/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Simon Fels * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . * */ #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-default" #include "anbox/platform/sdl/platform.h" #include "anbox/input/device.h" #include "anbox/input/manager.h" #include "anbox/logger.h" #include "anbox/platform/sdl/keycode_converter.h" #include "anbox/platform/sdl/window.h" #include "anbox/platform/sdl/audio_sink.h" #include "anbox/platform/alsa/audio_source.h" #include "anbox/system_configuration.h" #include "anbox/wm/manager.h" #include #include #include #pragma GCC diagnostic pop namespace anbox { namespace platform { namespace sdl { Platform::Platform( const std::shared_ptr &input_manager, const Configuration &config) : input_manager_(input_manager), event_thread_running_(false), ime_socket_file_(utils::string_format("%s/ime_socket", SystemConfiguration::instance().socket_dir())), config_(config) { // Don't block the screensaver from kicking in. It will be blocked // by the desktop shell already and we don't have to do this again. // If we would leave this enabled it will prevent systems from // suspending correctly. SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER, "1"); #ifdef SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR // Don't disable compositing // Available since SDL 2.0.8 SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR, "0"); #endif if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_EVENTS) < 0) { const auto message = utils::string_format("Failed to initialize SDL: %s", SDL_GetError()); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error(message)); } auto display_frame = graphics::Rect::Invalid; if (config_.display_frame == graphics::Rect::Invalid) { for (auto n = 0; n < SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays(); n++) { SDL_Rect r; if (SDL_GetDisplayBounds(n, &r) != 0) continue; graphics::Rect frame{r.x, r.y, r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h}; if (display_frame == graphics::Rect::Invalid) display_frame = frame; else display_frame.merge(frame); } if (display_frame == graphics::Rect::Invalid) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( std::runtime_error("No valid display configuration found")); } else { display_frame = config_.display_frame; window_size_immutable_ = true; } graphics::emugl::DisplayInfo::get()->set_resolution(display_frame.width(), display_frame.height()); display_frame_ = display_frame; pointer_ = input_manager->create_device(); pointer_->set_name("anbox-pointer"); pointer_->set_driver_version(1); pointer_->set_input_id({BUS_VIRTUAL, 2, 2, 2}); pointer_->set_physical_location("none"); pointer_->set_key_bit(BTN_MOUSE); // NOTE: We don't use REL_X/REL_Y in reality but have to specify them here // to allow InputFlinger to detect we're a cursor device. pointer_->set_rel_bit(REL_X); pointer_->set_rel_bit(REL_Y); pointer_->set_rel_bit(REL_HWHEEL); pointer_->set_rel_bit(REL_WHEEL); pointer_->set_prop_bit(INPUT_PROP_POINTER); keyboard_ = input_manager->create_device(); keyboard_->set_name("anbox-keyboard"); keyboard_->set_driver_version(1); keyboard_->set_input_id({BUS_VIRTUAL, 3, 3, 3}); keyboard_->set_physical_location("none"); keyboard_->set_key_bit(BTN_MISC); keyboard_->set_key_bit(KEY_OK); touch_ = input_manager->create_device(); touch_->set_name("anbox-touch"); touch_->set_driver_version(1); touch_->set_input_id({BUS_VIRTUAL, 4, 4, 4}); touch_->set_physical_location("none"); touch_->set_abs_bit(ABS_MT_SLOT); touch_->set_abs_max(ABS_MT_SLOT, 10); touch_->set_abs_bit(ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR); touch_->set_abs_max(ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR, 127); touch_->set_abs_bit(ABS_MT_TOUCH_MINOR); touch_->set_abs_max(ABS_MT_TOUCH_MINOR, 127); touch_->set_abs_bit(ABS_MT_POSITION_X); touch_->set_abs_max(ABS_MT_POSITION_X, display_frame.width()); touch_->set_abs_bit(ABS_MT_POSITION_Y); touch_->set_abs_max(ABS_MT_POSITION_Y, display_frame.height()); touch_->set_abs_bit(ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID); touch_->set_abs_max(ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, MAX_TRACKING_ID); touch_->set_prop_bit(INPUT_PROP_DIRECT); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FINGERS; i++) touch_slots[i] = -1; event_thread_ = std::thread(&Platform::process_events, this); ime_thread_ = std::thread(&Platform::create_ime_socket, this); user_window_event = SDL_RegisterEvents(1); if (user_window_event < 0) { FATAL("SDL_RegisterEvents failed and can not recover,please restart service!!"); } } Platform::~Platform() { if (event_thread_running_) { event_thread_running_ = false; event_thread_.join(); } ime_thread_.join(); if (ime_socket_ != -1) { close(ime_socket_); } } void Platform::set_renderer(const std::shared_ptr &renderer) { renderer_ = renderer; } void Platform::set_window_manager(const std::shared_ptr &window_manager) { window_manager_ = window_manager; } // Added for Chinese input anbox begin void Platform::create_ime_socket() { int ime_socket = -1; int client_socket = -1; int rc = -1; int len = 0; struct sockaddr_un socket_addr, client_addr; memset(&socket_addr, 0, sizeof(socket_addr)); DEBUG("Starting create_ime_socket thread"); ime_socket = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (ime_socket == -1) { ERROR("Create ime socket failed"); return; } socket_addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; if (ime_socket_file_.length() >= strlen(socket_addr.sun_path) - 1) { ERROR("Create ime failed, socket path too long"); close(ime_socket); return; } strcpy(socket_addr.sun_path, ime_socket_file_.c_str()); unlink(ime_socket_file_.c_str()); rc = bind(ime_socket, reinterpret_cast(&socket_addr), sizeof(socket_addr)); if (rc == -1) { ERROR("bind ime socket failed"); close(ime_socket); return; } rc = listen(ime_socket, 1); if (rc == -1) { ERROR("Listen ime socket failed"); close(ime_socket); return; } DEBUG("Before ime socket accept"); client_socket = accept(ime_socket, reinterpret_cast(&client_addr), reinterpret_cast(&len)); if (client_socket == -1) { ERROR("Accept ime socket failed"); close(ime_socket); return; } ime_fd_ = client_socket; ime_socket_ = ime_socket; DEBUG("accept ime socket successful"); } // Added for Chinese input anbox end void Platform::process_events() { event_thread_running_ = true; while (event_thread_running_) { SDL_Event event; while (SDL_WaitEventTimeout(&event, 100)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: for (auto &iter : windows_) { if (auto w = iter.second.lock()) { if (w->window_id() == event.window.windowID) { w->process_event(event); break; } } } break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: input_flag = 1; if (keyboard_) process_input_event(event); break; case SDL_KEYUP: input_flag = 0; if (keyboard_) process_input_event(event); break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: case SDL_FINGERDOWN: case SDL_FINGERUP: case SDL_FINGERMOTION: process_input_event(event); break; case SDL_TEXTINPUT: WARNING("Input Event TEXT=%s TYPE=%d WINDOWID=%d", event.text.text, event.type, event.text.windowID); if (text_input_fliter(event.text.text)) { send(ime_fd_, event.text.text, strlen(event.text.text), 0); } break; default: user_event_function(event); break; } } } } bool Platform::text_input_fliter(const char* text) { return text[0] > 0x7f || (input_flag == 0 && ((text[0] <= 'Z' && text[0] >= 'A') || (text[0] <= 'z' && text[0] >= 'a'))); } void Platform::user_event_function(const SDL_Event &event) { if (event.type == user_window_event) { int event_type = event.user.code; manager_window_param* param = (manager_window_param*) event.user.data1; if (param) { if (event_type == USER_CREATE_WINDOW) { if (tasks_.find(param->taskId) != tasks_.end()) { delete param; return; } auto w = create_window(param->taskId, param->rect, param->title); if (w) { w->attach(); window_manager_->insert_task(param->taskId, w); } else { WARNING("create window failed! remove task on android!"); window_manager_->remove_task(param->taskId); } } else if (event_type == USER_DESTROY_WINDOW) { window_manager_->erase_task(param->taskId); auto it = tasks_.find(param->taskId); if (it != tasks_.end()) { windows_.erase(it->second); tasks_.erase(it); } } delete param; param = nullptr; } else { ERROR("null point param!!"); } } } void Platform::input_key_event(const SDL_Scancode &scan_code, std::int32_t down_or_up) { // down_or_up: 1-down,0-up std::vector keyboard_events; std::uint16_t code = KeycodeConverter::convert(scan_code); keyboard_events.push_back({EV_KEY, code, down_or_up}); keyboard_->send_events(keyboard_events); } void Platform::process_input_event(const SDL_Event &event) { std::vector mouse_events; std::vector keyboard_events; std::vector touch_events; std::int32_t x = 0; std::int32_t y = 0; bool bFind = false; switch (event.type) { // Mouse case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: for (auto &iter : windows_) { if (auto w = iter.second.lock()) { if (w->window_id() == event.window.windowID) { if (w->title_event_filter(event.button.x, event.button.y)) { return; } bFind = true; break; } } } if (!bFind) { return; } if (config_.no_touch_emulation) { mouse_events.push_back({EV_KEY, BTN_LEFT, 1}); } else { x = event.button.x; y = event.button.y; if (!adjust_coordinates(x, y)) break; push_finger_down(x, y, emulated_touch_id_, touch_events); } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: if (config_.no_touch_emulation) { mouse_events.push_back({EV_KEY, BTN_LEFT, 0}); } else { push_finger_up(emulated_touch_id_, touch_events); } break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: x = event.motion.x; y = event.motion.y; if (!adjust_coordinates(x, y)) break; if (config_.no_touch_emulation) { // NOTE: Sending relative move events doesn't really work and we have // changes in libinputflinger to take ABS_X/ABS_Y instead for absolute // position events. mouse_events.push_back({EV_ABS, ABS_X, x}); mouse_events.push_back({EV_ABS, ABS_Y, y}); // We're sending relative position updates here too but they will be only // used by the Android side EventHub/InputReader to determine if the cursor // was moved. They are not used to find out the exact position. mouse_events.push_back({EV_REL, REL_X, event.motion.xrel}); mouse_events.push_back({EV_REL, REL_Y, event.motion.yrel}); } else { push_finger_motion(x, y, emulated_touch_id_, touch_events); } break; case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: if (!config_.no_touch_emulation) { SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y); if (!adjust_coordinates(x, y)) break; mouse_events.push_back({EV_ABS, ABS_X, x}); mouse_events.push_back({EV_ABS, ABS_Y, y}); } mouse_events.push_back( {EV_REL, REL_WHEEL, static_cast(event.wheel.y)}); break; // Keyboard case SDL_KEYDOWN: { const auto code = KeycodeConverter::convert(event.key.keysym.scancode); if (code == KEY_RESERVED) break; if (code == KEY_ESC) { input_key_event(SDL_SCANCODE_AC_BACK, 1); break; } keyboard_events.push_back({EV_KEY, code, 1}); break; } case SDL_KEYUP: { const auto code = KeycodeConverter::convert(event.key.keysym.scancode); if (code == KEY_RESERVED) break; if (code == KEY_ESC) { input_key_event(SDL_SCANCODE_AC_BACK, 0); break; } if (code == KEY_CAPSLOCK) { key_mod_ ^= KMOD_CAPS; } if (code == KEY_NUMLOCK) { key_mod_ ^= KMOD_NUM; } keyboard_events.push_back({EV_KEY, code, 0}); break; } // Touch screen case SDL_FINGERDOWN: { if (!calculate_touch_coordinates(event, x, y)) break; push_finger_down(x, y, event.tfinger.fingerId, touch_events); break; } case SDL_FINGERUP: { push_finger_up(event.tfinger.fingerId, touch_events); break; } case SDL_FINGERMOTION: { if (!calculate_touch_coordinates(event, x, y)) break; push_finger_motion(x, y, event.tfinger.fingerId, touch_events); break; } default: break; } if (mouse_events.size() > 0) { mouse_events.push_back({EV_SYN, SYN_REPORT, 0}); pointer_->send_events(mouse_events); } if (keyboard_events.size() > 0) keyboard_->send_events(keyboard_events); if (touch_events.size() > 0) touch_->send_events(touch_events); } int Platform::find_touch_slot(int id) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FINGERS; i++) { if (touch_slots[i] == id) return i; } return -1; } void Platform::push_slot(std::vector &touch_events, int slot) { if (last_slot != slot) { touch_events.push_back({EV_ABS, ABS_MT_SLOT, slot}); last_slot = slot; } } void Platform::push_finger_down(int x, int y, int finger_id, std::vector &touch_events) { int slot = find_touch_slot(-1); if (slot == -1) { DEBUG("no free slot!"); return; } touch_slots[slot] = finger_id; push_slot(touch_events, slot); touch_events.push_back({EV_ABS, ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, static_cast(finger_id % MAX_TRACKING_ID + 1)}); touch_events.push_back({EV_ABS, ABS_MT_POSITION_X, x}); touch_events.push_back({EV_ABS, ABS_MT_POSITION_Y, y}); touch_events.push_back({EV_SYN, SYN_REPORT, 0}); } void Platform::push_finger_up(int finger_id, std::vector &touch_events) { int slot = find_touch_slot(finger_id); if (slot == -1) return; push_slot(touch_events, slot); touch_events.push_back({EV_ABS, ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, -1}); touch_events.push_back({EV_SYN, SYN_REPORT, 0}); touch_slots[slot] = -1; } void Platform::push_finger_motion(int x, int y, int finger_id, std::vector &touch_events) { int slot = find_touch_slot(finger_id); if (slot == -1) return; push_slot(touch_events, slot); touch_events.push_back({EV_ABS, ABS_MT_POSITION_X, x}); touch_events.push_back({EV_ABS, ABS_MT_POSITION_Y, y}); touch_events.push_back({EV_SYN, SYN_REPORT, 0}); } bool Platform::adjust_coordinates(std::int32_t &x, std::int32_t &y) { SDL_Window *window = nullptr; if (!config_.single_window) { window = SDL_GetWindowFromID(focused_sdl_window_id_); return adjust_coordinates(window, x, y); } else { // When running the whole Android system in a single window we don't // need to reacalculate and the pointer position as they are already // relative to our window. return true; } } bool Platform::adjust_coordinates(SDL_Window *window, std::int32_t &x, std::int32_t &y) { std::int32_t rel_x = 0; std::int32_t rel_y = 0; if (!window) { return false; } // As we get only absolute coordindates relative to our window we have to // calculate the correct position based on the current focused window SDL_GetWindowPosition(window, &rel_x, &rel_y); x += rel_x; y += rel_y; return true; } bool Platform::calculate_touch_coordinates(const SDL_Event &event, std::int32_t &x, std::int32_t &y) { SDL_Window *window = nullptr; window = SDL_GetWindowFromID(focused_sdl_window_id_); // before SDL 2.0.7 on X11 tfinger coordinates are not normalized if (!SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,7) && (event.tfinger.x > 1 || event.tfinger.y > 1)) { x = event.tfinger.x; y = event.tfinger.y; } else { if (window) { SDL_GetWindowSize(window, &x, &y); x *= event.tfinger.x; y *= event.tfinger.y; } else { x = display_frame_.width() * event.tfinger.x; y = display_frame_.height() * event.tfinger.y; } } if (config_.single_window) { // When running the whole Android system in a single window we don't // need to reacalculate and the pointer position as they are already // relative to our window. return true; } else { return adjust_coordinates(window, x, y); } } Window::Id Platform::next_window_id() { static Window::Id next_id = 0; return next_id++; } std::shared_ptr Platform::create_window( const anbox::wm::Task::Id &task, const anbox::graphics::Rect &frame, const std::string &title) { if (!renderer_) { ERROR("Can't create window without a renderer set"); return nullptr; } auto id = next_window_id(); auto w = std::make_shared(renderer_, id, task, shared_from_this(), frame, title, !window_size_immutable_); focused_sdl_window_id_ = w->window_id(); windows_.insert({id, w}); tasks_.insert({task, id}); return w; } void Platform::window_deleted(const Window::Id &id) { auto w = windows_.find(id); if (w == windows_.end()) { WARNING("Got window removed event for unknown window (id %d)", id); return; } if (auto window = w->second.lock()) { tasks_.erase(window->task()); window_manager_->remove_task(window->task()); } windows_.erase(w); } void Platform::window_wants_focus(const Window::Id &id) { auto w = windows_.find(id); if (w == windows_.end()) { return; } // if window's modstate is not the same as android, send // capslock or numlock message to android to change it. auto mod_state = SDL_GetModState(); if ((key_mod_ & KMOD_NUM) != (mod_state & KMOD_NUM)) { input_key_event(SDL_SCANCODE_NUMLOCKCLEAR, 1); input_key_event(SDL_SCANCODE_NUMLOCKCLEAR, 0); key_mod_ ^= KMOD_NUM; } if ((key_mod_ & KMOD_CAPS) != (mod_state & KMOD_CAPS)) { input_key_event(SDL_SCANCODE_CAPSLOCK, 1); input_key_event(SDL_SCANCODE_CAPSLOCK, 0); key_mod_ ^= KMOD_CAPS; } if (auto window = w->second.lock()) { focused_sdl_window_id_ = window->window_id(); window_manager_->set_focused_task(window->task()); } } void Platform::window_moved(const Window::Id &id, const std::int32_t &x, const std::int32_t &y) { auto w = windows_.find(id); if (w == windows_.end()) return; if (auto window = w->second.lock()) { auto new_frame = window->frame(); new_frame.translate(x, y); window->update_frame(new_frame); window_manager_->resize_task(window->task(), new_frame, 3); } } void Platform::window_resized(const Window::Id &id, const std::int32_t &width, const std::int32_t &height) { auto w = windows_.find(id); if (w == windows_.end()) return; if (auto window = w->second.lock()) { auto new_frame = window->frame(); new_frame.resize(width, height); // We need to update the window frame in advance here as otherwise we may // get a movement event before we got an update of the actual layer // representing this window and then we're back to the original size of // the task. window->update_frame(new_frame); window_manager_->resize_task(window->task(), new_frame, 3); } } void Platform::set_clipboard_data(const ClipboardData &data) { if (data.text.empty()) return; SDL_SetClipboardText(data.text.c_str()); } Platform::ClipboardData Platform::get_clipboard_data() { if (!SDL_HasClipboardText()) return ClipboardData{}; auto text = SDL_GetClipboardText(); if (!text) return ClipboardData{}; auto data = ClipboardData{text}; SDL_free(text); return data; } std::shared_ptr Platform::create_audio_sink() { return std::make_shared(); } std::shared_ptr Platform::create_audio_source() { return std::make_shared(); } bool Platform::supports_multi_window() const { return true; } int Platform::get_user_window_event() const { if (user_window_event < 0) { FATAL("SDL_RegisterEvents failed and can not recover,please restart service!!"); } return user_window_event; } bool Platform::restore_app(const std::string &package_name) { auto title = window_manager_->get_title(package_name); for (auto &iter : windows_) { if (auto w = iter.second.lock()) { if (w->title() == title) { w->restore_window(); DEBUG("ready to restore window"); return true; } } } return false; } } // namespace sdl } // namespace platform } // namespace anbox