#ifndef _RA_ATTESTER_H_ #define _RA_ATTESTER_H_ #include struct ra_tls_options { sgx_spid_t spid; sgx_quote_sign_type_t quote_type; /* NULL-terminated string of domain name/IP, port and path prefix, e.g., api.trustedservices.intel.com/sgx/dev for development and api.trustedservices.intel.com/sgx for production. */ const char ias_server[512]; const char subscription_key[32]; }; struct ecdsa_ra_tls_options { char subscription_key[32]; }; void create_key_and_x509_pem ( uint8_t* pem_key, int* pem_key_len, uint8_t* pem_cert, int* pem_cert_len, const struct ra_tls_options* opts ); #ifdef RATLS_ECDSA void ecdsa_create_key_and_x509 ( uint8_t* der_key, int* der_key_len, uint8_t* der_cert, int* der_cert_len, const struct ecdsa_ra_tls_options* opts ); #endif void ra_tls_create_report( sgx_report_t* report ); #endif