/* * Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "compiler/compileLog.hpp" #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp" #include "runtime/arguments.hpp" #include "utilities/defaultStream.hpp" #include "utilities/ostream.hpp" #include "utilities/top.hpp" #include "utilities/xmlstream.hpp" #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_linux # include "os_linux.inline.hpp" #endif #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_solaris # include "os_solaris.inline.hpp" #endif #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_windows # include "os_windows.inline.hpp" #endif extern "C" void jio_print(const char* s); // Declarationtion of jvm method outputStream::outputStream(int width) { _width = width; _position = 0; _newlines = 0; _precount = 0; _indentation = 0; } outputStream::outputStream(int width, bool has_time_stamps) { _width = width; _position = 0; _newlines = 0; _precount = 0; _indentation = 0; if (has_time_stamps) _stamp.update(); } void outputStream::update_position(const char* s, size_t len) { for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { char ch = s[i]; if (ch == '\n') { _newlines += 1; _precount += _position + 1; _position = 0; } else if (ch == '\t') { int tw = 8 - (_position & 7); _position += tw; _precount -= tw-1; // invariant: _precount + _position == total count } else { _position += 1; } } } // Execute a vsprintf, using the given buffer if necessary. // Return a pointer to the formatted string. const char* outputStream::do_vsnprintf(char* buffer, size_t buflen, const char* format, va_list ap, bool add_cr, size_t& result_len) { const char* result; if (add_cr) buflen--; if (!strchr(format, '%')) { // constant format string result = format; result_len = strlen(result); if (add_cr && result_len >= buflen) result_len = buflen-1; // truncate } else if (format[0] == '%' && format[1] == 's' && format[2] == '\0') { // trivial copy-through format string result = va_arg(ap, const char*); result_len = strlen(result); if (add_cr && result_len >= buflen) result_len = buflen-1; // truncate } else if (vsnprintf(buffer, buflen, format, ap) >= 0) { result = buffer; result_len = strlen(result); } else { DEBUG_ONLY(warning("increase O_BUFLEN in ostream.hpp -- output truncated");) result = buffer; result_len = buflen - 1; buffer[result_len] = 0; } if (add_cr) { if (result != buffer) { strncpy(buffer, result, buflen); result = buffer; } buffer[result_len++] = '\n'; buffer[result_len] = 0; } return result; } void outputStream::print(const char* format, ...) { char buffer[O_BUFLEN]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); size_t len; const char* str = do_vsnprintf(buffer, O_BUFLEN, format, ap, false, len); write(str, len); va_end(ap); } void outputStream::print_cr(const char* format, ...) { char buffer[O_BUFLEN]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); size_t len; const char* str = do_vsnprintf(buffer, O_BUFLEN, format, ap, true, len); write(str, len); va_end(ap); } void outputStream::vprint(const char *format, va_list argptr) { char buffer[O_BUFLEN]; size_t len; const char* str = do_vsnprintf(buffer, O_BUFLEN, format, argptr, false, len); write(str, len); } void outputStream::vprint_cr(const char* format, va_list argptr) { char buffer[O_BUFLEN]; size_t len; const char* str = do_vsnprintf(buffer, O_BUFLEN, format, argptr, true, len); write(str, len); } void outputStream::fill_to(int col) { int need_fill = col - position(); sp(need_fill); } void outputStream::move_to(int col, int slop, int min_space) { if (position() >= col + slop) cr(); int need_fill = col - position(); if (need_fill < min_space) need_fill = min_space; sp(need_fill); } void outputStream::put(char ch) { assert(ch != 0, "please fix call site"); char buf[] = { ch, '\0' }; write(buf, 1); } #define SP_USE_TABS false void outputStream::sp(int count) { if (count < 0) return; if (SP_USE_TABS && count >= 8) { int target = position() + count; while (count >= 8) { this->write("\t", 1); count -= 8; } count = target - position(); } while (count > 0) { int nw = (count > 8) ? 8 : count; this->write(" ", nw); count -= nw; } } void outputStream::cr() { this->write("\n", 1); } void outputStream::stamp() { if (! _stamp.is_updated()) { _stamp.update(); // start at 0 on first call to stamp() } // outputStream::stamp() may get called by ostream_abort(), use snprintf // to avoid allocating large stack buffer in print(). char buf[40]; jio_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.3f", _stamp.seconds()); print_raw(buf); } void outputStream::stamp(bool guard, const char* prefix, const char* suffix) { if (!guard) { return; } print_raw(prefix); stamp(); print_raw(suffix); } void outputStream::date_stamp(bool guard, const char* prefix, const char* suffix) { if (!guard) { return; } print_raw(prefix); static const char error_time[] = "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmm+zzzz"; static const int buffer_length = 32; char buffer[buffer_length]; const char* iso8601_result = os::iso8601_time(buffer, buffer_length); if (iso8601_result != NULL) { print_raw(buffer); } else { print_raw(error_time); } print_raw(suffix); return; } void outputStream::indent() { while (_position < _indentation) sp(); } void outputStream::print_jlong(jlong value) { // N.B. Same as INT64_FORMAT print(os::jlong_format_specifier(), value); } void outputStream::print_julong(julong value) { // N.B. Same as UINT64_FORMAT print(os::julong_format_specifier(), value); } stringStream::stringStream(size_t initial_size) : outputStream() { buffer_length = initial_size; buffer = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, buffer_length); buffer_pos = 0; buffer_fixed = false; } // useful for output to fixed chunks of memory, such as performance counters stringStream::stringStream(char* fixed_buffer, size_t fixed_buffer_size) : outputStream() { buffer_length = fixed_buffer_size; buffer = fixed_buffer; buffer_pos = 0; buffer_fixed = true; } void stringStream::write(const char* s, size_t len) { size_t write_len = len; // number of non-null bytes to write size_t end = buffer_pos + len + 1; // position after write and final '\0' if (end > buffer_length) { if (buffer_fixed) { // if buffer cannot resize, silently truncate end = buffer_length; write_len = end - buffer_pos - 1; // leave room for the final '\0' } else { // For small overruns, double the buffer. For larger ones, // increase to the requested size. if (end < buffer_length * 2) { end = buffer_length * 2; } char* oldbuf = buffer; buffer = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, end); strncpy(buffer, oldbuf, buffer_pos); buffer_length = end; } } // invariant: buffer is always null-terminated guarantee(buffer_pos + write_len + 1 <= buffer_length, "stringStream oob"); buffer[buffer_pos + write_len] = 0; strncpy(buffer + buffer_pos, s, write_len); buffer_pos += write_len; // Note that the following does not depend on write_len. // This means that position and count get updated // even when overflow occurs. update_position(s, len); } char* stringStream::as_string() { char* copy = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, buffer_pos+1); strncpy(copy, buffer, buffer_pos); copy[buffer_pos] = 0; // terminating null return copy; } stringStream::~stringStream() {} xmlStream* xtty; outputStream* tty; outputStream* gclog_or_tty; extern Mutex* tty_lock; fileStream::fileStream(const char* file_name) { _file = fopen(file_name, "w"); _need_close = true; } fileStream::fileStream(const char* file_name, const char* opentype) { _file = fopen(file_name, opentype); _need_close = true; } void fileStream::write(const char* s, size_t len) { if (_file != NULL) { // Make an unused local variable to avoid warning from gcc 4.x compiler. size_t count = fwrite(s, 1, len, _file); } update_position(s, len); } long fileStream::fileSize() { long size = -1; if (_file != NULL) { long pos = ::ftell(_file); if (::fseek(_file, 0, SEEK_END) == 0) { size = ::ftell(_file); } ::fseek(_file, pos, SEEK_SET); } return size; } char* fileStream::readln(char *data, int count ) { char * ret = ::fgets(data, count, _file); //Get rid of annoying \n char data[::strlen(data)-1] = '\0'; return ret; } fileStream::~fileStream() { if (_file != NULL) { if (_need_close) fclose(_file); _file = NULL; } } void fileStream::flush() { fflush(_file); } fdStream::fdStream(const char* file_name) { _fd = open(file_name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666); _need_close = true; } fdStream::~fdStream() { if (_fd != -1) { if (_need_close) close(_fd); _fd = -1; } } void fdStream::write(const char* s, size_t len) { if (_fd != -1) { // Make an unused local variable to avoid warning from gcc 4.x compiler. size_t count = ::write(_fd, s, (int)len); } update_position(s, len); } defaultStream* defaultStream::instance = NULL; int defaultStream::_output_fd = 1; int defaultStream::_error_fd = 2; FILE* defaultStream::_output_stream = stdout; FILE* defaultStream::_error_stream = stderr; #define LOG_MAJOR_VERSION 160 #define LOG_MINOR_VERSION 1 void defaultStream::init() { _inited = true; if (LogVMOutput || LogCompilation) { init_log(); } } bool defaultStream::has_log_file() { // lazily create log file (at startup, LogVMOutput is false even // if +LogVMOutput is used, because the flags haven't been parsed yet) // For safer printing during fatal error handling, do not init logfile // if a VM error has been reported. if (!_inited && !is_error_reported()) init(); return _log_file != NULL; } static const char* make_log_name(const char* log_name, const char* force_directory) { const char* basename = log_name; char file_sep = os::file_separator()[0]; const char* cp; for (cp = log_name; *cp != '\0'; cp++) { if (*cp == '/' || *cp == file_sep) { basename = cp+1; } } const char* nametail = log_name; // Compute buffer length size_t buffer_length; if (force_directory != NULL) { buffer_length = strlen(force_directory) + strlen(os::file_separator()) + strlen(basename) + 1; } else { buffer_length = strlen(log_name) + 1; } const char* star = strchr(basename, '*'); int star_pos = (star == NULL) ? -1 : (star - nametail); char pid[32]; if (star_pos >= 0) { jio_snprintf(pid, sizeof(pid), "%u", os::current_process_id()); buffer_length += strlen(pid); } // Create big enough buffer. char *buf = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, buffer_length); strcpy(buf, ""); if (force_directory != NULL) { strcat(buf, force_directory); strcat(buf, os::file_separator()); nametail = basename; // completely skip directory prefix } if (star_pos >= 0) { // convert foo*bar.log to foo123bar.log int buf_pos = (int) strlen(buf); strncpy(&buf[buf_pos], nametail, star_pos); strcpy(&buf[buf_pos + star_pos], pid); nametail += star_pos + 1; // skip prefix and star } strcat(buf, nametail); // append rest of name, or all of name return buf; } void defaultStream::init_log() { // %%% Need a MutexLocker? const char* log_name = LogFile != NULL ? LogFile : "hotspot.log"; const char* try_name = make_log_name(log_name, NULL); fileStream* file = new(ResourceObj::C_HEAP) fileStream(try_name); if (!file->is_open()) { // Try again to open the file. char warnbuf[O_BUFLEN*2]; jio_snprintf(warnbuf, sizeof(warnbuf), "Warning: Cannot open log file: %s\n", try_name); // Note: This feature is for maintainer use only. No need for L10N. jio_print(warnbuf); FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, try_name); try_name = make_log_name("hs_pid*.log", os::get_temp_directory()); jio_snprintf(warnbuf, sizeof(warnbuf), "Warning: Forcing option -XX:LogFile=%s\n", try_name); jio_print(warnbuf); delete file; file = new(ResourceObj::C_HEAP) fileStream(try_name); FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, try_name); } if (file->is_open()) { _log_file = file; xmlStream* xs = new(ResourceObj::C_HEAP) xmlStream(file); _outer_xmlStream = xs; if (this == tty) xtty = xs; // Write XML header. xs->print_cr(""); // (For now, don't bother to issue a DTD for this private format.) jlong time_ms = os::javaTimeMillis() - tty->time_stamp().milliseconds(); // %%% Should be: jlong time_ms = os::start_time_milliseconds(), if // we ever get round to introduce that method on the os class xs->head("hotspot_log version='%d %d'" " process='%d' time_ms='"INT64_FORMAT"'", LOG_MAJOR_VERSION, LOG_MINOR_VERSION, os::current_process_id(), time_ms); // Write VM version header immediately. xs->head("vm_version"); xs->head("name"); xs->text("%s", VM_Version::vm_name()); xs->cr(); xs->tail("name"); xs->head("release"); xs->text("%s", VM_Version::vm_release()); xs->cr(); xs->tail("release"); xs->head("info"); xs->text("%s", VM_Version::internal_vm_info_string()); xs->cr(); xs->tail("info"); xs->tail("vm_version"); // Record information about the command-line invocation. xs->head("vm_arguments"); // Cf. Arguments::print_on() if (Arguments::num_jvm_flags() > 0) { xs->head("flags"); Arguments::print_jvm_flags_on(xs->text()); xs->tail("flags"); } if (Arguments::num_jvm_args() > 0) { xs->head("args"); Arguments::print_jvm_args_on(xs->text()); xs->tail("args"); } if (Arguments::java_command() != NULL) { xs->head("command"); xs->text()->print_cr("%s", Arguments::java_command()); xs->tail("command"); } if (Arguments::sun_java_launcher() != NULL) { xs->head("launcher"); xs->text()->print_cr("%s", Arguments::sun_java_launcher()); xs->tail("launcher"); } if (Arguments::system_properties() != NULL) { xs->head("properties"); // Print it as a java-style property list. // System properties don't generally contain newlines, so don't bother with unparsing. for (SystemProperty* p = Arguments::system_properties(); p != NULL; p = p->next()) { xs->text()->print_cr("%s=%s", p->key(), p->value()); } xs->tail("properties"); } xs->tail("vm_arguments"); // tty output per se is grouped under the ... element. xs->head("tty"); // All further non-markup text gets copied to the tty: xs->_text = this; // requires friend declaration! } else { delete(file); // and leave xtty as NULL LogVMOutput = false; DisplayVMOutput = true; LogCompilation = false; } } // finish_log() is called during normal VM shutdown. finish_log_on_error() is // called by ostream_abort() after a fatal error. // void defaultStream::finish_log() { xmlStream* xs = _outer_xmlStream; xs->done("tty"); // Other log forks are appended here, at the End of Time: CompileLog::finish_log(xs->out()); // write compile logging, if any, now xs->done("hotspot_log"); xs->flush(); fileStream* file = _log_file; _log_file = NULL; delete _outer_xmlStream; _outer_xmlStream = NULL; file->flush(); delete file; } void defaultStream::finish_log_on_error(char *buf, int buflen) { xmlStream* xs = _outer_xmlStream; if (xs && xs->out()) { xs->done_raw("tty"); // Other log forks are appended here, at the End of Time: CompileLog::finish_log_on_error(xs->out(), buf, buflen); // write compile logging, if any, now xs->done_raw("hotspot_log"); xs->flush(); fileStream* file = _log_file; _log_file = NULL; _outer_xmlStream = NULL; if (file) { file->flush(); // Can't delete or close the file because delete and fclose aren't // async-safe. We are about to die, so leave it to the kernel. // delete file; } } } intx defaultStream::hold(intx writer_id) { bool has_log = has_log_file(); // check before locking if (// impossible, but who knows? writer_id == NO_WRITER || // bootstrap problem tty_lock == NULL || // can't grab a lock or call Thread::current() if TLS isn't initialized ThreadLocalStorage::thread() == NULL || // developer hook !SerializeVMOutput || // VM already unhealthy is_error_reported() || // safepoint == global lock (for VM only) (SafepointSynchronize::is_synchronizing() && Thread::current()->is_VM_thread()) ) { // do not attempt to lock unless we know the thread and the VM is healthy return NO_WRITER; } if (_writer == writer_id) { // already held, no need to re-grab the lock return NO_WRITER; } tty_lock->lock_without_safepoint_check(); // got the lock if (writer_id != _last_writer) { if (has_log) { _log_file->bol(); // output a hint where this output is coming from: _log_file->print_cr("", writer_id); } _last_writer = writer_id; } _writer = writer_id; return writer_id; } void defaultStream::release(intx holder) { if (holder == NO_WRITER) { // nothing to release: either a recursive lock, or we scribbled (too bad) return; } if (_writer != holder) { return; // already unlocked, perhaps via break_tty_lock_for_safepoint } _writer = NO_WRITER; tty_lock->unlock(); } // Yuck: jio_print does not accept char*/len. static void call_jio_print(const char* s, size_t len) { char buffer[O_BUFLEN+100]; if (len > sizeof(buffer)-1) { warning("increase O_BUFLEN in ostream.cpp -- output truncated"); len = sizeof(buffer)-1; } strncpy(buffer, s, len); buffer[len] = '\0'; jio_print(buffer); } void defaultStream::write(const char* s, size_t len) { intx thread_id = os::current_thread_id(); intx holder = hold(thread_id); if (DisplayVMOutput && (_outer_xmlStream == NULL || !_outer_xmlStream->inside_attrs())) { // print to output stream. It can be redirected by a vfprintf hook if (s[len] == '\0') { jio_print(s); } else { call_jio_print(s, len); } } // print to log file if (has_log_file()) { int nl0 = _newlines; xmlTextStream::write(s, len); // flush the log file too, if there were any newlines if (nl0 != _newlines){ flush(); } } else { update_position(s, len); } release(holder); } intx ttyLocker::hold_tty() { if (defaultStream::instance == NULL) return defaultStream::NO_WRITER; intx thread_id = os::current_thread_id(); return defaultStream::instance->hold(thread_id); } void ttyLocker::release_tty(intx holder) { if (holder == defaultStream::NO_WRITER) return; defaultStream::instance->release(holder); } void ttyLocker::break_tty_lock_for_safepoint(intx holder) { if (defaultStream::instance != NULL && defaultStream::instance->writer() == holder) { if (xtty != NULL) { xtty->print_cr(""); } defaultStream::instance->release(holder); } // (else there was no lock to break) } void ostream_init() { if (defaultStream::instance == NULL) { defaultStream::instance = new(ResourceObj::C_HEAP) defaultStream(); tty = defaultStream::instance; // We want to ensure that time stamps in GC logs consider time 0 // the time when the JVM is initialized, not the first time we ask // for a time stamp. So, here, we explicitly update the time stamp // of tty. tty->time_stamp().update_to(1); } } void ostream_init_log() { // For -Xloggc: option - called in runtime/thread.cpp // Note : this must be called AFTER ostream_init() gclog_or_tty = tty; // default to tty if (Arguments::gc_log_filename() != NULL) { fileStream * gclog = new(ResourceObj::C_HEAP) fileStream(Arguments::gc_log_filename()); if (gclog->is_open()) { // now we update the time stamp of the GC log to be synced up // with tty. gclog->time_stamp().update_to(tty->time_stamp().ticks()); gclog_or_tty = gclog; } } // If we haven't lazily initialized the logfile yet, do it now, // to avoid the possibility of lazy initialization during a VM // crash, which can affect the stability of the fatal error handler. defaultStream::instance->has_log_file(); } // ostream_exit() is called during normal VM exit to finish log files, flush // output and free resource. void ostream_exit() { static bool ostream_exit_called = false; if (ostream_exit_called) return; ostream_exit_called = true; if (gclog_or_tty != tty) { delete gclog_or_tty; } { // we temporaly disable PrintMallocFree here // as otherwise it'll lead to using of almost deleted // tty or defaultStream::instance in logging facility // of HeapFree(), see 6391258 DEBUG_ONLY(FlagSetting fs(PrintMallocFree, false);) if (tty != defaultStream::instance) { delete tty; } if (defaultStream::instance != NULL) { delete defaultStream::instance; } } tty = NULL; xtty = NULL; gclog_or_tty = NULL; defaultStream::instance = NULL; } // ostream_abort() is called by os::abort() when VM is about to die. void ostream_abort() { // Here we can't delete gclog_or_tty and tty, just flush their output if (gclog_or_tty) gclog_or_tty->flush(); if (tty) tty->flush(); if (defaultStream::instance != NULL) { static char buf[4096]; defaultStream::instance->finish_log_on_error(buf, sizeof(buf)); } } staticBufferStream::staticBufferStream(char* buffer, size_t buflen, outputStream *outer_stream) { _buffer = buffer; _buflen = buflen; _outer_stream = outer_stream; } void staticBufferStream::write(const char* c, size_t len) { _outer_stream->print_raw(c, (int)len); } void staticBufferStream::flush() { _outer_stream->flush(); } void staticBufferStream::print(const char* format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); size_t len; const char* str = do_vsnprintf(_buffer, _buflen, format, ap, false, len); write(str, len); va_end(ap); } void staticBufferStream::print_cr(const char* format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); size_t len; const char* str = do_vsnprintf(_buffer, _buflen, format, ap, true, len); write(str, len); va_end(ap); } void staticBufferStream::vprint(const char *format, va_list argptr) { size_t len; const char* str = do_vsnprintf(_buffer, _buflen, format, argptr, false, len); write(str, len); } void staticBufferStream::vprint_cr(const char* format, va_list argptr) { size_t len; const char* str = do_vsnprintf(_buffer, _buflen, format, argptr, true, len); write(str, len); } bufferedStream::bufferedStream(size_t initial_size, size_t bufmax) : outputStream() { buffer_length = initial_size; buffer = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, buffer_length); buffer_pos = 0; buffer_fixed = false; buffer_max = bufmax; } bufferedStream::bufferedStream(char* fixed_buffer, size_t fixed_buffer_size, size_t bufmax) : outputStream() { buffer_length = fixed_buffer_size; buffer = fixed_buffer; buffer_pos = 0; buffer_fixed = true; buffer_max = bufmax; } void bufferedStream::write(const char* s, size_t len) { if(buffer_pos + len > buffer_max) { flush(); } size_t end = buffer_pos + len; if (end >= buffer_length) { if (buffer_fixed) { // if buffer cannot resize, silently truncate len = buffer_length - buffer_pos - 1; } else { // For small overruns, double the buffer. For larger ones, // increase to the requested size. if (end < buffer_length * 2) { end = buffer_length * 2; } buffer = REALLOC_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, buffer, end); buffer_length = end; } } memcpy(buffer + buffer_pos, s, len); buffer_pos += len; update_position(s, len); } char* bufferedStream::as_string() { char* copy = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, buffer_pos+1); strncpy(copy, buffer, buffer_pos); copy[buffer_pos] = 0; // terminating null return copy; } bufferedStream::~bufferedStream() { if (!buffer_fixed) { FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, buffer); } } #ifndef PRODUCT #if defined(SOLARIS) || defined(LINUX) #include #include #include #include #endif // Network access networkStream::networkStream() : bufferedStream(1024*10, 1024*10) { _socket = -1; int result = os::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (result <= 0) { assert(false, "Socket could not be created!"); } else { _socket = result; } } int networkStream::read(char *buf, size_t len) { return os::recv(_socket, buf, (int)len, 0); } void networkStream::flush() { if (size() != 0) { int result = os::raw_send(_socket, (char *)base(), (int)size(), 0); assert(result != -1, "connection error"); assert(result == (int)size(), "didn't send enough data"); } reset(); } networkStream::~networkStream() { close(); } void networkStream::close() { if (_socket != -1) { flush(); os::socket_close(_socket); _socket = -1; } } bool networkStream::connect(const char *ip, short port) { struct sockaddr_in server; server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_port = htons(port); server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip); if (server.sin_addr.s_addr == (uint32_t)-1) { struct hostent* host = os::get_host_by_name((char*)ip); if (host != NULL) { memcpy(&server.sin_addr, host->h_addr_list[0], host->h_length); } else { return false; } } int result = os::connect(_socket, (struct sockaddr*)&server, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); return (result >= 0); } #endif