* negative undefined results may occur.
* @param value the slider value to get the location for
* @param trackY y-origin of the track
* @param trackHeight the height of the track
* @since 1.6
protected int yPositionForValue(int value, int trackY, int trackHeight) {
int min = slider.getMinimum();
int max = slider.getMaximum();
double valueRange = (double)max - (double)min;
double pixelsPerValue = (double)trackHeight / valueRange;
int trackBottom = trackY + (trackHeight - 1);
int yPosition;
if ( !drawInverted() ) {
yPosition = trackY;
yPosition += Math.round( pixelsPerValue * ((double)max - value ) );
else {
yPosition = trackY;
yPosition += Math.round( pixelsPerValue * ((double)value - min) );
yPosition = Math.max( trackY, yPosition );
yPosition = Math.min( trackBottom, yPosition );
return yPosition;
* Returns a value give a y position. If yPos is past the track at the top or the
* bottom it will set the value to the min or max of the slider, depending if the
* slider is inverted or not.
public int valueForYPosition( int yPos ) {
int value;
final int minValue = slider.getMinimum();
final int maxValue = slider.getMaximum();
final int trackLength = trackRect.height;
final int trackTop = trackRect.y;
final int trackBottom = trackRect.y + (trackRect.height - 1);
if ( yPos <= trackTop ) {
value = drawInverted() ? minValue : maxValue;
else if ( yPos >= trackBottom ) {
value = drawInverted() ? maxValue : minValue;
else {
int distanceFromTrackTop = yPos - trackTop;
double valueRange = (double)maxValue - (double)minValue;
double valuePerPixel = valueRange / (double)trackLength;
int valueFromTrackTop = (int)Math.round( distanceFromTrackTop * valuePerPixel );
value = drawInverted() ? minValue + valueFromTrackTop : maxValue - valueFromTrackTop;
return value;
* Returns a value give an x position. If xPos is past the track at the left or the
* right it will set the value to the min or max of the slider, depending if the
* slider is inverted or not.
public int valueForXPosition( int xPos ) {
int value;
final int minValue = slider.getMinimum();
final int maxValue = slider.getMaximum();
final int trackLength = trackRect.width;
final int trackLeft = trackRect.x;
final int trackRight = trackRect.x + (trackRect.width - 1);
if ( xPos <= trackLeft ) {
value = drawInverted() ? maxValue : minValue;
else if ( xPos >= trackRight ) {
value = drawInverted() ? minValue : maxValue;
else {
int distanceFromTrackLeft = xPos - trackLeft;
double valueRange = (double)maxValue - (double)minValue;
double valuePerPixel = valueRange / (double)trackLength;
int valueFromTrackLeft = (int)Math.round( distanceFromTrackLeft * valuePerPixel );
value = drawInverted() ? maxValue - valueFromTrackLeft :
minValue + valueFromTrackLeft;
return value;
private class Handler implements ChangeListener,
ComponentListener, FocusListener, PropertyChangeListener {
// Change Handler
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
if (!isDragging) {
lastValue = slider.getValue();
// Component Handler
public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) { }
public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) { }
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) { }
// Focus Handler
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { slider.repaint(); }
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { slider.repaint(); }
// Property Change Handler
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
String propertyName = e.getPropertyName();
if (propertyName == "orientation" ||
propertyName == "inverted" ||
propertyName == "labelTable" ||
propertyName == "majorTickSpacing" ||
propertyName == "minorTickSpacing" ||
propertyName == "paintTicks" ||
propertyName == "paintTrack" ||
propertyName == "font" ||
propertyName == "paintLabels" ||
propertyName == "Slider.paintThumbArrowShape") {
checkedLabelBaselines = false;
} else if (propertyName == "componentOrientation") {
InputMap km = getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED, slider);
JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED, km);
} else if (propertyName == "model") {
/// Model Listener Class
* Data model listener.
* This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
* Instantiate it only within subclasses of
* This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
* Instantiate it only within subclasses of
* This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
* Instantiate it only within subclasses of
* Please refer to the key bindings specification for further details.
* This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
* Instantiate it only within subclasses of ActionMap
, to contain the action,
* and an InputMap
to contain the mapping from KeyStroke
* to action description. The InputMap is is usually described in the
* LookAndFeel tables.