


class ding.rl_utils.adder.Adder[source]

Adder is a component that handles different transformations and calculations for transitions in Collector Module(data generation and processing), such as GAE, n-step return, transition sampling etc.


__init__, get_gae, get_gae_with_default_last_value, get_nstep_return_data, get_train_sample

classmethod get_gae(data: List[Dict[str, Any]], last_value: torch.Tensor, gamma: float, gae_lambda: float, cuda: bool) List[Dict[str, Any]][source]

Get GAE advantage for stacked transitions(T timestep, 1 batch). Call gae for calculation.

  • data (list): Transitions list, each element is a transition dict with at least [‘value’, ‘reward’]

  • last_value (torch.Tensor): The last value(i.e.: the T+1 timestep)

  • gamma (float): The future discount factor

  • gae_lambda (float): GAE lambda parameter

  • cuda (bool): Whether use cuda in GAE computation

  • data (list): transitions list like input one, but each element owns extra advantage key ‘adv’

classmethod get_gae_with_default_last_value(data: collections.deque, done: bool, gamma: float, gae_lambda: float, cuda: bool) List[Dict[str, Any]][source]

Like get_gae above to get GAE advantage for stacked transitions. However, this function is designed in case last_value is not passed. If transition is not done yet, it wouold assign last value in data as last_value, discard the last element in data``(i.e. len(data) would decrease by 1), and then call ``get_gae. Otherwise it would make last_value equal to 0.

  • data (deque): Transitions list, each element is a transition dict with at least[‘value’, ‘reward’]

  • done (bool): Whether the transition reaches the end of an episode(i.e. whether the env is done)

  • gamma (float): The future discount factor

  • gae_lambda (float): GAE lambda parameter

  • cuda (bool): Whether use cuda in GAE computation

  • data (List[Dict[str, Any]]): transitions list like input one, but each element owns extra advantage key ‘adv’

classmethod get_nstep_return_data(data: collections.deque, nstep: int, cum_reward=False, correct_terminate_gamma=True, gamma=0.99) collections.deque[source]

Process raw traj data by updating keys [‘next_obs’, ‘reward’, ‘done’] in data’s dict element.

  • data (deque): Transitions list, each element is a transition dict

  • nstep (int): Number of steps. If equals to 1, return data directly; Otherwise update with nstep value.

  • data (deque): Transitions list like input one, but each element updated with nstep value.

classmethod get_train_sample(data: List[Dict[str, Any]], unroll_len: int, last_fn_type: str = 'last', null_transition: Optional[dict] = None) List[Dict[str, Any]][source]

Process raw traj data by updating keys [‘next_obs’, ‘reward’, ‘done’] in data’s dict element. If unroll_len equals to 1, which means no process is needed, can directly return data. Otherwise, data will be splitted according to unroll_len, process residual part according to last_fn_type and call lists_to_dicts to form sampled training data.

  • data (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Transitions list, each element is a transition dict

  • unroll_len (int): Learn training unroll length

  • last_fn_type (str): The method type name for dealing with last residual data in a traj after splitting, should be in [‘last’, ‘drop’, ‘null_padding’]

  • null_transition (Optional[dict]): Dict type null transition, used in null_padding

  • data (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Transitions list processed after unrolling