/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package sun.awt; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import sun.misc.Unsafe; import java.awt.peer.ComponentPeer; /** * The AWTAccessor utility class. * The main purpose of this class is to enable accessing * private and package-private fields of classes from * different classes/packages. See sun.misc.SharedSecretes * for another example. */ public final class AWTAccessor { private static final Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe(); /* * We don't need any objects of this class. * It's rather a collection of static methods * and interfaces. */ private AWTAccessor() { } /* * An interface of accessor for the java.awt.Component class. */ public interface ComponentAccessor { /* * Sets whether the native background erase for a component * has been disabled via SunToolkit.disableBackgroundErase(). */ void setBackgroundEraseDisabled(Component comp, boolean disabled); /* * Indicates whether the native background erase for a * component has been disabled via * SunToolkit.disableBackgroundErase(). */ boolean getBackgroundEraseDisabled(Component comp); /* * * Gets the bounds of this component in the form of a * Rectangle object. The bounds specify this * component's width, height, and location relative to * its parent. */ Rectangle getBounds(Component comp); /* * Sets the shape of a lw component to cut out from hw components. * * See 6797587, 6776743, 6768307, and 6768332 for details */ void setMixingCutoutShape(Component comp, Shape shape); /** * Sets GraphicsConfiguration value for the component. */ void setGraphicsConfiguration(Component comp, GraphicsConfiguration gc); /* * Requests focus to the component. */ boolean requestFocus(Component comp, CausedFocusEvent.Cause cause); /* * Determines if the component can gain focus. */ boolean canBeFocusOwner(Component comp); /** * Returns whether the component is visible without invoking * any client code. */ boolean isVisible(Component comp); /** * Sets the RequestFocusController. */ void setRequestFocusController(RequestFocusController requestController); /** * Returns the appContext of the component. */ AppContext getAppContext(Component comp); /** * Sets the appContext of the component. */ void setAppContext(Component comp, AppContext appContext); /** * Returns the parent of the component. */ Container getParent(Component comp); /** * Sets the parent of the component to the specified parent. */ void setParent(Component comp, Container parent); /** * Resizes the component to the specified width and height. */ void setSize(Component comp, int width, int height); /** * Returns the location of the component. */ Point getLocation(Component comp); /** * Moves the component to the new location. */ void setLocation(Component comp, int x, int y); /** * Determines whether this component is enabled. */ boolean isEnabled(Component comp); /** * Determines whether this component is displayable. */ boolean isDisplayable(Component comp); /** * Gets the cursor set in the component. */ Cursor getCursor(Component comp); /** * Returns the peer of the component. */ ComponentPeer getPeer(Component comp); /** * Sets the peer of the component to the specified peer. */ void setPeer(Component comp, ComponentPeer peer); /** * Determines whether this component is lightweight. */ boolean isLightweight(Component comp); /** * Returns whether or not paint messages received from * the operating system should be ignored. */ boolean getIgnoreRepaint(Component comp); /** * Returns the width of the component. */ int getWidth(Component comp); /** * Returns the height of the component. */ int getHeight(Component comp); /** * Returns the x coordinate of the component. */ int getX(Component comp); /** * Returns the y coordinate of the component. */ int getY(Component comp); /** * Gets the foreground color of this component. */ Color getForeground(Component comp); /** * Gets the background color of this component. */ Color getBackground(Component comp); /** * Sets the background of this component to the specified color. */ void setBackground(Component comp, Color background); /** * Gets the font of the component. */ Font getFont(Component comp); /** * Processes events occurring on this component. */ void processEvent(Component comp, AWTEvent e); } /* * An interface of accessor for java.awt.Window class. */ public interface WindowAccessor { /* * Get opacity level of the given window. */ float getOpacity(Window window); /* * Set opacity level to the given window. */ void setOpacity(Window window, float opacity); /* * Get a shape assigned to the given window. */ Shape getShape(Window window); /* * Set a shape to the given window. */ void setShape(Window window, Shape shape); /* * Set the opaque preoperty to the given window. */ void setOpaque(Window window, boolean isOpaque); /* * Update the image of a non-opaque (translucent) window. */ void updateWindow(Window window); /** Get the size of the security warning. */ Dimension getSecurityWarningSize(Window w); /** * Set the size of the security warning. */ void setSecurityWarningSize(Window w, int width, int height); /** Set the position of the security warning. */ void setSecurityWarningPosition(Window w, Point2D point, float alignmentX, float alignmentY); /** Request to recalculate the new position of the security warning for * the given window size/location as reported by the native system. */ Point2D calculateSecurityWarningPosition(Window window, double x, double y, double w, double h); /** Sets the synchronous status of focus requests on lightweight * components in the specified window to the specified value. */ void setLWRequestStatus(Window changed, boolean status); /** * Indicates whether this window should receive focus on subsequently * being shown, or being moved to the front. */ boolean isAutoRequestFocus(Window w); /** * Indicates whether the specified window is an utility window for TrayIcon. */ boolean isTrayIconWindow(Window w); /** * Marks the specified window as an utility window for TrayIcon. */ void setTrayIconWindow(Window w, boolean isTrayIconWindow); } /* * An accessor for the AWTEvent class. */ public interface AWTEventAccessor { /** * Marks the event as posted. */ void setPosted(AWTEvent ev); } /* * An accessor for the java.awt.Frame class. */ public interface FrameAccessor { /* * Sets the state of this frame. */ void setExtendedState(Frame frame, int state); /* * Gets the state of this frame. */ int getExtendedState(Frame frame); } /* * An interface of accessor for the java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager class. */ public interface KeyboardFocusManagerAccessor { /* * Indicates whether the native implementation should * proceed with a pending focus request for the heavyweight. */ int shouldNativelyFocusHeavyweight(Component heavyweight, Component descendant, boolean temporary, boolean focusedWindowChangeAllowed, long time, CausedFocusEvent.Cause cause); /* * Delivers focus for the lightweight descendant of the heavyweight * synchronously. */ boolean processSynchronousLightweightTransfer(Component heavyweight, Component descendant, boolean temporary, boolean focusedWindowChangeAllowed, long time); /* * Removes the last focus request for the heavyweight from the queue. */ void removeLastFocusRequest(Component heavyweight); /* * Sets the most recent focus owner in the window. */ void setMostRecentFocusOwner(Window window, Component component); } /* * An accessor for the MenuComponent class. */ public interface MenuComponentAccessor { /** * Returns the appContext of the menu component. */ AppContext getAppContext(MenuComponent menuComp); /** * Sets the appContext of the menu component. */ void setAppContext(MenuComponent menuComp, AppContext appContext); /** * Returns the menu container of the menu component */ MenuContainer getParent(MenuComponent menuComp); } /* * An accessor for the EventQueue class */ public interface EventQueueAccessor { /* * Gets the event dispatch thread. */ Thread getDispatchThread(EventQueue eventQueue); /* * Checks if the current thread is EDT for the given EQ. */ public boolean isDispatchThreadImpl(EventQueue eventQueue); } /* * An accessor for the PopupMenu class */ public interface PopupMenuAccessor { /* * Returns whether the popup menu is attached to a tray */ boolean isTrayIconPopup(PopupMenu popupMenu); } /* * An accessor for the FileDialog class */ public interface FileDialogAccessor { /* * Sets the files the user selects */ void setFiles(FileDialog fileDialog, String directory, String files[]); /* * Sets the file the user selects */ void setFile(FileDialog fileDialog, String file); /* * Sets the directory the user selects */ void setDirectory(FileDialog fileDialog, String directory); /* * Returns whether the file dialog allows the multiple file selection. */ boolean isMultipleMode(FileDialog fileDialog); } /* * The java.awt.Component class accessor object. */ private static ComponentAccessor componentAccessor; /* * The java.awt.Window class accessor object. */ private static WindowAccessor windowAccessor; /* * The java.awt.AWTEvent class accessor object. */ private static AWTEventAccessor awtEventAccessor; /* * The java.awt.Frame class accessor object. */ private static FrameAccessor frameAccessor; /* * The java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager class accessor object. */ private static KeyboardFocusManagerAccessor kfmAccessor; /* * The java.awt.MenuComponent class accessor object. */ private static MenuComponentAccessor menuComponentAccessor; /* * The java.awt.EventQueue class accessor object. */ private static EventQueueAccessor eventQueueAccessor; /* * The java.awt.PopupMenu class accessor object. */ private static PopupMenuAccessor popupMenuAccessor; /* * The java.awt.FileDialog class accessor object. */ private static FileDialogAccessor fileDialogAccessor; /* * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Component class. */ public static void setComponentAccessor(ComponentAccessor ca) { componentAccessor = ca; } /* * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.Window class. */ public static ComponentAccessor getComponentAccessor() { if (componentAccessor == null) { unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(Component.class); } return componentAccessor; } /* * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Window class. */ public static void setWindowAccessor(WindowAccessor wa) { windowAccessor = wa; } /* * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.Window class. */ public static WindowAccessor getWindowAccessor() { if (windowAccessor == null) { unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(Window.class); } return windowAccessor; } /* * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.AWTEvent class. */ public static void setAWTEventAccessor(AWTEventAccessor aea) { awtEventAccessor = aea; } /* * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.AWTEvent class. */ public static AWTEventAccessor getAWTEventAccessor() { if (awtEventAccessor == null) { unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(AWTEvent.class); } return awtEventAccessor; } /* * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Frame class. */ public static void setFrameAccessor(FrameAccessor fa) { frameAccessor = fa; } /* * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.Frame class. */ public static FrameAccessor getFrameAccessor() { if (frameAccessor == null) { unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(Frame.class); } return frameAccessor; } /* * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager class. */ public static void setKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor(KeyboardFocusManagerAccessor kfma) { kfmAccessor = kfma; } /* * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager class. */ public static KeyboardFocusManagerAccessor getKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor() { if (kfmAccessor == null) { unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(KeyboardFocusManager.class); } return kfmAccessor; } /* * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.MenuComponent class. */ public static void setMenuComponentAccessor(MenuComponentAccessor mca) { menuComponentAccessor = mca; } /* * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.MenuComponent class. */ public static MenuComponentAccessor getMenuComponentAccessor() { if (menuComponentAccessor == null) { unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(MenuComponent.class); } return menuComponentAccessor; } /* * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.EventQueue class. */ public static void setEventQueueAccessor(EventQueueAccessor eqa) { eventQueueAccessor = eqa; } /* * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.EventQueue class. */ public static EventQueueAccessor getEventQueueAccessor() { if (eventQueueAccessor == null) { unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(EventQueue.class); } return eventQueueAccessor; } /* * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.PopupMenu class. */ public static void setPopupMenuAccessor(PopupMenuAccessor pma) { popupMenuAccessor = pma; } /* * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.PopupMenu class. */ public static PopupMenuAccessor getPopupMenuAccessor() { if (popupMenuAccessor == null) { unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(PopupMenu.class); } return popupMenuAccessor; } /* * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.FileDialog class. */ public static void setFileDialogAccessor(FileDialogAccessor fda) { fileDialogAccessor = fda; } /* * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.FileDialog class. */ public static FileDialogAccessor getFileDialogAccessor() { if (fileDialogAccessor == null) { unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(FileDialog.class); } return fileDialogAccessor; } }