# sgx-tools ## Introduction `sgx-tools` is a command line tool for inclavare-containers. - Given the signature file of an Enclave, `sgx-tools gen-token` command can generate the corresponding token file from aesmd service. - `sgx-tools gen-qe-target-info` command can generate Quoting Enclave's target information file from aesm service. - Given the report file of an Enclave, `sgx-tools gen-quote` command can generate quote file from aesm service. ## Install Intel `aesmd` service ### Hardware requirements - Install [Intel SGX driver for Linux](https://github.com/intel/linux-sgx-driver#build-and-install-the-intelr-sgx-driver), required by [Intel SGX SDK && PSW](https://github.com/intel/linux-sgx). ### Software requirements - Build [Intel(R) SGX SDK and Intel(R) SGX PSW](https://github.com/intel/linux-sgx#build-the-intelr-sgx-sdk-and-intelr-sgx-psw-package) to install the `aesmd` service. ## Dependency - golang 1.14 or above. - protoc-gen-go v1.3.5 `go get github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go@v1.3.5`. ## Build ``` $ make ``` ## Install ``` $ sudo make install ``` ## Uninstall ``` $ sudo make uninstall ``` ## Test ### `sgx-tools gen-token` test ``` $ make test ``` The expected output is as following: ``` SIGSTRUCT: Enclave Vendor: 0x00000000 Enclave Build Date: 2019-10-7 Software Defined: 0x00000000 ISV assigned Product Family ID: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 ISV assigned Produdct ID: 0x0000 ISV assigned Extended Product ID: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 ISV assigned SVN: 0 Enclave Attributes: 0x06000000000000000300000000000000 Enclave Attributes Mask: 0x06000000000000000300000000000000 Enclave Misc Select: 0x00000000 Enclave Misc Mask: 0x00000000 Enclave Hash: 0x7470ffc919e823e0f6a9592e05fe523b228b491865aadf0cfe7ce5ddd31412b5 Modulus: 0x190e2d49ccda2097efa00061aa028d1eb1633a602ae924f609c5bfec2ba9a3d9... Exponent: 3 Signature: 0x4b159a3594b24177fbdb16b21e60194275b58d5d8badf6b444ee72ddfc015913... Q1: 0x2954df0757eff2f1653b80e88d99246edb33ec115f7365cd340658903363b0e7... Q2: 0x19d4f5c51a56567286027b4f9f619b780fa258c90bad9a32db85f77a107b15eb... EINITTOKEN: Valid: 1 Enclave Attributes: 0x06000000000000000300000000000000 Enclave Hash: 0x7470ffc919e823e0f6a9592e05fe523b228b491865aadf0cfe7ce5ddd31412b5 Enclave Signer: 0x5bde1ae94215c4ad6c6c4430ba880fd841b2184637ac907a44b832b1b226bbd4 Launch Enclave's CPU SVN : 0x050e0204ff0200000000000000000000 Launch Enclave's ISV assigned Product ID: 0x0020 Launch Enclave's ISV assigned SVN: 3 Launch Enclave's Masked Misc Select: 0x00000000 Launch Enclave's Masked Attributes: 0x21000000000000000000000000000000 Key ID: 0x0bbcfaf50b2baf7ad7b3f6b25621bb0b241b7e3c517a77305711f0f39f8c3c47 MAC: 0x135de69cd3bcbaa09264c7a5b985d0bf token file test/hello-world.token saved ```