Source code for ding.interaction.master.master

import json
import time
from functools import wraps, partial
from queue import Queue, Empty
from threading import Lock, Thread, Event
from typing import Optional, Any, Mapping, Type, Callable
from uuid import UUID

import requests
from flask import Flask, request
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
from urlobject import URLObject

from .connection import SlaveConnectionProxy, SlaveConnection, _ISlaveConnection, _get_connection_class, \
    _slave_task_complete, _slave_task_fail
from .task import TaskResultType
from ..base import random_token, ControllableService, failure_response, success_response, get_host_ip, \
from ..exception import MasterErrorCode, get_master_exception_by_error

[docs]class Master(ControllableService): """ Overview: Interaction master end """
[docs] def __init__( self, host: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, heartbeat_tolerance: Optional[float] = None, heartbeat_check_span: Optional[float] = None, request_retries: Optional[int] = None, request_retry_waiting: Optional[float] = None, channel: Optional[int] = None, my_address: Optional[str] = None ): """ Overview: Constructor of Master Arguments: - host (:obj:`Optional[str]`): Host of the master server, based on flask (None means ``) - port (:obj:`Optional[int]`): Port of the master server, based on flask (None means `7235`) - heartbeat_tolerance: (:obj:`Optional[float]`): Max time tolerance of the heartbeat missing (None means \ `15.0`, minimum is `0.2`, unit: second) - heartbeat_check_span: (:obj:`Optional[float]`): Timespan between the heartbeat status check (None means \ `1.0`, minimum is `0.1`, unit: second) - request_retries (:obj:`Optional[int]`): Max times for request retries (None means `5`) - request_retry_waiting (:obj:`Optional[float]`): Sleep time before requests' retrying (None means `1.0`, \ unit: second) - channel (:obj:`Optional[int]`): Channel id for the master client, please make sure that channel id is \ equal to the slave client's channel id, or the connection cannot be established. (None means `0`, \ but 0 channel is not recommended to be used in production) - my_address (:obj:`Optional[str]`): The address of current server (None will grep local ip automatically, \ this address will be used when connect to slave, the slave's request will be send to this address, \ **so please make sure the address can be achieved by slave**) """ # server part self.__host = host or GLOBAL_HOST self.__port = port or DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT self.__flask_app_value = None self.__run_app_thread = Thread(target=self.__run_app, name='master_run_app') # heartbeat part self.__heartbeat_tolerance = max(heartbeat_tolerance or DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TOLERANCE, MIN_HEARTBEAT_SPAN) self.__heartbeat_check_span = max( heartbeat_check_span or DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_CHECK_SPAN, MIN_HEARTBEAT_CHECK_SPAN ) self.__heartbeat_check_thread = Thread(target=self.__heartbeat_check, name='master_heartbeat') self.__request_retries = max(request_retries or DEFAULT_REQUEST_RETRIES, 0) self.__request_retry_waiting = max(request_retry_waiting or DEFAULT_REQUEST_RETRY_WAITING, 0.0) # self-connection part self.__self_http_engine = get_http_engine_class( headers={ 'Token': lambda: self.__self_token, }, http_error_gene=get_master_exception_by_error, # )()('localhost', self.__port, False) )()(self.__host, self.__port, False) # TODO: Confirm how to ping itself self.__self_token = random_token() # slave-connection part self.__channel = channel or DEFAULT_CHANNEL self.__my_address = my_address or str( URLObject().with_scheme('http').with_hostname(get_host_ip()).with_port(self.__port) ) # slaves part self.__slaves = {} # name --> (token, slave_connection) self.__token_slaves = {} # token --> (name, slave_connection) self.__slave_last_heartbeat = {} # name --> last_heartbeat self.__slave_lock = Lock() # task part self.__task_result_queue = Queue() self.__task_result_process_thread = Thread(target=self.__task_result_process, name='master_task_result') # global part self.__shutdown_event = Event() self.__lock = Lock()
# slave connection def __connection_open(self, name: str, token: str, connection: SlaveConnectionProxy): with self.__slave_lock: self.__slaves[name] = (token, connection) self.__token_slaves[token] = (name, connection) self.__slave_last_heartbeat[name] = time.time() # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def __connection_close(self, name: str, connection: Optional[SlaveConnectionProxy] = None): with self.__slave_lock: token, _conn = self.__slaves[name] connection = connection or _conn del self.__slaves[name] del self.__token_slaves[token] del self.__slave_last_heartbeat[name] # server part def __generate_app(self): app = Flask(__name__) # self apis app.route('/ping', methods=['GET'])(self.__check_self_request(self.__self_ping)) app.route('/shutdown', methods=['DELETE'])(self.__check_self_request(self.__self_shutdown)) # slave apis app.route('/slave/heartbeat', methods=['GET'])(self.__check_slave_request(self.__heartbeat)) app.route( '/slave/task/complete', methods=['PUT'] )(self.__check_slave_request(self.__check_task_info(self.__task_complete))) app.route( '/slave/task/fail', methods=['PUT'] )(self.__check_slave_request(self.__check_task_info(self.__task_fail))) return app def __flask_app(self) -> Flask: return self.__flask_app_value or self.__generate_app() def __run_app(self): self.__flask_app().run( host=self.__host, port=self.__port, ) # both method checkers def __check_shutdown(self, func: Callable[[], Any]) -> Callable[[], Any]: @wraps(func) def _func(): if self.__shutdown_event.is_set(): return failure_response( code=MasterErrorCode.SYSTEM_SHUTTING_DOWN, message='System has already been shutting down.' ), 401 else: return func() return _func # server method checkers (self) # noinspection DuplicatedCode def __check_self_request(self, func: Callable[[], Any]) -> Callable[[], Any]: return self.__check_shutdown(self.__check_master_token(func)) def __check_master_token(self, func: Callable[[], Any]) -> Callable[[], Any]: @wraps(func) def _func(): master_token = request.headers.get('Token', None) if master_token is None: return failure_response( code=MasterErrorCode.SELF_TOKEN_NOT_GIVEN, message='Master token not found.' ), 400 elif master_token != self.__self_token: return failure_response( code=MasterErrorCode.SELF_TOKEN_INVALID, message='Master token not match with this endpoint.' ), 403 else: return func() return _func # server method checkers (slave) def __check_slave_request(self, func: Callable[[str, _ISlaveConnection], Any]) -> Callable[[], Any]: return self.__check_shutdown(self.__check_channel(self.__check_slave_token(func))) # noinspection DuplicatedCode def __check_channel(self, func: Callable[[], Any]) -> Callable[[], Any]: @wraps(func) def _func(): channel = request.headers.get('Channel', None) channel = int(channel) if channel else None if channel is None: return failure_response(code=MasterErrorCode.CHANNEL_NOT_GIVEN, message='Channel not found.'), 400 elif channel != self.__channel: return failure_response( code=MasterErrorCode.CHANNEL_INVALID, message='Channel not match with this endpoint.' ), 403 else: return func() return _func def __check_slave_token(self, func: Callable[[str, _ISlaveConnection], Any]) -> Callable[[], Any]: @wraps(func) def _func(): slave_token = request.headers.get('Token', None) if slave_token is None: return failure_response( code=MasterErrorCode.SLAVE_TOKEN_NOT_GIVEN, message='Slave token not found.' ), 400 elif slave_token not in self.__token_slaves.keys(): return failure_response( code=MasterErrorCode.SLAVE_TOKEN_INVALID, message='No matching slave token found in this endpoint.' ), 403 else: name, connection = self.__token_slaves[slave_token] return func(name, connection) return _func # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def __get_request_data(self, func: Callable[[str, _ISlaveConnection, Mapping[str, Any]], Any]) \ -> Callable[[str, _ISlaveConnection], Any]: @wraps(func) def _func(name: str, connection: _ISlaveConnection): _data = json.loads( return func(name, connection, _data) return _func def __check_task_info(self, func: Callable[[str, _ISlaveConnection, UUID, Mapping[str, Any]], Any]) \ -> Callable[[str, _ISlaveConnection], Any]: @wraps(func) @self.__get_request_data def _func(name: str, connection: _ISlaveConnection, data: Mapping[str, Any]): if 'task' not in data.keys(): return failure_response( code=MasterErrorCode.TASK_DATA_INVALID, message='Task information not found.', ) _task_info, _task_result = data['task'], data['result'] if 'id' not in _task_info.keys(): return failure_response(code=MasterErrorCode.TASK_DATA_INVALID, message='Task ID not found.') _task_id = UUID(_task_info['id']) return func(name, connection, _task_id, _task_result) return _func # server methods (self) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def __self_ping(self): return success_response(message='PONG!') def __self_shutdown(self): _shutdown_func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') if _shutdown_func is None: raise RuntimeError('Not running with the Werkzeug Server') self.__shutdown_event.set() _shutdown_func() return success_response(message='Shutdown request received, this server will be down later.') # server methods (slave) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyUnusedLocal def __heartbeat(self, name: str, connection: _ISlaveConnection): self.__slave_last_heartbeat[name] = time.time() return success_response(message='Received!') # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def __task_complete(self, name: str, connection: _ISlaveConnection, task_id: UUID, task_result: Mapping[str, Any]): self.__task_result_queue.put((TaskResultType.COMPLETED, (connection, task_id, task_result))) return success_response(message='Result received!') # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def __task_fail(self, name: str, connection: _ISlaveConnection, task_id: UUID, task_result: Mapping[str, Any]): self.__task_result_queue.put((TaskResultType.FAILED, (connection, task_id, task_result))) return success_response(message='Result received!') # self request def __self_request(self, method: Optional[str] = 'GET', path: Optional[str] = None) -> requests.Response: return self.__self_http_engine.request( method, path, retries=self.__request_retries, retry_waiting=self.__request_retry_waiting, ) def __ping_once(self): return self.__self_request('GET', '/ping') def __ping_until_started(self): while True: try: self.__ping_once() except (requests.exceptions.BaseHTTPError, requests.exceptions.RequestException): time.sleep(0.2) else: break def __shutdown(self): self.__self_request('DELETE', '/shutdown') # heartbeat part def __heartbeat_check(self): _last_time = time.time() while not self.__shutdown_event.is_set(): _current_time = time.time() _common_names = set(self.__slaves.keys()) & set(self.__slave_last_heartbeat.keys()) for name in _common_names: _, connection = self.__slaves[name] last_heartbeat = self.__slave_last_heartbeat[name] if _current_time - last_heartbeat > self.__heartbeat_tolerance: self.__connection_close(name, connection) _last_time += self.__heartbeat_check_span time.sleep(max(_last_time - time.time(), 0)) # task process part def __task_result_process(self): while not self.__task_result_queue.empty() or not self.__shutdown_event.is_set(): try: _result = self.__task_result_queue.get(timeout=3.0) except Empty: continue else: _type, (_connection, _task_id, _task_result) = _result _trigger_func = _slave_task_complete if _type == TaskResultType.COMPLETED else _slave_task_fail _trigger_func(_connection, _task_id, _task_result) # connection part def __get_connection_class(self) -> Type[SlaveConnection]: return _get_connection_class( before_new_task=self._before_new_task, after_new_task=self._after_new_task, error_new_task=self._error_new_task, before_connect=self._before_connect, after_connect=self._after_connect, error_connect=self._error_connect, before_disconnect=self._before_disconnect, after_disconnect=self._after_disconnect, error_disconnect=self._error_disconnect, ) def __get_new_connection( self, name: str, host: str, port: Optional[int] = None, https: bool = False ) -> SlaveConnectionProxy: if name in self.__slaves.keys(): raise KeyError('Connection {name} already exist.'.format(name=repr(name))) else: slave_token = random_token() connection = self.__get_connection_class()( host=host, port=port, https=https, channel=self.__channel, my_address=self.__my_address, token=slave_token, ) return SlaveConnectionProxy( connection=connection, after_connect=partial(self.__connection_open, name=name, token=slave_token), after_disconnect=partial(self.__connection_close, name=name), ) # public properties @property def my_address(self) -> str: """ Overview: Get my address property of current master client. Returns: - output (:obj:`str`): My address which can be used to establish connection from slave end to here. """ with self.__lock: return self.__my_address # public methods
[docs] def ping(self) -> bool: """ Overview: Ping the current http server, check if it still run properly. Returns: - output (:obj:`bool`): The http server run properly or not. \ `True` means run properly, otherwise return `False`. """ with self.__lock: try: self.__ping_once() except (requests.exceptions.BaseHTTPError, requests.exceptions.RequestException): return False else: return True
[docs] def new_connection( self, name: str, host: str, port: Optional[int] = None, https: bool = False ) -> SlaveConnectionProxy: """ Overview: Create a new connection object to slave end (but **the connection will be established immediately** \ before `connect` method in connection object is called). Arguments: - name (:obj:`str`): Name of the connection (this name is an unique label used in this master client) - host (:obj:`str`): Host of the slave end - port (:obj:`Optional[int]`): Port of the slave end (None means `7236`) - https (:obj:`bool`): Use https to connect or not (Default is `False`) Returns: - output (:obj:`SlaveConnectionProxy`): A connection object represents the connection from here to the \ slave end. More actions can be operated by this connection object. """ with self.__lock: return self.__get_new_connection(name, host, port, https)
[docs] def __contains__(self, name: str): """ Overview: Check if the active connection with the given name exist in this master client. Only connections still alive can be found here. Arguments: - name (:obj:`str`): Name of the connection Returns: - output (:obj:`bool`): Whether connection with the given name exist. """ with self.__lock: return name in self.__slaves.keys()
[docs] def __getitem__(self, name: str): """ Overview: Try get the active connection with the given name. Only connections still alive can be found here. Arguments: - name (:obj:`str`): Name of the connection Returns: - output (:obj:`bool`): Connection object with the given name. """ with self.__lock: if name in self.__slaves.keys(): _token, _connection = self.__slaves[name] return _connection else: raise KeyError('Connection {name} not found.'.format(name=repr(name)))
[docs] def __delitem__(self, name: str): """ Overview: Delete connection from this master client, and the deleted connection will be killed as well. Only connections still alive can be found here. Arguments: - name (:obj:`str`): Name of the connection """ with self.__lock: if name in self.__slaves.keys(): _token, _connection = self.__slaves[name] _connection.disconnect() else: raise KeyError('Connection {name} not found.'.format(name=repr(name)))
[docs] def start(self): """ Overview: Start current master client Here are the steps executed inside in order: 1. Start the result-processing thread 2. Start the heartbeat check thread 3. Start the http server thread 4. Wait until the http server is online (can be pinged) """ with self.__lock: self.__task_result_process_thread.start() self.__heartbeat_check_thread.start() self.__run_app_thread.start() self.__ping_until_started()
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Overview: Shutdown current master client. A shutdown request will be sent to the http server, and the shutdown signal will be apply into the \ threads, the server will be down soon (You can use `join` method to wait until that time). """ with self.__lock: self.__shutdown()
[docs] def join(self): """ Overview: Wait until current slave client is down completely. Here are the steps executed inside in order: 1. Wait until the http server thread down 2. Wait until the heartbeat check thread down 3. Wait until the result-processing thread down """ with self.__lock: self.__run_app_thread.join() self.__heartbeat_check_thread.join() self.__task_result_process_thread.join()
# inherit methods
[docs] def _before_connect(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """ Overview: Behaviours executed before trying to establish connection, connection data is generated here as well. Default behaviour is to do nothing and return `None`, you can reload this method to change its behaviour. If exception raised in this method, the connection will be canceled. Returns: - output (:obj:`Mapping[str, Any]`): Connection data """ pass
[docs] def _after_connect( self, status_code: int, success: bool, code: int, message: Optional[str], data: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] ) -> Any: """ Overview: Behaviours executed after trying to establish connection. Default behaviour is to do nothing and return `None`, you can reload this method to change its behaviour. Arguments: - status_code (:obj:`int`): Status code of the connection request - success (:obj:`bool`): Connect success or not - code (:obj:`int`): Error code of the connection (`0` means no error, \ other code can be found in `SlaveErrorCode`) - message (:obj:`Optional[str]`): Connection message of the connection - data (:obj:`Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]`): Connection data of the connection (returned by slave end) Returns: - output (:obj:`Any`): Any return data, \ this data will be returned in `connect` method in connection object. """ pass
[docs] def _error_connect(self, error: RequestException) -> Any: """ Overview: Behaviours executed after web error occurred in connection request. Default behaviour is to raise the `error` exception, you can reload this method to change its behaviour, \ such as return a proper value like `None`. Arguments: - error (:obj:`RequestException`): Error raised from requests Returns: - output (:obj:`Any`): Any data, this data will be returned in `connect` method in connection object """ raise error
[docs] def _before_disconnect(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """ Overview: Behaviours executed before trying to end connection, disconnection data is generated here as well. Default behaviour is to do nothing and return `None`, you can reload this method to change its behaviour. If exception raised in this method, the disconnection will be canceled. Returns: - output (:obj:`Mapping[str, Any]`): Disconnection data """ pass
[docs] def _after_disconnect( self, status_code: int, success: bool, code: int, message: Optional[str], data: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] ) -> Any: """ Overview: Behaviours executed after trying to end connection. Default behaviour is to do nothing and return `None`, you can reload this method to change its behaviour. Arguments: - status_code (:obj:`int`): Status code of the disconnection request - success (:obj:`bool`): Disconnect success or not - code (:obj:`int`): Error code of the disconnection (`0` means no error, \ other code can be found in `SlaveErrorCode`) - message (:obj:`Optional[str]`): Disconnection message of the disconnection - data (:obj:`Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]`): Disconnection data of the disconnection (returned by slave end) Returns: - output (:obj:`Any`): Any return data, \ this data will be returned in `disconnect` method in connection object. """ pass
[docs] def _error_disconnect(self, error: RequestException): """ Overview: Behaviours executed after web error occurred in disconnection request. Default behaviour is to raise the `error` exception, you can reload this method to change its behaviour, \ such as return a proper value like `None`. Arguments: - error (:obj:`RequestException`): Error raised from requests Returns: - output (:obj:`Any`): Any data, this data will be returned in `disconnect` method in connection object """ raise error
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def _before_new_task(self, data: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """ Overview: Behaviours executed before trying to create task. Default behaviour is to do nothing and return the original task data, \ you can reload this method to change its behaviour, such as preprocess the task data. If exception raised in this method, the task request will be canceled. Arguments: - data (:obj:`Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]`): Original task data Returns: - output (:obj:`Mapping[str, Any]`): Final task data, which will be send to slave end """ return data or {}
[docs] def _after_new_task( self, status_code: int, success: bool, code: int, message: Optional[str], data: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] ) -> Any: """ Overview: Behaviours executed after trying to create task. Default behaviour is to do nothing and return `None`, \ you can reload this method to change its behaviour, such as return the new task data. Arguments: - status_code (:obj:`int`): Status code of the task request - success (:obj:`bool`): Disconnect success or not - code (:obj:`int`): Error code of the task request (`0` means no error, \ other code can be found in `SlaveErrorCode`) - message (:obj:`Optional[str]`): Task message of the task request - data (:obj:`Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]`): Task data of the task request (returned by slave end) Returns: - output (:obj:`Any`): Any return data, \ this data will be returned in `start` method in task object. """ pass
[docs] def _error_new_task(self, error: RequestException): """ Overview: Behaviours executed after web error occurred in task request. Default behaviour is to raise the `error` exception, you can reload this method to change its behaviour, \ such as return a proper value like `None`. Arguments: - error (:obj:`RequestException`): Error raised from requests Returns: - output (:obj:`Any`): Any data, this data will be returned in `start` method in task object """ raise error