提交 02bd3300 编写于 作者: N niuyazhe

fix(nyz): fix test_ppo same dir bug

上级 d8bde45c
......@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ from dizoo.gym_hybrid.config.gym_hybrid_mpdqn_config import gym_hybrid_mpdqn_con
def test_dqn():
config = [deepcopy(cartpole_dqn_config), deepcopy(cartpole_dqn_create_config)]
config[0].policy.learn.update_per_collect = 1
......@@ -154,6 +153,7 @@ def test_qrdqn():
def test_ppo():
config = [deepcopy(cartpole_ppo_offpolicy_config), deepcopy(cartpole_ppo_offpolicy_create_config)]
config[0].policy.learn.update_per_collect = 1
config[0].exp_name = 'ppo_offpolicy_unittest'
serial_pipeline(config, seed=0, max_iterations=1)
except Exception:
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