import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.Vector; public class WinGammaPlatformVC10 extends WinGammaPlatformVC7 { LinkedList filters = new LinkedList(); LinkedList filterDeps = new LinkedList(); @Override protected String getProjectExt() { return ".vcxproj"; } @Override public void writeProjectFile(String projectFileName, String projectName, Vector allConfigs) throws IOException { System.out.println(); System.out.print(" Writing .vcxproj file: " + projectFileName); String projDir = Util.normalize(new File(projectFileName).getParent()); printWriter = new PrintWriter(projectFileName, "UTF-8"); printWriter.println(""); startTag("Project", "DefaultTargets", "Build", "ToolsVersion", "4.0", "xmlns", ""); startTag("ItemGroup", "Label", "ProjectConfigurations"); for (BuildConfig cfg : allConfigs) { startTag("ProjectConfiguration", "Include", cfg.get("Name")); tagData("Configuration", cfg.get("Id")); tagData("Platform", cfg.get("PlatformName")); endTag(); } endTag(); startTag("PropertyGroup", "Label", "Globals"); tagData("ProjectGuid", "{8822CB5C-1C41-41C2-8493-9F6E1994338B}"); tag("SccProjectName"); tag("SccLocalPath"); endTag(); tag("Import", "Project", "$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props"); for (BuildConfig cfg : allConfigs) { startTag(cfg, "PropertyGroup", "Label", "Configuration"); tagData("ConfigurationType", "DynamicLibrary"); tagData("UseOfMfc", "false"); endTag(); } tag("Import", "Project", "$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.props"); startTag("ImportGroup", "Label", "ExtensionSettings"); endTag(); for (BuildConfig cfg : allConfigs) { startTag(cfg, "ImportGroup", "Label", "PropertySheets"); tag("Import", "Project", "$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props", "Condition", "exists('$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')", "Label", "LocalAppDataPlatform"); endTag(); } tag("PropertyGroup", "Label", "UserMacros"); startTag("PropertyGroup"); tagData("_ProjectFileVersion", "10.0.30319.1"); for (BuildConfig cfg : allConfigs) { tagData(cfg, "OutDir", cfg.get("OutputDir") + Util.sep); tagData(cfg, "IntDir", cfg.get("OutputDir") + Util.sep); tagData(cfg, "LinkIncremental", "false"); } for (BuildConfig cfg : allConfigs) { tagData(cfg, "CodeAnalysisRuleSet", "AllRules.ruleset"); tag(cfg, "CodeAnalysisRules"); tag(cfg, "CodeAnalysisRuleAssemblies"); } endTag(); for (BuildConfig cfg : allConfigs) { startTag(cfg, "ItemDefinitionGroup"); startTag("ClCompile"); tagV(cfg.getV("CompilerFlags")); endTag(); startTag("Link"); tagV(cfg.getV("LinkerFlags")); endTag(); startTag("PreLinkEvent"); tagData("Message", BuildConfig.getFieldString(null, "PrelinkDescription")); tagData("Command", cfg.expandFormat(BuildConfig.getFieldString(null, "PrelinkCommand").replace("\t", "\r\n"))); endTag(); endTag(); } writeFiles(allConfigs, projDir); tag("Import", "Project", "$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.targets"); startTag("ImportGroup", "Label", "ExtensionTargets"); endTag(); endTag(); printWriter.close(); System.out.println(" Done."); writeFilterFile(projectFileName, projectName, allConfigs, projDir); writeUserFile(projectFileName, allConfigs); } private void writeUserFile(String projectFileName, Vector allConfigs) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException { String userFileName = projectFileName + ".user"; if (new File(userFileName).exists()) { return; } System.out.print(" Writing .vcxproj.user file: " + userFileName); printWriter = new PrintWriter(userFileName, "UTF-8"); printWriter.println(""); startTag("Project", "ToolsVersion", "4.0", "xmlns", ""); for (BuildConfig cfg : allConfigs) { startTag(cfg, "PropertyGroup"); tagData("LocalDebuggerCommand", cfg.get("JdkTargetRoot") + "\\bin\\java.exe"); tagData("LocalDebuggerCommandArguments", "-XXaltjvm=$(TargetDir)"); tagData("LocalDebuggerEnvironment", "JAVA_HOME=" + cfg.get("JdkTargetRoot")); endTag(); } endTag(); printWriter.close(); System.out.println(" Done."); } public void addFilter(String rPath) { filters.add(rPath); } public void addFilterDependency(String fileLoc, String filter) { filterDeps.add(new String[] {fileLoc, filter}); } private void writeFilterFile(String projectFileName, String projectName, Vector allConfigs, String base) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException { String filterFileName = projectFileName + ".filters"; System.out.print(" Writing .vcxproj.filters file: " + filterFileName); printWriter = new PrintWriter(filterFileName, "UTF-8"); printWriter.println(""); startTag("Project", "ToolsVersion", "4.0", "xmlns", ""); startTag("ItemGroup"); for (String filter : filters) { startTag("Filter", "Include",filter); UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); tagData("UniqueIdentifier", "{" + uuid.toString() + "}"); endTag(); } startTag("Filter", "Include", "Resource Files"); UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); tagData("UniqueIdentifier", "{" + uuid.toString() + "}"); tagData("Extensions", "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;cnt;rtf;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe"); endTag(); endTag(); //TODO - do I need to split cpp and hpp files? // then all files startTag("ItemGroup"); for (String[] dep : filterDeps) { String tagName = getFileTagFromSuffix(dep[0]); startTag(tagName, "Include", dep[0]); tagData("Filter", dep[1]); endTag(); } endTag(); endTag(); printWriter.close(); System.out.println(" Done."); } public String getFileTagFromSuffix(String fileName) { if (fileName.endsWith(".cpp")) { return"ClCompile"; } else if (fileName.endsWith(".c")) { return "ClCompile"; } else if (fileName.endsWith(".hpp")) { return"ClInclude"; } else if (fileName.endsWith(".h")) { return "ClInclude"; } else { return"None"; } } void writeFiles(Vector allConfigs, String projDir) { // This code assummes there are no config specific includes. startTag("ItemGroup"); String sourceBase = BuildConfig.getFieldString(null, "SourceBase"); // Use first config for all global absolute includes. BuildConfig baseConfig = allConfigs.firstElement(); Vector rv = new Vector(); // Then use first config for all relative includes Vector ri = new Vector(); baseConfig.collectRelevantVectors(ri, "RelativeSrcInclude"); for (String f : ri) { rv.add(sourceBase + Util.sep + f); } baseConfig.collectRelevantVectors(rv, "AbsoluteSrcInclude"); handleIncludes(rv, allConfigs); endTag(); } // Will visit file tree for each include private void handleIncludes(Vector includes, Vector allConfigs) { for (String path : includes) { FileTreeCreatorVC10 ftc = new FileTreeCreatorVC10(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(path) , allConfigs, this); try { ftc.writeFileTree(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } String buildCond(BuildConfig cfg) { return "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='"+cfg.get("Name")+"'"; } void tagV(Vector v) { Iterator i = v.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()) { String name =; String data =; tagData(name, data); } } void tagData(BuildConfig cfg, String name, String data) { tagData(name, data, "Condition", buildCond(cfg)); } void tag(BuildConfig cfg, String name, String... attrs) { String[] ss = new String[attrs.length + 2]; ss[0] = "Condition"; ss[1] = buildCond(cfg); System.arraycopy(attrs, 0, ss, 2, attrs.length); tag(name, ss); } void startTag(BuildConfig cfg, String name, String... attrs) { String[] ss = new String[attrs.length + 2]; ss[0] = "Condition"; ss[1] = buildCond(cfg); System.arraycopy(attrs, 0, ss, 2, attrs.length); startTag(name, ss); } } class CompilerInterfaceVC10 extends CompilerInterface { @Override Vector getBaseCompilerFlags(Vector defines, Vector includes, String outDir) { Vector rv = new Vector(); addAttr(rv, "AdditionalIncludeDirectories", Util.join(";", includes)); addAttr(rv, "PreprocessorDefinitions", Util.join(";", defines).replace("\\\"", "\"")); addAttr(rv, "PrecompiledHeaderFile", "precompiled.hpp"); addAttr(rv, "PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile", outDir+Util.sep+"vm.pch"); addAttr(rv, "AssemblerListingLocation", outDir); addAttr(rv, "ObjectFileName", outDir+Util.sep); addAttr(rv, "ProgramDataBaseFileName", outDir+Util.sep+"jvm.pdb"); // Set /nologo option addAttr(rv, "SuppressStartupBanner", "true"); // Surpass the default /Tc or /Tp. addAttr(rv, "CompileAs", "Default"); // Set /W3 option. addAttr(rv, "WarningLevel", "Level3"); // Set /WX option, addAttr(rv, "TreatWarningAsError", "true"); // Set /GS option addAttr(rv, "BufferSecurityCheck", "false"); // Set /Zi option. addAttr(rv, "DebugInformationFormat", "ProgramDatabase"); // Set /Yu option. addAttr(rv, "PrecompiledHeader", "Use"); // Set /EHsc- option addAttr(rv, "ExceptionHandling", ""); addAttr(rv, "MultiProcessorCompilation", "true"); return rv; } @Override Vector getDebugCompilerFlags(String opt) { Vector rv = new Vector(); // Set /On option addAttr(rv, "Optimization", opt); // Set /FR option. addAttr(rv, "BrowseInformation", "true"); addAttr(rv, "BrowseInformationFile", "$(IntDir)"); // Set /MD option. addAttr(rv, "RuntimeLibrary", "MultiThreadedDLL"); // Set /Oy- option addAttr(rv, "OmitFramePointers", "false"); return rv; } @Override Vector getProductCompilerFlags() { Vector rv = new Vector(); // Set /O2 option. addAttr(rv, "Optimization", "MaxSpeed"); // Set /Oy- option addAttr(rv, "OmitFramePointers", "false"); // Set /Ob option. 1 is expandOnlyInline addAttr(rv, "InlineFunctionExpansion", "OnlyExplicitInline"); // Set /GF option. addAttr(rv, "StringPooling", "true"); // Set /MD option. 2 is rtMultiThreadedDLL addAttr(rv, "RuntimeLibrary", "MultiThreadedDLL"); // Set /Gy option addAttr(rv, "FunctionLevelLinking", "true"); return rv; } @Override Vector getBaseLinkerFlags(String outDir, String outDll, String platformName) { Vector rv = new Vector(); addAttr(rv, "AdditionalOptions", "/export:JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs " + "/export:JNI_CreateJavaVM " + "/export:JVM_FindClassFromBootLoader "+ "/export:JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs "+ "/export:jio_snprintf /export:jio_printf "+ "/export:jio_fprintf /export:jio_vfprintf "+ "/export:jio_vsnprintf "+ "/export:JVM_GetVersionInfo "+ "/export:JVM_GetThreadStateNames "+ "/export:JVM_GetThreadStateValues "+ "/export:JVM_InitAgentProperties"); addAttr(rv, "AdditionalDependencies", "kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;Wsock32.lib;winmm.lib;psapi.lib"); addAttr(rv, "OutputFile", outDll); addAttr(rv, "SuppressStartupBanner", "true"); addAttr(rv, "ModuleDefinitionFile", outDir+Util.sep+"vm.def"); addAttr(rv, "ProgramDatabaseFile", outDir+Util.sep+"jvm.pdb"); addAttr(rv, "SubSystem", "Windows"); addAttr(rv, "BaseAddress", "0x8000000"); addAttr(rv, "ImportLibrary", outDir+Util.sep+"jvm.lib"); if(platformName.equals("Win32")) { addAttr(rv, "TargetMachine", "MachineX86"); } else { addAttr(rv, "TargetMachine", "MachineX64"); } // We always want the /DEBUG option to get full symbol information in the pdb files addAttr(rv, "GenerateDebugInformation", "true"); return rv; } @Override Vector getDebugLinkerFlags() { Vector rv = new Vector(); // Empty now that /DEBUG option is used by all configs return rv; } @Override Vector getProductLinkerFlags() { Vector rv = new Vector(); // Set /OPT:REF option. addAttr(rv, "OptimizeReferences", "true"); // Set /OPT:ICF option. addAttr(rv, "EnableCOMDATFolding", "true"); return rv; } @Override void getAdditionalNonKernelLinkerFlags(Vector rv) { extAttr(rv, "AdditionalOptions", " /export:AsyncGetCallTrace"); } @Override String getOptFlag() { return "MaxSpeed"; } @Override String getNoOptFlag() { return "Disabled"; } @Override String makeCfgName(String flavourBuild, String platform) { return flavourBuild + "|" + platform; } }