提交 fb9d5e23 编写于 作者: HansBug's avatar HansBug 😆

dev(hansbug): rename BaseConstraint to Constraint

上级 85a52041
from .constraint import to_constraint, BaseConstraint, NodeConstraint, ValueConstraint, cleaf
from .constraint import to_constraint, Constraint, NodeConstraint, ValueConstraint, cleaf
from .flatten import flatten, unflatten, flatten_values, flatten_keys
from .functional import mapping, filter_, mask, reduce_
from .graph import graphics
......@@ -6,52 +6,52 @@ from libcpp cimport bool
cdef class _WrappedConstraintException(Exception):
cdef class BaseConstraint:
cdef class Constraint:
cpdef void _validate_node(self, object instance) except*
cpdef void _validate_value(self, object instance) except*
cpdef object _features(self)
cpdef bool _contains(self, BaseConstraint other)
cpdef BaseConstraint _transaction(self, str key)
cpdef bool _contains(self, Constraint other)
cpdef Constraint _transaction(self, str key)
cdef bool _feature_match(self, BaseConstraint other)
cdef bool _contains_check(self, BaseConstraint other)
cdef bool _feature_match(self, Constraint other)
cdef bool _contains_check(self, Constraint other)
cdef tuple _native_validate(self, object instance, type type_, list path)
cpdef tuple check(self, object instance)
cpdef bool equiv(self, object other)
cdef BaseConstraint _r_parse_cons(object obj)
cpdef BaseConstraint to_constraint(object obj)
cdef Constraint _r_parse_cons(object obj)
cpdef Constraint to_constraint(object obj)
cdef class EmptyConstraint(BaseConstraint):
cdef class EmptyConstraint(Constraint):
cdef class ValueConstraint(BaseConstraint):
cdef class ValueConstraint(Constraint):
cdef class NodeConstraint(BaseConstraint):
cdef class NodeConstraint(Constraint):
cdef class TypeConstraint(ValueConstraint):
cdef readonly type type_
cdef class LeafConstraint(BaseConstraint):
cdef class LeafConstraint(Constraint):
cpdef LeafConstraint cleaf()
cdef class TreeConstraint(BaseConstraint):
cdef class TreeConstraint(Constraint):
cdef readonly dict _constraints
cdef BaseConstraint _s_tree_merge(list constraints)
cdef BaseConstraint _s_tree(TreeConstraint constraint)
cdef Constraint _s_tree_merge(list constraints)
cdef Constraint _s_tree(TreeConstraint constraint)
cdef class CompositeConstraint(BaseConstraint):
cdef class CompositeConstraint(Constraint):
cdef readonly tuple _constraints
cdef void _rec_composite_iter(BaseConstraint constraint, list lst)
cdef list _r_composite_iter(BaseConstraint constraint)
cdef void _rec_composite_iter(Constraint constraint, list lst)
cdef list _r_composite_iter(Constraint constraint)
cdef BaseConstraint _s_generic_merge(list constraints)
cdef BaseConstraint _s_composite(CompositeConstraint constraint)
cdef Constraint _s_generic_merge(list constraints)
cdef Constraint _s_composite(CompositeConstraint constraint)
cdef BaseConstraint _s_simplify(BaseConstraint constraint)
cdef Constraint _s_simplify(Constraint constraint)
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from ..common.storage cimport TreeStorage
cdef class _WrappedConstraintException(Exception):
cdef class BaseConstraint:
cdef class Constraint:
cpdef void _validate_node(self, object instance) except*:
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
......@@ -20,27 +20,27 @@ cdef class BaseConstraint:
cpdef object _features(self):
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
cpdef bool _contains(self, BaseConstraint other):
cpdef bool _contains(self, Constraint other):
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
cpdef BaseConstraint _transaction(self, str key):
cpdef Constraint _transaction(self, str key):
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
cdef inline bool _feature_match(self, BaseConstraint other):
cdef inline bool _feature_match(self, Constraint other):
return type(self) == type(other) and self._features() == other._features()
cdef inline bool _contains_check(self, BaseConstraint other):
cdef inline bool _contains_check(self, Constraint other):
return isinstance(other, EmptyConstraint) or self._feature_match(other) or self._contains(other)
cdef tuple _native_validate(self, object instance, type type_, list path):
cdef dict raw
cdef str key
cdef object value
cdef BaseConstraint subcons
cdef Constraint subcons
cdef bool retval
cdef tuple retpath
cdef BaseConstraint retcons
cdef Constraint retcons
cdef Exception reterr
if isinstance(instance, TreeStorage):
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ cdef class BaseConstraint:
def validate(self, object instance):
cdef bool retval
cdef tuple retpath
cdef BaseConstraint retcons
cdef Constraint retcons
cdef Exception reterr
retval, retpath, retcons, reterr = self.check(instance)
......@@ -95,30 +95,30 @@ cdef class BaseConstraint:
return hash(self._features())
cpdef bool equiv(self, object other):
cdef BaseConstraint c = to_constraint(other)
cdef Constraint c = to_constraint(other)
return self._contains_check(c) and c._contains_check(self)
def __ge__(self, other):
cdef BaseConstraint c = to_constraint(other)
cdef Constraint c = to_constraint(other)
return self._contains_check(c)
def __gt__(self, other):
cdef BaseConstraint c = to_constraint(other)
cdef Constraint c = to_constraint(other)
return self._contains_check(c) and not c._contains_check(self)
def __le__(self, other):
cdef BaseConstraint c = to_constraint(other)
cdef Constraint c = to_constraint(other)
return c._contains_check(self)
def __lt__(self, other):
cdef BaseConstraint c = to_constraint(other)
cdef Constraint c = to_constraint(other)
return c._contains_check(self) and not self._contains_check(c)
def __repr__(self):
return f'<{type(self).__name__} {self._features()!r}>'
cdef inline BaseConstraint _r_parse_cons(object obj):
if isinstance(obj, BaseConstraint):
cdef inline Constraint _r_parse_cons(object obj):
if isinstance(obj, Constraint):
return obj
elif obj is None:
return EmptyConstraint()
......@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ cdef inline BaseConstraint _r_parse_cons(object obj):
raise TypeError(f'Invalid constraint - {obj!r}.')
cpdef inline BaseConstraint to_constraint(object obj):
cpdef inline Constraint to_constraint(object obj):
return _s_simplify(_r_parse_cons(obj))
cdef class EmptyConstraint(BaseConstraint):
cdef class EmptyConstraint(Constraint):
cpdef void _validate_node(self, object instance) except*:
......@@ -144,10 +144,10 @@ cdef class EmptyConstraint(BaseConstraint):
cpdef object _features(self):
return ()
cpdef bool _contains(self, BaseConstraint other):
cpdef bool _contains(self, Constraint other):
return isinstance(other, EmptyConstraint)
cpdef BaseConstraint _transaction(self, str key):
cpdef Constraint _transaction(self, str key):
return self
def __bool__(self):
......@@ -156,18 +156,18 @@ cdef class EmptyConstraint(BaseConstraint):
def __repr__(self):
return f'<{type(self).__name__}>'
cdef class ValueConstraint(BaseConstraint):
cdef class ValueConstraint(Constraint):
cpdef void _validate_node(self, object instance) except*:
cpdef BaseConstraint _transaction(self, str key):
cpdef Constraint _transaction(self, str key):
return self
cdef class NodeConstraint(BaseConstraint):
cdef class NodeConstraint(Constraint):
cpdef void _validate_value(self, object instance) except*:
raise TypeError(f'TreeValue node expected, but value {instance!r} found.')
cpdef BaseConstraint _transaction(self, str key):
cpdef Constraint _transaction(self, str key):
return EmptyConstraint()
cdef class TypeConstraint(ValueConstraint):
......@@ -181,10 +181,10 @@ cdef class TypeConstraint(ValueConstraint):
cpdef object _features(self):
return self.type_
cpdef bool _contains(self, BaseConstraint other):
cpdef bool _contains(self, Constraint other):
return isinstance(other, TypeConstraint) and issubclass(self.type_, other.type_)
cdef class LeafConstraint(BaseConstraint):
cdef class LeafConstraint(Constraint):
cpdef void _validate_node(self, object instance) except*:
raise TypeError(f'TreeValue leaf expected, but node found:{os.linesep}{instance!r}.')
......@@ -194,10 +194,10 @@ cdef class LeafConstraint(BaseConstraint):
cpdef object _features(self):
return None
cpdef bool _contains(self, BaseConstraint other):
cpdef bool _contains(self, Constraint other):
return isinstance(other, LeafConstraint)
cpdef BaseConstraint _transaction(self, str key):
cpdef Constraint _transaction(self, str key):
return EmptyConstraint()
def __repr__(self):
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ cdef class LeafConstraint(BaseConstraint):
cpdef inline LeafConstraint cleaf():
return LeafConstraint()
cdef class TreeConstraint(BaseConstraint):
cdef class TreeConstraint(Constraint):
def __cinit__(self, dict constraints):
self._constraints = {key: constraints[key] for key in sorted(constraints.keys())}
......@@ -223,9 +223,9 @@ cdef class TreeConstraint(BaseConstraint):
ft.append((key, self._constraints[key]))
return tuple(ft)
cpdef bool _contains(self, BaseConstraint other):
cpdef bool _contains(self, Constraint other):
cdef str key
cdef BaseConstraint _s_cons, _o_cons
cdef Constraint _s_cons, _o_cons
cdef list _f_keys
if isinstance(other, TreeConstraint):
_f_keys = sorted(set(self._constraints.keys()) | set(other._constraints.keys()))
......@@ -239,16 +239,16 @@ cdef class TreeConstraint(BaseConstraint):
return False
cpdef BaseConstraint _transaction(self, str key):
cpdef Constraint _transaction(self, str key):
if key in self._constraints:
return self._constraints[key]
return EmptyConstraint()
cdef inline BaseConstraint _s_tree_merge(list constraints):
cdef inline Constraint _s_tree_merge(list constraints):
cdef dict cmap = {}
cdef str key
cdef BaseConstraint cons
cdef Constraint cons
cdef TreeConstraint tcons
for tcons in constraints:
for key, cons in tcons._constraints.items():
......@@ -269,11 +269,11 @@ cdef inline BaseConstraint _s_tree_merge(list constraints):
return EmptyConstraint()
cdef inline BaseConstraint _s_tree(TreeConstraint constraint):
cdef inline Constraint _s_tree(TreeConstraint constraint):
cdef dict dcons = {}
cdef list keys = sorted(constraint._constraints.keys())
cdef str key
cdef BaseConstraint cons, pcons
cdef Constraint cons, pcons
for key in keys:
pcons = _s_simplify(constraint._constraints[key])
if not isinstance(pcons, EmptyConstraint):
......@@ -284,12 +284,12 @@ cdef inline BaseConstraint _s_tree(TreeConstraint constraint):
return EmptyConstraint()
cdef class CompositeConstraint(BaseConstraint):
cdef class CompositeConstraint(Constraint):
def __cinit__(self, list constraints):
self._constraints = tuple(sorted(constraints, key=lambda x: repr(x._features())))
cpdef void _validate_node(self, object instance) except*:
cdef BaseConstraint cons
cdef Constraint cons
for cons in self._constraints:
......@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ cdef class CompositeConstraint(BaseConstraint):
raise _WrappedConstraintException(err, cons)
cpdef void _validate_value(self, object instance) except*:
cdef BaseConstraint cons
cdef Constraint cons
for cons in self._constraints:
......@@ -311,8 +311,8 @@ cdef class CompositeConstraint(BaseConstraint):
cpdef object _features(self):
return self._constraints
cpdef bool _contains(self, BaseConstraint other):
cdef BaseConstraint cons, pcons
cpdef bool _contains(self, Constraint other):
cdef Constraint cons, pcons
cdef bool found_contains
if isinstance(other, CompositeConstraint):
for pcons in other._constraints:
......@@ -333,24 +333,24 @@ cdef class CompositeConstraint(BaseConstraint):
return False
cpdef BaseConstraint _transaction(self, str key):
cpdef Constraint _transaction(self, str key):
return CompositeConstraint([c._transaction(key) for c in self._constraints])
cdef inline void _rec_composite_iter(BaseConstraint constraint, list lst):
cdef BaseConstraint cons
cdef inline void _rec_composite_iter(Constraint constraint, list lst):
cdef Constraint cons
if isinstance(constraint, CompositeConstraint):
for cons in constraint._constraints:
_rec_composite_iter(cons, lst)
cdef inline list _r_composite_iter(BaseConstraint constraint):
cdef inline list _r_composite_iter(Constraint constraint):
cdef list lst = []
_rec_composite_iter(constraint, lst)
return lst
cdef inline BaseConstraint _s_generic_merge(list constraints):
cdef BaseConstraint gcons, cons, pcons
cdef inline Constraint _s_generic_merge(list constraints):
cdef Constraint gcons, cons, pcons
cdef list sins = []
cdef list trees = []
for gcons in constraints:
......@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ cdef inline BaseConstraint _s_generic_merge(list constraints):
elif not isinstance(pcons, EmptyConstraint):
cdef BaseConstraint tree = _s_tree_merge(trees)
cdef Constraint tree = _s_tree_merge(trees)
if not isinstance(tree, EmptyConstraint):
......@@ -391,10 +391,10 @@ cdef inline BaseConstraint _s_generic_merge(list constraints):
return CompositeConstraint(finals)
cdef inline BaseConstraint _s_composite(CompositeConstraint constraint):
cdef inline Constraint _s_composite(CompositeConstraint constraint):
return _s_generic_merge(list(constraint._constraints))
cdef inline BaseConstraint _s_simplify(BaseConstraint constraint):
cdef inline Constraint _s_simplify(Constraint constraint):
if isinstance(constraint, CompositeConstraint):
return _s_composite(constraint)
elif isinstance(constraint, TreeConstraint):
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