/* * Copyright (c) 2016, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "jvm.h" #include "classfile/classFileParser.hpp" #include "classfile/classFileStream.hpp" #include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp" #include "classfile/stackMapTable.hpp" #include "classfile/verificationType.hpp" #include "interpreter/bytecodes.hpp" #include "jfr/instrumentation/jfrEventClassTransformer.hpp" #include "jfr/jfr.hpp" #include "jfr/jni/jfrJavaSupport.hpp" #include "jfr/jni/jfrUpcalls.hpp" #include "jfr/support/jfrEventClass.hpp" #include "jfr/utilities/jfrBigEndian.hpp" #include "jfr/writers/jfrBigEndianWriter.hpp" #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp" #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp" //#include "oops/array.hpp" #include "oops/instanceKlass.hpp" #include "oops/method.hpp" #include "prims/jvmtiRedefineClasses.hpp" #include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp" #include "runtime/os.hpp" #include "runtime/thread.inline.hpp" #include "utilities/exceptions.hpp" #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp" #include "utilities/macros.hpp" static const u2 number_of_new_methods = 5; static const u2 number_of_new_fields = 3; static const int extra_stream_bytes = 0x280; static const u2 invalid_cp_index = 0; static const char* utf8_constants[] = { "Code", // 0 "J", // 1 "commit", // 2 "eventHandler", // 3 "Ljdk/jfr/proxy/internal/EventHandlerProxy;", // 4 "duration", // 5 "begin", // 6 "()V", // 7 "isEnabled", // 8 "()Z", // 9 "end", // 10 "shouldCommit", // 11 "startTime", // 12 "", // 13 "jdk/jfr/FlightRecorder", // 14 "register", // 15 "(Ljava/lang/Class;)V", // 16 // LAST_REQUIRED_UTF8 "StackMapTable", // 17 "Exceptions", // 18 "LineNumberTable", // 20 "LocalVariableTable", // 21 "LocalVariableTypeTable", // 22 "RuntimeVisibleAnnotation" // 23 }; enum utf8_req_symbols { UTF8_REQ_Code, UTF8_REQ_J_FIELD_DESC, UTF8_REQ_commit, UTF8_REQ_eventHandler, UTF8_REQ_eventHandler_FIELD_DESC, UTF8_REQ_duration, UTF8_REQ_begin, UTF8_REQ_EMPTY_VOID_METHOD_DESC, UTF8_REQ_isEnabled, UTF8_REQ_EMPTY_BOOLEAN_METHOD_DESC, UTF8_REQ_end, UTF8_REQ_shouldCommit, UTF8_REQ_startTime, UTF8_REQ_clinit, UTF8_REQ_FlightRecorder, UTF8_REQ_register, UTF8_REQ_CLASS_VOID_METHOD_DESC, NOF_UTF8_REQ_SYMBOLS }; enum utf8_opt_symbols { UTF8_OPT_StackMapTable = NOF_UTF8_REQ_SYMBOLS, UTF8_OPT_Exceptions, UTF8_OPT_LineNumberTable, UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTable, UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTypeTable, UTF8_OPT_RuntimeVisibleAnnotation, NOF_UTF8_SYMBOLS }; static u1 empty_void_method_code_attribute[] = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xd, // attribute len 0x0, 0x0, // max stack 0x0, 0x1, // max locals 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, // code length Bytecodes::_return, 0x0, 0x0, // ex table len 0x0, 0x0 // attributes_count }; static u1 boolean_method_code_attribute[] = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xe, 0x0, 0x1, // max stack 0x0, 0x1, // max locals 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2, Bytecodes::_iconst_0, Bytecodes::_ireturn, 0x0, 0x0, // ex table len 0x0, 0x0, // attributes_count }; // annotation processing support enum { // initial annotation layout atype_off = 0, // utf8 such as 'Ljava/lang/annotation/Retention;' count_off = 2, // u2 such as 1 (one value) member_off = 4, // utf8 such as 'value' tag_off = 6, // u1 such as 'c' (type) or 'e' (enum) e_tag_val = 'e', e_type_off = 7, // utf8 such as 'Ljava/lang/annotation/RetentionPolicy;' e_con_off = 9, // utf8 payload, such as 'SOURCE', 'CLASS', 'RUNTIME' e_size = 11, // end of 'e' annotation c_tag_val = 'c', // payload is type c_con_off = 7, // utf8 payload, such as 'I' c_size = 9, // end of 'c' annotation s_tag_val = 's', // payload is String s_con_off = 7, // utf8 payload, such as 'Ljava/lang/String;' s_size = 9, min_size = 6 // smallest possible size (zero members) }; static int skip_annotation_value(const address, int, int); // fwd decl // Skip an annotation. Return >=limit if there is any problem. static int next_annotation_index(const address buffer, int limit, int index) { assert(buffer != NULL, "invariant"); index += 2; // skip atype if ((index += 2) >= limit) { return limit; } int nof_members = JfrBigEndian::read(buffer + index - 2); while (--nof_members >= 0 && index < limit) { index += 2; // skip member index = skip_annotation_value(buffer, limit, index); } return index; } // Skip an annotation value. Return >=limit if there is any problem. static int skip_annotation_value(const address buffer, int limit, int index) { assert(buffer != NULL, "invariant"); // value := switch (tag:u1) { // case B, C, I, S, Z, D, F, J, c: con:u2; // case e: e_class:u2 e_name:u2; // case s: s_con:u2; // case [: do(nval:u2) {value}; // case @: annotation; // case s: s_con:u2; // } if ((index += 1) >= limit) { return limit; } const u1 tag = buffer[index - 1]; switch (tag) { case 'B': case 'C': case 'I': case 'S': case 'Z': case 'D': case 'F': case 'J': case 'c': case 's': index += 2; // skip con or s_con break; case 'e': index += 4; // skip e_class, e_name break; case '[': { if ((index += 2) >= limit) { return limit; } int nof_values = JfrBigEndian::read(buffer + index - 2); while (--nof_values >= 0 && index < limit) { index = skip_annotation_value(buffer, limit, index); } } break; case '@': index = next_annotation_index(buffer, limit, index); break; default: return limit; // bad tag byte } return index; } static const u2 number_of_elements_offset = (u2)2; static const u2 element_name_offset = (u2)(number_of_elements_offset + 2); static const u2 element_name_size = (u2)2; static const u2 value_type_relative_offset = (u2)2; static const u2 value_relative_offset = (u2)(value_type_relative_offset + 1); // see JVMS - 4.7.16. The RuntimeVisibleAnnotations Attribute class AnnotationElementIterator : public StackObj { private: const InstanceKlass* _ik; const address _buffer; const u2 _limit; // length of annotation mutable u2 _current; // element mutable u2 _next; // element u2 value_index() const { return JfrBigEndian::read(_buffer + _current + value_relative_offset); } public: AnnotationElementIterator(const InstanceKlass* ik, address buffer, u2 limit) : _ik(ik), _buffer(buffer), _limit(limit), _next(element_name_offset), _current(element_name_offset) { assert(_buffer != NULL, "invariant"); assert(_next == element_name_offset, "invariant"); assert(_current == element_name_offset, "invariant"); } bool has_next() const { return _next < _limit; } void move_to_next() const { assert(has_next(), "invariant"); _current = _next; if (_next < _limit) { _next = skip_annotation_value(_buffer, _limit, _next + element_name_size); } assert(_next <= _limit, "invariant"); assert(_current <= _limit, "invariant"); } u2 number_of_elements() const { return JfrBigEndian::read(_buffer + number_of_elements_offset); } const Symbol* name() const { assert(_current < _next, "invariant"); return _ik->constants()->symbol_at(JfrBigEndian::read(_buffer + _current)); } char value_type() const { return JfrBigEndian::read(_buffer + _current + value_type_relative_offset); } jint read_int() const { return _ik->constants()->int_at(value_index()); } bool read_bool() const { return read_int() != 0; } }; class AnnotationIterator : public StackObj { private: const InstanceKlass* _ik; // ensure _limit field is declared before _buffer u2 _limit; // length of annotations array const address _buffer; mutable u2 _current; // annotation mutable u2 _next; // annotation public: AnnotationIterator(const InstanceKlass* ik, AnnotationArray* ar) : _ik(ik), _current(0), _next(0), _limit(ar != NULL ? ar->length() : 0), _buffer(_limit > 2 ? ar->adr_at(2) : NULL) { if (_buffer != NULL) { _limit -= 2; // subtract sizeof(u2) number of annotations field } } bool has_next() const { return _next < _limit; } void move_to_next() const { assert(has_next(), "invariant"); _current = _next; if (_next < _limit) { _next = next_annotation_index(_buffer, _limit, _next); } assert(_next <= _limit, "invariant"); assert(_current <= _limit, "invariant"); } const AnnotationElementIterator elements() const { assert(_current < _next, "invariant"); return AnnotationElementIterator(_ik, _buffer + _current, _next - _current); } const Symbol* type() const { assert(_buffer != NULL, "invariant"); assert(_current < _limit, "invariant"); return _ik->constants()->symbol_at(JfrBigEndian::read(_buffer + _current)); } }; static unsigned int unused_hash = 0; static const char value_name[] = "value"; static bool has_registered_annotation(const InstanceKlass* ik, const Symbol* annotation_type, bool& value) { assert(annotation_type != NULL, "invariant"); AnnotationArray* class_annotations = ik->class_annotations(); if (class_annotations == NULL) { return false; } const AnnotationIterator annotation_iterator(ik, class_annotations); while (annotation_iterator.has_next()) { annotation_iterator.move_to_next(); if (annotation_iterator.type() == annotation_type) { // target annotation found static const Symbol* value_symbol = SymbolTable::lookup_only(value_name, sizeof value_name - 1, unused_hash); assert(value_symbol != NULL, "invariant"); const AnnotationElementIterator element_iterator = annotation_iterator.elements(); while (element_iterator.has_next()) { element_iterator.move_to_next(); if (value_symbol == element_iterator.name()) { // "value" element assert('Z' == element_iterator.value_type(), "invariant"); value = element_iterator.read_bool(); return true; } } } } return false; } static bool registered_annotation_value(const InstanceKlass* ik, const Symbol* const registered_symbol) { assert(registered_symbol != NULL, "invariant"); assert(ik != NULL, "invariant"); assert(JdkJfrEvent::is_a(ik), "invariant"); bool registered_value = false; if (has_registered_annotation(ik, registered_symbol, registered_value)) { return registered_value; } InstanceKlass* super = InstanceKlass::cast(ik->super()); return registered_annotation_value(super, registered_symbol); } static const char registered_constant[] = "Ljdk/jfr/Registered;"; // Evaluate to the value of the first found "Ljdk/jfr/Registered;" annotation. // Searching moves upwards in the klass hierarchy in order to support // inherited annotations in addition to the ability to override. static bool should_register_klass(const InstanceKlass* ik) { static const Symbol* const registered_symbol = SymbolTable::lookup_only(registered_constant, sizeof registered_constant - 1, unused_hash); assert(registered_symbol != NULL, "invariant"); return registered_annotation_value(ik, registered_symbol); } /* * Map an utf8 constant back to its CONSTANT_UTF8_INFO */ static u2 utf8_info_index(const InstanceKlass* ik, const Symbol* const target, TRAPS) { assert(target != NULL, "invariant"); ConstantPool* cp = ik->constants(); const int cp_len = cp->length(); for (u2 index = 1; index < cp_len; ++index) { const constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index); if (tag.is_utf8()) { const Symbol* const utf8_sym = cp->symbol_at(index); assert(utf8_sym != NULL, "invariant"); if (utf8_sym == target) { return index; } } } // not in constant pool return invalid_cp_index; } #ifdef ASSERT static bool is_index_within_range(u2 index, u2 orig_cp_len, u2 new_cp_entries_len) { return index > 0 && index < orig_cp_len + new_cp_entries_len; } #endif static u2 add_utf8_info(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, const char* utf8_constant, u2 orig_cp_len, u2& new_cp_entries_len) { assert(utf8_constant != NULL, "invariant"); writer.write(JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8); writer.write_utf8_u2_len(utf8_constant); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); // return index for the added utf8 info return orig_cp_len + new_cp_entries_len++; } static u2 add_method_ref_info(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, u2 cls_name_index, u2 method_index, u2 desc_index, u2 orig_cp_len, u2& number_of_new_constants, TRAPS) { assert(is_index_within_range(cls_name_index, orig_cp_len, number_of_new_constants), "invariant"); assert(is_index_within_range(method_index, orig_cp_len, number_of_new_constants), "invariant"); assert(is_index_within_range(desc_index, orig_cp_len, number_of_new_constants), "invariant"); writer.write(JVM_CONSTANT_Class); writer.write(cls_name_index); const u2 cls_entry_index = orig_cp_len + number_of_new_constants; ++number_of_new_constants; writer.write(JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType); writer.write(method_index); writer.write(desc_index); const u2 nat_entry_index = orig_cp_len + number_of_new_constants; ++number_of_new_constants; writer.write(JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref); writer.write(cls_entry_index); writer.write(nat_entry_index); // post-increment number_of_new_constants // value returned is the index to the added method_ref return orig_cp_len + number_of_new_constants++; } static u2 add_flr_register_method_constants(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, const u2* utf8_indexes, u2 orig_cp_len, u2& number_of_new_constants, TRAPS) { assert(utf8_indexes != NULL, "invariant"); return add_method_ref_info(writer, utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_FlightRecorder], utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_register], utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_CLASS_VOID_METHOD_DESC], orig_cp_len, number_of_new_constants, THREAD); } /* * field_info { * u2 access_flags; * u2 name_index; * u2 descriptor_index; * u2 attributes_count; * attribute_info attributes[attributes_count]; * } */ static jlong add_field_info(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, u2 name_index, u2 desc_index, bool is_static = false) { assert(name_index > 0, "invariant"); assert(desc_index > 0, "invariant"); DEBUG_ONLY(const jlong start_offset = writer.current_offset();) writer.write(JVM_ACC_SYNTHETIC | JVM_ACC_PRIVATE | (is_static ? JVM_ACC_STATIC : JVM_ACC_TRANSIENT)); // flags writer.write(name_index); writer.write(desc_index); writer.write((u2)0x0); // attributes_count assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); DEBUG_ONLY(assert(start_offset + 8 == writer.current_offset(), "invariant");) return writer.current_offset(); } static u2 add_field_infos(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, const u2* utf8_indexes) { assert(utf8_indexes != NULL, "invariant"); add_field_info(writer, utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_eventHandler], utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_eventHandler_FIELD_DESC], true); // static add_field_info(writer, utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_startTime], utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_J_FIELD_DESC]); add_field_info(writer, utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_duration], utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_J_FIELD_DESC]); return number_of_new_fields; } /* * method_info { * u2 access_flags; * u2 name_index; * u2 descriptor_index; * u2 attributes_count; * attribute_info attributes[attributes_count]; * } * * Code_attribute { * u2 attribute_name_index; * u4 attribute_length; * u2 max_stack; * u2 max_locals; * u4 code_length; * u1 code[code_length]; * u2 exception_table_length; * { u2 start_pc; * u2 end_pc; * u2 handler_pc; * u2 catch_type; * } exception_table[exception_table_length]; * u2 attributes_count; * attribute_info attributes[attributes_count]; * } */ static jlong add_method_info(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, u2 name_index, u2 desc_index, u2 code_index, const u1* const code, const size_t code_len) { assert(name_index > 0, "invariant"); assert(desc_index > 0, "invariant"); assert(code_index > 0, "invariant"); DEBUG_ONLY(const jlong start_offset = writer.current_offset();) writer.write(JVM_ACC_SYNTHETIC | JVM_ACC_PUBLIC); // flags writer.write(name_index); writer.write(desc_index); writer.write(0x1); // attributes_count ; 1 for "Code" attribute assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); DEBUG_ONLY(assert(start_offset + 8 == writer.current_offset(), "invariant");) // Code attribute writer.write(code_index); // "Code" writer.bytes(code, code_len); DEBUG_ONLY(assert((start_offset + 8 + 2 + (jlong)code_len) == writer.current_offset(), "invariant");) return writer.current_offset(); } /* * On return, the passed stream will be positioned * just after the constant pool section in the classfile * and the cp length is returned. * * Stream should come in at the start position. */ static u2 position_stream_after_cp(ClassFileStream* stream) { assert(stream != NULL, "invariant"); assert(stream->current_offset() == 0, "invariant"); stream->skip_u4_fast(2); // 8 bytes skipped const u2 cp_len = stream->get_u2_fast(); assert(cp_len > 0, "invariant"); // now spin the stream position to just after the constant pool for (u2 index = 1; index < cp_len; ++index) { const u1 tag = stream->get_u1_fast(); // cp tag switch (tag) { case JVM_CONSTANT_Class: case JVM_CONSTANT_String: { stream->skip_u2_fast(1); // skip 2 bytes continue; } case JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref: case JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref: case JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref: case JVM_CONSTANT_Integer: case JVM_CONSTANT_Float: case JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType: case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic: { stream->skip_u4_fast(1); // skip 4 bytes continue; } case JVM_CONSTANT_Long: case JVM_CONSTANT_Double: { stream->skip_u4_fast(2); // skip 8 bytes // Skip entry following eigth-byte constant, see JVM book p. 98 ++index; continue; } case JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8: { u2 utf8_length = stream->get_u2_fast(); stream->skip_u1_fast(utf8_length); // skip 2 + len bytes continue; } case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle: case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType: { if (tag == JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle) { stream->skip_u1_fast(1); stream->skip_u2_fast(1); // skip 3 bytes } else if (tag == JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType) { stream->skip_u2_fast(1); // skip 3 bytes } } continue; default: assert(false, "error in skip logic!"); break; } // end switch(tag) } return cp_len; } /* * On return, the passed stream will be positioned * just after the fields section in the classfile * and the number of fields will be returned. * * Stream should come in positioned just before fields_count */ static u2 position_stream_after_fields(ClassFileStream* stream) { assert(stream != NULL, "invariant"); assert(stream->current_offset() > 0, "invariant"); // fields len const u2 orig_fields_len = stream->get_u2_fast(); // fields for (u2 i = 0; i < orig_fields_len; ++i) { stream->skip_u2_fast(3); const u2 attrib_info_len = stream->get_u2_fast(); for (u2 j = 0; j < attrib_info_len; ++j) { stream->skip_u2_fast(1); const u4 attrib_len = stream->get_u4_fast(); stream->skip_u1_fast(attrib_len); } } return orig_fields_len; } /* * On return, the passed stream will be positioned * just after the methods section in the classfile * and the number of methods will be returned. * * Stream should come in positioned just before methods_count */ static u2 position_stream_after_methods(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, ClassFileStream* stream, const u2* utf8_indexes, bool register_klass, const Method* clinit_method, u4& orig_method_len_offset) { assert(stream != NULL, "invariant"); assert(stream->current_offset() > 0, "invariant"); assert(utf8_indexes != NULL, "invariant"); // We will come back to this location when we // know how many methods there will be. writer.reserve(sizeof(u2)); const u2 orig_methods_len = stream->get_u2_fast(); // Move copy position past original method_count // in order to not copy the original count orig_method_len_offset += sizeof(u2); for (u2 i = 0; i < orig_methods_len; ++i) { const u4 method_offset = stream->current_offset(); stream->skip_u2_fast(1); // Access Flags const u2 name_index = stream->get_u2_fast(); // Name index stream->skip_u2_fast(1); // Descriptor index const u2 attributes_count = stream->get_u2_fast(); for (u2 j = 0; j < attributes_count; ++j) { stream->skip_u2_fast(1); const u4 attrib_len = stream->get_u4_fast(); stream->skip_u1_fast(attrib_len); } if (clinit_method != NULL && name_index == clinit_method->name_index()) { // The method just parsed is an existing method. // If the class has the @Registered(false) annotation, i.e. marking a class // for opting out from automatic registration, then we do not need to do anything. if (!register_klass) { continue; } // Automatic registration with the jfr system is acccomplished // by pre-pending code to the method of the class. // We will need to re-create a new in a later step. // For now, ensure that this method is excluded from the methods // being copied. writer.bytes(stream->buffer() + orig_method_len_offset, method_offset - orig_method_len_offset); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); // Update copy position to skip copy of method orig_method_len_offset = stream->current_offset(); } } return orig_methods_len; } static u2 add_method_infos(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, const u2* utf8_indexes) { assert(utf8_indexes != NULL, "invariant"); add_method_info(writer, utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_begin], utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_EMPTY_VOID_METHOD_DESC], utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_Code], empty_void_method_code_attribute, sizeof(empty_void_method_code_attribute)); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); add_method_info(writer, utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_end], utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_EMPTY_VOID_METHOD_DESC], utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_Code], empty_void_method_code_attribute, sizeof(empty_void_method_code_attribute)); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); add_method_info(writer, utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_commit], utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_EMPTY_VOID_METHOD_DESC], utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_Code], empty_void_method_code_attribute, sizeof(empty_void_method_code_attribute)); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); add_method_info(writer, utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_isEnabled], utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_EMPTY_BOOLEAN_METHOD_DESC], utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_Code], boolean_method_code_attribute, sizeof(boolean_method_code_attribute)); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); add_method_info(writer, utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_shouldCommit], utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_EMPTY_BOOLEAN_METHOD_DESC], utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_Code], boolean_method_code_attribute, sizeof(boolean_method_code_attribute)); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); return number_of_new_methods; } static void adjust_exception_table(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, u2 bci_adjustment_offset, const Method* method, TRAPS) { const u2 ex_table_length = method != NULL ? (u2)method->exception_table_length() : 0; writer.write(ex_table_length); // Exception table length if (ex_table_length > 0) { assert(method != NULL, "invariant"); const ExceptionTableElement* const ex_elements = method->exception_table_start(); for (int i = 0; i < ex_table_length; ++i) { assert(ex_elements != NULL, "invariant"); writer.write(ex_elements[i].start_pc + bci_adjustment_offset); writer.write(ex_elements[i].end_pc + bci_adjustment_offset); writer.write(ex_elements[i].handler_pc + bci_adjustment_offset); writer.write(ex_elements[i].catch_type_index); // no adjustment } } } enum StackMapFrameTypes { SAME_FRAME_BEGIN = 0, SAME_FRAME_END = 63, SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEM_FRAME_BEGIN = 64, SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEM_FRAME_END = 127, SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEM_FRAME_EXTENDED = 247, CHOP_FRAME_BEGIN = 248, CHOP_FRAME_END = 250, SAME_FRAME_EXTENDED = 251, APPEND_FRAME_BEGIN = 252, APPEND_FRAME_END = 254, FULL_FRAME = 255 }; static void adjust_stack_map(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, Array* stack_map, const u2* utf8_indexes, u2 bci_adjustment_offset, TRAPS) { assert(stack_map != NULL, "invariant"); assert(utf8_indexes != NULL, "invariant"); writer.write(utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_StackMapTable]); const jlong stack_map_attrib_len_offset = writer.current_offset(); writer.reserve(sizeof(u4)); StackMapStream stream(stack_map); const u2 stack_map_entries = stream.get_u2(THREAD); // number of entries writer.write(stack_map_entries); // new stack map entry added const u1 frame_type = stream.get_u1(THREAD); // SAME_FRAME and SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEM_FRAME encode // their offset_delta into the actual frame type itself. // If such a frame type is the first frame, then we transform // it to a SAME_FRAME_EXTENDED or a SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEM_FRAME_EXTENDED frame. // This is done in order to not overflow frame types accidentally // when adjusting the offset_delta. In changing the frame types, // we can work with an explicit u2 offset_delta field (like the other frame types) if (frame_type <= SAME_FRAME_END) { writer.write(SAME_FRAME_EXTENDED); writer.write(frame_type + bci_adjustment_offset); } else if (frame_type >= SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEM_FRAME_BEGIN && frame_type <= SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEM_FRAME_END) { writer.write(SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEM_FRAME_EXTENDED); writer.write((frame_type - SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEM_FRAME_BEGIN) + bci_adjustment_offset); } else if (frame_type >= SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEM_FRAME_EXTENDED) { // SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEM_FRAME_EXTENDED to FULL_FRAME // has a u2 offset_delta field writer.write(frame_type); writer.write(stream.get_u2(THREAD) + bci_adjustment_offset); } else { assert(false, "stackMapFrame type is invalid"); } while (!stream.at_end()) { writer.write(stream.get_u1(THREAD)); } u4 stack_map_attrib_len = writer.current_offset() - stack_map_attrib_len_offset; // the stack_map_table_attributes_length value is exclusive stack_map_attrib_len -= sizeof(u4); writer.write_at_offset(stack_map_attrib_len, stack_map_attrib_len_offset); } static void adjust_line_number_table(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, const u2* utf8_indexes, u4 bci_adjustement_offset, const Method* method, TRAPS) { assert(utf8_indexes != NULL, "invariant"); assert(method != NULL, "invariant"); assert(method->has_linenumber_table(), "invariant"); writer.write(utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LineNumberTable]); const jlong lnt_attributes_length_offset = writer.current_offset(); writer.reserve(sizeof(u4)); const jlong lnt_attributes_entries_offset = writer.current_offset(); writer.reserve(sizeof(u2)); u1* lnt = method->compressed_linenumber_table(); CompressedLineNumberReadStream lnt_stream(lnt); u2 line_number_table_entries = 0; while (lnt_stream.read_pair()) { ++line_number_table_entries; const u2 bci = (u2)lnt_stream.bci(); writer.write(bci + (u2)bci_adjustement_offset); writer.write((u2)lnt_stream.line()); } writer.write_at_offset(line_number_table_entries, lnt_attributes_entries_offset); u4 lnt_table_attributes_len = writer.current_offset() - lnt_attributes_length_offset; // the line_number_table_attributes_length value is exclusive lnt_table_attributes_len -= sizeof(u4); writer.write_at_offset(lnt_table_attributes_len, lnt_attributes_length_offset); } // returns the number of lvtt entries static u2 adjust_local_variable_table(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, const u2* utf8_indexes, u2 bci_adjustment_offset, const Method* method, TRAPS) { assert(utf8_indexes != NULL, "invariant"); assert(method != NULL, "invariant"); assert(method->has_localvariable_table(), "invariant"); writer.write(utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTable]); const jlong lvt_attributes_length_offset = writer.current_offset(); writer.reserve(sizeof(u4)); const int lvt_len = method->localvariable_table_length(); writer.write((u2)lvt_len); const LocalVariableTableElement* table = method->localvariable_table_start(); assert(table != NULL, "invariant"); u2 num_lvtt_entries = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lvt_len; ++i) { writer.write(table[i].start_bci + bci_adjustment_offset); writer.write(table[i].length); writer.write(table[i].name_cp_index); writer.write(table[i].descriptor_cp_index); writer.write(table[i].slot); if (table[i].signature_cp_index > 0) { ++num_lvtt_entries; } } u4 lvt_table_attributes_len = writer.current_offset() - lvt_attributes_length_offset; // the lvt_table_attributes_length value is exclusive lvt_table_attributes_len -= sizeof(u4); writer.write_at_offset(lvt_table_attributes_len, lvt_attributes_length_offset); return num_lvtt_entries; } static void adjust_local_variable_type_table(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, const u2* utf8_indexes, u2 bci_adjustment_offset, u2 num_lvtt_entries, const Method* method, TRAPS) { assert(num_lvtt_entries > 0, "invariant"); writer.write(utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTypeTable]); const jlong lvtt_attributes_length_offset = writer.current_offset(); writer.reserve(sizeof(u4)); writer.write(num_lvtt_entries); const LocalVariableTableElement* table = method->localvariable_table_start(); assert(table != NULL, "invariant"); const int lvt_len = method->localvariable_table_length(); for (int i = 0; i < lvt_len; ++i) { if (table[i].signature_cp_index > 0) { writer.write(table[i].start_bci + bci_adjustment_offset); writer.write(table[i].length); writer.write(table[i].name_cp_index); writer.write(table[i].signature_cp_index); writer.write(table[i].slot); } } u4 lvtt_table_attributes_len = writer.current_offset() - lvtt_attributes_length_offset; // the lvtt_table_attributes_length value is exclusive lvtt_table_attributes_len -= sizeof(u4); writer.write_at_offset(lvtt_table_attributes_len, lvtt_attributes_length_offset); } static void adjust_code_attributes(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, const u2* utf8_indexes, u2 bci_adjustment_offset, const Method* clinit_method, TRAPS) { // "Code" attributes assert(utf8_indexes != NULL, "invariant"); const jlong code_attributes_offset = writer.current_offset(); writer.reserve(sizeof(u2)); u2 number_of_code_attributes = 0; if (clinit_method != NULL) { Array* stack_map = clinit_method->stackmap_data(); if (stack_map != NULL) { ++number_of_code_attributes; adjust_stack_map(writer, stack_map, utf8_indexes, bci_adjustment_offset, THREAD); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); } if (clinit_method != NULL && clinit_method->has_linenumber_table()) { ++number_of_code_attributes; adjust_line_number_table(writer, utf8_indexes, bci_adjustment_offset, clinit_method, THREAD); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); } if (clinit_method != NULL && clinit_method->has_localvariable_table()) { ++number_of_code_attributes; const u2 num_of_lvtt_entries = adjust_local_variable_table(writer, utf8_indexes, bci_adjustment_offset, clinit_method, THREAD); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); if (num_of_lvtt_entries > 0) { ++number_of_code_attributes; adjust_local_variable_type_table(writer, utf8_indexes, bci_adjustment_offset, num_of_lvtt_entries, clinit_method, THREAD); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); } } } // Store the number of code_attributes writer.write_at_offset(number_of_code_attributes, code_attributes_offset); } static jlong insert_clinit_method(const InstanceKlass* ik, ClassFileParser& parser, JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, u2 orig_constant_pool_len, const u2* utf8_indexes, const u2 register_method_ref_index, const Method* clinit_method, TRAPS) { assert(utf8_indexes != NULL, "invariant"); // The injected code length is always this value. // This is to ensure that padding can be done // where needed and to simplify size calculations. static const u2 injected_code_length = 8; const u2 name_index = utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_clinit]; const u2 desc_index = utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_EMPTY_VOID_METHOD_DESC]; const u2 max_stack = MAX2(clinit_method != NULL ? clinit_method->verifier_max_stack() : 1, 1); const u2 max_locals = MAX2(clinit_method != NULL ? clinit_method->max_locals() : 0, 0); const u2 orig_bytecodes_length = clinit_method != NULL ? (u2)clinit_method->code_size() : 0; const address orig_bytecodes = clinit_method != NULL ? clinit_method->code_base() : NULL; const u2 new_code_length = injected_code_length + orig_bytecodes_length; DEBUG_ONLY(const jlong start_offset = writer.current_offset();) writer.write(JVM_ACC_STATIC); // flags writer.write(name_index); writer.write(desc_index); writer.write((u2)0x1); // attributes_count // "Code" assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); DEBUG_ONLY(assert(start_offset + 8 == writer.current_offset(), "invariant");) // "Code" attribute writer.write(utf8_indexes[UTF8_REQ_Code]); // "Code" const jlong code_attribute_length_offset = writer.current_offset(); writer.reserve(sizeof(u4)); writer.write(max_stack); // max stack writer.write(max_locals); // max locals writer.write((u4)new_code_length); // code length /* BEGIN CLINIT CODE */ // Note the use of ldc_w here instead of ldc. // This is to handle all values of "this_class_index" writer.write((u1)Bytecodes::_ldc_w); writer.write((u2)parser.this_class_index()); // load constant "this class" writer.write((u1)Bytecodes::_invokestatic); // invoke "FlightRecorder.register(Ljava/lang/Class;") writer.write(register_method_ref_index); if (clinit_method == NULL) { writer.write((u1)Bytecodes::_nop); writer.write((u1)Bytecodes::_return); } else { // If we are pre-pending to original code, // do padding to minimize disruption to the original. // It might have dependencies on 4-byte boundaries // i.e. lookupswitch and tableswitch instructions writer.write((u1)Bytecodes::_nop); writer.write((u1)Bytecodes::_nop); // insert original clinit code writer.bytes(orig_bytecodes, orig_bytecodes_length); } /* END CLINIT CODE */ assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); adjust_exception_table(writer, injected_code_length, clinit_method, THREAD); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); adjust_code_attributes(writer, utf8_indexes, injected_code_length, clinit_method, THREAD); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); u4 code_attribute_len = writer.current_offset() - code_attribute_length_offset; // the code_attribute_length value is exclusive code_attribute_len -= sizeof(u4); writer.write_at_offset(code_attribute_len, code_attribute_length_offset); return writer.current_offset(); } // Caller needs ResourceMark static ClassFileStream* create_new_bytes_for_event_klass(const InstanceKlass* ik, const ClassFileParser& parser, TRAPS) { DEBUG_ONLY(JfrJavaSupport::check_java_thread_in_vm(THREAD)); static const u2 public_final_flag_mask = JVM_ACC_PUBLIC | JVM_ACC_FINAL; ClassFileStream* const orig_stream = parser.clone_stream(); const int orig_stream_length = orig_stream->length(); // allocate an identically sized buffer u1* const new_buffer = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_IN_THREAD_RETURN_NULL(THREAD, u1, orig_stream_length); if (new_buffer == NULL) { return NULL; } assert(new_buffer != NULL, "invariant"); // memcpy the entire [B memcpy(new_buffer, orig_stream->buffer(), orig_stream_length); const u2 orig_cp_len = position_stream_after_cp(orig_stream); assert(orig_cp_len > 0, "invariant"); assert(orig_stream->current_offset() > 0, "invariant"); orig_stream->skip_u2_fast(3); // access_flags, this_class_index, super_class_index const u2 iface_len = orig_stream->get_u2_fast(); orig_stream->skip_u2_fast(iface_len); // fields len const u2 orig_fields_len = orig_stream->get_u2_fast(); // fields for (u2 i = 0; i < orig_fields_len; ++i) { orig_stream->skip_u2_fast(3); const u2 attrib_info_len = orig_stream->get_u2_fast(); for (u2 j = 0; j < attrib_info_len; ++j) { orig_stream->skip_u2_fast(1); const u4 attrib_len = orig_stream->get_u4_fast(); orig_stream->skip_u1_fast(attrib_len); } } // methods const u2 orig_methods_len = orig_stream->get_u2_fast(); for (u2 i = 0; i < orig_methods_len; ++i) { const u4 access_flag_offset = orig_stream->current_offset(); const u2 flags = orig_stream->get_u2_fast(); // Rewrite JVM_ACC_FINAL -> JVM_ACC_PUBLIC if (public_final_flag_mask == flags) { JfrBigEndianWriter accessflagsrewriter(new_buffer + access_flag_offset, sizeof(u2)); accessflagsrewriter.write(JVM_ACC_PUBLIC); assert(accessflagsrewriter.is_valid(), "invariant"); } orig_stream->skip_u2_fast(2); const u2 attributes_count = orig_stream->get_u2_fast(); for (u2 j = 0; j < attributes_count; ++j) { orig_stream->skip_u2_fast(1); const u4 attrib_len = orig_stream->get_u4_fast(); orig_stream->skip_u1_fast(attrib_len); } } return new ClassFileStream(new_buffer, orig_stream_length, NULL); } // Attempt to locate an existing UTF8_INFO mapping the utf8_constant. // If no UTF8_INFO exists, add (append) a new one to the constant pool. static u2 find_or_add_utf8_info(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, const InstanceKlass* ik, const char* const utf8_constant, u2 orig_cp_len, u2& added_cp_entries, TRAPS) { assert(utf8_constant != NULL, "invariant"); TempNewSymbol utf8_sym = SymbolTable::new_symbol(utf8_constant, THREAD); // lookup existing const int utf8_orig_idx = utf8_info_index(ik, utf8_sym, THREAD); if (utf8_orig_idx != invalid_cp_index) { // existing constant pool entry found return utf8_orig_idx; } // no existing match, need to add a new utf8 cp entry assert(invalid_cp_index == utf8_orig_idx, "invariant"); // add / append new return add_utf8_info(writer, utf8_constant, orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries); } /* * This routine will resolve the required utf8_constants array * to their constant pool indexes (mapping to their UTF8_INFO's) * Only if a constant is actually needed and does not already exist * will it be added. * * The passed in indexes array will be populated with the resolved indexes. * The number of newly added constant pool entries is returned. */ static u2 resolve_utf8_indexes(JfrBigEndianWriter& writer, const InstanceKlass* ik, u2* const utf8_indexes, u2 orig_cp_len, const Method* clinit_method, TRAPS) { assert(utf8_indexes != NULL, "invariant"); u2 added_cp_entries = 0; // resolve all required symbols for (u2 index = 0; index < NOF_UTF8_REQ_SYMBOLS; ++index) { utf8_indexes[index] = find_or_add_utf8_info(writer, ik, utf8_constants[index], orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries, THREAD); } // Now determine optional constants (mainly "Code" attributes) if (clinit_method != NULL && clinit_method->has_stackmap_table()) { utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_StackMapTable] = find_or_add_utf8_info(writer, ik, utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_StackMapTable], orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries, THREAD); } else { utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_StackMapTable] = invalid_cp_index; } if (clinit_method != NULL && clinit_method->has_linenumber_table()) { utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LineNumberTable] = find_or_add_utf8_info(writer, ik, utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_LineNumberTable], orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries, THREAD); } else { utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LineNumberTable] = invalid_cp_index; } if (clinit_method != NULL && clinit_method->has_localvariable_table()) { utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTable] = find_or_add_utf8_info(writer, ik, utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTable], orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries, THREAD); utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTypeTable] = find_or_add_utf8_info(writer, ik, utf8_constants[UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTypeTable], orig_cp_len, added_cp_entries, THREAD); } else { utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTable] = invalid_cp_index; utf8_indexes[UTF8_OPT_LocalVariableTypeTable] = invalid_cp_index; } return added_cp_entries; } static u1* new_bytes_for_lazy_instrumentation(InstanceKlass* ik, ClassFileParser& parser, jint& size_of_new_bytes, TRAPS) { assert(ik != NULL, "invariant"); // If the class already has a clinit method // we need to take that into account const Method* clinit_method = ik->class_initializer(); const bool register_klass = should_register_klass(ik); ClassFileStream* const orig_stream = parser.clone_stream(); const int orig_stream_size = orig_stream->length(); assert(orig_stream->current_offset() == 0, "invariant"); const u2 orig_cp_len = position_stream_after_cp(orig_stream); assert(orig_cp_len > 0, "invariant"); assert(orig_stream->current_offset() > 0, "invariant"); // Dimension and allocate a working byte buffer // to be used in building up a modified class [B. const jint new_buffer_size = extra_stream_bytes + orig_stream_size; u1* const new_buffer = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_IN_THREAD_RETURN_NULL(THREAD, u1, new_buffer_size); if (new_buffer == NULL) { if (true) tty->print_cr ("Thread local allocation (native) for " SIZE_FORMAT " bytes failed in JfrClassAdapter::on_klass_creation", (size_t)new_buffer_size); return NULL; } assert(new_buffer != NULL, "invariant"); // [B wrapped in a big endian writer JfrBigEndianWriter writer(new_buffer, new_buffer_size); assert(writer.current_offset() == 0, "invariant"); const u4 orig_access_flag_offset = orig_stream->current_offset(); // Copy original stream from the beginning up to AccessFlags // This means the original constant pool contents are copied unmodified writer.bytes(orig_stream->buffer(), orig_access_flag_offset); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); assert(writer.current_offset() == (intptr_t)orig_access_flag_offset, "invariant"); // same positions // Our writer now sits just after the last original constant pool entry. // I.e. we are in a good position to append new constant pool entries // This array will contain the resolved indexes // in order to reference UTF8_INFO's needed u2 utf8_indexes[NOF_UTF8_SYMBOLS]; // Resolve_utf8_indexes will be conservative in attempting to // locate an existing UTF8_INFO; it will only append constants // that is absolutely required u2 number_of_new_constants = resolve_utf8_indexes(writer, ik, utf8_indexes, orig_cp_len, clinit_method, THREAD); // UTF8_INFO entries now added to the constant pool // In order to invoke a method we would need additional // constants, JVM_CONSTANT_Class, JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType // and JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref. const u2 flr_register_method_ref_index = register_klass ? add_flr_register_method_constants(writer, utf8_indexes, orig_cp_len, number_of_new_constants, THREAD) : invalid_cp_index; // New constant pool entries added and all UTF8_INFO indexes resolved // Now update the class file constant_pool_count with an updated count writer.write_at_offset(orig_cp_len + number_of_new_constants, 8); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); orig_stream->skip_u2_fast(3); // access_flags, this_class_index, super_class_index const u2 iface_len = orig_stream->get_u2_fast(); // interfaces orig_stream->skip_u2_fast(iface_len); const u4 orig_fields_len_offset = orig_stream->current_offset(); // Copy from AccessFlags up to and including interfaces writer.bytes(orig_stream->buffer() + orig_access_flag_offset, orig_fields_len_offset - orig_access_flag_offset); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); const jlong new_fields_len_offset = writer.current_offset(); const u2 orig_fields_len = position_stream_after_fields(orig_stream); u4 orig_method_len_offset = orig_stream->current_offset(); // Copy up to and including fields writer.bytes(orig_stream->buffer() + orig_fields_len_offset, orig_method_len_offset - orig_fields_len_offset); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); // We are sitting just after the original number of field_infos // so this is a position where we can add (append) new field_infos const u2 number_of_new_fields = add_field_infos(writer, utf8_indexes); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); const jlong new_method_len_offset = writer.current_offset(); // Additional field_infos added, update classfile fields_count writer.write_at_offset(orig_fields_len + number_of_new_fields, new_fields_len_offset); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); // Our current location is now at classfile methods_count const u2 orig_methods_len = position_stream_after_methods(writer, orig_stream, utf8_indexes, register_klass, clinit_method, orig_method_len_offset); const u4 orig_attributes_count_offset = orig_stream->current_offset(); // Copy existing methods writer.bytes(orig_stream->buffer() + orig_method_len_offset, orig_attributes_count_offset - orig_method_len_offset); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); // We are sitting just after the original number of method_infos // so this is a position where we can add (append) new method_infos u2 number_of_new_methods = add_method_infos(writer, utf8_indexes); // We have just added the new methods. // // What about the state of ? // We would need to do: // 1. Nothing (@Registered(false) annotation) // 2. Build up a new - and if the original class already contains a , // merging will be neccessary. // if (register_klass) { insert_clinit_method(ik, parser, writer, orig_cp_len, utf8_indexes, flr_register_method_ref_index, clinit_method, THREAD); } number_of_new_methods += clinit_method != NULL ? 0 : register_klass ? 1 : 0; // Update classfile methods_count writer.write_at_offset(orig_methods_len + number_of_new_methods, new_method_len_offset); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); // Copy last remaining bytes writer.bytes(orig_stream->buffer() + orig_attributes_count_offset, orig_stream_size - orig_attributes_count_offset); assert(writer.is_valid(), "invariant"); assert(writer.current_offset() > orig_stream->length(), "invariant"); size_of_new_bytes = (jint)writer.current_offset(); return new_buffer; } static void log_pending_exception(oop throwable) { assert(throwable != NULL, "invariant"); oop msg = java_lang_Throwable::message(throwable); if (msg != NULL) { char* text = java_lang_String::as_utf8_string(msg); if (text != NULL) { if (true) tty->print_cr ("%s", text); } } } static bool should_force_instrumentation() { return !JfrOptionSet::allow_event_retransforms() || JfrEventClassTransformer::is_force_instrumentation(); } static ClassFileStream* create_new_bytes_for_subklass(InstanceKlass* ik, ClassFileParser& parser, Thread* t) { assert(JdkJfrEvent::is_a(ik), "invariant"); DEBUG_ONLY(JfrJavaSupport::check_java_thread_in_vm(t)); jint size_of_new_bytes = 0; u1* new_bytes = new_bytes_for_lazy_instrumentation(ik, parser, size_of_new_bytes, t); if (new_bytes == NULL) { return NULL; } assert(new_bytes != NULL, "invariant"); assert(size_of_new_bytes > 0, "invariant"); bool force_instrumentation = should_force_instrumentation(); if (Jfr::is_recording() || force_instrumentation) { jint size_instrumented_data = 0; unsigned char* instrumented_data = NULL; const jclass super = (jclass)JNIHandles::make_local(ik->super()->java_mirror()); JfrUpcalls::new_bytes_eager_instrumentation(TRACE_ID(ik), force_instrumentation, super, size_of_new_bytes, new_bytes, &size_instrumented_data, &instrumented_data, t); if (t->has_pending_exception()) { log_pending_exception(t->pending_exception()); t->clear_pending_exception(); return NULL; } assert(instrumented_data != NULL, "invariant"); assert(size_instrumented_data > 0, "invariant"); return new ClassFileStream(instrumented_data, size_instrumented_data, NULL); } return new ClassFileStream(new_bytes, size_of_new_bytes, NULL); } static bool cache_bytes(InstanceKlass* ik, ClassFileStream* new_stream, InstanceKlass* new_ik, TRAPS) { assert(ik != NULL, "invariant"); assert(new_ik != NULL, "invariant"); assert(new_ik->name() != NULL, "invariant"); assert(new_stream != NULL, "invariant"); assert(!HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION, "invariant"); static const bool can_retransform = JfrOptionSet::allow_retransforms(); if (!can_retransform) { return true; } const jint stream_len = new_stream->length(); JvmtiCachedClassFileData* p = (JvmtiCachedClassFileData*)NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY_RETURN_NULL(u1, offset_of(JvmtiCachedClassFileData, data) + stream_len, mtInternal); if (p == NULL) { if (true) tty->print_cr("Allocation using C_HEAP_ARRAY for " SIZE_FORMAT " bytes failed in JfrClassAdapter::on_klass_creation", (size_t)offset_of(JvmtiCachedClassFileData, data) + stream_len); return false; } p->length = stream_len; memcpy(p->data, new_stream->buffer(), stream_len); new_ik->set_cached_class_file(p); JvmtiCachedClassFileData* const cached_class_data = ik->get_cached_class_file(); if (cached_class_data != NULL) { os::free(cached_class_data); ik->set_cached_class_file(NULL); } return true; } static InstanceKlass* create_new_instance_klass(InstanceKlass* ik, ClassFileStream* stream, TRAPS) { assert(stream != NULL, "invariant"); ResourceMark rm(THREAD); TempNewSymbol parsed_name = NULL; ClassLoaderData* const cld = ik->class_loader_data(); Handle pd(THREAD, ik->protection_domain()); Symbol* const class_name = ik->name(); const char* const klass_name = class_name != NULL ? class_name->as_C_string() : ""; InstanceKlass* const new_ik = ClassFileParser(stream).parseClassFile( class_name, cld, pd, NULL, // host klass NULL, // cp_patches parsed_name, true, // need_verify THREAD)(); if (HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) { log_pending_exception(PENDING_EXCEPTION); CLEAR_PENDING_EXCEPTION; return NULL; } assert(new_ik != NULL, "invariant"); assert(new_ik->name() != NULL, "invariant"); assert(strncmp(ik->name()->as_C_string(), new_ik->name()->as_C_string(), strlen(ik->name()->as_C_string())) == 0, "invariant"); return cache_bytes(ik, stream, new_ik, THREAD) ? new_ik : NULL; } static void rewrite_klass_pointer(InstanceKlass*& ik, InstanceKlass* new_ik, ClassFileParser& parser, TRAPS) { assert(ik != NULL, "invariant"); assert(new_ik != NULL, "invariant"); assert(new_ik->name() != NULL, "invariant"); assert(JdkJfrEvent::is(new_ik) || JdkJfrEvent::is_subklass(new_ik), "invariant"); assert(!HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION, "invariant"); // assign original InstanceKlass* back onto "its" parser object for proper destruction parser.set_klass_to_deallocate(ik); // now rewrite original pointer to newly created InstanceKlass ik = new_ik; } // During retransform/redefine, copy the Method specific trace flags // from the previous ik ("the original klass") to the new ik ("the scratch_klass"). // The open code for retransform/redefine does not know about these. // In doing this migration here, we ensure the new Methods (defined in scratch klass) // will carry over trace tags from the old Methods being replaced, // ensuring flag/tag continuity while being transparent to open code. static void copy_method_trace_flags(const InstanceKlass* the_original_klass, const InstanceKlass* the_scratch_klass) { assert(the_original_klass != NULL, "invariant"); assert(the_scratch_klass != NULL, "invariant"); assert(the_original_klass->name() == the_scratch_klass->name(), "invariant"); const Array* old_methods = the_original_klass->methods(); const Array* new_methods = the_scratch_klass->methods(); const bool equal_array_length = old_methods->length() == new_methods->length(); // The Method array has the property of being sorted. // If they are the same length, there is a one-to-one mapping. // If they are unequal, there was a method added (currently only // private static methods allowed to be added), use lookup. for (int i = 0; i < old_methods->length(); ++i) { const Method* const old_method = old_methods->at(i); Method* const new_method = equal_array_length ? new_methods->at(i) : the_scratch_klass->find_method(old_method->name(), old_method->signature()); assert(new_method != NULL, "invariant"); assert(new_method->name() == old_method->name(), "invariant"); assert(new_method->signature() == old_method->signature(), "invariant"); new_method->set_trace_flags(old_method->trace_flags()); assert(new_method->trace_flags() == old_method->trace_flags(), "invariant"); } } static bool is_retransforming(const InstanceKlass* ik, TRAPS) { assert(ik != NULL, "invariant"); assert(JdkJfrEvent::is_a(ik), "invariant"); Symbol* const name = ik->name(); assert(name != NULL, "invariant"); Handle class_loader(THREAD, ik->class_loader()); Handle protection_domain(THREAD, ik->protection_domain()); // nota bene: use lock-free dictionary lookup const InstanceKlass* prev_ik = (const InstanceKlass*)SystemDictionary::find(name, class_loader, protection_domain, THREAD); if (prev_ik == NULL) { return false; } // an existing ik implies a retransform/redefine assert(prev_ik != NULL, "invariant"); assert(JdkJfrEvent::is_a(prev_ik), "invariant"); copy_method_trace_flags(prev_ik, ik); return true; } // target for JFR_ON_KLASS_CREATION hook void JfrEventClassTransformer::on_klass_creation(InstanceKlass*& ik, ClassFileParser& parser, TRAPS) { assert(ik != NULL, "invariant"); if (JdkJfrEvent::is(ik)) { ResourceMark rm(THREAD); HandleMark hm(THREAD); ClassFileStream* new_stream = create_new_bytes_for_event_klass(ik, parser, THREAD); if (new_stream == NULL) { if (true) tty->print_cr("JfrClassAdapter: unable to create ClassFileStream"); return; } assert(new_stream != NULL, "invariant"); InstanceKlass* new_ik = create_new_instance_klass(ik, new_stream, THREAD); if (new_ik == NULL) { if (true) tty->print_cr("JfrClassAdapter: unable to create InstanceKlass"); return; } assert(new_ik != NULL, "invariant"); // We now need to explicitly tag the replaced klass as the jdk.jfr.Event klass assert(!JdkJfrEvent::is(new_ik), "invariant"); JdkJfrEvent::tag_as(new_ik); assert(JdkJfrEvent::is(new_ik), "invariant"); rewrite_klass_pointer(ik, new_ik, parser, THREAD); return; } assert(JdkJfrEvent::is_subklass(ik), "invariant"); if (is_retransforming(ik, THREAD)) { // not the initial klass load return; } if (ik->is_abstract()) { // abstract classes are not instrumented return; } ResourceMark rm(THREAD); HandleMark hm(THREAD); ClassFileStream* const new_stream = create_new_bytes_for_subklass(ik, parser, THREAD); if (NULL == new_stream) { if (true) tty->print_cr("JfrClassAdapter: unable to create ClassFileStream"); return; } assert(new_stream != NULL, "invariant"); InstanceKlass* new_ik = create_new_instance_klass(ik, new_stream, THREAD); if (new_ik == NULL) { if (true) tty->print_cr("JfrClassAdapter: unable to create InstanceKlass"); return; } assert(new_ik != NULL, "invariant"); // would have been tagged already as a subklass during the normal process of traceid assignment assert(JdkJfrEvent::is_subklass(new_ik), "invariant"); traceid id = ik->trace_id(); ik->set_trace_id(0); new_ik->set_trace_id(id); rewrite_klass_pointer(ik, new_ik, parser, THREAD); } static bool _force_instrumentation = false; void JfrEventClassTransformer::set_force_instrumentation(bool force_instrumentation) { _force_instrumentation = force_instrumentation; } bool JfrEventClassTransformer::is_force_instrumentation() { return _force_instrumentation; }