from typing import Optional, Callable from collections import namedtuple import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from ding.rl_utils.value_rescale import value_transform, value_inv_transform from ding.hpc_rl import hpc_wrapper import copy q_1step_td_data = namedtuple('q_1step_td_data', ['q', 'next_q', 'act', 'next_act', 'reward', 'done', 'weight']) def q_1step_td_error( data: namedtuple, gamma: float, criterion: torch.nn.modules = nn.MSELoss(reduction='none') # noqa ) -> torch.Tensor: q, next_q, act, next_act, reward, done, weight = data assert len(act.shape) == 1, act.shape assert len(reward.shape) == 1, reward.shape batch_range = torch.arange(act.shape[0]) if weight is None: weight = torch.ones_like(reward) q_s_a = q[batch_range, act] target_q_s_a = next_q[batch_range, next_act] target_q_s_a = gamma * (1 - done) * target_q_s_a + reward return (criterion(q_s_a, target_q_s_a.detach()) * weight).mean() nstep_return_data = namedtuple('nstep_return_data', ['reward', 'next_value', 'done']) def nstep_return(data: namedtuple, gamma: float, nstep: int, value_gamma: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None): reward, next_value, done = data assert reward.shape[0] == nstep device = reward.device reward_factor = torch.ones(nstep).to(device) for i in range(1, nstep): reward_factor[i] = gamma * reward_factor[i - 1] reward = torch.matmul(reward_factor, reward) if value_gamma is None: return_ = reward + (gamma ** nstep) * next_value * (1 - done) else: return_ = reward + value_gamma * next_value * (1 - done) return return_ dist_1step_td_data = namedtuple( 'dist_1step_td_data', ['dist', 'next_dist', 'act', 'next_act', 'reward', 'done', 'weight'] ) def dist_1step_td_error( data: namedtuple, gamma: float, v_min: float, v_max: float, n_atom: int, ) -> torch.Tensor: dist, next_dist, act, next_act, reward, done, weight = data device = reward.device assert len(act.shape) == 1, act.shape assert len(reward.shape) == 1, reward.shape reward = reward.unsqueeze(-1) done = done.unsqueeze(-1) support = torch.linspace(v_min, v_max, n_atom).to(device) delta_z = (v_max - v_min) / (n_atom - 1) batch_size = act.shape[0] batch_range = torch.arange(batch_size) if weight is None: weight = torch.ones_like(reward) next_dist = next_dist[batch_range, next_act].detach() target_z = reward + (1 - done) * gamma * support target_z = target_z.clamp(min=v_min, max=v_max) b = (target_z - v_min) / delta_z l = b.floor().long() u = b.ceil().long() # Fix disappearing probability mass when l = b = u (b is int) l[(u > 0) * (l == u)] -= 1 u[(l < (n_atom - 1)) * (l == u)] += 1 proj_dist = torch.zeros_like(next_dist) offset = torch.linspace(0, (batch_size - 1) * n_atom, batch_size).unsqueeze(1).expand(batch_size, n_atom).long().to(device) proj_dist.view(-1).index_add_(0, (l + offset).view(-1), (next_dist * (u.float() - b)).view(-1)) proj_dist.view(-1).index_add_(0, (u + offset).view(-1), (next_dist * (b - l.float())).view(-1)) log_p = torch.log(dist[batch_range, act]) loss = -(log_p * proj_dist * weight).sum(-1).mean() return loss dist_nstep_td_data = namedtuple( 'dist_1step_td_data', ['dist', 'next_n_dist', 'act', 'next_n_act', 'reward', 'done', 'weight'] ) def shape_fn_dntd(args, kwargs): r""" Overview: Return dntd shape for hpc Returns: shape: [T, B, N, n_atom] """ if len(args) <= 0: tmp = [kwargs['data'].reward.shape[0]] tmp.extend(list(kwargs['data'].dist.shape)) else: tmp = [args[0].reward.shape[0]] tmp.extend(list(args[0].dist.shape)) return tmp @hpc_wrapper( shape_fn=shape_fn_dntd, namedtuple_data=True, include_args=[0, 1, 2, 3], include_kwargs=['data', 'gamma', 'v_min', 'v_max'] ) def dist_nstep_td_error( data: namedtuple, gamma: float, v_min: float, v_max: float, n_atom: int, nstep: int = 1, value_gamma: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Overview: Multistep (1 step or n step) td_error for distributed q-learning based algorithm Arguments: - data (:obj:`dist_nstep_td_data`): the input data, dist_nstep_td_data to calculate loss - gamma (:obj:`float`): discount factor - nstep (:obj:`int`): nstep num, default set to 1 Returns: - loss (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): nstep td error, 0-dim tensor Shapes: - data (:obj:`dist_nstep_td_data`): the dist_nstep_td_data containing\ ['dist', 'next_n_dist', 'act', 'reward', 'done', 'weight'] - dist (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(B, N, n_atom)` i.e. [batch_size, action_dim, n_atom] - next_n_dist (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(B, N, n_atom)` - act (:obj:`torch.LongTensor`): :math:`(B, )` - next_n_act (:obj:`torch.LongTensor`): :math:`(B, )` - reward (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(T, B)`, where T is timestep(nstep) - done (:obj:`torch.BoolTensor`) :math:`(B, )`, whether done in last timestep """ dist, next_n_dist, act, next_n_act, reward, done, weight = data device = reward.device assert len(act.shape) == 1, act.shape reward_factor = torch.ones(nstep).to(device) for i in range(1, nstep): reward_factor[i] = gamma * reward_factor[i - 1] reward = torch.matmul(reward_factor, reward) reward = reward.unsqueeze(-1) done = done.unsqueeze(-1) support = torch.linspace(v_min, v_max, n_atom).to(device) delta_z = (v_max - v_min) / (n_atom - 1) batch_size = act.shape[0] batch_range = torch.arange(batch_size) if weight is None: weight = torch.ones_like(reward) next_n_dist = next_n_dist[batch_range, next_n_act].detach() if value_gamma is None: target_z = reward + (1 - done) * (gamma ** nstep) * support else: value_gamma = value_gamma.unsqueeze(-1) target_z = reward + (1 - done) * value_gamma * support target_z = target_z.clamp(min=v_min, max=v_max) b = (target_z - v_min) / delta_z l = b.floor().long() u = b.ceil().long() # Fix disappearing probability mass when l = b = u (b is int) l[(u > 0) * (l == u)] -= 1 u[(l < (n_atom - 1)) * (l == u)] += 1 proj_dist = torch.zeros_like(next_n_dist) offset = torch.linspace(0, (batch_size - 1) * n_atom, batch_size).unsqueeze(1).expand(batch_size, n_atom).long().to(device) proj_dist.view(-1).index_add_(0, (l + offset).view(-1), (next_n_dist * (u.float() - b)).view(-1)) proj_dist.view(-1).index_add_(0, (u + offset).view(-1), (next_n_dist * (b - l.float())).view(-1)) assert (dist[batch_range, act] > 0.0).all(), ("dist act", dist[batch_range, act], "dist:", dist) log_p = torch.log(dist[batch_range, act]) if len(weight.shape) == 1: weight = weight.unsqueeze(-1) td_error_per_sample = -(log_p * proj_dist).sum(-1) loss = -(log_p * proj_dist * weight).sum(-1).mean() return loss, td_error_per_sample v_1step_td_data = namedtuple('v_1step_td_data', ['v', 'next_v', 'reward', 'done', 'weight']) def v_1step_td_error( data: namedtuple, gamma: float, criterion: torch.nn.modules = nn.MSELoss(reduction='none') # noqa ) -> torch.Tensor: v, next_v, reward, done, weight = data if weight is None: weight = torch.ones_like(reward) if done is not None: target_v = gamma * (1 - done) * next_v + reward else: target_v = gamma * next_v + reward td_error_per_sample = criterion(v, target_v.detach()) return (td_error_per_sample * weight).mean(), td_error_per_sample v_nstep_td_data = namedtuple('v_nstep_td_data', ['v', 'next_n_v', 'reward', 'done', 'weight', 'value_gamma']) def v_nstep_td_error( data: namedtuple, gamma: float, nstep: int = 1, criterion: torch.nn.modules = nn.MSELoss(reduction='none') # noqa ) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Overview: Multistep (n step) td_error for distributed value based algorithm Arguments: - data (:obj:`dist_nstep_td_data`): the input data, v_nstep_td_data to calculate loss - gamma (:obj:`float`): discount factor - nstep (:obj:`int`): nstep num, default set to 1 Returns: - loss (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): nstep td error, 0-dim tensor Shapes: - data (:obj:`dist_nstep_td_data`): the v_nstep_td_data containing\ ['v', 'next_n_v', 'reward', 'done', 'weight', 'value_gamma'] - v (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(B, )` i.e. [batch_size, ] - next_v (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(B, )` - reward (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(T, B)`, where T is timestep(nstep) - done (:obj:`torch.BoolTensor`) :math:`(B, )`, whether done in last timestep - weight (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor` or None): :math:`(B, )`, the training sample weight - value_gamma (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): If the remaining data in the buffer is less than n_step\ we use value_gamma as the gamma discount value for next_v rather than gamma**n_step """ v, next_n_v, reward, done, weight, value_gamma = data if weight is None: weight = torch.ones_like(v) target_v = nstep_return(nstep_return_data(reward, next_n_v, done), gamma, nstep, value_gamma) td_error_per_sample = criterion(v, target_v.detach()) return (td_error_per_sample * weight).mean(), td_error_per_sample q_nstep_td_data = namedtuple( 'q_nstep_td_data', ['q', 'next_n_q', 'action', 'next_n_action', 'reward', 'done', 'weight'] ) def shape_fn_qntd(args, kwargs): r""" Overview: Return qntd shape for hpc Returns: shape: [T, B, N] """ if len(args) <= 0: tmp = [kwargs['data'].reward.shape[0]] tmp.extend(list(kwargs['data'].q.shape)) else: tmp = [args[0].reward.shape[0]] tmp.extend(list(args[0].q.shape)) return tmp @hpc_wrapper(shape_fn=shape_fn_qntd, namedtuple_data=True, include_args=[0, 1], include_kwargs=['data', 'gamma']) def q_nstep_td_error( data: namedtuple, gamma: float, nstep: int = 1, cum_reward: bool = False, value_gamma: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, criterion: torch.nn.modules = nn.MSELoss(reduction='none'), ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Overview: Multistep (1 step or n step) td_error for q-learning based algorithm Arguments: - data (:obj:`q_nstep_td_data`): the input data, q_nstep_td_data to calculate loss - gamma (:obj:`float`): discount factor - cum_reward (:obj:`bool`): whether to use cumulative nstep reward, which is figured out when collecting data - value_gamma (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): gamma discount value for target q_value - criterion (:obj:`torch.nn.modules`): loss function criterion - nstep (:obj:`int`): nstep num, default set to 1 Returns: - loss (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): nstep td error, 0-dim tensor - td_error_per_sample (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): nstep td error, 1-dim tensor Shapes: - data (:obj:`q_nstep_td_data`): the q_nstep_td_data containing\ ['q', 'next_n_q', 'action', 'reward', 'done'] - q (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(B, N)` i.e. [batch_size, action_dim] - next_n_q (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(B, N)` - action (:obj:`torch.LongTensor`): :math:`(B, )` - next_n_action (:obj:`torch.LongTensor`): :math:`(B, )` - reward (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(T, B)`, where T is timestep(nstep) - done (:obj:`torch.BoolTensor`) :math:`(B, )`, whether done in last timestep - td_error_per_sample (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(B, )` """ q, next_n_q, action, next_n_action, reward, done, weight = data assert len(action.shape) == 1, action.shape if weight is None: weight = torch.ones_like(action) batch_range = torch.arange(action.shape[0]) q_s_a = q[batch_range, action] target_q_s_a = next_n_q[batch_range, next_n_action] if cum_reward: if value_gamma is None: target_q_s_a = reward + (gamma ** nstep) * target_q_s_a * (1 - done) else: target_q_s_a = reward + value_gamma * target_q_s_a * (1 - done) else: target_q_s_a = nstep_return(nstep_return_data(reward, target_q_s_a, done), gamma, nstep, value_gamma) td_error_per_sample = criterion(q_s_a, target_q_s_a.detach()) return (td_error_per_sample * weight).mean(), td_error_per_sample def shape_fn_qntd_rescale(args, kwargs): r""" Overview: Return qntd_rescale shape for hpc Returns: shape: [T, B, N] """ if len(args) <= 0: tmp = [kwargs['data'].reward.shape[0]] tmp.extend(list(kwargs['data'].q.shape)) else: tmp = [args[0].reward.shape[0]] tmp.extend(list(args[0].q.shape)) return tmp @hpc_wrapper( shape_fn=shape_fn_qntd_rescale, namedtuple_data=True, include_args=[0, 1], include_kwargs=['data', 'gamma'] ) def q_nstep_td_error_with_rescale( data: namedtuple, gamma: float, nstep: int = 1, value_gamma: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, criterion: torch.nn.modules = nn.MSELoss(reduction='none'), trans_fn: Callable = value_transform, inv_trans_fn: Callable = value_inv_transform, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Overview: Multistep (1 step or n step) td_error with value rescaling Arguments: - data (:obj:`q_nstep_td_data`): the input data, q_nstep_td_data to calculate loss - gamma (:obj:`float`): discount factor - nstep (:obj:`int`): nstep num, default set to 1 - criterion (:obj:`torch.nn.modules`): loss function criterion - trans_fn (:obj:`Callable`): value transfrom function, default to value_transform\ (refer to rl_utils/ - inv_trans_fn (:obj:`Callable`): value inverse transfrom function, default to value_inv_transform\ (refer to rl_utils/ Returns: - loss (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): nstep td error, 0-dim tensor Shapes: - data (:obj:`q_nstep_td_data`): the q_nstep_td_data containing\ ['q', 'next_n_q', 'action', 'reward', 'done'] - q (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(B, N)` i.e. [batch_size, action_dim] - next_n_q (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(B, N)` - action (:obj:`torch.LongTensor`): :math:`(B, )` - next_n_action (:obj:`torch.LongTensor`): :math:`(B, )` - reward (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(T, B)`, where T is timestep(nstep) - done (:obj:`torch.BoolTensor`) :math:`(B, )`, whether done in last timestep """ q, next_n_q, action, next_n_action, reward, done, weight = data assert len(action.shape) == 1, action.shape if weight is None: weight = torch.ones_like(action) batch_range = torch.arange(action.shape[0]) q_s_a = q[batch_range, action] target_q_s_a = next_n_q[batch_range, next_n_action] target_q_s_a = inv_trans_fn(target_q_s_a) target_q_s_a = nstep_return(nstep_return_data(reward, target_q_s_a, done), gamma, nstep, value_gamma) target_q_s_a = trans_fn(target_q_s_a) td_error_per_sample = criterion(q_s_a, target_q_s_a.detach()) return (td_error_per_sample * weight).mean(), td_error_per_sample qrdqn_nstep_td_data = namedtuple( 'qrdqn_nstep_td_data', ['q', 'next_n_q', 'action', 'next_n_action', 'reward', 'done', 'tau', 'weight'] ) def qrdqn_nstep_td_error( data: namedtuple, gamma: float, nstep: int = 1, value_gamma: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Overview: Multistep (1 step or n step) td_error with in QRDQN Arguments: - data (:obj:`iqn_nstep_td_data`): the input data, iqn_nstep_td_data to calculate loss - gamma (:obj:`float`): discount factor - nstep (:obj:`int`): nstep num, default set to 1 Returns: - loss (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): nstep td error, 0-dim tensor Shapes: - data (:obj:`q_nstep_td_data`): the q_nstep_td_data containing\ ['q', 'next_n_q', 'action', 'reward', 'done'] - q (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(tau, B, N)` i.e. [tau x batch_size, action_dim] - next_n_q (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(tau', B, N)` - action (:obj:`torch.LongTensor`): :math:`(B, )` - next_n_action (:obj:`torch.LongTensor`): :math:`(B, )` - reward (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(T, B)`, where T is timestep(nstep) - done (:obj:`torch.BoolTensor`) :math:`(B, )`, whether done in last timestep """ q, next_n_q, action, next_n_action, reward, done, tau, weight = data assert len(action.shape) == 1, action.shape assert len(next_n_action.shape) == 1, next_n_action.shape assert len(done.shape) == 1, done.shape assert len(q.shape) == 3, q.shape assert len(next_n_q.shape) == 3, next_n_q.shape assert len(reward.shape) == 2, reward.shape if weight is None: weight = torch.ones_like(action) batch_range = torch.arange(action.shape[0]) # shape: batch_size x num x 1 q_s_a = q[batch_range, action, :].unsqueeze(2) # shape: batch_size x 1 x num target_q_s_a = next_n_q[batch_range, next_n_action, :].unsqueeze(1) assert reward.shape[0] == nstep reward_factor = torch.ones(nstep).to(reward) for i in range(1, nstep): reward_factor[i] = gamma * reward_factor[i - 1] # shape: batch_size reward = torch.matmul(reward_factor, reward) # shape: batch_size x 1 x num if value_gamma is None: target_q_s_a = reward.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) + (gamma ** nstep ) * target_q_s_a * (1 - done).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) else: target_q_s_a = reward.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze( -1 ) + value_gamma.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) * target_q_s_a * (1 - done).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) # shape: batch_size x num x num u = F.smooth_l1_loss(target_q_s_a, q_s_a, reduction="none") # shape: batch_size loss = (u * (tau - (target_q_s_a - q_s_a).detach().le(0.).float()).abs()).sum(-1).mean(1) return (loss * weight).mean(), loss def q_nstep_sql_td_error( data: namedtuple, gamma: float, alpha: float, nstep: int = 1, cum_reward: bool = False, value_gamma: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, criterion: torch.nn.modules = nn.MSELoss(reduction='none'), ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Overview: Multistep (1 step or n step) td_error for q-learning based algorithm Arguments: - data (:obj:`q_nstep_td_data`): the input data, q_nstep_sql_td_data to calculate loss - gamma (:obj:`float`): discount factor - Alpha (:obj:ï½€float`): A parameter to weight entropy term in a policy equation - cum_reward (:obj:`bool`): whether to use cumulative nstep reward, which is figured out when collecting data - value_gamma (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): gamma discount value for target soft_q_value - criterion (:obj:`torch.nn.modules`): loss function criterion - nstep (:obj:`int`): nstep num, default set to 1 Returns: - loss (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): nstep td error, 0-dim tensor - td_error_per_sample (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): nstep td error, 1-dim tensor Shapes: - data (:obj:`q_nstep_td_data`): the q_nstep_td_data containing\ ['q', 'next_n_q', 'action', 'reward', 'done'] - q (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(B, N)` i.e. [batch_size, action_dim] - next_n_q (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(B, N)` - action (:obj:`torch.LongTensor`): :math:`(B, )` - next_n_action (:obj:`torch.LongTensor`): :math:`(B, )` - reward (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(T, B)`, where T is timestep(nstep) - done (:obj:`torch.BoolTensor`) :math:`(B, )`, whether done in last timestep - td_error_per_sample (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(B, )` """ q, next_n_q, action, next_n_action, reward, done, weight = data assert len(action.shape) == 1, action.shape if weight is None: weight = torch.ones_like(action) batch_range = torch.arange(action.shape[0]) q_s_a = q[batch_range, action] # target_q_s_a = next_n_q[batch_range, next_n_action] target_v = alpha * torch.logsumexp( next_n_q / alpha, 1 ) # target_v = alpha * torch.log(torch.sum(torch.exp(next_n_q / alpha), 1)) target_v[target_v == float("Inf")] = 20 target_v[target_v == float("-Inf")] = -20 # For an appropriate hyper-parameter alpha, these hardcodes can be removed. # However, algorithms may face the danger of explosion for other alphas. # The hardcodes above are to prevent this situation from happening record_target_v = copy.deepcopy(target_v) #print(target_v) if cum_reward: if value_gamma is None: target_v = reward + (gamma ** nstep) * target_v * (1 - done) else: target_v = reward + value_gamma * target_v * (1 - done) else: target_v = nstep_return(nstep_return_data(reward, target_v, done), gamma, nstep, value_gamma) td_error_per_sample = criterion(q_s_a, target_v.detach()) return (td_error_per_sample * weight).mean(), td_error_per_sample, record_target_v iqn_nstep_td_data = namedtuple( 'iqn_nstep_td_data', ['q', 'next_n_q', 'action', 'next_n_action', 'reward', 'done', 'replay_quantiles', 'weight'] ) def iqn_nstep_td_error( data: namedtuple, gamma: float, nstep: int = 1, kappa: float = 1.0, value_gamma: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Overview: Multistep (1 step or n step) td_error with in IQN, \ referenced paper Implicit Quantile Networks for Distributional Reinforcement Learning \ Arguments: - data (:obj:`iqn_nstep_td_data`): the input data, iqn_nstep_td_data to calculate loss - gamma (:obj:`float`): discount factor - nstep (:obj:`int`): nstep num, default set to 1 - criterion (:obj:`torch.nn.modules`): loss function criterion - beta_function (:obj:`Callable`): the risk function Returns: - loss (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): nstep td error, 0-dim tensor Shapes: - data (:obj:`q_nstep_td_data`): the q_nstep_td_data containing\ ['q', 'next_n_q', 'action', 'reward', 'done'] - q (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(tau, B, N)` i.e. [tau x batch_size, action_dim] - next_n_q (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(tau', B, N)` - action (:obj:`torch.LongTensor`): :math:`(B, )` - next_n_action (:obj:`torch.LongTensor`): :math:`(B, )` - reward (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(T, B)`, where T is timestep(nstep) - done (:obj:`torch.BoolTensor`) :math:`(B, )`, whether done in last timestep """ q, next_n_q, action, next_n_action, reward, done, replay_quantiles, weight = data assert len(action.shape) == 1, action.shape assert len(next_n_action.shape) == 1, next_n_action.shape assert len(done.shape) == 1, done.shape assert len(q.shape) == 3, q.shape assert len(next_n_q.shape) == 3, next_n_q.shape assert len(reward.shape) == 2, reward.shape if weight is None: weight = torch.ones_like(action) batch_size = done.shape[0] tau = q.shape[0] tau_prime = next_n_q.shape[0] action = action.repeat([tau, 1]).unsqueeze(-1) next_n_action = next_n_action.repeat([tau_prime, 1]).unsqueeze(-1) # shape: batch_size x tau x a q_s_a = torch.gather(q, -1, action).permute([1, 0, 2]) # shape: batch_size x tau_prim x 1 target_q_s_a = torch.gather(next_n_q, -1, next_n_action).permute([1, 0, 2]) assert reward.shape[0] == nstep device = torch.device("cuda" if reward.is_cuda else "cpu") reward_factor = torch.ones(nstep).to(device) for i in range(1, nstep): reward_factor[i] = gamma * reward_factor[i - 1] reward = torch.matmul(reward_factor, reward) if value_gamma is None: target_q_s_a = reward.unsqueeze(-1) + (gamma ** nstep) * target_q_s_a.squeeze(-1) * (1 - done).unsqueeze(-1) else: target_q_s_a = reward.unsqueeze(-1) + value_gamma.unsqueeze(-1) * target_q_s_a.squeeze(-1) * (1 - done ).unsqueeze(-1) target_q_s_a = target_q_s_a.unsqueeze(-1) # shape: batch_size x tau' x tau x 1. bellman_errors = (target_q_s_a[:, :, None, :] - q_s_a[:, None, :, :]) # The huber loss (see Section 2.3 of the paper) is defined via two cases: huber_loss = torch.where( bellman_errors.abs() <= kappa, 0.5 * bellman_errors ** 2, kappa * (bellman_errors.abs() - 0.5 * kappa) ) # Reshape replay_quantiles to batch_size x num_tau_samples x 1 replay_quantiles = replay_quantiles.reshape([tau, batch_size, 1]).permute([1, 0, 2]) # shape: batch_size x num_tau_prime_samples x num_tau_samples x 1. replay_quantiles = replay_quantiles[:, None, :, :].repeat([1, tau_prime, 1, 1]) # shape: batch_size x tau_prime x tau x 1. quantile_huber_loss = (torch.abs(replay_quantiles - ((bellman_errors < 0).float()).detach()) * huber_loss) / kappa # shape: batch_size loss = quantile_huber_loss.sum(dim=2).mean(dim=1)[:, 0] return (loss * weight).mean(), loss td_lambda_data = namedtuple('td_lambda_data', ['value', 'reward', 'weight']) def shape_fn_td_lambda(args, kwargs): r""" Overview: Return td_lambda shape for hpc Returns: shape: [T, B] """ if len(args) <= 0: tmp = kwargs['data'].reward.shape[0] else: tmp = args[0].reward.shape return tmp @hpc_wrapper( shape_fn=shape_fn_td_lambda, namedtuple_data=True, include_args=[0, 1, 2], include_kwargs=['data', 'gamma', 'lambda_'] ) def td_lambda_error(data: namedtuple, gamma: float = 0.9, lambda_: float = 0.8) -> torch.Tensor: """ Overview: Computing TD(lambda) loss given constant gamma and lambda. There is no special handling for terminal state value, if some state has reached the terminal, just fill in zeros for values and rewards beyond terminal (*including the terminal state*, values[terminal] should also be 0) Arguments: - data (:obj:`namedtuple`): td_lambda input data with fields ['value', 'reward', 'weight'] - gamma (:obj:`float`): constant discount factor gamma, should be in [0, 1], defaults to 0.9 - lambda (:obj:`float`): constant lambda, should be in [0, 1], defaults to 0.8 Returns: - loss (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Computed MSE loss, averaged over the batch Shapes: - value (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(T+1, B)`, where T is trajectory length and B is batch,\ which is the estimation of the state value at step 0 to T - reward (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(T, B)`, the returns from time step 0 to T-1 - weight (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor` or None): :math:`(B, )`, the training sample weight - loss (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`()`, 0-dim tensor """ value, reward, weight = data if weight is None: weight = torch.ones_like(reward) with torch.no_grad(): return_ = generalized_lambda_returns(value, reward, gamma, lambda_) # discard the value at T as it should be considered in the next slice loss = 0.5 * \ (F.mse_loss(return_, value[:-1], reduction='none') * weight).mean() return loss def generalized_lambda_returns( bootstrap_values: torch.Tensor, rewards: torch.Tensor, gammas: float, lambda_: float ) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Overview: Functional equivalent to trfl.value_ops.generalized_lambda_returns Passing in a number instead of tensor to make the value constant for all samples in batch Arguments: - bootstrap_values (:obj:`torch.Tensor` or :obj:`float`): estimation of the value at step 0 to *T*, of size [T_traj+1, batchsize] - rewards (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): the returns from 0 to T-1, of size [T_traj, batchsize] - gammas (:obj:`torch.Tensor` or :obj:`float`): discount factor for each step (from 0 to T-1), of size [T_traj, batchsize] - lambda (:obj:`torch.Tensor` or :obj:`float`): determining the mix of bootstrapping vs further accumulation of multistep returns at each timestep, of size [T_traj, batchsize] Returns: - return (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Computed lambda return value for each state from 0 to T-1, of size [T_traj, batchsize] """ if not isinstance(gammas, torch.Tensor): gammas = gammas * torch.ones_like(rewards) if not isinstance(lambda_, torch.Tensor): lambda_ = lambda_ * torch.ones_like(rewards) bootstrap_values_tp1 = bootstrap_values[1:, :] return multistep_forward_view(bootstrap_values_tp1, rewards, gammas, lambda_) def multistep_forward_view( bootstrap_values: torch.Tensor, rewards: torch.Tensor, gammas: float, lambda_: float ) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Overview: Same as trfl.sequence_ops.multistep_forward_view Implementing (12.18) in Sutton & Barto ``` result[T-1] = rewards[T-1] + gammas[T-1] * bootstrap_values[T] for t in 0...T-2 : result[t] = rewards[t] + gammas[t]*(lambdas[t]*result[t+1] + (1-lambdas[t])*bootstrap_values[t+1]) ``` Assuming the first dim of input tensors correspond to the index in batch There is no special handling for terminal state value, if some state has reached the terminal, just fill in zeros for values and rewards beyond terminal (including the terminal state, which is, bootstrap_values[terminal] should also be 0) Arguments: - bootstrap_values (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): estimation of the value at *step 1 to T*, of size [T_traj, batchsize] - rewards (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): the returns from 0 to T-1, of size [T_traj, batchsize] - gammas (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): discount factor for each step (from 0 to T-1), of size [T_traj, batchsize] - lambda (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): determining the mix of bootstrapping vs further accumulation of \ multistep returns at each timestep of size [T_traj, batchsize], the element for T-1 is ignored \ and effectively set to 0, as there is no information about future rewards. Returns: - ret (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Computed lambda return value \ for each state from 0 to T-1, of size [T_traj, batchsize] """ result = torch.empty_like(rewards) # Forced cutoff at the last one result[-1, :] = rewards[-1, :] + gammas[-1, :] * bootstrap_values[-1, :] discounts = gammas * lambda_ for t in reversed(range(rewards.size()[0] - 1)): result[t, :] = rewards[t, :] \ + discounts[t, :] * result[t + 1, :] \ + (gammas[t, :] - discounts[t, :]) * bootstrap_values[t, :] return result