/* * Copyright 1997-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or * have any questions. */ package javax.swing.text; import java.util.Vector; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.plaf.*; import javax.swing.*; /** * Implements the Highlighter interfaces. Implements a simple highlight * painter that renders in a solid color. * * @author Timothy Prinzing * @see Highlighter */ public class DefaultHighlighter extends LayeredHighlighter { /** * Creates a new DefaultHighlighther object. */ public DefaultHighlighter() { drawsLayeredHighlights = true; } // ---- Highlighter methods ---------------------------------------------- /** * Renders the highlights. * * @param g the graphics context */ public void paint(Graphics g) { // PENDING(prinz) - should cull ranges not visible int len = highlights.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { HighlightInfo info = highlights.elementAt(i); if (!(info instanceof LayeredHighlightInfo)) { // Avoid allocing unless we need it. Rectangle a = component.getBounds(); Insets insets = component.getInsets(); a.x = insets.left; a.y = insets.top; a.width -= insets.left + insets.right; a.height -= insets.top + insets.bottom; for (; i < len; i++) { info = highlights.elementAt(i); if (!(info instanceof LayeredHighlightInfo)) { Highlighter.HighlightPainter p = info.getPainter(); p.paint(g, info.getStartOffset(), info.getEndOffset(), a, component); } } } } } /** * Called when the UI is being installed into the * interface of a JTextComponent. Installs the editor, and * removes any existing highlights. * * @param c the editor component * @see Highlighter#install */ public void install(JTextComponent c) { component = c; removeAllHighlights(); } /** * Called when the UI is being removed from the interface of * a JTextComponent. * * @param c the component * @see Highlighter#deinstall */ public void deinstall(JTextComponent c) { component = null; } /** * Adds a highlight to the view. Returns a tag that can be used * to refer to the highlight. * * @param p0 the start offset of the range to highlight >= 0 * @param p1 the end offset of the range to highlight >= p0 * @param p the painter to use to actually render the highlight * @return an object that can be used as a tag * to refer to the highlight * @exception BadLocationException if the specified location is invalid */ public Object addHighlight(int p0, int p1, Highlighter.HighlightPainter p) throws BadLocationException { Document doc = component.getDocument(); HighlightInfo i = (getDrawsLayeredHighlights() && (p instanceof LayeredHighlighter.LayerPainter)) ? new LayeredHighlightInfo() : new HighlightInfo(); i.painter = p; i.p0 = doc.createPosition(p0); i.p1 = doc.createPosition(p1); highlights.addElement(i); safeDamageRange(p0, p1); return i; } /** * Removes a highlight from the view. * * @param tag the reference to the highlight */ public void removeHighlight(Object tag) { if (tag instanceof LayeredHighlightInfo) { LayeredHighlightInfo lhi = (LayeredHighlightInfo)tag; if (lhi.width > 0 && lhi.height > 0) { component.repaint(lhi.x, lhi.y, lhi.width, lhi.height); } } else { HighlightInfo info = (HighlightInfo) tag; safeDamageRange(info.p0, info.p1); } highlights.removeElement(tag); } /** * Removes all highlights. */ public void removeAllHighlights() { TextUI mapper = component.getUI(); if (getDrawsLayeredHighlights()) { int len = highlights.size(); if (len != 0) { int minX = 0; int minY = 0; int maxX = 0; int maxY = 0; int p0 = -1; int p1 = -1; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { HighlightInfo hi = highlights.elementAt(i); if (hi instanceof LayeredHighlightInfo) { LayeredHighlightInfo info = (LayeredHighlightInfo)hi; minX = Math.min(minX, info.x); minY = Math.min(minY, info.y); maxX = Math.max(maxX, info.x + info.width); maxY = Math.max(maxY, info.y + info.height); } else { if (p0 == -1) { p0 = hi.p0.getOffset(); p1 = hi.p1.getOffset(); } else { p0 = Math.min(p0, hi.p0.getOffset()); p1 = Math.max(p1, hi.p1.getOffset()); } } } if (minX != maxX && minY != maxY) { component.repaint(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY); } if (p0 != -1) { try { safeDamageRange(p0, p1); } catch (BadLocationException e) {} } highlights.removeAllElements(); } } else if (mapper != null) { int len = highlights.size(); if (len != 0) { int p0 = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int p1 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { HighlightInfo info = highlights.elementAt(i); p0 = Math.min(p0, info.p0.getOffset()); p1 = Math.max(p1, info.p1.getOffset()); } try { safeDamageRange(p0, p1); } catch (BadLocationException e) {} highlights.removeAllElements(); } } } /** * Changes a highlight. * * @param tag the highlight tag * @param p0 the beginning of the range >= 0 * @param p1 the end of the range >= p0 * @exception BadLocationException if the specified location is invalid */ public void changeHighlight(Object tag, int p0, int p1) throws BadLocationException { Document doc = component.getDocument(); if (tag instanceof LayeredHighlightInfo) { LayeredHighlightInfo lhi = (LayeredHighlightInfo)tag; if (lhi.width > 0 && lhi.height > 0) { component.repaint(lhi.x, lhi.y, lhi.width, lhi.height); } // Mark the highlights region as invalid, it will reset itself // next time asked to paint. lhi.width = lhi.height = 0; lhi.p0 = doc.createPosition(p0); lhi.p1 = doc.createPosition(p1); safeDamageRange(Math.min(p0, p1), Math.max(p0, p1)); } else { HighlightInfo info = (HighlightInfo) tag; int oldP0 = info.p0.getOffset(); int oldP1 = info.p1.getOffset(); if (p0 == oldP0) { safeDamageRange(Math.min(oldP1, p1), Math.max(oldP1, p1)); } else if (p1 == oldP1) { safeDamageRange(Math.min(p0, oldP0), Math.max(p0, oldP0)); } else { safeDamageRange(oldP0, oldP1); safeDamageRange(p0, p1); } info.p0 = doc.createPosition(p0); info.p1 = doc.createPosition(p1); } } /** * Makes a copy of the highlights. Does not actually clone each highlight, * but only makes references to them. * * @return the copy * @see Highlighter#getHighlights */ public Highlighter.Highlight[] getHighlights() { int size = highlights.size(); if (size == 0) { return noHighlights; } Highlighter.Highlight[] h = new Highlighter.Highlight[size]; highlights.copyInto(h); return h; } /** * When leaf Views (such as LabelView) are rendering they should * call into this method. If a highlight is in the given region it will * be drawn immediately. * * @param g Graphics used to draw * @param p0 starting offset of view * @param p1 ending offset of view * @param viewBounds Bounds of View * @param editor JTextComponent * @param view View instance being rendered */ public void paintLayeredHighlights(Graphics g, int p0, int p1, Shape viewBounds, JTextComponent editor, View view) { for (int counter = highlights.size() - 1; counter >= 0; counter--) { HighlightInfo tag = highlights.elementAt(counter); if (tag instanceof LayeredHighlightInfo) { LayeredHighlightInfo lhi = (LayeredHighlightInfo)tag; int start = lhi.getStartOffset(); int end = lhi.getEndOffset(); if ((p0 < start && p1 > start) || (p0 >= start && p0 < end)) { lhi.paintLayeredHighlights(g, p0, p1, viewBounds, editor, view); } } } } /** * Queues damageRange() call into event dispatch thread * to be sure that views are in consistent state. */ private void safeDamageRange(final Position p0, final Position p1) { safeDamager.damageRange(p0, p1); } /** * Queues damageRange() call into event dispatch thread * to be sure that views are in consistent state. */ private void safeDamageRange(int a0, int a1) throws BadLocationException { Document doc = component.getDocument(); safeDamageRange(doc.createPosition(a0), doc.createPosition(a1)); } /** * If true, highlights are drawn as the Views draw the text. That is * the Views will call into paintLayeredHighlight which * will result in a rectangle being drawn before the text is drawn * (if the offsets are in a highlighted region that is). For this to * work the painter supplied must be an instance of * LayeredHighlightPainter. */ public void setDrawsLayeredHighlights(boolean newValue) { drawsLayeredHighlights = newValue; } public boolean getDrawsLayeredHighlights() { return drawsLayeredHighlights; } // ---- member variables -------------------------------------------- private final static Highlighter.Highlight[] noHighlights = new Highlighter.Highlight[0]; private Vector highlights = new Vector(); private JTextComponent component; private boolean drawsLayeredHighlights; private SafeDamager safeDamager = new SafeDamager(); /** * Default implementation of LayeredHighlighter.LayerPainter that can * be used for painting highlights. *

* As of 1.4 this field is final. */ public static final LayeredHighlighter.LayerPainter DefaultPainter = new DefaultHighlightPainter(null); /** * Simple highlight painter that fills a highlighted area with * a solid color. */ public static class DefaultHighlightPainter extends LayeredHighlighter.LayerPainter { /** * Constructs a new highlight painter. If c is null, * the JTextComponent will be queried for its selection color. * * @param c the color for the highlight */ public DefaultHighlightPainter(Color c) { color = c; } /** * Returns the color of the highlight. * * @return the color */ public Color getColor() { return color; } // --- HighlightPainter methods --------------------------------------- /** * Paints a highlight. * * @param g the graphics context * @param offs0 the starting model offset >= 0 * @param offs1 the ending model offset >= offs1 * @param bounds the bounding box for the highlight * @param c the editor */ public void paint(Graphics g, int offs0, int offs1, Shape bounds, JTextComponent c) { Rectangle alloc = bounds.getBounds(); try { // --- determine locations --- TextUI mapper = c.getUI(); Rectangle p0 = mapper.modelToView(c, offs0); Rectangle p1 = mapper.modelToView(c, offs1); // --- render --- Color color = getColor(); if (color == null) { g.setColor(c.getSelectionColor()); } else { g.setColor(color); } if (p0.y == p1.y) { // same line, render a rectangle Rectangle r = p0.union(p1); g.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } else { // different lines int p0ToMarginWidth = alloc.x + alloc.width - p0.x; g.fillRect(p0.x, p0.y, p0ToMarginWidth, p0.height); if ((p0.y + p0.height) != p1.y) { g.fillRect(alloc.x, p0.y + p0.height, alloc.width, p1.y - (p0.y + p0.height)); } g.fillRect(alloc.x, p1.y, (p1.x - alloc.x), p1.height); } } catch (BadLocationException e) { // can't render } } // --- LayerPainter methods ---------------------------- /** * Paints a portion of a highlight. * * @param g the graphics context * @param offs0 the starting model offset >= 0 * @param offs1 the ending model offset >= offs1 * @param bounds the bounding box of the view, which is not * necessarily the region to paint. * @param c the editor * @param view View painting for * @return region drawing occured in */ public Shape paintLayer(Graphics g, int offs0, int offs1, Shape bounds, JTextComponent c, View view) { Color color = getColor(); if (color == null) { g.setColor(c.getSelectionColor()); } else { g.setColor(color); } Rectangle r; if (offs0 == view.getStartOffset() && offs1 == view.getEndOffset()) { // Contained in view, can just use bounds. if (bounds instanceof Rectangle) { r = (Rectangle) bounds; } else { r = bounds.getBounds(); } } else { // Should only render part of View. try { // --- determine locations --- Shape shape = view.modelToView(offs0, Position.Bias.Forward, offs1,Position.Bias.Backward, bounds); r = (shape instanceof Rectangle) ? (Rectangle)shape : shape.getBounds(); } catch (BadLocationException e) { // can't render r = null; } } if (r != null) { // If we are asked to highlight, we should draw something even // if the model-to-view projection is of zero width (6340106). r.width = Math.max(r.width, 1); g.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } return r; } private Color color; } class HighlightInfo implements Highlighter.Highlight { public int getStartOffset() { return p0.getOffset(); } public int getEndOffset() { return p1.getOffset(); } public Highlighter.HighlightPainter getPainter() { return painter; } Position p0; Position p1; Highlighter.HighlightPainter painter; } /** * LayeredHighlightPainter is used when a drawsLayeredHighlights is * true. It maintains a rectangle of the region to paint. */ class LayeredHighlightInfo extends HighlightInfo { void union(Shape bounds) { if (bounds == null) return; Rectangle alloc; if (bounds instanceof Rectangle) { alloc = (Rectangle)bounds; } else { alloc = bounds.getBounds(); } if (width == 0 || height == 0) { x = alloc.x; y = alloc.y; width = alloc.width; height = alloc.height; } else { width = Math.max(x + width, alloc.x + alloc.width); height = Math.max(y + height, alloc.y + alloc.height); x = Math.min(x, alloc.x); width -= x; y = Math.min(y, alloc.y); height -= y; } } /** * Restricts the region based on the receivers offsets and messages * the painter to paint the region. */ void paintLayeredHighlights(Graphics g, int p0, int p1, Shape viewBounds, JTextComponent editor, View view) { int start = getStartOffset(); int end = getEndOffset(); // Restrict the region to what we represent p0 = Math.max(start, p0); p1 = Math.min(end, p1); // Paint the appropriate region using the painter and union // the effected region with our bounds. union(((LayeredHighlighter.LayerPainter)painter).paintLayer (g, p0, p1, viewBounds, editor, view)); } int x; int y; int width; int height; } /** * This class invokes mapper.damageRange in * EventDispatchThread. The only one instance per Highlighter * is cretaed. When a number of ranges should be damaged * it collects them into queue and damages * them in consecutive order in run * call. */ class SafeDamager implements Runnable { private Vector p0 = new Vector(10); private Vector p1 = new Vector(10); private Document lastDoc = null; /** * Executes range(s) damage and cleans range queue. */ public synchronized void run() { if (component != null) { TextUI mapper = component.getUI(); if (mapper != null && lastDoc == component.getDocument()) { // the Document should be the same to properly // display highlights int len = p0.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){ mapper.damageRange(component, p0.get(i).getOffset(), p1.get(i).getOffset()); } } } p0.clear(); p1.clear(); // release reference lastDoc = null; } /** * Adds the range to be damaged into the range queue. If the * range queue is empty (the first call or run() was already * invoked) then adds this class instance into EventDispatch * queue. * * The method also tracks if the current document changed or * component is null. In this case it removes all ranges added * before from range queue. */ public synchronized void damageRange(Position pos0, Position pos1) { if (component == null) { p0.clear(); lastDoc = null; return; } boolean addToQueue = p0.isEmpty(); Document curDoc = component.getDocument(); if (curDoc != lastDoc) { if (!p0.isEmpty()) { p0.clear(); p1.clear(); } lastDoc = curDoc; } p0.add(pos0); p1.add(pos1); if (addToQueue) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(this); } } } }