Source code for ding.league.player

from typing import Callable, Optional, List
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
from easydict import EasyDict

from ding.utils import import_module, PLAYER_REGISTRY
from .algorithm import pfsp

[docs]class Player: """ Overview: Base player class, player is the basic member of a league Interfaces: __init__ Property: race, payoff, checkpoint_path, player_id, total_agent_step """ _name = "BasePlayer" # override this variable for sub-class player
[docs] def __init__( self, cfg: EasyDict, category: str, init_payoff: 'BattleSharedPayoff', # noqa checkpoint_path: str, player_id: str, total_agent_step: int, rating: 'PlayerRating', # noqa ) -> None: """ Overview: Initialize base player metadata Arguments: - cfg (:obj:`EasyDict`): Player config dict. - category (:obj:`str`): Player category, depending on the game, \ e.g. StarCraft has 3 races ['terran', 'protoss', 'zerg']. - init_payoff (:obj:`Union[BattleSharedPayoff, SoloSharedPayoff]`): Payoff shared by all players. - checkpoint_path (:obj:`str`): The path to load player checkpoint. - player_id (:obj:`str`): Player id in string format. - total_agent_step (:obj:`int`): For active player, it should be 0; \ For historical player, it should be parent player's ``_total_agent_step`` when ``snapshot``. - rating (:obj:`PlayerRating`): player rating information in total league """ self._cfg = cfg self._category = category self._payoff = init_payoff self._checkpoint_path = checkpoint_path assert isinstance(player_id, str) self._player_id = player_id assert isinstance(total_agent_step, int), (total_agent_step, type(total_agent_step)) self._total_agent_step = total_agent_step self._rating = rating
@property def category(self) -> str: return self._category @property def payoff(self) -> 'BattleSharedPayoff': # noqa return self._payoff @property def checkpoint_path(self) -> str: return self._checkpoint_path @property def player_id(self) -> str: return self._player_id @property def total_agent_step(self) -> int: return self._total_agent_step @total_agent_step.setter def total_agent_step(self, step: int) -> None: self._total_agent_step = step @property def rating(self) -> 'PlayerRating': # noqa return self._rating @rating.setter def rating(self, _rating: 'PlayerRating') -> None: # noqa self._rating = _rating
[docs]@PLAYER_REGISTRY.register('historical_player') class HistoricalPlayer(Player): """ Overview: Historical player which is snapshotted from an active player, and is fixed with the checkpoint. Have a unique attribute ``parent_id``. Property: race, payoff, checkpoint_path, player_id, total_agent_step, parent_id """ _name = "HistoricalPlayer"
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, parent_id: str) -> None: """ Overview: Initialize ``_parent_id`` additionally Arguments: - parent_id (:obj:`str`): id of historical player's parent, should be an active player """ super().__init__(*args) self._parent_id = parent_id
@property def parent_id(self) -> str: return self._parent_id
[docs]class ActivePlayer(Player): """ Overview: Active player can be updated, or snapshotted to a historical player in the league training. Interface: __init__, is_trained_enough, snapshot, mutate, get_job Property: race, payoff, checkpoint_path, player_id, total_agent_step """ _name = "ActivePlayer" BRANCH = namedtuple("BRANCH", ['name', 'prob'])
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Overview: Initialize player metadata, depending on the game Note: - one_phase_step (:obj:`int`): An active player will be considered trained enough for snapshot \ after two phase steps. - last_enough_step (:obj:`int`): Player's last step number that satisfies ``_is_trained_enough``. - strong_win_rate (:obj:`float`): If win rates between this player and all the opponents are greater than this value, this player can be regarded as strong enough to these opponents. \ If also already trained for one phase step, this player can be regarded as trained enough for snapshot. - branch_probs (:obj:`namedtuple`): A namedtuple of probabilities of selecting different opponent branch. """ super().__init__(*args) self._one_phase_step = int(float(self._cfg.one_phase_step)) # ``one_phase_step`` is like 1e9 self._last_enough_step = 0 self._strong_win_rate = self._cfg.strong_win_rate assert isinstance(self._cfg.branch_probs, dict) self._branch_probs = [self.BRANCH(k, v) for k, v in self._cfg.branch_probs.items()] # self._eval_opponent_difficulty = ["WEAK", "MEDIUM", "STRONG"] self._eval_opponent_difficulty = ["RULE_BASED"] self._eval_opponent_index = 0
def is_trained_enough(self, select_fn: Optional[Callable] = None) -> bool: """ Overview: Judge whether this player is trained enough for further operations(e.g. snapshot, mutate...) according to past step count and overall win rates against opponents. If yes, set ``self._last_agent_step`` to ``self._total_agent_step`` and return True; otherwise return False. Arguments: - select_fn (:obj:`function`): The function to select opponent players. Returns: - flag (:obj:`bool`): Whether this player is trained enough """ if select_fn is None: select_fn = lambda x: isinstance(x, HistoricalPlayer) # noqa step_passed = self._total_agent_step - self._last_enough_step if step_passed < self._one_phase_step: return False elif step_passed >= 2 * self._one_phase_step: # ``step_passed`` is 2 times of ``self._one_phase_step``, regarded as trained enough self._last_enough_step = self._total_agent_step return True else: # Get payoff against specific opponents (Different players have different type of opponent players) # If min win rate is larger than ``self._strong_win_rate``, then is judged trained enough selected_players = self._get_players(select_fn) if len(selected_players) == 0: # No such player, therefore no past game return False win_rates = self._payoff[self, selected_players] if win_rates.min() > self._strong_win_rate: self._last_enough_step = self._total_agent_step return True else: return False def snapshot(self, metric_env: 'LeagueMetricEnv') -> HistoricalPlayer: # noqa """ Overview: Generate a snapshot historical player from the current player, called in league's ``_snapshot``. Argument: - metric_env (:obj:`LeagueMetricEnv`): player rating environment, one league one env Returns: - snapshot_player (:obj:`HistoricalPlayer`): new instantiated historical player .. note:: This method only generates a historical player object, but without saving the checkpoint, which should be done by league. """ path = self.checkpoint_path.split('.pth')[0] + '_{}'.format(self._total_agent_step) + '.pth' return HistoricalPlayer( self._cfg, self.category, self.payoff, path, self.player_id + '_{}_historical'.format(int(self._total_agent_step)), self._total_agent_step, metric_env.create_rating(, parent_id=self.player_id ) def mutate(self, info: dict) -> Optional[str]: """ Overview: Mutate the current player, called in league's ``_mutate_player``. Arguments: - info (:obj:`dict`): related information for the mutation Returns: - mutation_result (:obj:`str`): if the player does the mutation operation then returns the corresponding model path, otherwise returns None """ pass def get_job(self, eval_flag: bool = False) -> dict: """ Overview: Get a dict containing some info about the job to be launched, e.g. the selected opponent. Arguments: - eval_flag (:obj:`bool`): Whether to select an opponent for evaluator task. Returns: - ret (:obj:`dict`): The returned dict. Should contain key ['opponent']. """ if eval_flag: # eval opponent is a str. opponent = self._eval_opponent_difficulty[self._eval_opponent_index] else: # collect opponent is a Player. opponent = self._get_collect_opponent() return { 'opponent': opponent, } def _get_collect_opponent(self) -> Player: """ Overview: Select an opponent according to the player's ``branch_probs``. Returns: - opponent (:obj:`Player`): Selected opponent. """ p = np.random.uniform() L = len(self._branch_probs) cum_p = [0.] + [sum([j.prob for j in self._branch_probs[:i + 1]]) for i in range(L)] idx = [cum_p[i] <= p < cum_p[i + 1] for i in range(L)].index(True) branch_name = '_{}_branch'.format(self._branch_probs[idx].name) opponent = getattr(self, branch_name)() return opponent def _get_players(self, select_fn: Callable) -> List[Player]: """ Overview: Get a list of players in the league (shared_payoff), selected by ``select_fn`` . Arguments: - select_fn (:obj:`function`): players in the returned list must satisfy this function Returns: - players (:obj:`list`): a list of players that satisfies ``select_fn`` """ return [player for player in self._payoff.players if select_fn(player)] def _get_opponent(self, players: list, p: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> Player: """ Overview: Get one opponent player from list ``players`` according to probability ``p``. Arguments: - players (:obj:`list`): a list of players that can select opponent from - p (:obj:`np.ndarray`): the selection probability of each player, should have the same size as \ ``players``. If you don't need it and set None, it would select uniformly by default. Returns: - opponent_player (:obj:`Player`): a random chosen opponent player according to probability """ idx = np.random.choice(len(players), p=p) return players[idx]
[docs] def increment_eval_difficulty(self) -> bool: """ Overview: When evaluating, active player will choose a specific builtin opponent difficulty. This method is used to increment the difficulty. It is usually called after the easier builtin bot is already been beaten by this player. Returns: - increment_or_not (:obj:`bool`): True means difficulty is incremented; \ False means difficulty is already the hardest. """ if self._eval_opponent_index < len(self._eval_opponent_difficulty) - 1: self._eval_opponent_index += 1 return True else: return False
@property def checkpoint_path(self) -> str: return self._checkpoint_path @checkpoint_path.setter def checkpoint_path(self, path: str) -> None: self._checkpoint_path = path
[docs]@PLAYER_REGISTRY.register('naive_sp_player') class NaiveSpPlayer(ActivePlayer): def _pfsp_branch(self) -> HistoricalPlayer: """ Overview: Select prioritized fictitious self-play opponent, should be a historical player. Returns: - player (:obj:`HistoricalPlayer`): The selected historical player. """ historical = self._get_players(lambda p: isinstance(p, HistoricalPlayer)) win_rates = self._payoff[self, historical] # Normal self-play if no historical players if win_rates.shape == (0, ): return self p = pfsp(win_rates, weighting='squared') return self._get_opponent(historical, p) def _sp_branch(self) -> ActivePlayer: """ Overview: Select normal self-play opponent """ return self
def create_player(cfg: EasyDict, player_type: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Player: """ Overview: Given the key (player_type), create a new player instance if in player_mapping's values, or raise an KeyError. In other words, a derived player must first register then call ``create_player`` to get the instance object. Arguments: - cfg (:obj:`EasyDict`): player config, necessary keys: [import_names] - player_type (:obj:`str`): the type of player to be created Returns: - player (:obj:`Player`): the created new player, should be an instance of one of \ player_mapping's values """ import_module(cfg.get('import_names', [])) return, *args, **kwargs)