提交 f110fc31 编写于 作者: Y ysr

6621728: Heap inspection should not crash in the face of C-heap exhaustion

Summary: Deal more gracefully with situations where C-heap scratch space cannot be had
Reviewed-by: jmasa
上级 1b52db35
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ void KlassInfoEntry::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
name = "<no name>";
// simplify the formatting (ILP32 vs LP64) - always cast the numbers to 64-bit
st->print_cr("%13" FORMAT64_MODIFIER "d %13" FORMAT64_MODIFIER "u %s",
st->print_cr(INT64_FORMAT_W(13) " " UINT64_FORMAT_W(13) " %s",
(jlong) _instance_count,
(julong) _instance_words * HeapWordSize,
......@@ -80,7 +80,10 @@ KlassInfoEntry* KlassInfoBucket::lookup(const klassOop k) {
elt = elt->next();
elt = new KlassInfoEntry(k, list());
// We may be out of space to allocate the new entry.
if (elt != NULL) {
return elt;
......@@ -103,21 +106,25 @@ void KlassInfoBucket::empty() {
KlassInfoTable::KlassInfoTable(int size, HeapWord* ref) {
_size = size;
_size = 0;
_ref = ref;
_buckets = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(KlassInfoBucket, _size);
_buckets = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(KlassInfoBucket, size);
if (_buckets != NULL) {
_size = size;
for (int index = 0; index < _size; index++) {
KlassInfoTable::~KlassInfoTable() {
if (_buckets != NULL) {
for (int index = 0; index < _size; index++) {
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(KlassInfoBucket, _buckets);
_size = 0;
uint KlassInfoTable::hash(klassOop p) {
......@@ -127,19 +134,32 @@ uint KlassInfoTable::hash(klassOop p) {
KlassInfoEntry* KlassInfoTable::lookup(const klassOop k) {
uint idx = hash(k) % _size;
assert(_buckets != NULL, "Allocation failure should have been caught");
KlassInfoEntry* e = _buckets[idx].lookup(k);
assert(k == e->klass(), "must be equal");
// Lookup may fail if this is a new klass for which we
// could not allocate space for an new entry.
assert(e == NULL || k == e->klass(), "must be equal");
return e;
void KlassInfoTable::record_instance(const oop obj) {
// Return false if the entry could not be recorded on account
// of running out of space required to create a new entry.
bool KlassInfoTable::record_instance(const oop obj) {
klassOop k = obj->klass();
KlassInfoEntry* elt = lookup(k);
// elt may be NULL if it's a new klass for which we
// could not allocate space for a new entry in the hashtable.
if (elt != NULL) {
elt->set_count(elt->count() + 1);
elt->set_words(elt->words() + obj->size());
return true;
} else {
return false;
void KlassInfoTable::iterate(KlassInfoClosure* cic) {
assert(_size == 0 || _buckets != NULL, "Allocation failure should have been caught");
for (int index = 0; index < _size; index++) {
......@@ -176,7 +196,7 @@ void KlassInfoHisto::print_elements(outputStream* st) const {
total += elements()->at(i)->count();
totalw += elements()->at(i)->words();
st->print_cr("Total %13" FORMAT64_MODIFIER "d %13" FORMAT64_MODIFIER "u",
st->print_cr("Total " INT64_FORMAT_W(13) " " UINT64_FORMAT_W(13),
total, totalw * HeapWordSize);
......@@ -199,12 +219,18 @@ class HistoClosure : public KlassInfoClosure {
class RecordInstanceClosure : public ObjectClosure {
KlassInfoTable* _cit;
size_t _missed_count;
RecordInstanceClosure(KlassInfoTable* cit) : _cit(cit) {}
RecordInstanceClosure(KlassInfoTable* cit) :
_cit(cit), _missed_count(0) {}
void do_object(oop obj) {
if (!_cit->record_instance(obj)) {
size_t missed_count() { return _missed_count; }
void HeapInspection::heap_inspection(outputStream* st) {
......@@ -230,12 +256,20 @@ void HeapInspection::heap_inspection(outputStream* st) {
ShouldNotReachHere(); // Unexpected heap kind for this op
// Collect klass instance info
// Iterate over objects in the heap
KlassInfoTable cit(KlassInfoTable::cit_size, ref);
if (!cit.allocation_failed()) {
// Iterate over objects in the heap
RecordInstanceClosure ric(&cit);
// Report if certain classes are not counted because of
// running out of C-heap for the histogram.
size_t missed_count = ric.missed_count();
if (missed_count != 0) {
st->print_cr("WARNING: Ran out of C-heap; undercounted " SIZE_FORMAT
" total instances in data below",
// Sort and print klass instance info
KlassInfoHisto histo("\n"
" num #instances #bytes class name\n"
......@@ -245,6 +279,9 @@ void HeapInspection::heap_inspection(outputStream* st) {
} else {
st->print_cr("WARNING: Ran out of C-heap; histogram not generated");
if (Universe::heap()->kind() == CollectedHeap::GenCollectedHeap) {
......@@ -98,8 +98,9 @@ class KlassInfoTable: public StackObj {
KlassInfoTable(int size, HeapWord* ref);
void record_instance(const oop obj);
bool record_instance(const oop obj);
void iterate(KlassInfoClosure* cic);
bool allocation_failed() { return _buckets == NULL; }
class KlassInfoHisto : public StackObj {
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