language: python virtualenv: system_site_packages: true python: - "2.7" - "3.4" matrix: allow_failures: - python: "3.4" branches: only: - master - 36lts - 52lts cache: directories: - $HOME/.cache/pip sudo: false addons: apt: packages: - libvirt-dev install: - pip install -r requirements-travis.txt script: - | # First cleanup the previously installed files python develop --uninstall BINDIR=$(dirname $(which python)) for FILE in scripts/*; do rm $BINDIR/$(basename $FILE) done # Run the "make check" per each commit in PR (TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE) ERR="" echo Branch is $TRAVIS_BRANCH if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA" ]; then # It's pull request, check only PR commits COMMITS="$(git cherry origin/master | sed -n 's/+ \(.*\)/\1/p')" else # push check, try to check everything COMMITS=$(git rev-list $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE) fi for COMMIT in $COMMITS; do echo echo "--------------------< $(git log -1 --oneline $COMMIT) >--------------------" echo echo git checkout $COMMIT || ERR=$(echo -e "$ERR\nUnable to checkout $(git log -1 --oneline $COMMIT)") AVOCADO_LOG_DEBUG=yes AVOCADO_RESULTSDIR_CHECK=y SELF_CHECK_CONTINUOUS=y AVOCADO_CHECK_LEVEL=1 make check || ERR=$(echo -e "$ERR\nmake check of $(git log -1 --oneline) failed") make clean done if [ "$ERR" ]; then echo echo "Incremental smokecheck failed: $ERR" exit -1 fi