Source code for ding.worker.replay_buffer.naive_buffer

import copy
from typing import Union, Any, Optional, List
import numpy as np
from easydict import EasyDict

from ding.worker.replay_buffer import IBuffer
from ding.utils import LockContext, LockContextType, BUFFER_REGISTRY, build_logger
from .utils import UsedDataRemover, PeriodicThruputMonitor

[docs]@BUFFER_REGISTRY.register('naive') class NaiveReplayBuffer(IBuffer): r""" Overview: Naive replay buffer, can store and sample data. An naive implementation of replay buffer with no priority or any other advanced features. This buffer refers to multi-thread/multi-process and guarantees thread-safe, which means that methods like ``sample``, ``push``, ``clear`` are all mutual to each other. Interface: start, close, push, update, sample, clear, count, state_dict, load_state_dict, default_config Property: replay_buffer_size, push_count """ config = dict( type='naive', replay_buffer_size=10000, deepcopy=False, # default `False` for serial pipeline enable_track_used_data=False, periodic_thruput_seconds=60, ) def __init__( self, cfg: 'EasyDict', # noqa tb_logger: Optional['SummaryWriter'] = None, # noqa exp_name: Optional[str] = 'default_experiment', instance_name: Optional[str] = 'buffer', ) -> None: """ Overview: Initialize the buffer Arguments: - cfg (:obj:`dict`): Config dict. - tb_logger (:obj:`Optional['SummaryWriter']`): Outer tb logger. Usually get this argument in serial mode. - exp_name (:obj:`Optional[str]`): Name of this experiment. - instance_name (:obj:`Optional[str]`): Name of this instance. """ self._exp_name = exp_name self._instance_name = instance_name self._cfg = cfg self._replay_buffer_size = self._cfg.replay_buffer_size self._deepcopy = self._cfg.deepcopy # ``_data`` is a circular queue to store data (full data or meta data) self._data = [None for _ in range(self._replay_buffer_size)] # Current valid data count, indicating how many elements in ``self._data`` is valid. self._valid_count = 0 # How many pieces of data have been pushed into this buffer, should be no less than ``_valid_count``. self._push_count = 0 # Point to the tail position where next data can be inserted, i.e. latest inserted data's next position. self._tail = 0 # Lock to guarantee thread safe self._lock = LockContext(type_=LockContextType.THREAD_LOCK) self._end_flag = False self._enable_track_used_data = self._cfg.enable_track_used_data if self._enable_track_used_data: self._used_data_remover = UsedDataRemover() if tb_logger is not None: self._logger, _ = build_logger( './{}/log/{}'.format(self._exp_name, self._instance_name), self._instance_name, need_tb=False ) self._tb_logger = tb_logger else: self._logger, self._tb_logger = build_logger( './{}/log/{}'.format(self._exp_name, self._instance_name), self._instance_name, ) # Periodic thruput. Here by default, monitor range is 60 seconds. You can modify it for free. self._periodic_thruput_monitor = PeriodicThruputMonitor( self._instance_name, EasyDict(seconds=self._cfg.periodic_thruput_seconds), self._logger, self._tb_logger )
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """ Overview: Start the buffer's used_data_remover thread if enables track_used_data. """ if self._enable_track_used_data: self._used_data_remover.start()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Overview: Clear the buffer; Join the buffer's used_data_remover thread if enables track_used_data. """ self.clear() if self._enable_track_used_data: self._used_data_remover.close() self._tb_logger.flush() self._tb_logger.close()
[docs] def push(self, data: Union[List[Any], Any], cur_collector_envstep: int) -> None: r""" Overview: Push a data into buffer. Arguments: - data (:obj:`Union[List[Any], Any]`): The data which will be pushed into buffer. Can be one \ (in `Any` type), or many(int `List[Any]` type). - cur_collector_envstep (:obj:`int`): Collector's current env step. \ Not used in naive buffer, but preserved for compatibility. """ if isinstance(data, list): self._extend(data, cur_collector_envstep) self._periodic_thruput_monitor.push_data_count += len(data) else: self._append(data, cur_collector_envstep) self._periodic_thruput_monitor.push_data_count += 1
[docs] def sample(self, size: int, cur_learner_iter: int, sample_range: slice = None, replace: bool = False) -> Optional[list]: """ Overview: Sample data with length ``size``. Arguments: - size (:obj:`int`): The number of the data that will be sampled. - cur_learner_iter (:obj:`int`): Learner's current iteration. \ Not used in naive buffer, but preserved for compatibility. - sample_range (:obj:`slice`): Buffer slice for sampling, such as `slice(-10, None)`, which \ means only sample among the last 10 data - replace (:obj:`bool`): Whether sample with replacement Returns: - sample_data (:obj:`list`): A list of data with length ``size``. """ if size == 0: return [] can_sample = self._sample_check(size, replace) if not can_sample: return None with self._lock: indices = self._get_indices(size, sample_range, replace) sample_data = self._sample_with_indices(indices, cur_learner_iter) self._periodic_thruput_monitor.sample_data_count += len(sample_data) return sample_data
def _append(self, ori_data: Any, cur_collector_envstep: int = -1) -> None: r""" Overview: Append a data item into ``self._data``. Arguments: - ori_data (:obj:`Any`): The data which will be inserted. - cur_collector_envstep (:obj:`int`): Not used in this method, but preserved for compatibility. """ with self._lock: if self._deepcopy: data = copy.deepcopy(ori_data) else: data = ori_data self._push_count += 1 if self._data[self._tail] is None: self._valid_count += 1 self._periodic_thruput_monitor.valid_count = self._valid_count elif self._enable_track_used_data: self._used_data_remover.add_used_data(self._data[self._tail]) self._data[self._tail] = data self._tail = (self._tail + 1) % self._replay_buffer_size def _extend(self, ori_data: List[Any], cur_collector_envstep: int = -1) -> None: r""" Overview: Extend a data list into queue. Add two keys in each data item, you can refer to ``_append`` for details. Arguments: - ori_data (:obj:`List[Any]`): The data list. - cur_collector_envstep (:obj:`int`): Not used in this method, but preserved for compatibility. """ with self._lock: if self._deepcopy: data = copy.deepcopy(ori_data) else: data = ori_data length = len(data) # When updating ``_data`` and ``_use_count``, should consider two cases regarding # the relationship between "tail + data length" and "replay buffer size" to check whether # data will exceed beyond buffer's max length limitation. if self._tail + length <= self._replay_buffer_size: if self._valid_count != self._replay_buffer_size: self._valid_count += length self._periodic_thruput_monitor.valid_count = self._valid_count elif self._enable_track_used_data: for i in range(length): self._used_data_remover.add_used_data(self._data[self._tail + i]) self._push_count += length self._data[self._tail:self._tail + length] = data else: new_tail = self._tail data_start = 0 residual_num = len(data) while True: space = self._replay_buffer_size - new_tail L = min(space, residual_num) if self._valid_count != self._replay_buffer_size: self._valid_count += L self._periodic_thruput_monitor.valid_count = self._valid_count elif self._enable_track_used_data: for i in range(L): self._used_data_remover.add_used_data(self._data[new_tail + i]) self._push_count += L self._data[new_tail:new_tail + L] = data[data_start:data_start + L] residual_num -= L assert residual_num >= 0 if residual_num == 0: break else: new_tail = 0 data_start += L # Update ``tail`` and ``next_unique_id`` after the whole list is pushed into buffer. self._tail = (self._tail + length) % self._replay_buffer_size def _sample_check(self, size: int, replace: bool = False) -> bool: r""" Overview: Check whether this buffer has more than `size` datas to sample. Arguments: - size (:obj:`int`): Number of data that will be sampled. - replace (:obj:`bool`): Whether sample with replacement. Returns: - can_sample (:obj:`bool`): Whether this buffer can sample enough data. """ if self._valid_count == 0: print("The buffer is empty") return False if self._valid_count < size and not replace: print( "No enough elements for sampling without replacement (expect: {} / current: {})".format( size, self._valid_count ) ) return False else: return True
[docs] def update(self, info: dict) -> None: r""" Overview: Naive Buffer does not need to update any info, but this method is preserved for compatibility. """ print( '[BUFFER WARNING] Naive Buffer does not need to update any info, \ but `update` method is preserved for compatibility.' )
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """ Overview: Clear all the data and reset the related variables. """ with self._lock: for i in range(len(self._data)): if self._data[i] is not None: if self._enable_track_used_data: self._used_data_remover.add_used_data(self._data[i]) self._data[i] = None self._valid_count = 0 self._periodic_thruput_monitor.valid_count = self._valid_count self._push_count = 0 self._tail = 0
def __del__(self) -> None: """ Overview: Call ``close`` to delete the object. """ self.close() def _get_indices(self, size: int, sample_range: slice = None, replace: bool = False) -> list: r""" Overview: Get the sample index list. Arguments: - size (:obj:`int`): The number of the data that will be sampled - sample_range (:obj:`slice`): Buffer slice for sampling, such as `slice(-10, None)`, which \ means only sample among the last 10 data Returns: - index_list (:obj:`list`): A list including all the sample indices, whose length should equal to ``size``. """ assert self._valid_count <= self._replay_buffer_size if self._valid_count == self._replay_buffer_size: tail = self._replay_buffer_size else: tail = self._tail if sample_range is None: indices = list(np.random.choice(a=tail, size=size, replace=replace)) else: indices = list(range(tail))[sample_range] indices = list(np.random.choice(indices, size=size, replace=replace)) return indices def _sample_with_indices(self, indices: List[int], cur_learner_iter: int) -> list: r""" Overview: Sample data with ``indices``. Arguments: - indices (:obj:`List[int]`): A list including all the sample indices. - cur_learner_iter (:obj:`int`): Not used in this method, but preserved for compatibility. Returns: - data (:obj:`list`) Sampled data. """ data = [] for idx in indices: assert self._data[idx] is not None, idx if self._deepcopy: copy_data = copy.deepcopy(self._data[idx]) else: copy_data = self._data[idx] data.append(copy_data) return data
[docs] def count(self) -> int: """ Overview: Count how many valid datas there are in the buffer. Returns: - count (:obj:`int`): Number of valid data. """ return self._valid_count
[docs] def state_dict(self) -> dict: """ Overview: Provide a state dict to keep a record of current buffer. Returns: - state_dict (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): A dict containing all important values in the buffer. \ With the dict, one can easily reproduce the buffer. """ return { 'data': self._data, 'tail': self._tail, 'valid_count': self._valid_count, 'push_count': self._push_count, }
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, _state_dict: dict) -> None: """ Overview: Load state dict to reproduce the buffer. Returns: - state_dict (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): A dict containing all important values in the buffer. """ assert 'data' in _state_dict if set(_state_dict.keys()) == set(['data']): self._extend(_state_dict['data']) else: for k, v in _state_dict.items(): setattr(self, '_{}'.format(k), v)
@property def replay_buffer_size(self) -> int: return self._replay_buffer_size @property def push_count(self) -> int: return self._push_count
@BUFFER_REGISTRY.register('elastic') class ElasticReplayBuffer(NaiveReplayBuffer): r""" Overview: Elastic replay buffer, it stores data and support dynamically change the buffer size. An naive implementation of replay buffer with no priority or any other advanced features. This buffer refers to multi-thread/multi-process and guarantees thread-safe, which means that methods like ``sample``, ``push``, ``clear`` are all mutual to each other. Interface: start, close, push, update, sample, clear, count, state_dict, load_state_dict, default_config Property: replay_buffer_size, push_count """ config = dict( type='elastic', replay_buffer_size=10000, deepcopy=False, # default `False` for serial pipeline enable_track_used_data=False, ) def __init__( self, cfg: 'EasyDict', # noqa tb_logger: Optional['SummaryWriter'] = None, # noqa exp_name: Optional[str] = 'default_experiment', instance_name: Optional[str] = 'buffer', ) -> None: """ Overview: Initialize the buffer Arguments: - cfg (:obj:`dict`): Config dict. - tb_logger (:obj:`Optional['SummaryWriter']`): Outer tb logger. Usually get this argument in serial mode. - exp_name (:obj:`Optional[str]`): Name of this experiment. - instance_name (:obj:`Optional[str]`): Name of this instance. """ super().__init__(cfg, tb_logger, exp_name, instance_name) self._set_buffer_size = self._cfg.set_buffer_size self._current_buffer_size = self._set_buffer_size(0) # Set the buffer size at the 0-th envstep. # The variable 'current_buffer_size' restricts how many samples the buffer can use for sampling def _sample_check(self, size: int, replace: bool = False) -> bool: r""" Overview: Check whether this buffer has more than `size` datas to sample. Arguments: - size (:obj:`int`): Number of data that will be sampled. - replace (:obj:`bool`): Whether sample with replacement. Returns: - can_sample (:obj:`bool`): Whether this buffer can sample enough data. """ valid_count = min(self._valid_count, self._current_buffer_size) if valid_count == 0: print("The buffer is empty") return False if valid_count < size and not replace: print( "No enough elements for sampling without replacement (expect: {} / current: {})".format( size, self._valid_count ) ) return False else: return True def _get_indices(self, size: int, sample_range: slice = None, replace: bool = False) -> list: r""" Overview: Get the sample index list. Arguments: - size (:obj:`int`): The number of the data that will be sampled. - replace (:obj:`bool`): Whether sample with replacement. Returns: - index_list (:obj:`list`): A list including all the sample indices, whose length should equal to ``size``. """ assert self._valid_count <= self._replay_buffer_size assert sample_range is None # not support range = min(self._valid_count, self._current_buffer_size) indices = list( (self._tail - 1 - np.random.choice(a=range, size=size, replace=replace)) % self._replay_buffer_size ) return indices def update(self, envstep): self._current_buffer_size = self._set_buffer_size(envstep)