#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. # A-Tune is licensed under the Mulan PSL v2. # You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. # You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: # http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. # See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. # Create: 2019-10-29 """ This class is used to find optimal settings and generate optimized profile. """ import logging import numbers import multiprocessing import collections import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from skopt import Optimizer as baseOpt from skopt.utils import normalize_dimensions from skopt.utils import cook_estimator from analysis.optimizer.abtest_tuning_manager import ABtestTuningManager from analysis.optimizer.knob_sampling_manager import KnobSamplingManager from analysis.optimizer.tpe_optimizer import TPEOptimizer from analysis.optimizer.weighted_ensemble_feature_selector import WeightedEnsembleFeatureSelector LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Optimizer(multiprocessing.Process): """find optimal settings and generate optimized profile""" def __init__(self, name, params, child_conn, engine="bayes", max_eval=50, x0=None, y0=None, n_random_starts=20, split_count=5, noise=0.00001 ** 2): super(Optimizer, self).__init__(name=name) self.knobs = params self.child_conn = child_conn self.engine = engine self.noise = noise self.max_eval = int(max_eval) self.split_count = split_count self.x_ref = x0 self.y_ref = y0 if self.x_ref is not None and len(self.x_ref) == 1: ref_x, ref_y = self.transfer() self.ref = ref_x[0] else: self.ref = [] self._n_random_starts = 20 if n_random_starts is None else n_random_starts def build_space(self): """build space""" objective_params_list = [] for i, p_nob in enumerate(self.knobs): if p_nob['type'] == 'discrete': items = self.handle_discrete_data(p_nob, i) objective_params_list.append(items) elif p_nob['type'] == 'continuous': r_range = p_nob['range'] if r_range is None or len(r_range) != 2: raise ValueError("the item of the scope value of {} must be 2" .format(p_nob['name'])) if p_nob['dtype'] == 'int': try: r_range[0] = int(r_range[0]) r_range[1] = int(r_range[1]) except ValueError: raise ValueError("the range value of {} is not an integer value" .format(p_nob['name'])) elif p_nob['dtype'] == 'float': try: r_range[0] = float(r_range[0]) r_range[1] = float(r_range[1]) except ValueError: raise ValueError("the range value of {} is not an float value" .format(p_nob['name'])) if len(self.ref) > 0: if self.ref[i] < r_range[0] or self.ref[i] > r_range[1]: raise ValueError("the ref value of {} is out of range" .format(p_nob['name'])) objective_params_list.append((r_range[0], r_range[1])) else: raise ValueError("the type of {} is not supported".format(p_nob['name'])) return objective_params_list def handle_discrete_data(self, p_nob, index): """handle discrete data""" if p_nob['dtype'] == 'int': items = p_nob['items'] if items is None: items = [] r_range = p_nob['range'] step = 1 if 'step' in p_nob.keys(): step = 1 if p_nob['step'] < 1 else p_nob['step'] if r_range is not None: length = len(r_range) if len(r_range) % 2 == 0 else len(r_range) - 1 for i in range(0, length, 2): items.extend(list(np.arange(r_range[i], r_range[i + 1] + 1, step=step))) items = list(set(items)) if len(self.ref) > 0: try: ref_value = int(self.ref[index]) except ValueError: raise ValueError("the ref value of {} is not an integer value" .format(p_nob['name'])) if ref_value not in items: items.append(ref_value) return items if p_nob['dtype'] == 'float': items = p_nob['items'] if items is None: items = [] r_range = p_nob['range'] step = 0.1 if 'step' in p_nob.keys(): step = 0.1 if p_nob['step'] <= 0 else p_nob['step'] if r_range is not None: length = len(r_range) if len(r_range) % 2 == 0 else len(r_range) - 1 for i in range(0, length, 2): items.extend(list(np.arange(r_range[i], r_range[i + 1], step=step))) items = list(set(items)) if len(self.ref) > 0: try: ref_value = float(self.ref[index]) except ValueError: raise ValueError("the ref value of {} is not a float value" .format(p_nob['name'])) if ref_value not in items: items.append(ref_value) return items if p_nob['dtype'] == 'string': items = p_nob['options'] if len(self.ref) > 0: try: ref_value = str(self.ref[index]) except ValueError: raise ValueError("the ref value of {} is not a string value" .format(p_nob['name'])) if ref_value not in items: items.append(ref_value) return items raise ValueError("the dtype of {} is not supported".format(p_nob['name'])) @staticmethod def feature_importance(options, performance, labels): """feature importance""" options = StandardScaler().fit_transform(options) lasso = Lasso() lasso.fit(options, performance) result = zip(lasso.coef_, labels) total_sum = sum(map(abs, lasso.coef_)) if total_sum == 0: return ", ".join("%s: 0" % label for label in labels) result = sorted(result, key=lambda x: -np.abs(x[0])) rank = ", ".join("%s: %s%%" % (label, round(coef * 100 / total_sum, 2)) for coef, label in result) return rank def _get_value_from_knobs(self, kv): x_each = [] for p_nob in self.knobs: if p_nob['name'] not in kv.keys(): raise ValueError("the param {} is not in the x0 ref".format(p_nob['name'])) if p_nob['dtype'] == 'int': x_each.append(int(kv[p_nob['name']])) elif p_nob['dtype'] == 'float': x_each.append(float(kv[p_nob['name']])) else: x_each.append(kv[p_nob['name']]) return x_each def transfer(self): """transfer ref x0 to int, y0 to float""" list_ref_x = [] list_ref_y = [] if self.x_ref is None or self.y_ref is None: return (list_ref_x, list_ref_y) for x_value in self.x_ref: kv = {} if len(x_value) != len(self.knobs): raise ValueError("x0 is not the same length with knobs") for val in x_value: params = val.split("=") if len(params) != 2: raise ValueError("the param format of {} is not correct".format(params)) kv[params[0]] = params[1] ref_x = self._get_value_from_knobs(kv) if len(ref_x) != len(self.knobs): raise ValueError("tuning parameter is not the same length with knobs") list_ref_x.append(ref_x) list_ref_y = [float(y) for y in self.y_ref] return (list_ref_x, list_ref_y) def run(self): """start the tuning process""" def objective(var): """objective method receive the benchmark result and send the next parameters""" iter_result = {} option = [] for i, knob in enumerate(self.knobs): params[knob['name']] = var[i] if knob['dtype'] == 'string': option.append(knob['options'].index(var[i])) else: option.append(var[i]) iter_result["param"] = params self.child_conn.send(iter_result) result = self.child_conn.recv() x_num = 0.0 eval_list = result.split(',') for value in eval_list: num = float(value) x_num = x_num + num options.append(option) performance.append(x_num) return x_num params = {} options = [] performance = [] labels = [] estimator = None try: if self.engine == 'random' or self.engine == 'forest' or \ self.engine == 'gbrt' or self.engine == 'bayes' or self.engine == 'extraTrees': params_space = self.build_space() ref_x, ref_y = self.transfer() if len(ref_x) == 0: if len(self.ref) == 0: ref_x = None else: ref_x = self.ref ref_y = None if ref_x is not None and not isinstance(ref_x[0], (list, tuple)): ref_x = [ref_x] LOGGER.info('x0: %s', ref_x) LOGGER.info('y0: %s', ref_y) if ref_x is not None and isinstance(ref_x[0], (list, tuple)): self._n_random_starts = 0 if len(ref_x) >= self._n_random_starts \ else self._n_random_starts - len(ref_x) + 1 LOGGER.info('n_random_starts parameter is: %d', self._n_random_starts) LOGGER.info("Running performance evaluation.......") if self.engine == 'random': estimator = 'dummy' elif self.engine == 'forest': estimator = 'RF' elif self.engine == 'extraTrees': estimator = 'ET' elif self.engine == 'gbrt': estimator = 'GBRT' elif self.engine == 'bayes': params_space = normalize_dimensions(params_space) estimator = cook_estimator("GP", space=params_space, noise=self.noise) LOGGER.info("base_estimator is: %s", estimator) optimizer = baseOpt( dimensions=params_space, n_random_starts=self._n_random_starts, random_state=1, base_estimator=estimator ) n_calls = self.max_eval # User suggested points at which to evaluate the objective first if ref_x and ref_y is None: ref_y = list(map(objective, ref_x)) LOGGER.info("ref_y is: %s", ref_y) n_calls -= len(ref_y) # Pass user suggested initialisation points to the optimizer if ref_x: if not (isinstance(ref_y, collections.Iterable) or isinstance(ref_y, numbers.Number)): raise ValueError("`ref_y` should be an iterable or a scalar, " "got %s" % type(ref_y)) if len(ref_x) != len(ref_y): raise ValueError("`ref_x` and `ref_y` should " "have the same length") LOGGER.info("ref_x: %s", ref_x) LOGGER.info("ref_y: %s", ref_y) ret = optimizer.tell(ref_x, ref_y) for i in range(n_calls): next_x = optimizer.ask() LOGGER.info("next_x: %s", next_x) LOGGER.info("Running performance evaluation.......") next_y = objective(next_x) LOGGER.info("next_y: %s", next_y) ret = optimizer.tell(next_x, next_y) LOGGER.info("finish (ref_x, ref_y) tell") elif self.engine == 'abtest': abtuning_manager = ABtestTuningManager(self.knobs, self.child_conn, self.split_count) options, performance = abtuning_manager.do_abtest_tuning_abtest() params = abtuning_manager.get_best_params() # convert string option into index options = abtuning_manager.get_options_index(options) elif self.engine == 'lhs': knobsampling_manager = KnobSamplingManager(self.knobs, self.child_conn, self.max_eval, self.split_count) options = knobsampling_manager.get_knob_samples() performance = knobsampling_manager.do_knob_sampling_test(options) params = knobsampling_manager.get_best_params(options, performance) options = knobsampling_manager.get_options_index(options) elif self.engine == 'tpe': tpe_opt = TPEOptimizer(self.knobs, self.child_conn, self.max_eval) best_params = tpe_opt.tpe_minimize_tuning() final_param = {} final_param["finished"] = True final_param["param"] = best_params self.child_conn.send(final_param) return best_params LOGGER.info("Minimization procedure has been completed.") except ValueError as value_error: LOGGER.error('Value Error: %s', repr(value_error)) self.child_conn.send(value_error) return None except RuntimeError as runtime_error: LOGGER.error('Runtime Error: %s', repr(runtime_error)) self.child_conn.send(runtime_error) return None except Exception as err: LOGGER.error('Unexpected Error: %s', repr(err)) self.child_conn.send(Exception("Unexpected Error:", repr(err))) return None for i, knob in enumerate(self.knobs): if estimator is not None: params[knob['name']] = ret.x[i] labels.append(knob['name']) LOGGER.info("Optimized result: %s", params) LOGGER.info("The optimized profile has been generated.") final_param = {} wefs = WeightedEnsembleFeatureSelector() rank = wefs.get_ensemble_feature_importance(options, performance, labels) final_param["param"] = params final_param["rank"] = rank final_param["finished"] = True self.child_conn.send(final_param) LOGGER.info("The feature importances of current evaluation are: %s", rank) return params def stop_process(self): """stop process""" self.child_conn.close() self.terminate()