/* * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or * have any questions. */ /* * * @test JMXNamespaceViewTest.java * @summary Test the JMXNamespaceView class. * @bug 5072476 * @author Daniel Fuchs * @run clean JMXNamespaceViewTest Wombat WombatMBean * @run build JMXNamespaceViewTest Wombat WombatMBean * @run main JMXNamespaceViewTest */ import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.management.ClientContext; import javax.management.JMException; import javax.management.MBeanRegistration; import javax.management.MBeanServer; import javax.management.MBeanServerFactory; import javax.management.ObjectInstance; import javax.management.ObjectName; import javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespace; import javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaceView; import javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaces; import javax.management.namespace.JMXRemoteNamespace; import javax.management.remote.JMXConnectorServer; import javax.management.remote.JMXConnectorServerFactory; import javax.management.remote.JMXServiceURL; /** * A simple test to test the JMXNamespaceViewTest... * @author dfuchs */ public class JMXNamespaceViewTest { /** * Describe the configuration of a namespace */ public static class NamespaceConfig { /** name of the namespace - no // allowed **/ public String name; /** * JMXServiceURL through which the namespace is exported, if it * is a remote namespace. {@code null} if the namespace is local. * This is an inpur URL - eg: new JMXServiceURL("rmi",null,0).toString() * is acceptable here. */ public String jmxurl; /** * Values of the name= key for each WombatMBean contained in the * namespace. */ public String[] wombats; /** list of child namespace **/ public NamespaceConfig[] children; } /** * Creates a NamespaceConfig record for a local namespace. * @param name name of the namespace * @param wombats names of WombatMBean it should contain. * @return a NamespaceConfig. */ public static NamespaceConfig config(String name, String[] wombats) { return config(name,null,wombats); } /** * Creates a NamespaceConfig record for a remote namespace. * @param name name of the namespace * @param jmxurl input JMXServiceURL for creating the JMXConnectorServer * @param wombats names of WombatMBean it should contain. * @return a NamespaceConfig. */ public static NamespaceConfig config(String name, String jmxurl, String[] wombats) { return config(name,jmxurl,wombats,(NamespaceConfig[])null); } /** * Creates a NamespaceConfig record for a local namespace. * @param name name of the namespace * @param wombats names of WombatMBean it should contain. * @param children list of sub namespaces. * @return a NamespaceConfig. */ public static NamespaceConfig config(String name, String[] wombats, NamespaceConfig... children) { return config(name,null,wombats,children); } /** * Creates a NamespaceConfig record for a remote namespace. * @param name name of the namespace * @param jmxurl input JMXServiceURL for creating the JMXConnectorServer * @param wombats names of WombatMBean it should contain. * @param children list of sub namespaces. * @return a NamespaceConfig. */ static NamespaceConfig config(String name, String jmxurl, String[] wombats, NamespaceConfig... children) { final NamespaceConfig cfg = new NamespaceConfig(); cfg.name=name; cfg.jmxurl=jmxurl; cfg.wombats=wombats; cfg.children=children; return cfg; } /** * Returns the given names. This is a utility method to ease code * reading. * @param names names of Wombat MBeans. * @return the given names. */ static String[] wombats(String... names) { return names; } /** * Creates a JMXServiceURL string for the given protocol. * This is also a utility method to ease code reading. * @param protocol The protocol name (e.g. "rmi") * @return A JMXServiceURL string. * @throws Exception if creation of the JMXServiceURL fails. */ static String url(String protocol) throws Exception { return new JMXServiceURL(protocol,null,0).toString(); } /** * Creates a config for a hierarchy of namespaces, mixing local namespaces * and remote namespaces using the given protocol. * @param protocol The protocol that should be used for remote namespaces. * @return A namespace config hierarchy. * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public static NamespaceConfig[] makeConfig(String protocol) throws Exception { final NamespaceConfig[] config = { // Top level namespace "top1" (local) config("top1",wombats("wchief","w1","w2","w3"), // top1//local1 config("local1",wombats("wchief","ww1","ww2")), // top1//local2 config("local2",wombats("wchief","ww4","ww5","ww6"), // top1//local2//local3 config("local3",wombats("wchief","www1","www2")), // top1//local2//rmi1 config("rmi1",url(protocol),wombats("wchief","www3","www4","www5"))), // top1//rmi2 config("rmi2",url(protocol),wombats("wchief","ww7","ww8","ww9"), // top1//rmi2//local4 config("local4",wombats("wchief","www6","www7")), // top1//rmi2//rmi3 config("rmi3",url(protocol),wombats("wchief","www3","www4","www5"), // top1//rmi2//rmi3//local5 config("local5",wombats("wchief","wwww1"))))), // Top level namespace "top2" (local) config("top2",wombats("wchief","w21","w22","w23"), // top2//local21 config("local21",wombats("wchief","ww21","ww22")), // top2//rmi22 config("rmi22",url(protocol),wombats("wchief","ww27","ww28","ww29"), // top2//rmi22//local24 config("local24",wombats("wchief","www26","www27")), // top2//rmi22//rmi23 config("rmi23",url(protocol),wombats("wchief","www23","www24","www25"), // top2//rmi22//rmi23//local25 config("local25",wombats("wchief","wwww21"))))), // Top level namespace "top3" (remote) config("top3",url(protocol),wombats("wchief","w31","w32","w33"), // top3//local31 config("local31",wombats("wchief","ww31","ww32")), // top3//rmi32 config("rmi32",url(protocol),wombats("wchief","ww37","ww38","ww39"), // top3//rmi32//local34 config("local34",wombats("wchief","www36","www37")), // top3//rmi32//rmi33 config("rmi33",url(protocol),wombats("wchief","www33","www34","www35"), // top3//rmi32//local35 config("local35",wombats("wchief","wwww31"))))), }; return config; } /** * Close all connector servers in the list. * @param cslist List of connector servers to close. */ public static void closeAll(List cslist) { for (JMXConnectorServer cs : cslist) { try { cs.stop(); } catch (Exception xx) { System.err.println("Failed to stop connector: " + xx); } } } public static class MBeanServerConfigCreator { public MBeanServer createMBeanServerFor(NamespaceConfig config) { return MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer(); } } /** * Load the given namespace configuration inside the given MBeanServer. * Return a list of connector servers created in the process. * @param server The MBeanServer in which the namespaces must * be created. * @param namespaces The list of namespaces to create. * @return a list of started connector servers. * @throws java.lang.Exception failed to create the specified namespaces. */ public static List load(MBeanServer server, MBeanServerConfigCreator factory, NamespaceConfig... namespaces) throws Exception { final List cslist = new ArrayList(); try { final ObjectName creator = new ObjectName("jmx.creator:type=JMXNamespaceCreator"); if (System.getProperty("jmx.wait")!=null && !server.isRegistered(creator)) { server.registerMBean(new JMXNamespaceCreator(),creator); } for (NamespaceConfig cfg : namespaces) { final MBeanServer srv = factory.createMBeanServerFor(cfg); if (System.getProperty("jmx.wait")!=null && !srv.isRegistered(creator)) { srv.registerMBean(new JMXNamespaceCreator(),creator); } if (cfg.wombats != null) { for (String w : cfg.wombats) { final ObjectName n = new ObjectName("wombat:type=Wombat,name=" + w); final WombatMBean ww = new Wombat(); srv.registerMBean(ww, n); } } if (cfg.children != null) { cslist.addAll(load(srv, factory, cfg.children)); } JMXNamespace nm; if (cfg.jmxurl == null) { nm = new JMXNamespace(srv); } else { JMXConnectorServer cs = JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer(new JMXServiceURL(cfg.jmxurl), null, srv); srv.registerMBean(cs, new ObjectName("jmx.remote:type=JMXConnectorServer")); cs.start(); cslist.add(cs); nm = JMXRemoteNamespace. newJMXRemoteNamespace(cs.getAddress(), null); } server.registerMBean(nm, JMXNamespaces.getNamespaceObjectName(cfg.name)); if (nm instanceof JMXRemoteNamespace) { server.invoke( JMXNamespaces.getNamespaceObjectName(cfg.name), "connect", null, null); } } } catch (Exception x) { closeAll(cslist); throw x; } return cslist; } /** * Add an entry {@code } in the map for the given * namespace and its subnamespaces. * @param map A {@code Map}. * @param parent The path of the parent workspace. * @param cfg The NamespaceConfig hierarchy to index in the map. */ public static void fillMap(Map map, String parent, NamespaceConfig cfg) { final String where; if (parent == null || parent.equals("")) where=cfg.name; else where=parent+JMXNamespaces.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR+cfg.name; map.put(where,cfg); if (cfg.children==null) return; for(NamespaceConfig child:cfg.children) { fillMap(map,where,child); } } /** * Compare a list of namespace names obtained from JMXNamespaceView.list() * with the expected clildren list of the corresponding NamespaceConfig. * @param list A list of namespace names * @param children A list of NamespaceConfig correspondng to expected * namespace. * @param fail If true and the comparison yields false, throws an * exception instead of simply returning false. * @return true if OK, false if NOK. */ private static boolean compare(String[] list, NamespaceConfig[] children, boolean fail) { final List found = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(list)); if (found.contains(ClientContext.NAMESPACE)) found.remove(ClientContext.NAMESPACE); if (children == null && found.size()==0) return true; if (children == null && fail == false) return false; if (children == null) throw new RuntimeException( "No child expected. Found "+Arrays.toString(list)); final Set names = new HashSet(); for (NamespaceConfig cfg : children) { names.add(cfg.name); if (found.contains(cfg.name)) continue; if (!fail) return false; throw new RuntimeException(cfg.name+" not found in "+ found); } found.removeAll(names); if (found.size()==0) return true; if (fail==false) return false; throw new RuntimeException("found additional namespaces: "+ found); } /** * Compares the result of queryNames(null,null) with a set of expected * wombats. * @param where The path of the namespace that was queried. * @param list The set of ObjectNames found. * @param wombats The expected list of wombats. * @param fail If true and the comparison yields false, throws an * exception instead of simply returning false. * @return true if OK, false if NOK. * @throws java.lang.Exception something went wrong. */ private static boolean compare(String where, Setlist, String[] wombats, boolean fail) throws Exception { final Set found = new HashSet(); final Set expected = new HashSet(); for (ObjectName n : list) { if ("Wombat".equals(n.getKeyProperty("type"))) found.add(n); } for(String w : wombats) { final ObjectName n = new ObjectName("wombat:type=Wombat,name=" + w); expected.add(n); if (found.contains(n)) continue; if (fail == false) return false; throw new RuntimeException(where+ ": Wombat "+w+" not found in "+found); } found.removeAll(expected); if (found.size()==0) { System.out.println(where+": found all expected: "+expected); return true; } if (fail==false) return false; throw new RuntimeException(where+": found additional MBeans: "+ found); } /** * A generic test to test JMXNamespaceView over a namespace configuration. * @param server The MBeanServer in which to load the namespace * config. * @param namespaces The namespace config to run the test over... * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public static void doTest(MBeanServer server, NamespaceConfig... namespaces) throws Exception { List cslist = load(server, new MBeanServerConfigCreator(), namespaces); Map inputMap = new HashMap(); for (NamespaceConfig cfg : namespaces) { fillMap(inputMap,"",cfg); } try { final JMXNamespaceView root = new JMXNamespaceView(server); List vlist = new ArrayList(); vlist.add(root); while (!vlist.isEmpty()) { JMXNamespaceView v = vlist.remove(0); final String where = v.isRoot()?"root":v.where(); System.out.println(where+": "+ v.getMBeanServerConnection().queryNames(null,null)); for (String ns : v.list()) { final JMXNamespaceView down = v.down(ns); vlist.add(down); if (!down.where().equals(v.isRoot()?ns:where+ JMXNamespaces.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR+ns)) { throw new RuntimeException("path of "+down.where()+ " should be "+(v.isRoot()?ns:where+ JMXNamespaces.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR+ns)); } if (down.up().equals(v)) continue; throw new RuntimeException("parent of "+down.where()+ " should be "+where); } final NamespaceConfig[] children; final NamespaceConfig cfg; if (v.isRoot()) { children=namespaces; cfg = null; } else { cfg = inputMap.get(where); children = cfg==null?null:cfg.children; } compare(v.list(),children,true); if (!v.isRoot()) { if (where.endsWith(ClientContext.NAMESPACE)) { System.out.println(where+": skipping queryNames analysis"); continue; } //System.out.println(where+": cfg is: "+cfg); compare(where,v.getMBeanServerConnection(). queryNames(null, null),cfg.wombats,true); } } exportAndWaitIfNeeded(server); } finally { closeAll(cslist); } } public static interface JMXNamespaceCreatorMBean { public ObjectInstance createLocalNamespace(String namespace) throws JMException ; public void removeLocalNamespace(String namespace) throws JMException; } public static class JMXNamespaceCreator implements MBeanRegistration, JMXNamespaceCreatorMBean { private volatile MBeanServer mbeanServer; public ObjectInstance createLocalNamespace(String namespace) throws JMException { return mbeanServer.registerMBean( new JMXNamespace(MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer()), JMXNamespaces.getNamespaceObjectName(namespace)); } public void removeLocalNamespace(String namespace) throws JMException { mbeanServer.unregisterMBean( JMXNamespaces.getNamespaceObjectName(namespace)); } public ObjectName preRegister(MBeanServer server, ObjectName name) throws Exception { mbeanServer = server; return name; } public void postRegister(Boolean registrationDone) { } public void preDeregister() throws Exception { } public void postDeregister() { } } public static void exportAndWaitIfNeeded(MBeanServer server) throws Exception { if (System.getProperty("jmx.wait")!=null) { final int port = getPortFor("rmi"); LocateRegistry.createRegistry(port); final JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("rmi",null,port, "/jndi/rmi://localhost:"+port+"/jmxrmi"); final JMXConnectorServer cs = JMXConnectorServerFactory. newJMXConnectorServer(url, null, server); cs.start(); try { System.out.println("RMI Server waiting at: "+cs.getAddress()); System.in.read(); } finally { cs.stop(); } } } public static int getPortFor(String protocol) throws Exception { final int aport = Integer.valueOf(System.getProperty("jmx."+protocol+".port","0")); if (aport > 0) return aport; final ServerSocket s = new ServerSocket(0); try { final int port = s.getLocalPort(); return port; } finally { s.close(); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { doTest(ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(),makeConfig("rmi")); } }