'timeout': 3.0, 'sleep_time': 5.0} def test(self): """ This should throw a TestTimeoutError. """ self.log.info('Sleeping for %.2f seconds (2 more than the timeout)', self.params.sleep_time) time.sleep(self.params.sleep_time) if __name__ == "__main__": main() This accomplishes a similar effect to the multiplex setup defined in there. :: $ avocado run timeouttest JOB ID : d78498a54504b481192f2f9bca5ebb9bbb820b8a JOB LOG : $HOME/avocado/job-results/job-2014-08-12T15.54-d78498a5/job.log JOB HTML : $HOME/avocado/job-results/job-2014-08-12T15.54-d78498a5/html/results.html TESTS : 1 (1/1) timeouttest.1: ERROR (2.97 s) PASS : 0 ERROR : 1 FAIL : 0 SKIP : 0 WARN : 0 INTERRUPT : 0 TIME : 2.97 s :: $ cat $HOME/avocado/job-results/job-2014-08-12T15.54-d78498a5/job.log 15:54:28 test L0143 INFO | START timeouttest.1 15:54:28 test L0144 DEBUG| 15:54:28 test L0145 DEBUG| Test log: $HOME/avocado/job-results/job-2014-08-12T15.54-d78498a5/timeouttest.1/test.log 15:54:28 test L0146 DEBUG| Test instance parameters: 15:54:28 test L0153 DEBUG| id = timeouttest 15:54:28 test L0154 DEBUG| 15:54:28 test L0157 DEBUG| Default parameters: 15:54:28 test L0159 DEBUG| sleep_time = 5.0 15:54:28 test L0159 DEBUG| timeout = 3.0 15:54:28 test L0161 DEBUG| 15:54:28 test L0162 DEBUG| Test instance params override defaults whenever available 15:54:28 test L0163 DEBUG| 15:54:28 test L0169 INFO | Test timeout set. Will wait 3.00 s for PID 15759 to end 15:54:28 test L0170 INFO | 15:54:28 timeouttes L0036 INFO | Sleeping for 5.00 seconds (2 more than the timeout) 15:54:31 test L0057 ERROR| 15:54:31 test L0060 ERROR| Traceback (most recent call last): 15:54:31 test L0060 ERROR| File "$HOME/Code/avocado/tests/timeouttest.py", line 37, in action 15:54:31 test L0060 ERROR| time.sleep(self.params.sleep_time) 15:54:31 test L0060 ERROR| File "$HOME/Code/avocado/avocado/job.py", line 127, in timeout_handler 15:54:31 test L0060 ERROR| raise exceptions.TestTimeoutError(e_msg) 15:54:31 test L0060 ERROR| TestTimeoutError: Timeout reached waiting for timeouttest to end 15:54:31 test L0061 ERROR| 15:54:31 test L0400 ERROR| ERROR timeouttest.1 -> TestTimeoutError: Timeout reached waiting for timeouttest to end 15:54:31 test L0387 INFO | Environment Variables for Simple Tests ====================================== Avocado exports Avocado variables and multiplexed variables as BASH environment to the running test. Those variables are interesting to simple tests, because they can not make use of Avocado API directly with Python, like the native tests can do and also they can modify the test parameters. Here are the current variables that Avocado exports to the tests: +-------------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Environemnt Variable | Meaning | Example | +=========================+=======================================+=====================================================================================================+ | AVOCADO_VERSION | Version of Avocado test runner | 0.12.0 | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | AVOCADO_TEST_BASEDIR | Base directory of Avocado tests | $HOME/Downloads/avocado-source/avocado | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | AVOCADO_TEST_DATADIR | Data directory for the test | $AVOCADO_TEST_BASEDIR/my_test.sh.data | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | AVOCADO_TEST_WORKDIR | Work directory for the test | /var/tmp/avocado_Bjr_rd/my_test.sh | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | AVOCADO_TEST_SRCDIR | Source directory for the test | /var/tmp/avocado_Bjr_rd/my-test.sh/src | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | AVOCADO_TEST_LOGDIR | Log directory for the test | $HOME/logs/job-results/job-2014-09-16T14.38-ac332e6/test-results/$HOME/my_test.sh.1 | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | AVOCADO_TEST_LOGFILE | Log file for the test | $HOME/logs/job-results/job-2014-09-16T14.38-ac332e6/test-results/$HOME/my_test.sh.1/debug.log | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | AVOCADO_TEST_OUTPUTDIR | Output directory for the test | $HOME/logs/job-results/job-2014-09-16T14.38-ac332e6/test-results/$HOME/my_test.sh.1/data | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | AVOCADO_TEST_SYSINFODIR | The system information directory | $HOME/logs/job-results/job-2014-09-16T14.38-ac332e6/test-results/$HOME/my_test.sh.1/sysinfo | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | * | All variables from --multiplex-file | TIMEOUT=60; IO_WORKERS=10; VM_BYTES=512M; ... | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Simple Tests BASH extensions ============================ To enhance simple tests one can use supported set of libraries we created. The only requirement is to use:: PATH=$(avocado "exec-path"):$PATH which injects path to Avocado utils into shell PATH. Take a look into ``avocado exec-path`` to see list of available functions and take a look at ``examples/tests/simplewarning.sh`` for inspiration. Wrap Up ======= We recommend you take a look at the example tests present in the ``examples/tests`` directory, that contains a few samples to take some inspiration from. That directory, besides containing examples, is also used by the Avocado self test suite to do functional testing of Avocado itself. It is also recommended that you take a look at the :doc:`API documentation ` for more possibilities. .. [#f1] sleeptest is a functional test for Avocado. It's "old" because we also have had such a test for `Autotest`_ for a long time. .. _Autotest: http://autotest.github.io .. _Class Names: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ .. _PEP8 Function Names: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#function-names