提交 b1e8f9fd 编写于 作者: M mcimadamore

7193913: Cleanup Resolve.findMethod

Summary: Refactor method lookup logic in Resolve.findMethod
Reviewed-by: jjg
上级 74a3b905
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticFlag;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticPosition;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumMap;
......@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Kinds.ERRONEOUS;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.TypeTags.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Resolve.MethodResolutionPhase.*;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.Tag.*;
import java.util.Iterator;
/** Helper class for name resolution, used mostly by the attribution phase.
......@@ -1160,12 +1162,10 @@ public class Resolve {
new HashSet<TypeSymbol>());
reportVerboseResolutionDiagnostic(env.tree.pos(), name, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, bestSoFar);
return bestSoFar;
......@@ -1176,55 +1176,136 @@ public class Resolve {
List<Type> argtypes,
List<Type> typeargtypes,
Type intype,
boolean abstractok,
Symbol bestSoFar,
boolean allowBoxing,
boolean useVarargs,
boolean operator,
Set<TypeSymbol> seen) {
for (Type ct = intype; ct.tag == CLASS || ct.tag == TYPEVAR; ct = types.supertype(ct)) {
while (ct.tag == TYPEVAR)
ct = ct.getUpperBound();
ClassSymbol c = (ClassSymbol)ct.tsym;
if (!seen.add(c)) return bestSoFar;
if ((c.flags() & (ABSTRACT | INTERFACE | ENUM)) == 0)
abstractok = false;
for (Scope.Entry e = c.members().lookup(name);
e.scope != null;
e = e.next()) {
//- System.out.println(" e " + e.sym);
if (e.sym.kind == MTH &&
(e.sym.flags_field & SYNTHETIC) == 0) {
bestSoFar = selectBest(env, site, argtypes, typeargtypes,
e.sym, bestSoFar,
if (name == names.init)
//- System.out.println(" - " + bestSoFar);
if (abstractok) {
Symbol concrete = methodNotFound;
if ((bestSoFar.flags() & ABSTRACT) == 0)
concrete = bestSoFar;
for (List<Type> l = types.interfaces(c.type);
l = l.tail) {
bestSoFar = findMethod(env, site, name, argtypes,
l.head, abstractok, bestSoFar,
allowBoxing, useVarargs, operator, seen);
boolean operator) {
boolean abstractOk = true;
List<Type> itypes = List.nil();
for (TypeSymbol s : superclasses(intype)) {
bestSoFar = lookupMethod(env, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes,
s.members(), bestSoFar, allowBoxing, useVarargs, operator, true);
abstractOk &= excludeAbstractsFilter.accepts(s);
if (abstractOk) {
for (Type itype : types.interfaces(s.type)) {
itypes = types.union(types.closure(itype), itypes);
if (name == names.init) break;
Symbol concrete = bestSoFar.kind < ERR &&
(bestSoFar.flags() & ABSTRACT) == 0 ?
bestSoFar : methodNotFound;
if (name != names.init) {
//keep searching for abstract methods
for (Type itype : itypes) {
if (!itype.isInterface()) continue; //skip j.l.Object (included by Types.closure())
bestSoFar = lookupMethod(env, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes,
itype.tsym.members(), bestSoFar, allowBoxing, useVarargs, operator, true);
if (concrete != bestSoFar &&
concrete.kind < ERR && bestSoFar.kind < ERR &&
types.isSubSignature(concrete.type, bestSoFar.type))
types.isSubSignature(concrete.type, bestSoFar.type)) {
//this is an hack - as javac does not do full membership checks
//most specific ends up comparing abstract methods that might have
//been implemented by some concrete method in a subclass and,
//because of raw override, it is possible for an abstract method
//to be more specific than the concrete method - so we need
//to explicitly call that out (see CR 6178365)
bestSoFar = concrete;
return bestSoFar;
* Return an Iterable object to scan the superclasses of a given type.
* It's crucial that the scan is done lazily, as we don't want to accidentally
* access more supertypes than strictly needed (as this could trigger completion
* errors if some of the not-needed supertypes are missing/ill-formed).
Iterable<TypeSymbol> superclasses(final Type intype) {
return new Iterable<TypeSymbol>() {
public Iterator<TypeSymbol> iterator() {
return new Iterator<TypeSymbol>() {
List<TypeSymbol> seen = List.nil();
TypeSymbol currentSym = getSymbol(intype);
public boolean hasNext() {
return currentSym != null;
public TypeSymbol next() {
TypeSymbol prevSym = currentSym;
currentSym = getSymbol(types.supertype(currentSym.type));
return prevSym;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
TypeSymbol getSymbol(Type intype) {
if (intype.tag != CLASS &&
intype.tag != TYPEVAR) {
return null;
while (intype.tag == TYPEVAR)
intype = intype.getUpperBound();
if (seen.contains(intype.tsym)) {
//degenerate case in which we have a circular
//class hierarchy - because of ill-formed classfiles
return null;
seen = seen.prepend(intype.tsym);
return intype.tsym;
* We should not look for abstract methods if receiver is a concrete class
* (as concrete classes are expected to implement all abstracts coming
* from superinterfaces)
Filter<Symbol> excludeAbstractsFilter = new Filter<Symbol>() {
public boolean accepts(Symbol s) {
return (s.flags() & (ABSTRACT | INTERFACE | ENUM)) != 0;
* Lookup a method with given name and argument types in a given scope
Symbol lookupMethod(Env<AttrContext> env,
Type site,
Name name,
List<Type> argtypes,
List<Type> typeargtypes,
Scope sc,
Symbol bestSoFar,
boolean allowBoxing,
boolean useVarargs,
boolean operator,
boolean abstractok) {
for (Symbol s : sc.getElementsByName(name, lookupFilter)) {
bestSoFar = selectBest(env, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, s,
bestSoFar, allowBoxing, useVarargs, operator);
return bestSoFar;
Filter<Symbol> lookupFilter = new Filter<Symbol>() {
public boolean accepts(Symbol s) {
return s.kind == MTH &&
(s.flags() & SYNTHETIC) == 0;
/** Find unqualified method matching given name, type and value arguments.
* @param env The current environment.
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