# OpenCV Zoo A zoo for models tuned for OpenCV DNN with benchmarks on different platforms. Guidelines: - To clone this repo, please install [git-lfs](https://git-lfs.github.com/), run `git lfs install` and use `git lfs clone https://github.com/opencv/opencv_zoo`. - To run benchmark on your hardware settings, please refer to [benchmark/README](./benchmark/README.md). ## Models & Benchmarks Hardware Setup: - `CPU x86_64`: INTEL CPU i7-5930K @ 3.50GHz, 6 cores, 12 threads. - `CPU ARM`: Raspberry 4B, BCM2711B0 @ 1.5GHz (Cortex A-72), 4 cores, 4 threads. ***Important Notes***: - The time data that shown on the following tables presents the time elapsed from preprocess (resize is excluded), to a forward pass of a network, and postprocess to get final results. - The time data that shown on the following tables is averaged from a 100-time run. - View [benchmark/config](./benchmark/config) for more details on benchmarking different models. | Model | Input Size | CPU x86_64 (ms) | CPU ARM (ms) | |-------|------------|-----------------|--------------| | [YuNet](./models/face_detection_yunet) | 160x120 | 2.17 | 8.87 | | [DB](./models/text_detection_db) | 640x480 | 148.65 | 2759.88 | | [CRNN](./models/text_recognition_crnn) | 100x32 | 23.23 | 235.87 | ## License OpenCV Zoo is licensed under the [Apache 2.0 license](./LICENSE). Please refer to licenses of different models.