/* * Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "gc_implementation/shared/vmGCOperations.hpp" #include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp" #include "services/diagnosticArgument.hpp" #include "services/diagnosticCommand.hpp" #include "services/diagnosticFramework.hpp" #include "services/heapDumper.hpp" #include "services/management.hpp" HelpDCmd::HelpDCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap) : DCmdWithParser(output, heap), _all("-all", "Show help for all commands", "BOOLEAN", false, "false"), _cmd("command name", "The name of the command for which we want help", "STRING", false) { _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_option(&_all); _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_argument(&_cmd); }; void HelpDCmd::execute(TRAPS) { if (_all.value()) { GrowableArray* cmd_list = DCmdFactory::DCmd_list(); for (int i = 0; i < cmd_list->length(); i++) { DCmdFactory* factory = DCmdFactory::factory(cmd_list->at(i), strlen(cmd_list->at(i))); if (!factory->is_hidden()) { output()->print_cr("%s%s", factory->name(), factory->is_enabled() ? "" : " [disabled]"); output()->print_cr("\t%s", factory->description()); output()->cr(); } factory = factory->next(); } } else if (_cmd.has_value()) { DCmd* cmd = NULL; DCmdFactory* factory = DCmdFactory::factory(_cmd.value(), strlen(_cmd.value())); if (factory != NULL) { output()->print_cr("%s%s", factory->name(), factory->is_enabled() ? "" : " [disabled]"); output()->print_cr(factory->description()); output()->print_cr("\nImpact: %s", factory->impact()); output()->cr(); cmd = factory->create_resource_instance(output()); if (cmd != NULL) { DCmdMark mark(cmd); cmd->print_help(factory->name()); } } else { output()->print_cr("Help unavailable : '%s' : No such command", _cmd.value()); } } else { output()->print_cr("The following commands are available:"); GrowableArray* cmd_list = DCmdFactory::DCmd_list(); for (int i = 0; i < cmd_list->length(); i++) { DCmdFactory* factory = DCmdFactory::factory(cmd_list->at(i), strlen(cmd_list->at(i))); if (!factory->is_hidden()) { output()->print_cr("%s%s", factory->name(), factory->is_enabled() ? "" : " [disabled]"); } factory = factory->_next; } output()->print_cr("\nFor more information about a specific command use 'help '."); } } int HelpDCmd::num_arguments() { ResourceMark rm; HelpDCmd* dcmd = new HelpDCmd(NULL, false); if (dcmd != NULL) { DCmdMark mark(dcmd); return dcmd->_dcmdparser.num_arguments(); } else { return 0; } } void VersionDCmd::execute(TRAPS) { output()->print_cr("%s version %s", Abstract_VM_Version::vm_name(), Abstract_VM_Version::vm_release()); JDK_Version jdk_version = JDK_Version::current(); if (jdk_version.update_version() > 0) { output()->print_cr("JDK %d.%d_%02d", jdk_version.major_version(), jdk_version.minor_version(), jdk_version.update_version()); } else { output()->print_cr("JDK %d.%d", jdk_version.major_version(), jdk_version.minor_version()); } } PrintVMFlagsDCmd::PrintVMFlagsDCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap) : DCmdWithParser(output, heap), _all("-all", "Print all flags supported by the VM", "BOOLEAN", false, "false") { _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_option(&_all); } void PrintVMFlagsDCmd::execute(TRAPS) { if (_all.value()) { CommandLineFlags::printFlags(output(), true); } else { CommandLineFlags::printSetFlags(output()); } } int PrintVMFlagsDCmd::num_arguments() { ResourceMark rm; PrintVMFlagsDCmd* dcmd = new PrintVMFlagsDCmd(NULL, false); if (dcmd != NULL) { DCmdMark mark(dcmd); return dcmd->_dcmdparser.num_arguments(); } else { return 0; } } void PrintSystemPropertiesDCmd::execute(TRAPS) { // load sun.misc.VMSupport Symbol* klass = vmSymbols::sun_misc_VMSupport(); klassOop k = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_fail(klass, true, CHECK); instanceKlassHandle ik (THREAD, k); if (ik->should_be_initialized()) { ik->initialize(THREAD); } if (HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) { java_lang_Throwable::print(PENDING_EXCEPTION, output()); output()->cr(); CLEAR_PENDING_EXCEPTION; return; } // invoke the serializePropertiesToByteArray method JavaValue result(T_OBJECT); JavaCallArguments args; Symbol* signature = vmSymbols::serializePropertiesToByteArray_signature(); JavaCalls::call_static(&result, ik, vmSymbols::serializePropertiesToByteArray_name(), signature, &args, THREAD); if (HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) { java_lang_Throwable::print(PENDING_EXCEPTION, output()); output()->cr(); CLEAR_PENDING_EXCEPTION; return; } // The result should be a [B oop res = (oop)result.get_jobject(); assert(res->is_typeArray(), "just checking"); assert(typeArrayKlass::cast(res->klass())->element_type() == T_BYTE, "just checking"); // copy the bytes to the output stream typeArrayOop ba = typeArrayOop(res); jbyte* addr = typeArrayOop(res)->byte_at_addr(0); output()->print_raw((const char*)addr, ba->length()); } VMUptimeDCmd::VMUptimeDCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap) : DCmdWithParser(output, heap), _date("-date", "Add a prefix with current date", "BOOLEAN", false, "false") { _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_option(&_date); } void VMUptimeDCmd::execute(TRAPS) { if (_date.value()) { output()->date_stamp(true, "", ": "); } output()->time_stamp().update_to(tty->time_stamp().ticks()); output()->stamp(); output()->print_cr(" s"); } int VMUptimeDCmd::num_arguments() { ResourceMark rm; VMUptimeDCmd* dcmd = new VMUptimeDCmd(NULL, false); if (dcmd != NULL) { DCmdMark mark(dcmd); return dcmd->_dcmdparser.num_arguments(); } else { return 0; } } void SystemGCDCmd::execute(TRAPS) { Universe::heap()->collect(GCCause::_java_lang_system_gc); } void RunFinalizationDCmd::execute(TRAPS) { klassOop k = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_fail(vmSymbols::java_lang_System(), true, CHECK); instanceKlassHandle klass(THREAD, k); JavaValue result(T_VOID); JavaCalls::call_static(&result, klass, vmSymbols::run_finalization_name(), vmSymbols::void_method_signature(), CHECK); } #ifndef SERVICES_KERNEL // Heap dumping not supported HeapDumpDCmd::HeapDumpDCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap) : DCmdWithParser(output, heap), _filename("filename","Name of the dump file", "STRING",true), _all("-all", "Dump all objects, including unreachable objects", "BOOLEAN", false, "false") { _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_option(&_all); _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_argument(&_filename); } void HeapDumpDCmd::execute(TRAPS) { // Request a full GC before heap dump if _all is false // This helps reduces the amount of unreachable objects in the dump // and makes it easier to browse. HeapDumper dumper(!_all.value() /* request GC if _all is false*/); int res = dumper.dump(_filename.value()); if (res == 0) { output()->print_cr("Heap dump file created"); } else { // heap dump failed ResourceMark rm; char* error = dumper.error_as_C_string(); if (error == NULL) { output()->print_cr("Dump failed - reason unknown"); } else { output()->print_cr("%s", error); } } } int HeapDumpDCmd::num_arguments() { ResourceMark rm; HeapDumpDCmd* dcmd = new HeapDumpDCmd(NULL, false); if (dcmd != NULL) { DCmdMark mark(dcmd); return dcmd->_dcmdparser.num_arguments(); } else { return 0; } } #endif // SERVICES_KERNEL ClassHistogramDCmd::ClassHistogramDCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap) : DCmdWithParser(output, heap), _all("-all", "Inspect all objects, including unreachable objects", "BOOLEAN", false, "false") { _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_option(&_all); } void ClassHistogramDCmd::execute(TRAPS) { VM_GC_HeapInspection heapop(output(), !_all.value() /* request full gc if false */, true /* need_prologue */); VMThread::execute(&heapop); } int ClassHistogramDCmd::num_arguments() { ResourceMark rm; ClassHistogramDCmd* dcmd = new ClassHistogramDCmd(NULL, false); if (dcmd != NULL) { DCmdMark mark(dcmd); return dcmd->_dcmdparser.num_arguments(); } else { return 0; } } ThreadDumpDCmd::ThreadDumpDCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap) : DCmdWithParser(output, heap), _locks("-l", "print java.util.concurrent locks", "BOOLEAN", false, "false") { _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_option(&_locks); } void ThreadDumpDCmd::execute(TRAPS) { // thread stacks VM_PrintThreads op1(output(), _locks.value()); VMThread::execute(&op1); // JNI global handles VM_PrintJNI op2(output()); VMThread::execute(&op2); // Deadlock detection VM_FindDeadlocks op3(output()); VMThread::execute(&op3); } int ThreadDumpDCmd::num_arguments() { ResourceMark rm; ThreadDumpDCmd* dcmd = new ThreadDumpDCmd(NULL, false); if (dcmd != NULL) { DCmdMark mark(dcmd); return dcmd->_dcmdparser.num_arguments(); } else { return 0; } }