Source code for ding.interaction.exception.slave

from abc import ABCMeta
from enum import unique, IntEnum
from typing import Type

import enum_tools
from requests import HTTPError

from .base import ResponseException
from ..base import get_values_from_response

[docs]@enum_tools.documentation.document_enum @unique class SlaveErrorCode(IntEnum): """ Overview: Error code for slave end """ SUCCESS = 0 # doc: Slave request success SYSTEM_SHUTTING_DOWN = 101 # doc: Slave end is shutting down CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND = 201 # doc: No channel id given in request CHANNEL_INVALID = 202 # doc: Channel id given not match with slave end MASTER_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND = 301 # doc: No master token found in connection request from master MASTER_TOKEN_INVALID = 302 # doc: Master token auth failed in slave end SELF_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND = 401 # doc: No self token given in self request (such as ping, shutdown) SELF_TOKEN_INVALID = 402 # doc: Self token auth failed in slave end itself (such as ping, shutdown) SLAVE_ALREADY_CONNECTED = 501 # doc: Slave end has already connected to another master end SLAVE_NOT_CONNECTED = 502 # doc: Slave end not connected with master end yey SLAVE_CONNECTION_REFUSED = 503 # doc: Connection to slave end refused SLAVE_DISCONNECTION_REFUSED = 504 # doc: Disconnection to slave end refused TASK_ALREADY_EXIST = 601 # doc: Slave end is processing another task TASK_REFUSED = 602 # doc: Task for slave end refused
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
[docs]class SlaveResponseException(ResponseException, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Overview: Response exception for slave client """
[docs] def __init__(self, error: HTTPError): """ Overview: Constructor Arguments: - error (:obj:`HTTPError`): Original http exception object """ ResponseException.__init__(self, error)
[docs]class SlaveSuccess(SlaveResponseException): pass
[docs]class SlaveSystemShuttingDown(SlaveResponseException): pass
[docs]class SlaveChannelNotFound(SlaveResponseException): pass
[docs]class SlaveChannelInvalid(SlaveResponseException): pass
[docs]class SlaveMasterTokenNotFound(SlaveResponseException): pass
[docs]class SlaveMasterTokenInvalid(SlaveResponseException): pass
[docs]class SlaveSelfTokenNotFound(SlaveResponseException): pass
[docs]class SlaveSelfTokenInvalid(SlaveResponseException): pass
[docs]class SlaveSlaveAlreadyConnected(SlaveResponseException): pass
[docs]class SlaveSlaveNotConnected(SlaveResponseException): pass
[docs]class SlaveSlaveConnectionRefused(SlaveResponseException): pass
[docs]class SlaveSlaveDisconnectionRefused(SlaveResponseException): pass
[docs]class SlaveTaskAlreadyExist(SlaveResponseException): pass
[docs]class SlaveTaskRefused(SlaveResponseException): pass
_PREFIX = ['slave']
[docs]def get_slave_exception_class_by_error_code(error_code: SlaveErrorCode) -> Type[SlaveResponseException]: """ Overview: Transform from slave error code to `SlaveResponseException` class Arguments: - error_code (:obj:`SlaveErrorCode`): Slave error code Returns: - exception_class (:obj:`Type[SlaveResponseException`): Slave response exception class """ class_name = ''.join([word.lower().capitalize() for word in (_PREFIX +'_'))]) return eval(class_name)
[docs]def get_slave_exception_by_error(error: HTTPError) -> SlaveResponseException: """ Overview: Auto transform http error object to slave response exception object. Arguments: - error (:obj:`HTTPError`): Http error object Returns: - exception (:obj:`SlaveResponseException`): Slave response exception object """ _, _, code, _, _ = get_values_from_response(error.response) error_code = {v.value: v for k, v in SlaveErrorCode.__members__.items()}[code] return get_slave_exception_class_by_error_code(error_code)(error)