Source code for

from typing import Iterable, Callable, Optional, Any, Union
import time
import platform
import threading
import queue

import torch
import torch.multiprocessing as tm
from ding.torch_utils import to_device
from ding.utils import LockContext, LockContextType
from .base_dataloader import IDataLoader
from .collate_fn import default_collate

[docs]class AsyncDataLoader(IDataLoader): r""" Overview: An asynchronous dataloader. Interface: __init__, __iter__, __next__, close """
[docs] def __init__( self, data_source: Union[Callable, dict], batch_size: int, device: str, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None, collate_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, num_workers: int = 0 ) -> None: """ Overview: Init dataloader with input parameters. If ``data_source`` is ``dict``, data will only be processed in ``get_data_thread`` and put into ``async_train_queue``. If ``data_source`` is ``Callable``, data will be processed by implementing functions, and can be sorted in two types: - ``num_workers`` == 0 or 1: Only main worker will process it and put into ``async_train_queue``. - ``num_workers`` > 1: Main worker will divide a job into several pieces, push every job into \ ``job_queue``; Then slave workers get jobs and implement; Finally they will push procesed data \ into ``async_train_queue``. At the last step, if ``device`` contains "cuda", data in ``async_train_queue`` will be transferred to ``cuda_queue`` for uer to access. Arguments: - data_source (:obj:`Union[Callable, dict]`): The data source, e.g. function to be implemented(Callable), \ replay buffer's real data(dict), etc. - batch_size (:obj:`int`): Batch size. - device (:obj:`str`): Device. - chunk_size (:obj:`int`): The size of a chunked piece in a batch, should exactly divide ``batch_size``, \ only function when there are more than 1 worker. - collate_fn (:obj:`Callable`): The function which is used to collate batch size into each data field. - num_workers (:obj:`int`): Number of extra workers. \ 0 or 1 means only 1 main worker and no extra ones, i.e. Multiprocessing is disabled. \ More than 1 means multiple workers implemented by multiprocessing are to processs data respectively. """ self.data_source = data_source self.batch_size = batch_size self.device = device self.use_cuda = 'cuda' in self.device if self.use_cuda: = torch.cuda.Stream() if chunk_size is None: self.chunk_size = 1 else: self.chunk_size = chunk_size assert self.batch_size >= self.chunk_size and self.batch_size % self.chunk_size == 0, '{}/{}'.format( self.batch_size, self.chunk_size ) if collate_fn is None: self.collate_fn = default_collate else: self.collate_fn = collate_fn self.num_workers = num_workers if self.num_workers < 0: raise ValueError( '"num_workers" should be non-negative; ' 'Use num_workers = 0 or 1 to disable multiprocessing.' ) # Up to "2 * num_workers" pieces of data will be stored in dataloader, waiting for learner to get. # Up to "2 * num_workers" jobs will be stored in dataloader, waiting for slave process to get and accomplish. queue_maxsize = max(1, self.num_workers) * 2 self.queue_maxsize = queue_maxsize # For multiprocessing: Use ``spawn`` on Windows, ``fork`` on other platforms. context_str = 'spawn' if platform.system().lower() == 'windows' else 'fork' self.mp_context = tm.get_context(context_str) self.manager = self.mp_context.Manager() # ``async_train_queue`` is the queue to store processed data. # User can directly access data if don't use cuda; Otherwise, user will access data from ``cuda_queue``. self.async_train_queue = self.mp_context.Queue(maxsize=queue_maxsize) self.end_flag = False # Multiprocessing workers: If num_workers > 1, more than 1 worker are to process data. if self.num_workers > 1: self.batch_id = self.mp_context.Value('i', 0) self.cur_batch = self.mp_context.Value('i', 0) if self.batch_size != self.chunk_size: # job_result {batch_id: result_list} is used to store processed result in temporal. self.job_result = self.manager.dict() self.job_result_lock = LockContext(type_=LockContextType.PROCESS_LOCK) self.job_queue = self.mp_context.Queue(maxsize=queue_maxsize) self.worker = [ self.mp_context.Process( target=self._worker_loop, args=(), name='dataloader_worker{}_{}'.format(i, time.time()) ) for i in range(self.num_workers) ] for w in self.worker: w.daemon = True w.start() print('Using {} workers to load data'.format(self.num_workers)) # Parent and child pipes. Used by ``async_process`` and ``get_data_thread`` to coordinate. p, c = self.mp_context.Pipe() # Async process (Main worker): Process data if num_workers <= 1; Assign job to other workers if num_workers > 1. self.async_process = self.mp_context.Process(target=self._async_loop, args=(p, c)) self.async_process.daemon = True self.async_process.start() # Get data thread: Get data from ``data_source`` and send it to ``async_process``.` self.get_data_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._get_data, args=(p, c)) self.get_data_thread.daemon = True self.get_data_thread.start() # Cuda thread: If use cuda, data in ``async_train_queue`` will be transferred to ``cuda_queue``; # Then user will access data from ``cuda_queue``. if self.use_cuda: self.cuda_queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=queue_maxsize) self.cuda_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._cuda_loop, args=(), name='dataloader_cuda') self.cuda_thread.daemon = True self.cuda_thread.start()
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterable: """ Overview: Return the iterable self as an iterator. Returns: - self (:obj:`Iterable`): Self as an iterator. """ return self
def _get_data(self, p: tm.multiprocessing.connection, c: tm.multiprocessing.connection) -> None: """ Overview: Init dataloader with input parameters. Will run as a thread through ``self.get_data_thread``. Arguments: - p (:obj:`tm.multiprocessing.connection`): Parent connection. - c (:obj:`tm.multiprocessing.connection`): Child connection. """ c.close() # Close unused c, only use p while not self.end_flag: if not p.poll(timeout=0.2): time.sleep(0.01) continue try: cmd = p.recv() except EOFError: break if cmd == 'get_data': # Main worker asks for data. data = self.data_source(self.batch_size) # ``data`` can be callable, e.g. a function to read data from file, therefore we can divide # this job to pieces, assign to every slave worker and accomplish jobs asynchronously. # But if we get a list of dicts, which means the data has already been processed and # can be used directly, we can put it directly in async_train_queue and wait it # to be accessed by a user, e.g. learner. if isinstance(data[0], dict): data = self.collate_fn(data) self.async_train_queue.put(data) p.send('pass') else: p.send(data) p.close() def _async_loop(self, p: tm.multiprocessing.connection, c: tm.multiprocessing.connection) -> None: """ Overview: Main worker process. Run through ``self.async_process``. Firstly, get data from ``self.get_data_thread``. If multiple workers, put data in ``self.job_queue`` for further multiprocessing operation; If only one worker, process data and put directly into ``self.async_train_queue``. Arguments: - p (:obj:`tm.multiprocessing.connection`): Parent connection. - c (:obj:`tm.multiprocessing.connection`): Child connection. """ p.close() # Close unused p, only use c while not self.end_flag: if self.num_workers > 1: # Multiple workers: Put jobs (chunked data) into job_queue if self.job_queue.full(): time.sleep(0.001) else: # Get data from ``_get_data`` thread. c.send('get_data') data = c.recv() if isinstance(data, str) and data == 'pass': continue # Get data to be processed, chunk it into pieces and put them into job_queue. chunk_num = self.batch_size // self.chunk_size with self.batch_id.get_lock(): for i in range(chunk_num): start, end = i * self.chunk_size, (i + 1) * self.chunk_size self.job_queue.put({'batch_id': self.batch_id.value, 'job': data[start:end]}) self.batch_id.value = (self.batch_id.value + 1) % self.queue_maxsize # Increment batch_id time.sleep(0.001) else: # Only one worker: Process data and directly put it into async_train_queue if self.async_train_queue.full(): time.sleep(0.001) else: c.send('get_data') data = c.recv() if isinstance(data, str) and data == 'pass': continue data = [fn() for fn in data] # Implement functions in list ``data``. data = self.collate_fn(data) self.async_train_queue.put(data) c.close() def _worker_loop(self) -> None: """ Overview: Worker process. Run through each element in list ``self.worker``. Get data job from ``self.job_queue``, process it and then put into ``self.async_train_queue``. Only function when ``self.num_workers`` > 1, which means using multiprocessing. """ while not self.end_flag: if self.job_queue.empty() or self.async_train_queue.full(): # No left job to be done, or finished job have no space to store. time.sleep(0.01) continue else: try: element = self.job_queue.get() except (ConnectionResetError, ConnectionRefusedError) as e: break batch_id, job = element['batch_id'], element['job'] # Process the assigned data. data = [fn() for fn in job] # Only function-type job will arrive here, dict-type will not if len(data) == self.batch_size == self.chunk_size: # Data not chunked: Finish the assigned one means finishing a whole batch. data = self.collate_fn(data) while batch_id != self.cur_batch.value: time.sleep(0.01) self.async_train_queue.put(data) # Directly update cur_batch, since a whole batch is finished with self.cur_batch.get_lock(): self.cur_batch.value = (self.cur_batch.value + 1) % self.queue_maxsize else: # Data chunked: Must wait for all chunked pieces in a batch to be accomplished. finish_flag = False # indicate whether a whole batch is accomplished with self.job_result_lock: if batch_id not in self.job_result: # The first one in a batch self.job_result[batch_id] = data elif len(self.job_result[batch_id]) + len(data) == self.batch_size: # The last one in a batch data += self.job_result.pop(batch_id) assert batch_id not in self.job_result finish_flag = True else: # Middle pieces in a batch self.job_result[batch_id] += data if finish_flag: data = self.collate_fn(data) while batch_id != self.cur_batch.value: time.sleep(0.01) self.async_train_queue.put(data) with self.cur_batch.get_lock(): self.cur_batch.value = (self.cur_batch.value + 1) % self.queue_maxsize # If ``self.end_flag`` is True, clear and close job_queue, because _worker_loop gets jobs from job_queue. while not self.job_queue.empty(): try: _ = self.job_queue.get() except Exception as e: break self.job_queue.close() self.job_queue.join_thread() def _cuda_loop(self) -> None: """ Overview: Only when using cuda, would this be run as a thread through ``self.cuda_thread``. Get data from ``self.async_train_queue``, change its device and put it into ``self.cuda_queue`` """ with while not self.end_flag: if self.async_train_queue.empty() or self.cuda_queue.full(): time.sleep(0.01) else: data = self.async_train_queue.get() data = to_device(data, self.device) self.cuda_queue.put(data) # If ``self.end_flag``` is True, clear and close async_train_queue, # because _cuda_loop gets data from async_train_queue. while not self.async_train_queue.empty(): _ = self.async_train_queue.get() self.async_train_queue.close() self.async_train_queue.join_thread()
[docs] def __next__(self) -> Any: """ Overview: Return next data in the iterator. If use cuda, get from ``self.cuda_queue``; Otherwise, get from ``self.async_train_queue``. Returns: - data (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Next data in the dataloader iterator. """ while not self.end_flag: if self.use_cuda: if self.cuda_queue.empty(): time.sleep(0.01) else: data = self.cuda_queue.get(timeout=60) self.cuda_queue.task_done() return data else: if self.async_train_queue.empty(): time.sleep(0.01) else: return self.async_train_queue.get() # If ``self.end_flag``` is True, clear and close either 1) or 2): # 1) cuda_queue. Because user get data from cuda_queue, and async_train_queue is closed by cuda_loop. # 2) async_train_queue. Because user get data from async_train_queue. if self.use_cuda: while not self.cuda_queue.empty(): _ = self.cuda_queue.get() self.cuda_queue.task_done() self.cuda_queue.join() else: while not self.async_train_queue.empty(): _ = self.async_train_queue.get() self.async_train_queue.close() self.async_train_queue.join_thread()
def __del__(self) -> None: self.close()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Overview: Delete this dataloader. First set ``end_flag`` to True, which means different processes/threads will clear and close all data queues; Then all processes will be terminated and joined. """ if self.end_flag: return self.end_flag = True self.async_process.terminate() self.async_process.join() if self.num_workers > 1: for w in self.worker: w.terminate() w.join() print('Del AsyncDataLoader')