提交 769401cc 编写于 作者: N niuyazhe


上级 16a89c35
- env: overcooked env (#20)
- env: procgen env (#26)
- env: modified predator env (#30)
- env: d4rl env (#37)
- env: imagenet dataset (#27)
- env: bsuite env (#58)
- env: move atari_py to ale-py
- algo: SQIL algorithm (#25) (#44)
- algo: CQL algorithm (discrete/continuous) (#37) (#68)
- algo: MAPPO algorithm (#62)
- algo: WQMIX algorithm (#24)
- algo: D4PG algorithm (#76)
- algo: update multi discrete policy(dqn, ppo, rainbow) (#51) (#72)
- feature: image classification training pipeline (#27)
- feature: add force_reproducibility option in subprocess env manager
- feature: add/delete/restart replicas via cli for k8s
- feautre: add league metric (trueskill and elo) (#22)
- feature: add tb in naive buffer and modify tb in advanced buffer (#39)
- feature: add k8s launcher and di-orchestrator launcher, add related unittest (#45) (#49)
- feature: add hyper-parameter scheduler module (#38)
- feautre: add plot function (#59)
- fix: acer bug and update atari result (#21)
- fix: mappo nan bug and dict obs cannot unsqueeze bug (#54)
- fix: r2d2 hidden state and obs arange bug (#36) (#52)
- fix: ppo bug when use dual_clip and adv > 0
- fix: qmix double_q hidden state bug
- fix: spawn context problem in interaction unittest (#69)
- fix: formatted config no eval bug (#53)
- fix: the catch statments that will never succeed and system proxy bug (#71) (#79)
- fix: lunarlander config
- fix: c51 head dimension mismatch bug
- fix: mujoco config typo bug
- fix: ppg atari config bug
- fix: max use and priority update special branch bug in advanced_buffer
- style: add docker deploy in github workflow (#70) (#78) (#80)
- style: support PyTorch 1.9.0
- style: add algo/env list in README
- style: rename advanced_buffer register name to advanced
- env: selfplay/league demo (#12)
- env: pybullet env (#16)
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
[![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/opendilab/DI-engine)](https://github.com/opendilab/DI-engine/blob/master/LICENSE)
Updated on 2021.08.03 DI-engine-v0.1.1 (beta)
Updated on 2021.09.30 DI-engine-v0.2.0 (beta)
## Introduction to DI-engine (beta)
import os
__TITLE__ = 'DI-engine'
__VERSION__ = 'v0.1.1'
__VERSION__ = 'v0.2.0'
__DESCRIPTION__ = 'Decision AI Engine'
__AUTHOR__ = "OpenDILab Contributors"
__AUTHOR_EMAIL__ = "opendilab.contact@gmail.com"
......@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ def test_d4pg():
except Exception:
assert False, "pipeline fail"
def test_discrete_cql():
# train expert
config = [deepcopy(cartpole_qrdqn_config), deepcopy(cartpole_qrdqn_create_config)]
......@@ -395,4 +395,4 @@ def test_discrete_cql():
except Exception:
assert False, "pipeline fail"
os.popen('rm -rf cartpole cartpole_cql')
\ No newline at end of file
os.popen('rm -rf cartpole cartpole_cql')
......@@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ class ACERCommandModePolisy(ACERPolicy, DummyCommandModePolicy):
class QTRANCommandModePolicy(QTRANPolicy, EpsCommandModePolicy):
class D4PGCommandModePolicy(D4PGPolicy, DummyCommandModePolicy):
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -117,12 +117,12 @@ setup(
'minigrid_env': [
'd4rl_env': [
'd4rl @ git+https://github.com/rail-berkeley/d4rl@master#egg=d4rl',
'pybulletgym_env': [
'pybulletgym @ git+https://github.com/benelot/pybullet-gym@master#egg=pybulletgym',
# 'd4rl_env': [
# 'd4rl @ git+https://github.com/rail-berkeley/d4rl@master#egg=d4rl',
# ],
# 'pybulletgym_env': [
# 'pybulletgym @ git+https://github.com/benelot/pybullet-gym@master#egg=pybulletgym',
# ],
'sc2_env': [
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